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The 33 bites

into the apple.

A fair warning
A fair warning goes out to you, dear reader.
There is a fairly great, or even immense possibility that the upcoming
pieces make little or even no sense to you.
To demonstrate this I’ll be referring to the o so amazing story of the
young Kurd fellow.
One day, the Kurd went out to the market, there he found a stal that
sold all kinds of amazing fruits and vegetables. Some of the most
amazing goodies you’d have ever seen in your life. When his eyes
suddenly landed on a certain type of pepper, it was quite the special
pepper my dear. Everything about it seemed marvelous, the scent was
indescribably magical, as well as the color, so immaculate. So, our
young friend asks the shopkeeper to sell him half a pound of the
pepper. When the shopkeeper suddenly remarked in a soft yet warning
voice: “you should be careful with those peppers, they aren’t just to
be eaten right away. However, they’re unlike any in avor and
you’ll thus be unable to stop eating them. Don’t let your
stubbornness get in the way, alright?”
The young Kurd payed and went home, very eager to eat the peppers.
He sat down on the oor with the peppers right In front of him,
picked one up and took a big bite out of one of the peppers. When
suddenly, he started sweating uncontrollably, his mouth was set a ame
as if there were a re around him. Yet trough it all a delicious sort of
staircase shaped avor persevered. He said to himself aloud: “like hell
I’ll stop eating these peppers, I payed for them and the avor must
not be taken away from me!” Thus, our Kurd friend kept forcing
himself to eat the peppers even with the pain, and irrefutable

Do you get where I’m going with this?

Look, there is no doubt in my heart in regards to my works. I promise

with all my heart, what doesn’t make sense now will become more
and more apparent as your ongoing research of everything progresses.

Now, are you ready?





A highly religious man and a highly conscious
man are the same. They behave the same way.

A man who truly fears god in the literal sense

and who follows his commandments behaves just
like a man who knows himself inside-out.

A man who understands God is the same as a man

who understands himself, for knowing God is
like knowing oneself.
There are multiple ways and roads you can take
to knowing.
One such peculiarity is the universal
accessibility of a lot of religious texts.
Wether you read them as a thorough believer in
a literal way, or as a thorough non-believer
in a highly materialistic way. There are
universal truths to be found in those texts.
Yet one particular case comes up with an even
bigger peculiar behavior. The Quran. And its
amazing peculiarity is the following: wether
you read it as a full-on believer, or as a
complete and utter materialist, it wouldn’t
matter. You’d receive just as much information
either way. The truths held within that book
are existent on multiple levels and are to be
understood by everyone with the right
attitude(more on the attitude part later).

But ideally, if you were to take up as much

information from that book as possible you’d
have to be somewhere in-between the two afore
mentioned groups of people.

However, something very concerning has been

happening with the Quran and the masses who
mainly keep themselves busy with its
interpretation and reading thereof.

More on the following page(s).

YHVH and the devil
passed by again.
Not having seen them in a while, I was surprised to see them together,
to meet me right then and there. They always seemed to have some
sort of bad relation, something to do with this Adam lad. But “very
well”, I said. “What is it you have come here for? What is it you
have come to tell me about?”
They, almost in a fully synchronized way, said: “it is time to
choose!” “Yes, he is right, you have spent enough time wandering
and testing these waters”, YHVH mumbled. The devil added to it:
“exactly, how will we know wether you’ll be going to heaven or
I stared them both into the eyes, thinking to myself; “are those really
the only two options? Will I be subjected to the ideas and limits of
those in jealousy and anguish?”
“I say no!”
“What!?”, they exclaimed in shock. “What do you mean, no?”
“I mean to say that I will not play by your rules. You want me to be
nice to everyone? Or, you want me to hate everyone? No! I will be
nice to whom I see fit!”
“I will not allow a second or third party to kick me off MY path.”
As long as it doesn’t involve anyone else, I am free to do what I
That thing.
“Go away you two! You are nothing but falsehood and darkness!”
“The only thing I submit to is the silence and nothingness,
“It is true that I know not where it is I’m going to. However, I
know for a fact that performing IQRA will advance me and my
You might be noticing something by now, something a bit of a scumbag
might do. I’m not really sure where I’m taking this story…
But what I’ve also noticed is that no one actually knows what they’re
doing. They only pretend they do. “Fake it ‘till you make it”, a wis man
once said. Oh well.

The devil started getting a bit of a temper (he’s usually like that).
“Stop wasting our time, you punk!!”, he yelled in a sort of Japanese
Yakuza way. As if he stood there with his eyes clenched, expressing
that classical Yakuza line: “糞野郎!”, pointing strongly with his left
index finger at me. Feels weird to say ‘he’ when the devil is
technically both, oh well. But YHVH started rubbing his hands
together viciously, as if he’d come up with some sort of plan.
Fast forward a hundred years and I turned into an alcoholic, soulless,
immoral, lustful, glutinous and simply a machine-like mess.

Never mind all that, you’re being fooled. What you think is there for
you to express yourself, is there to keep you busy. You are what you
produce, now what you own. Even then, when you produce something,
it isn’t perfect, meaning that you have to start over, again and again.

Having figured out what YHVH did, I decided to stop and destroy the
crazy bastard. ‘糞野郎’, am I right? He looked into my eyes as if
to say, “did you really think you could beat me?”

-To be continued-


阴 和 阳
The base of everything!

You can’t go left, nor right, and it won’t be there.

You look high, and it is there. You look low, and it is there.

Within you, physically and mentally.

Lies the base of everything, it’s two things, keyword “two”!

They’re opposites, yet they perform the most beautiful

harmony there is.

They have multiple names, perhaps even in nite amount of


But the best ones are

Love and Knowledge

Love stands as action, with the motive being to make
something better for others. This half is not a very rational

Knowledge stands as theory, pure rational and insight.

One cannot live without the other.

For, if one wasn’t, then the other wouldn’t.

Yet going into the extreme of one can get ugly…

Very ugly…



M y s h a m e h a s r e a c h e d
immeasurable heights. I let
my head hang low, for I
cannot look at anyone in the eyes. If
I could, I would walk around with
my eyes shut, so as not to allow any
sight into and out of my heart.
If I could, I would build a six meter
thick steel wall around me, so as not
to have anyone see my shame, so as
not to allow anyone to see me.
For I think, if no one would be able
t o s e e m e a n y m o r e , I w o u l d
hopefully cease to exist.
“Sometimes life is going to hit you in
the head with a brick.
Don’t lose faith.”
-Steve Jobs

Some few weeks ago I sat at my desk thinking what would come next.
Simply because, I had just closed a certain chapter in my life. Boy
what a crazy year it has been! I had exited the Hanific state for a
while. But then, that day, when I sat at my desk. I felt it again, that
presence. Not communicating directly to me, I sat there. For no
specific reason I decided to look out the window. It was a beautiful
day with nothing special, except that breeze.
I look at the leaves of the oak tree outside, standing there with the
sunlight perfectly making the leaves shine like gold!
But then, I heard that soft flow. Like a thousand angels singing, the
leaves started making a rattle like sound. In a split of a second I
realized these weren’t just sounds, my gut was telling it was
Brahman! He was trying to say something.
Not a lot of time passed since that happened, but it wasn’t until the
next time I met up with my eldest sister that she helped me realize just
what Brahman was trying to tell me.
“Maybe it was like he was welcoming you back?”, she suggested.
In that moment I exploded. On the inside, even now thinking about it,
I felt like crying in awe and pure love.
Having honestly lost my path, I no longer remembered what his love
was like. Like a warm brotherly and eternal hug.
There remains only one thing to complete.

So, my dear reader, after having grasped what I just told you, one task
remains. Yes, a task, for you my dear reader.
Find a fairly high mountain or an edge of a plane, and then yell from
the depths of your soul: “I am back!!!”

ladida ladidi..
Hip Hop hipitibe..
We hop on to the next idea.

Freedom is an immensely amazing part of life. But sadly, just like
literally every single thing in life, it comes with its own “yang阳”.
Meaning, that it has an inverse opposite, and that is “secureness”.
Put simply, that means, the more freedom you want, the less secure
your circumstances will be, and vice versa.
So, what will it be?
Will you live in a box that takes care of you?
Or, will you live in the actual world that surrounds it?
Will you live as the liberator? Or, as the liberated?
Ever so waiting for the liberator to come?
Hard work, faith and love…
That is what you need.

The joy boy lives in all of us!!!!

The stars are rotating, Turning
around us,
We are turning, rotating,
A-round …
I see it,
But what I see more is
Me, no
I am all,
I am everything.


Раj и
Heaven and hell, are they real in the sense that that they are
physical places? When are they? How are they what they are
described to be?
’Tis from these questions we can get a better understanding of
these two concepts.

Ibn Arabi and the states of Raj and Pakao.

In his work, “Journey to the Lord of Power” (Risālat al-
Anwār), Ibn Arabi talks about two states of sensation.
The first was a state in which the sensation of heat and
burning was prevalent. You would feel this unpleasant
pressure and heat around the heart and bodies. It is usually an
action described as `bad’ or `sinful’ that would be the
cause of this state. However, do not be mistaken, it is only
because of this state of being that the cause is seen ad
`bad’ or `sinful’.
The second state is one in which cool and meditativeness is
prevalent. You would feel a cool and relaxing breeze passing
through your heart and bodies. In this state, the actions at the
cause of it are described as `good’ or `virtues’. Again, it
is only because of the effect of the cause that the cause is
described as `good’ or `virtues’.

Non-movement and the eternal energy.

When we talk about our universe as a field, it has at least 4,
so to say, edges or `directions’(or perhaps even wind
directions). There are two sets, each holding two opposite
directions. The first set is one of energy amount with two
extremes: `zero kelvin’ and `C’, or `light

speed’(299,792,458m/s). The second: `Big Bang’ and
`Big Crunch’, you could say this one is related to time in a
certain sense. These two sets are connected. The first one
gives direction to the second one, and the second gives space.
Anything outside these two sets is seen as `Tachyonic’, but
that is for another time.
As you might already know, you cannot go any lower than
zero Kelvin, however, in theory, you can go much higher than
light speed in terms of energy. There are certain intervals of
degrees of energy that show a sort of elevation of degree. That
amount of levels is either: 7, 8, or 9.(not sure yet)

Now what we are looking for is a balance between

steadfastness in mind and body and highly-energetic vitality.
In this balance, we can find meditativeness and functionality.
But if you take all this into
the wrong direction, as if
you were to direct yourself Flammarion engraving
to much to the physical
wealth instead of spiritual
wealth, then you would no
longer be climbing `The
ladder of Yakuwb’.
Instead, you would be stuck
in `Samsara’, meaning
you would forever be
chasing physical and
arbitrary matters. Meaning,
you would be stuck in hell,
and keep on feeling that
heat we talked about.
Always thinking: “when
will my hell end!? Perhaps if
I acquire that piece of
wealth?” But further from
the truth could you not be.

One final component is set to this entire dichotomy. Suffering,

or even better “п а т њ а ” .

In life, there is only a certain amount of
energy, time and suffering. And, as I am
writing this, I am starting to suspect the three
are very much correlated, so much so that
they might even be one and the same thing.
But, back to topic. So, in life you only have a
finite amount of these three. They are you
limitation. They are the borders to the
However, there is one thing you can do with
them. And, that is, change, shift and move it
around however you wish. The only rule is
that you stay with the same amount as you
If you choose to spend it all right now in an
effort to better the hereafter, then you will
experience the second state described by Ibn
Arabi. If you wish to waste all three away as
if you had an infinite amount, without care to
the hereafter. Then, you will be experiencing
the first state described by Ibn Arabi.


Let it be that you sit at the play unfolding

at your will
Unfolding, one curtain at a time
And let’s hope, that just now I have opened
one of those curtains
But hurry not
Many more are to come.


D o not!
Unveil what has been unveiled to you
just yet!

R etain to the Devine name:


‫الس ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــتار‬

One of life’s greatest questions, or at least
asked by many, is “Does God exist?
However, the more I think about it, the more
the following statement becomes apparent; It
is better to ask “Who is God, or what is God?”
Then to ask the afore mentioned question.
Simply because, it is obvious that many people
have very different ideas of what (a) god is…
So, what will it be, dear reader?
Asking questions is like opening doors to a
completely unknown building, but the building
is never ending and also has an infinite
amount of other doors and curtains which you
have to open in order for you to move through.
And it never ends, never…
Nevertheless, here is a very good
text to get you going.

