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Nagarjuna Degree College, School of Management - MBA epee ERCMET - 2023, An International Conference on Emerging Research in Commerce, Management, Economics and Technologies peed (Hybrid Mode SNR carer Ree aa Am Eee and its impact on various stake holders - Strategies, Issues and Challenges ea Nae ea ecu eee ees Nore ee ede eee en Seen ce en er Nagarjuna Degree College is one of the premier institutions in Bengaluru with the state-of- the art, ee een eer og ete STC aah GLE DAEGU Ce ee ec eee eee neared CaN Ue ua cara ces) Streams. Nagarjuna Degree College is affiliated students, 800+ faculty members and 6 reputed Ro tena Men eee eee Coe aCe ota Calas Pee Rere Mes caer aes ee: soll EP U Nat aan eakeol eeu) New Delhi boasting a rich history of 10 years in eed ee aod Se ee eerie eee ea eae acy eee ee eee ey oan ee te eel Colitis See ease aes PN ea ure uc Tee yeas ones ogee Cece ea nO driving our future and how mankind can be ready for the future jobs. It has created a highly transformative impact on digital, data driven and interconnected industry and is guiding principle for innovation, research and entrepreneurship. With the gradual shift the focus is now being on with human centricity sustainability and resilience. Its indispensable for the students to learn and develop the skills of future jobs and at School of Management - NDC, our primary focus is to nurture and empower students with multi-tasking skill-set that create strong and responsible leaders for tommorrow. School of Management - NDC has a strong vision towards education 50 and beyond. The students of MBA are active participants in the outcome based leaming process. The learning environment at School of Management - NDCmakes the students to learn from their feet eee a Reta ee cee tee ee ete ad eee a came Rta Rt oo oe an ae eae oe Bee ee nea eae te ae oe et eee Sees OTe ea ee led Ooo ct ka oc eel ane ee cee eae Ra ea present their research contributions and share their views on post pandemic recovery in business and its impact on various stake holders with respect to strategies, issues and challenges. It is also a platform to bring together Pere ee ce eae) around the world to discuss the trends which are transforming the business. The main idea is to invite the fine Pee ed cen ne ere ana eet eee ed) eae oe Ny Nee ue ceca ae ad oct aaa Rr acd POP ea OMCs ices Ren tcy Maa an a cra Rice ee reece Cuca as Site erent eee kes mes res Sie gC MCs See ace cae Cogent Mice ee ec Ree eas ae a Ow Cetera See soon ee ise pica Met ee une Reese Ce CoC ar gen Ce as eae Era UU Rene N a) eoron cecum achenet kaart Coe Cea DRM er ar) Pear at Sr. Director, Nagarjuna Group of Institutions _ Principal - Nagarjuna Degree College and Pee Casta el omereanian re Pr cS Oke coe ay Dr. Nagesh B eee enas Aeaeeeiaee yt Peace uaa ee! ih ieee (iS EST IAT Ca Ce cr rea Dr. Vala Ghanshyam Kantilal og PTAC eon cu Preeeoas Prof. Kavitha YS eee AE Cae ee cer alm ee la lls Author(s) are requested to prepare thelr abstract as well as paper and send a soft copy through email at Cee an es Pane ne ee eee et eae ne a cg paper, name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations, resident country, the complete postal and e-mail eee aa eo) Ent ee ae eek eee oe a ea eee Ce peers a es ea) CR Nee neem see ee ee ee eee ae oem os Name(s) of the author(s), Objectives of the study, Methodology, Findings, suggestions, Conclusior/implications/ Recommendations, Keywords (Maximum 05}, Limitations {if any), Acknowledgements (if appropriate) References, Appendices (if appropriate) Cee Eee ee ees aes eal eed cae Pe Ree oa eed nd Cee ies eet eas ce te Rt ee ea Review Committee regarding the selection of papers and abstracts will be final and binding. Maximum, eee gee geet eee Publication Opportunities : een nee eta eRe see ea cee ee a RE Ee) eee cree ee a ted ee Pe ed ee eee se aes feta Permicrouneet iB Pee eee cue ST oleoxt Seo ce See Peri Gomme acts cS Ree CR oe eu Prod San enn ET en) Cee er roared eee enemy errs ene eantes eee eee eet) Lea aa LLL [te eae) Geo ae ees ee oar eect ees ame Uae els Pees aR eee cet ECan) eae Sea Cran Cue teers Denne oe Bea ee CR Ree ae ace ee nek ‘Address - Ramagondanahalli, Anantapura Road, Yelahanka, Bengaluru - 560064

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