Drip Irrigation System Design

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Example: Design a drip irrigation system for brinjal using

following data:

1. Size of the field = 1 ha

2. Shape = assume square plot of 100 m ×100 m
3. Type of drippers = on-line
4. Crop spacing = 30 cm × 30 cm
5. Discharge of dripper = 2 l/h at 1 kg/cm2
6. Spacing of drippers along the lateral = 0.6 m
7. Spacing of lateral = 1.2 m
8. Evaporation rate = 5.6 mm/day
9. Area to be wetted = 75% total area of the field
10. Soil type = clay loam
11. Topography of field = level
12. Distribution uniformity = 90%
13. Crop coefficient = 0.8
14. Well depth = 12 m, at the corner of the field
15. Hazen-William constant = 150 for PVC pipe and 140 for
LLDPE pipes.
16. Motor and pump efficiency are 80% and 75% respectively

H.W: design a drip irrigation system for (1 hectare) fruit crop,
using the following data:

1- Crop type = Sapota

2- Spacing = 6m×6m
3- Size of land = 1 hec (100m ×100m), assume square plot
4- Type of soil = medium black
5- Land slope = 0.2% (north to south)
6- Maximum evaporation rate = 7 mm/day
7- Water source = well, at the corner of the field
8- Static head = 12 m
9- Wetted area = 25%
10- Emission uniformity = 90%
11- Crop factor = 0.7
12- Age of orchard = 5 years, use 4 drippers for each plant
13- Hazen-William constant = 150 for PVC pipe and 140 for
LLDPE pipe
14- Motor and pump efficiency are 80% and 75% respectively


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