Gott als „das All“

In der religionsphilosophischen Hermetica wird die

GOD letzte Realität mit vielen Namen bezeichnet, wie
Gott, Herr, Vater, Geist (Nous), der Schöpfer, das
All, der Eine usw. Allerdings ist der hermetischen
Sichtweise der Gottheit eigen, dass sie sowohl das
天 All als auch der Schöpfer des Alls ist: Alle
erschaffenen Dinge präexistieren in Gott, und Gott
Gott ist die Natur des Kosmos (sowohl die Substanz, aus
der es hervorgeht, als auch das leitende Prinzip, das
神 es anordnet), doch die Dinge selbst und der Kosmos
wurden alle von Gott erschaffen. Somit erschafft
‫אלוהים‬ Gott ('das All') sich selbst und ist sowohl
transzendent (als Schöpfer des Kosmos) als auch
‫الله‬ immanent (als der erschaffene Kosmos). Diese Ideen
sind eng mit den kosmotheologischen Ansichten der
Stoiker verbunden.


Entropy and its

Out lies the black soil, dark dead, yet full of life.
Heave ho! For man wants it not like that.
Having folded up their sleeves and having prepared for their
journey of suffering, torment and hardship, they began.
Pushing and pulling, moving and throwing, mixing and
molding the soil.
All this yet something stays.
What they have come up with is till the very same soil they
began with.
The tools they eventually made were still from the materials
they found beneath the soil.
All in all they changed the shape, but not the very nature of

All is but energy, vibration and frequency.

Energy vibrates at a certain frequency, and just like that our
world is.

I could very well explain to you the essential meaning of it

all through the scientific components; namely quantum
mechanics and super string theory. But, that would be very
unnecessary for me to bring in here. You can go and do it

Basically, the world is as afore discussed. But there must be

a continuation. What I’m trying to say is, we must have
unlimited possibilities if that is the case. Then why aren’t
there any right now?

Very well, what the further possibilities are what concerns
this concept is beyond me for now.

The way of living is to destroy entropy.

When you wish to live in a ongoing fashion, as if to say
that, you aren’t stuck in pur suffering and, let’s say,
“‫”תֹ֙הּו֙ וָבֹ֔הּו‬.
You have to put in the energy you acquired from the chain,
to put it into the direction you wish in order to destroy that
entropy and build something that isn’t “‫”תֹ֙הּו֙ וָבֹ֔הּו‬.

e absolute neutralisatie
van kosteloze praat.
We hebben het allemaal wel eens.
Je komt wel vaker een ezel tegen die zich als de
mens voordoet.
Daar bestaan meerdere versies en soorten van.
Ik wil het hier hebben over twee grote groepen.
De twee groepen hebben veel gemeen, maar er staat één zaak
tussenin die hen van elkaar afscheid.

De eerste is een groep die zich in het publieke oog van de massa
zeer stil houdt, maar ze staan eigenlijk als silhouetten achter de
massa als een arend neer te kijken met absolute hoogmoedigheid
van het grootste caliber.
Zij zijn, vermits ze hoogmoedig zijn, toch heel intelligent. Ze weten
wat ze doen.

Dan aan de andere kant, aanhangend aan de eerste groep als een
soort sliert, hebben we de “tweede” groep.
Alles is het zelfde als in de eerste groep, enkel is deze groep niet zo
intellectueel. Daarbovenop, in tegenstelling tot de eerste groep, zijn
zij extreem luid. Als apen die mensen taal hebben leren spreken.

Ben ik wat te grof?

Zeker niet nee! Nee nee, dames en heren!

Dit zijn de meest akelige groepen der mensen!

Daarboven op, staat de eerste groep met een zeer groot probleem…

Stel je voor, een kind zeurt en zeurt als geen andere. De ouder kijkt
en zegt: “og toch, huilt niet. Ik zal het beter maken voor je. Maar
dan moet je wel enkele zaken opvolgen.”

De ouder volgt zijn/haar deel van de belofte op en volmaakt het
Wat doet het kind?
Het besmeert de belofte, en komt op met allerlei excuses om de
belofte niet na te komen.
Daarboven op, het kind ontvangt hoge kennis van de ouder.
En om het gevolg daarvan uit te leggen kan ik best deze zeer
bekende vergelijking vertellen:



“Maar hoe komt dit allemaal nu samen met de titel van dit stuk dat
hierboven staat?”
Vraag je waarschijnlijk nu.

Het komt allemaal tot de confrontatie met zulke akelige mensen.

Wat te doen als zij nu afkomen met de akelige woorden en acties die
dat zij vertonen?

Zeer simpel, rationeel en stoic denken.

We beginnen met de volgende vraag;
“Wat zijn woorden?” (In de context van communicatie)

Persoon A en B houden een conversatie over een arbitrair

Elks zegt iets, een woord of zin, de andere antwoord daarop op een
gepaste manier.

Als we nu zien wat er op een existentieel vlak gebeurt worden de

zaken helder.

Omdat wij als mensen bepaalde zaken gedaan willen krijgen ,

hebben we de hulp nodig van anderen. Om de anderen te kunnen
uitleggen wat jij wilt hebben we een communicatie systeem nodig.
Daar komt de taal van pas. De taal is een systeem van uitspraken en
geluiden waarvan we hebben afgesproken dat die en die klanken
samen die en die betekenis hebben. Het punt is dus dat de betekenis
van woorden enkel in onze gedachten bestaan.
Dus, als iemand kosteloze praat jouw weg uitstuurt, dan is de
betekenis enkel in jouw hoofd. Het heeft geen daadwerkelijke
waarde, dus hebben de emotionele kwetsuren ook geen
daadwerkelijke reden van bestaan. Jij kiest ervoor om een bepaalde
betekenis en waarde aan de woorden van die persoon te binden.
Maar in de realiteit staat er een ezel recht voor jouw onzin uit te

Zo simpel is het.

Почему је Алах нај боље име?
‫ملاذا اسم الله افضل؟‬

‫ا ل ل ه‬









The name consists of four letters, ‘alif’, ‘lam’, ‘lam’ and

‘ha’. With the gematrische values of one, thirty, thirty
and five respectively. Adding up to 66, this number is
very special, but that is a topic to be discussed some
other time and elsewhere.

1. ‘‫’ال‬/‘Al’, means 1, known in binary code as yes, or


2. ‘‫’ل‬/‘La’, which literally means no, known in binary

as 0, or down.

3. ‘‫’ه‬/‘Hu’, says that the word is neither male, nor


Considering these three components, ‘Allah’ is ‘is’, yet

‘isn’t’. Allah, is genderless, not neuter, not male and

female, Allah is without any attribute of gender. It
simply doesn’t exist in it.
This name in itself encompasses doubt in its
absoluteness. It is the question mark set to life within a
single word. However, this name does not only pose as
a question mark, it also poses as the question mark’s
opposite, the full stop. It stands there not
only as if to say: “ I am or not, but no sex”. It stands
there also to say:”whether I am to you or not, my
name is here, reality stands as it is!”
It is in this way connected to “la ilaha ila Allah”.




Имя состоит из четырех букв: «алиф»,

«лам», «лам» и «ха». С гематрианскими
значениями один, тридцать, тридцать и
пять соответственно. В сумме получается
66, и это число особенное, но это тема
для обсуждения в другой раз и в другом

1. ‫’ال‬/‘Al’,означает 1, известную в
двоичном коде как да или вверх.
2. ‫’ل‬/‘La’, что буквально означает
«нет», известное в двоичном виде как
0 или вниз.
3. ‘‫’ه‬/‘Hu’, говорит, что слово ни
мужское, ни женское.
Учитывая эти три компонента, «Аллах»
есть, но его нет. Аллах не имеет пола,
не среднего рода, не мужчина и не
женщина, Аллах не имеет каких-либо
атрибутов пола. Его в нем просто нет.
Само по себе это имя заключает в себе
сомнение в своей абсолютности. Это
вопросительный знак, оживший в одном
слове. Однако это имя представляет
собой не только вопросительный знак, но
и его противоположность — точку. Он
стоит не только как бы говоря: «Я есть
или нет, но секса нет». Стоит также
сказать: «Я для тебя или нет, мое имя
здесь, реальность остается такой, какая
она есть!»
Таким образом, это связано с «лa илaха
или Аллах».



`lam’和`ha’。 几何值分别为一、三十、三十、
五。 加起来是66,这个数字很特别,但那是以后再谈

1. `‫’ال‬/`Al’,表示 1,以二进制代码表示为

`是’ 或 `上’h。
2. ’‫’ل‬/`La’, 字面意思是’不’,在二进制中称

为 0 或 `下’i。

3. `‫’ه‬/`Hu’, 说这个词既不是男性,也不是女性。

考虑到这三个组成部分,“阿拉”是,但不是。 真
主没有任何性别属性。 它根本不存在于其中。
这个名字本身就包含了对其绝对性的怀疑。 它是一个
单词中设置的问号。 然而,这个名字不仅是一个问
号,它也是问号的反义句号。 它站在那里不仅好像在

说:“我是或不是,但没有性别”。 它也站在那里




Његово име се састоји од четири слова,

'алиф', 'лам', 'лам' и 'ха'. Са
геометријским вредностима један,
тридесет, тридесет и пет. Ако се сабере
66, овај број је веома посебан, али то
је тема о којој ће се расправљати неки
други пут и негде другде.

1. ‘‫’ال‬/‘Al’,значи 1, познато у
бинарном коду као да, или горе
2. ’‫’ل‬/‘La’, што буквално значи не,
познато у бинарном облику као 0, или
3. ‘‫’ه‬/‘Hu’,каже да реч није ни мушка,
ни женска.


Узимајући у обзир ове три компоненте,

'Аллах' јесте, али није. Алах је без
рода, није род, није мушко и женско,
Алах је без икаквих атрибута рода. То
једноставно не постоји у њему.
Овај назив сам по себи обухвата сумњу у
своју апсолутност. То је знак питања
који је оживео у једној речи. Међутим,
ово име не представља само знак питања,
већ представља и супротност знака
питања, тачку. Не стоји тамо
само као да каже: „Јесам или нисам, али
без секса“. Ту стоји и да каже: „Био ја
теби или не, моје име је овде,
стварност је таква каква јесте!”
На овај начин је повезан са "ла илахе
ила Аллах".


A feeling most
(Eyo, for more ‘context’ listen to Tchaikovsky’s
1812 overture, especially starting at 11minutes
and 30 seconds)

A cold chirping of the French horns,

An upscaling of the brass,
The absolutely ferocious,
Penetration of the canons.

Shaking of the strings,

The uplifting of all!
The chiming of the bells!
The calling of him!

Sound aloud, oh ye!

Trumpets of revolution!

Drums of liberation!

Lo and behold…

We return to you!

To that profound feeling.

What the Quran means when it said:
“I have created you but to serve me.”
ِ‫وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱجلِْنَّ وَٱإلِْنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُون‬
“And I did not create the Jin and the Humans except to
‘ABD’ me.”

I purposely left the word ‘ABD’ untranslated, simply

because it is this page’s topic, and it is a bit more
complicated. Might take two pages… We’ll see.

So, there is a couple point that we need to keep in mind.

First,’being’ is better than ‘not being’.
Second, there is no inherent need for our existence, that
includes the universe and everything that it encompasses.
Third, Adam is not written like that, it is written as follows:
Simply put, just that name in itself, spelled correctly, gives
us something to start with.
Let’s go!!

‫م‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬

This name isn’t the same as ‘Adam’ with a single
Before Aadam was split into Adam and Eve, it was, as
afore mentioned, ‘Aadam’.

Our next step is to look at the Arabic Geamatrische table.

If do some simple arithmetics, we can see that ‘Aadam’

has a Geamatrische value of…46. Noted.

The next step is
to look at the
value of
Again, some
arithmetics, and
we get to 66.

Final step is to see what connection these two have in their

inherent ‘Logos’. So, what difference is there in their
Geamatrische value? So, 66 minus 46, is 20.
Now, let’s look at the corresponding letter: ‘‫’ك‬.
Oy vay! Will you look at that! What magnificence!
That letter is the Arabic prefix that brings the meaning of
“like”, or “in the same shape”.

‫م‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬

‫ك ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــال ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــله‬

So, ‘Aadam’ is like ‘Allah’.

Now, a little homework for you, my dear reader.

Look at life, study it closely. See if this statement is

A third page, strange…
“… to know me. Thou art as a reflection to me… Serve
me, meaning, know me…”

Abad means “to know”, in this very implicit context.

Such semantics, oh dear…

That is it for now, next!

Steve Jobs’ email.

From: Steve Jobs

To: Steve Jobs
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 11:08PM

I grow little of the food I eat, and of the little I do grow

I did not breed or perfect the seeds.

I do not make any of my own clothing.

I speak a language I did not invent or re ne.

I did not discover the mathematics I use.

I am protected by freedoms and laws I did not conceive

of or legislate, and do not enforce or adjudicate.

I am moved by music I did not create myself.

When I needed medical attention, I was helpless

to help myself survive.

I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor,

object oriented programming, or most of the technology
I work with.

I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am

totally dependent on them for my life and well being.

Sent from my iPad


Showing his gratitude to humanity, Steve had this to say.
But his message stretches as a rainbow across the horizon, as if
to say:”look at each other, speak to one another!”
Steve was trying to tell us that not only did he not become who
he was without humanity, but that Apple as well wouldn’t have
become what it is without humanity.


• with someone
• attached or combined
• near or in the same place
• at the same time
Source: Cambridge online dictionary.

We can see certain de nitions above form the Cambridge

dictionary. These de nitions all have something in common.
Namely, they describe a condition through a state of being.
Each puzzle piece trying to become its own puzzle, that is but a
true nightmare for humanity. Each puzzle piece trying to serve
its own god, when it is only one god we serve. The god that isn’t,
the absolute nothingness.
When ‘the’ nothingness becomes your god, you are free. Free as
in your potential, not your evil desires. The potential becomes
boundless, unity would be but a baseline part of existence. And
everyone would be equal, because in this hierarchy EVERYONE
stands beneath God.
Next to God stands no one, not a single 1.
It is mathematically impossible.
I mean, you should try, try standing as a 1 at the level of 0,
impossible, I know.




The moment.
The ultimately smallest unit of time, the moment.

Here’s the mathematical formula for it:

(A ∈ R)

Lim ]0 ; A] = M
A 0

With ‘M’ being the moment itself of course.

It is this ‘quantity’, over which ‘Kun’ had happened.

It was at silence that ‘Kun’ was not yet said, and it was
the first moment after ’n’ that everything came to be.

Like a roll of film, the moments are the frames that

constitute the very flow of everything, from one Fram to
the other, finitely small.

The balance between high
and nigh.
The antidote to suffering is not-to suffer as well as suffer.
You wish to live this life, yet you wish to transcend it. That
is the right attitude.
You have to live high, as well as nigh.
You see, there are two extremes, do you know what that
means? Now listen closely, I’ll explain to you a scene and
it might seem obscene.
Way up there in the in the night blue sky there lies a heat
that’ll have you die, waving away with a big sigh.
But down low, even below your feet. Lies something so
cold. God! You don’t even know!
T h e r e ’ s n o t h i n g t h e r e , n o m o v e m e n t , p l a c e f o r
improvement, however you look at it, it seems so imminent,
that you stand there paralyzed with no warmth.
Enough rif raf.
I’m talking about zero Kelvin and big ‘C’.
Above us stands C, The limit of time. Above it stands no
Below us stands 0K, the limit of movement. Nothing stands
below it. C
“Kun fayakuwn”

Big Crunch

Zero Kelvin


If you want to have the “most livable life”, or so to say

“ideal” life, then you should try and stay right in-between the
two extremes. For, this is indeed the natural resting place of the
Centered, it seems as if we are now truly in a prevalent age,
directed by the humans. It wasn’t always like this. Temperatures
used to be much colder, unlivable even. Humongous beasts used to
roam the grounds. Yet now, we live more comfortably then ever.
But now we are our own problem, we inent situations and
circumstances in our heads. Combined with the chemicals in our
bodies, we live through a little something you might be able to call

Hip Hip HIp Hip Hipetty yo! We move around to and fro! We
find the truth look at it and go wow! Switch it up, chew it up, son
that thing is called the 道。

Interlude: interesting
Talmudic passages.
Chagigah: 16a
‫ ״וְאָתָא מִֵרבְבֹות‬:‫ מַאי ּדְַרׁש? אָמַר ַרּבָה ּבַר ּבַר חָנָה אָמַר ַרּבִי יֹוחָנָן‬
‫ֹקֶדׁש״ — אֹות הּוא ּבְָרבָבָה ׁשֶּלֹו‬.
The Gemara asks: What verse did Rabbi Akiva expound that prevented
him from making the same mistake as Aḥer? Rabba bar bar Ḥana said
that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: It was the following: “And He came
[ve’ata] from the holy myriads” (Deuteronomy 33:2), which he
explained in this manner: He, God, is unique [ot] among His myriads
of angels. Therefore, he knew that he had merely seen an angel.

‫ ״ּדָגּול מְֵרבָבָה״ — ּדּוגְמָא הּוא ּבְָרבָבָה ׁשֶּלֹו‬:‫וְַרּבִי אֲבָהּו אָמַר‬.

And Rabbi Abbahu said: Rabbi Akiva expounded the verse:
“Preeminent above a myriad” (Song of Songs 5:10) to indicate that
He is exemplary among His myriad.

‫ ״ה׳ צְבָאֹות ׁשְמֹו״ — אָדֹון הּוא ּבַּצָבָא ׁשֶּלֹו‬:‫וְֵריׁש לִָקיׁש אָמַר‬.

And Reish Lakish said: He expounded the verse: “The Lord of hosts
is His name” (Isaiah 48:2); He is the Master in His host.

‫ ״ֹלא בָרּוחַ ה׳ וְאַחַר הָרּוחַ ַרעַׁש‬:‫ וְַרּבִי חִּיָיא ּבַר אַּבָא אָמַר ַרּבִי יֹוחָנָן‬
‫ וְאַחַר הַָרעַׁש אֵׁש ֹלא בָאֵׁש ה׳ וְאַחַר הָאֵׁש קֹול ּדְמָמָה‬.‫ ֹלא בַָרעַׁש ה׳‬
‫ ״וְהִּנֵה ה׳ עֹובֵר״‬,‫ַדּקָה״‬.
And Rav Ḥiyya bar Abba said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: He
expounded the verses: “But the Lord was not in the wind. And after
the wind, an earthquake; the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after
the earthquake, fire; but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the
fire, a still, small voice,” and it states in that verse: “And behold,
the Lord passed by” (I Kings 19:11–12). Rabbi Akiva used this
verse in order to recognize the place of His presence and refrain from
trespassing there.

,‫ ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬:‫ ׁשִׁשָּה ּדְבִָרים נֶאֶמְרּו ּבַׁשִֵּדים‬,‫ ּתָנּו ַרּבָנַן‬

‫ ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת — יֵׁש לָהֶם ּכְנָפַיִם‬.‫ ּוׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכִבְנֵי אָָדם‬

,‫ וְטָסִין מִּסֹוף הָעֹולָם וְעַד סֹופֹו ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬,‫ ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬
‫וְיֹוְדעִין מַה ׁשֶּעָתִיד לִהְיֹות ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬.
§ The Gemara returns to discussing the heavenly beings. The Sages
taught: Six statements were said with regard to demons: In three ways
they are like ministering angels, and in three ways they are like
humans. The baraita specifies: In three ways they are like ministering
angels: They have wings like ministering angels; and they fly from one
end of the world to the other like ministering angels; and they know
what will be in the future like ministering angels.

‫ ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי‬,‫ ׁשֹומְעִין מֵאֲחֹוֵרי הַּפְַרּגֹוד‬,‫ יֹוְדעִין סָלְָקא ּדַעְּתְָ?! אֶּלָא‬

The Gemara is puzzled by this last statement: Should it enter your
mind that they know this? Not even the angels are privy to the future.
Rather, they hear from behind the curtain when God reveals something
of the future, like ministering angels.

‫ ּפִָרין וְָרבִין ּכִבְנֵי‬,‫ ּוׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכִבְנֵי אָָדם — אֹוכְלִין וְׁשֹותִין ּכִבְנֵי אָָדם‬
‫ ּומֵתִים ּכִבְנֵי אָָדם‬,‫אָָדם‬.
And in three ways they are similar to humans: They eat and drink like
humans; they multiply like humans; and they die like humans.

‫ ׁשְֹלׁשָה‬,‫ ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬:‫ ׁשִׁשָּה ּדְבִָרים נֶאֶמְרּו ּבִבְנֵי אָָדם‬

,‫ ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת — יֵׁש לָהֶם ּדַעַת ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬.‫ ּכִבְהֵמָה‬
‫ ּומְסַּפְִרים ּבִלְׁשֹון הַּקֶֹדׁש‬,‫ ּומְהַּלְכִין ּבְקֹומָה זְקּופָה ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬
‫ ּופִָרין‬,‫ ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּכִבְהֵמָה — אֹוכְלִין וְׁשֹותִין ּכִבְהֵמָה‬.‫ ּכְמַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת‬
‫ ּומֹוצִיאִין ְרעִי ּכִבְהֵמָה‬,‫וְָרבִין ּכִבְהֵמָה‬.
Six statements were said with regard to humans: In three ways, they
are like ministering angels, and in three ways they are like animals.
The baraita explains: In three ways they are like ministering angels:
They have intelligence like ministering angels; and they walk upright
like ministering angels; and they speak in the holy tongue like
ministering angels. In three ways humans are like animals: They eat
and drink like animals; and they multiply like animals; and they emit
excrement like animals.

‫ ּבִׁשְלָמָא‬.‫ כׇּל הַּמִסְּתַּכֵל ּבְאְַרּבָעָה ּדְבִָרים ָרתּוי לֹו ׁשֶּלֹא ּבָא לָעֹולָם ּכּו׳‬
‫ אֶּלָא לְפָנִים — מָה‬.‫ מָה לְמַעְלָה מָה לְמַּטָה מָה לְאָחֹור — לְחַּיֵי‬
‫ ?ּדַהֲוָה הֲוָה‬
§ The mishna taught: Whoever looks at four things, it would have
been better for him had he never entered the world: Anyone who

reflects upon that which is above the firmament; that which is below
the earth; what was before the creation of the world; and what will be
after the end of the world. The Gemara asks: Granted, it is prohibited
to reflect on what is above, what is below, and what is after. This is
fine, since one is examining things that are not part of the world but
lie beyond it. But before the creation of the world, what has happened
has happened. Why is it prohibited to reflect upon this?

‫ מָׁשָל לְמֶלְֶ ּבָׂשָר וָָדם ׁשֶאָמַר‬:‫ ַרּבִי יֹוחָנָן וְַרּבִי אֶלְעָזָר ְדאָמְִרי ּתְַרוַיְיהּו‬
‫ אֵין ְרצֹונֹו‬,‫ הָלְכּו ּובָנּו לֹו‬.‫ ּבְנּו לִי ּפַלְטֵיִרין ּגְדֹולִין עַל הָאַׁשְּפָה‬:‫ לַעֲבָָדיו‬
‫ׁשֶל מֶלְֶ לְהַזְּכִיר ׁשֵם אַׁשְּפָה‬.
The Gemara explains: Rabbi Yoḥanan and Rabbi Elazar both say: This
can be demonstrated through a parable with regard to a flesh-and-blood
king who said to his servants: Build for me large palaces on a garbage
dump. They went and built them for him. Clearly, in that case, the
king does not desire that they mention the garbage dump. Here too,
God does not want people to concern themselves with the chaos that
preceded the world.

‫ מַאי הִיא? ַרּבִי‬.‫ ָרתּוי לֹו ׁשֶּלֹא ּבָא לְעֹולָם‬,‫ כׇּל ׁשֶּלֹא חָס עַל ּכְבֹוד קֹונֹו‬
‫ זֶה הָעֹובֵר עֲבֵיָרה‬:‫ ַרב יֹוסֵף אָמַר‬.‫ זֶה הַּמִסְּתַּכֵל ּבַּקֶׁשֶת‬:‫ אַּבָא אָמַר‬
‫ ״ּכְמְַראֵה הַּקֶׁשֶת אֲׁשֶר יִהְיֶה בֶעָנָן‬:‫ ּדִכְתִיב‬,‫ מִסְּתַּכֵל ּבַּקֶׁשֶת‬.‫ ּבַּסֵתֶר‬
‫ּבְיֹום הַּגֶׁשֶם ּכֵן מְַראֵה הַּנֹגַּה סָבִיב הּוא מְַראֵה ּדְמּות ּכְבֹוד ה׳״‬.
It is taught in the mishna: Whoever has no concern for the honor of
his Maker deserves to have never come to the world. The Gemara
asks: What is lack of concern for the honor of one’s Maker? Rabbi
Abba said: This is one who looks at a rainbow. Rav Yosef said: This
is one who commits a transgression in private. They proceed to clarify
their opinions: Looking at a rainbow constitutes an act of disrespect
toward the Divine Presence, as it is written: “As the appearance of
the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain so was the appearance
of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness
of the glory of the Lord” (Ezekiel 1:28), and it is a dishonor to God
to stare at His likeness.

‫ ּדְאָמַר ַרּבִי‬.‫ ּכְִדַרּבִי יִצְחָק‬,‫ זֶה הָעֹובֵר עֲבֵיָרה ּבַּסֵתֶר‬:‫ ַרב יֹוסֵף אָמַר‬
:‫ ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר‬,‫ ּכְאִיּלּו ּדֹוחֵק ַרגְלֵי ׁשְכִינָה‬,‫ כׇּל הָעֹובֵר עֲבֵיָרה ּבַּסֵתֶר‬:‫ יִצְחָק‬
‫״ּכֹה אָמַר ה׳ הַׁשָּמַיִם ּכִסְאִי וְהָאֶָרץ הֲדֹום ַרגְלָי״‬.
Rav Yosef said: This is one who commits a transgression in private, in
accordance with Rabbi Yitzḥak, as Rabbi Yitzḥak said: Whoever
commits a transgression in private, it is as though he pushed away the

feet of the Divine Presence, as it is stated: “Thus said the Lord: The
heavens are My seat, and the earth My footstool” (Isaiah 66:1). If
one believes that no one can see what he is doing in private, it is as
though he said that God is absent from that place. He is therefore
compared to one who attempts to remove God from His footstool.

‫ אִם רֹואֶה אָָדם ׁשֶּיִצְרֹו מִתְּגַּבֵר עָלָיו‬:‫ אִינִי?! וְהָאָמַר ַרּבִי אִלְעָא הַּזֵָקן‬
,‫ וְיִלְּבַׁש ׁשְחֹוִרין וְיִתְעַּטֵף ׁשְחֹוִרין‬,‫ — יֵלְֵ לְמָקֹום ׁשֶאֵין מַּכִיִרין אֹותֹו‬
:‫ וְאַל יְחַּלֵל ׁשֵם ׁשָמַיִם ּבְפְַרהֶסְיָא! לָא ַקׁשְיָא‬,‫ וְיַעֲׂשֶה מַה ׁשֶּּלִּבֹו חָפֵץ‬
‫ הָא — ּדְלָא מָצֵי ּכָיֵיף לְיִצְֵריּה‬,‫הָא — ּדְמָצֵי ּכָיֵיף לֵיּה לְיִצְֵריּה‬.
The Gemara raises a difficulty: And is that so? But didn’t Rabbi Ela
the Elder say: If a person sees that his inclination is overcoming him,
he should go to a place where he is unknown, and wear black, and
wrap himself in black, in the manner of mourners, because he should
be ashamed of his weakness, and do there what his heart desires, but
let him not desecrate the Name of Heaven in public. This shows that
sinning in private is sometimes preferable to the public performance of
a transgression. The Gemara answers: This is not difficult. This case,
where one who commits a transgression in public has no concern for
the honor of his Maker, occurs when one is capable of overcoming his
inclination and fails to do so. That case, where it is preferable to sin in
private, occurs when one is incapable of overcoming his inclination.
He is therefore advised to, at the very least, refrain from desecrating
God’s name in public.

‫ כׇּל הַּמִסְּתַּכֵל‬:‫ ּדֵָרׁש ַרּבִי יְהּוָדה ּבְַרּבִי נַחְמָנִי מְתּוְרּגְמָנֵיּה ּדְֵריׁש לִָקיׁש‬
— ‫ ּבַּקֶׁשֶת‬.‫ ּובַּכֹהֲנִים‬,‫ ּובַּנָׂשִיא‬,‫ ּבַּקֶׁשֶת‬:‫ ּבִׁשְֹלׁשָה ּדְבִָרים עֵינָיו ּכֵהֹות‬
‫ ״ּכְמְַראֵה הַּקֶׁשֶת אֲׁשֶר יִהְיֶה בֶעָנָן ּבְיֹום הַּגֶׁשֶם הּוא מְַראֵה‬:‫ ּדִכְתִיב‬
‫ הַּמִסְּתַּכֵל‬.‫ ״וְנָתַּתָ מֵהֹוְדָ עָלָיו״‬:‫ ּבַּנָׂשִיא — ּדִכְתִיב‬.‫ ּדְמּות ּכְבֹוד ה׳״‬
‫ ׁשֶהָיּו עֹומְִדין עַל ּדּוכָנָן ּומְבְָרכִין‬,‫ ּבַּכֹהֲנִים ּבִזְמַן ׁשֶּבֵית הַּמְִקּדָׁש ַקּיָים‬
‫אֶת יִׂשְָראֵל ּבַׁשֵּם הַמְפֹוָרׁש‬.
Rabbi Yehuda, son of Rabbi Naḥmani, the disseminator of Reish
Lakish, interpreted a verse homiletically: Whoever looks at the
following three things, his eyes will grow dim: One who looks at a
rainbow, at a Nasi, and at the priests. He explains: At a rainbow, as it
is written: “As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the
day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about, this
was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord” (Ezekiel
1:28). At a Nasi, as it is written: “And you shall put of your splendor
upon him” (Numbers 27:20), which indicates that the splendor of the
Divine Presence rested upon Moses, who was the Nasi of Israel. The

third item, looking at priests, is referring to one who looks at the
priests when the Temple is standing, as they would stand on their
platform and bless Israel with the ineffable name, at which point the
Divine Presence would rest above the joints of their fingers.

:‫ מַאי ּדִכְתִיב‬,‫ ּדֵָרׁש ַרּבִי יְהּוָדה ּבְַרּבִי נַחְמָנִי מְתּוְרּגְמָנֵיּה ּדְֵריׁש לִָקיׁש‬
,‫ ״אַל ּתַאֲמִינּו בְֵרעַ אַל ּתִבְטְחּו ּבְאַּלּוף״ — אִם יֹאמַר לְָ יֵצֶר הָָרע‬
‫ ״אַל ּתַאֲמִינּו‬:‫ ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר‬,‫ חֲטֹוא וְהַּקָדֹוׁש ּבָרּוְ הּוא מֹוחֵל אַל ּתַאֲמֵן‬
‫ וְאֵין ״ַרע״ אֶּלָא יֵצֶר הַָרע ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר ״ּכִי יֵצֶר לֵב הָאָָדם ַרע״‬,‫בְֵרעַ״‬,
Apropos this Sage, the Gemara cites another statement of his: Rabbi
Yehuda, son of Rabbi Naḥmani, the disseminator of Reish Lakish,
interpreted a verse homiletically: What is the meaning of that which is
written: “Trust not in a companion, do not put your confidence in an
intimate friend” (Micah 7:5)? If the evil inclination says to you: Sin,
and the Holy One, Blessed be He, will forgive, do not trust it, since it
is stated: “Trust not in a companion [rei’a].” And rei’a is
referring to none other than the evil [ra] inclination, as it is stated:
“For the inclination of the heart of man is evil [ra]” (Genesis 8:21).

.‫ ״אַּלּוף נְעּוַרי אָּתָה״‬:‫ ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר‬,‫ וְאֵין ״אַּלּוף״ אֶּלָא הַּקָדֹוׁש ּבָרּוְ הּוא‬
‫ ׁשֶּמָא ּתֹאמַר מִי מֵעִיד ּבִי? אַבְנֵי בֵיתֹו וְקֹורֹות ּבֵיתֹו ׁשֶל אָָדם הֵם‬
‫ ״ּכִי אֶבֶן מִּקִיר ּתִזְעָק וְכָפִיס מֵעֵץ יַעֲנֶּנָה״‬:‫ ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר‬,‫מְעִיִדין ּבֹו‬,
And “intimate friend” is referring to none other than the Holy One,
Blessed be He, as it is stated: “You are the intimate friend of my
youth” (Jeremiah 3:4). Lest you say: Since I am acting in private,
who will testify against me? The stones of the house and the beams of
the house of each person testify against him, as it is stated: “For the
stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall
answer it” (Habakkuk 2:11).

‫ נִׁשְמָתֹו ׁשֶל אָָדם מְעִיָדה ּבֹו ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר ״מִׁשֹּכֶבֶת‬:‫ וַחֲכָמִים אֹומְִרים‬

‫ )אִי זֹו הִיא ּדָבָר ׁשֶׁשֹּוכֶבֶת( ]אֵי זֶה הּוא ּדָבָר‬,‫ חֵיֶקָ ׁשְמֹור ּפִתְחֵי פִיָ״‬
:‫ ַרּבִי זְִריָקא אֹמֵר‬.‫ זֹו נְׁשָמָה‬:‫ ׁשֶׁשָּרּוי[ ּבְחֵיקֹו ׁשֶל אָָדם — הֱוֵי אֹומֵר‬
‫ ״ּכִי מַלְאָכָיו‬:‫ ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר‬,‫ הֵן מְעִיִדין ּבֹו‬,‫ ׁשְנֵי מַלְאֲכֵי הַׁשֵָּרת הַמְלַּוִין אֹותֹו‬
‫ אֵבָָריו ׁשֶל אָָדם‬:‫ וַחֲכָמִים אֹומְִרים‬.‫ יְצַּוֶה ּלְָ לִׁשְמְָרָ ּבְכׇל ּדְָרכֶיָ״‬
‫ ״וְאַּתֶם עֵַדי נְאֻם ה' וַאֲנִי אֵל״‬:‫ ׁשֶּנֶאֱמַר‬,‫מְעִיִדין ּבֹו‬.
And the Sages say: A person’s soul shall itself testify against him, as
it is stated: “Guard the doors of your mouth from she who lies in
your bosom” (Micah 7:5). What thing lies in a person’s bosom?
You must say it is his soul. Rabbi Zerika said: The two ministering
angels who accompany him, i.e., each individual, they testify against

him, as it is stated: “For He will command his angels over you, to
guard you in all your ways” (Psalms 91:11). And the Sages say: A
person’s limbs testify against him, as it is stated: “Therefore you
are My witnesses, says the Lord, and I am God” (Isaiah 43:12),
which indicates that each individual becomes his own witness and
testifies against himself on the Day of Judgment.

.ְ‫ יֹוסֵף ּבֶן יֹוחָנָן אֹומֵר לִסְמֹו‬,ְ‫ מַתְנִי׳ יֹוסֵי ּבֶן יֹועֶזֶר אֹומֵר ׁשֶּלֹא לִסְמֹו‬
.ְ‫ נִיּתַאי הַאְַרּבֵלִי אֹומֵר לִסְמֹו‬,ְ‫ יְהֹוׁשֻעַ ּבֶן ּפְַרחְיָה אֹומֵר ׁשֶּלֹא לִסְמֹו‬
.ְ‫ ׁשִמְעֹון ּבֶן ׁשָטַח אֹומֵר לִסְמֹו‬,ְ‫ יְהּוָדה ּבֶן טָבַאי אֹומֵר ׁשֶּלֹא לִסְמֹו‬
‫ הִּלֵל ּומְנַחֵם ֹלא‬.ְ‫ אַבְטַלְיֹון אֹומֵר ׁשֶּלֹא לִסְמֹו‬,ְ‫ ׁשְמַעְיָה אֹומֵר לִסְמֹו‬
‫ הִּלֵל‬,ְ‫ ׁשַּמַאי אֹומֵר ׁשֶּלֹא לִסְמֹו‬.‫ נִכְנַס ׁשַּמַאי‬,‫ יָצָא מְנַחֵם‬.‫ נֶחְלְקּו‬
ְ‫אֹומֵר לִסְמֹו‬.
MISHNA: Yosei ben Yo’ezer says not to place one’s hands on
offerings before slaughtering them on a Festival because this is
considered performing labor with an animal on a Festival. His
colleague, Yosef ben Yoḥanan, says to place them; Yehoshua ben
Peraḥya says not to place them; Nitai HaArbeli says to place them;
Yehuda ben Tabbai says not to place them; Shimon ben Shataḥ says to
place them; