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When you were in Grade 11, the concepts of inquiry, research and the characteristics, kinds and

methods of qualitative research were introduced to you. This afternoon, I will introduce to you the
concepts of practical research 2, particularly the characteristics, strengths and weakness and types of a
quantitative research.

Instruction :On the screen, you will see jumbled letters, what you need to is simply encode, or type
the correct word on your chat box section. (clue). I will also give tokens to winners. Ready.

(chat box)

How are these words related to our discussion this afternoon? Some of the words are actually key
words in my assigned topic.

Let’s start! What is your idea of a quantitative research?

Take note of words in bold, we’ll try clarify those words as we progress in our discussion

1. Objective (neutral or, unbiased
Data are gathered before concluding or solving a problem.
In contrast to Qualitative Research , which is subjective (personal),
QR is Objective, here, you use numbers and figure to denote a particular thing, which
require you to focus to the object of the study, that’s why you tend to exclude your own
thoughts and feelings about the subject or object.
Characterized by objectiveness, only factual or real and not the emotional greatly



A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other types of
prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. 

Which between these two sets of statements is easier or quicker to understand?

Which between the has the characteristics of a Quantitative research?
Justify your point.
Set A – Ninety five (95%) of the examinees passed the licensure exams. Twenty pages of
the book contain grammatically incorrect sentences.

Set B – A big number of examinees passed the licensure exams. Several pages of
the book contain grammatically incorrect sentences.
Type your answer in the chat box section. (most of you answered)
It is easy to understand because it is numerical. The term numerical, is the true nature of
a quantitative research, in the given example, it contains a number that express how
many or how much (percentage). And aside from that Expressing meaning through
number in this case, indicates specificity, particularity, or exactness of something.


Comparing it to the qualitative research, what is the common sampling technique used,
(purposive sampling, depends on the criteria of our target respondents) by which a
small number of respondents is allowed because our purpose is to get a quality
Take note, in QR, a large sample size is a requirement. Random sampling is recommended in
determining the sample size. It is assumed that the larger the sample size is, the more
statistically accurate the findings are, ( the higher is the reliability and validity)
6. REPLICATION. (duplicate,repetead)

Strengths- these are the advantages


3. EASY TO INTERPRET. Data can be very consistent, precise and reliable.

Comparing it to a qualitative research

5. Replicable.
It is one of the strengths of a QR because, when the study is being repeated it
strengthens the validity of the findings or result, thus, eliminates the possibility of
bogus, fake or false conclusions.
1. One of the characteristics of QR is that it requires a large sample, or respondents.
(positive) It is more statistically accurate. It becomes a weakness because
It requires the researcher to produce more materials

2. It is quite EXPENSIVE.
(costly) not only the reproduction of the materials but also the expenses will be greater
in reaching out the respondents.

3. Information that are CONTEXTUAL FACTORS to help interpret the results are usually
Compared to a qualitative research, QR does not consider the distinct capacity of the
respondents to share and elaborate the information.

4. Many information are difficult to gather using structured research instruments,

specifically on sensitive issues.--- Issues like pre-marital sex, domestic violence, this are
applicable to quantitative type of research.
5. If not done seriously and completely, data from questionnaires may be INCOMPLETE
AND INACCURATE. – In this, case, the researcher must be on the look-out /watchful on
respondents who are just guessing in answering the instrument.
Kinds of Research
1. Experimental Research-

It can be conducted in the laboratory or field settings, depending on the aim of the research that is
being carried out. 

Medicine: Experimental research is used to provide the proper treatment for diseases. In most cases,
rather than directly using patients as the research subject, researchers take a sample of the bacteria from
the patient's body and are treated with the developed antibacterial.

Asides from science subjects like Chemistry and Physics which involves teaching students how to
perform experimental research, it can also be used in improving the standard of an academic institution.
This includes testing students' knowledge on different topics, coming up with better teaching methods, and
the implementation of other programs that will aid student learning.

The changes observed during this period are recorded and evaluated to determine its effectiveness. This
process can be carried out using different experimental research methods.

-This research uses scientific method to test cause and effect relationships under conditions
controlled by the researcher.
-A kind quantitative research that applies a treatment or a condition with the object or
subject of the research and to determine the extent of the effects of the treatment on the
An experimental research involved two groups:
experimental group- the one on which the treatment is applied;
control group- the which does not receive any treatment
-the effect of this procedure or treatment is to be measured or analyzed.

Example: used cooking oil with mint leaves extract as coakcroach killer

2. NON-EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. -no treatment but there is a measuring of variables.

In this kind of design, the researcher observes the phenomena as they occur naturally and no
external variables are introduced; the variables are not deliberately manipulated nor is the
setting controlled. Researchers collect data without making changes or introducing treatments.

-when you do a non-experimental research , you deal with both Qual and Quanti Research.
If you desire to discover people’s thoughts, views or feelings and attitudes about a certain
societal issue, object, place- you use a Non- Experimental research.
SURVEY RESEARCH- the most used/common non-experimental research in the field of sociology, The
Extent of the Identified Issues and concerns of the students and Parents in the modular distance
learning modality.

Psychology and Humanities

- aims at knowing what a big number of people think and feel about sociological issues.,

-to identify the present condition, needs or problems of people in a short span of time

- in this type the data are collected from the representatives explain or describe the society’s thoughts,
attitude or feelings towards issues.

- survey is considered a very old research technique, that began in ancient Egyptian, many still consider
this as a popular means of social inquiry.

-It may be done in various ways using data gathering techniques such as face-to-face interview ,phone
interview, email, questionnaire, online survey. Here ,the researcher selects a sample of respondents
from a small/large population and provide the chosen subject a formalized questionnaire.

From a qualitative research, you have collected data, (interview)

Converted into a questionnaire checklist. (quantify )

Descriptive Research

The Extent of the Identified Issues and concerns of the students and Parents in the modular distance
learning modality.

Challenges Encountered by the Teachers of Senior High Schools in the Delivery of

Modular Distance Learning SY 2020-2021

Issues and Concern of TVL (BPP, ICT, AUT Serv, Tourism, Caregiving) Students of
Senior High Schools in the Delivery of Modular Distance Learning SY 2020-2021


Correlational research is employed if you want to know if for example the ff. factors are related

Sex-mathematical ability,

Ex. (ABM) To determine the extent of the relationship between the managerial skills effectiveness
(employee) with the variables :age, educational attainment.

This non-experimental research is also common, because this is used as basis for policy improvement or
program improvement.

Ex. The Assessment of TSHS Laboratory

HE Laboratory (tools and equipment)

Variables : proper ventilation, equipment,

Assessment on the implementation of safety guidelines in Tanay Senior HS

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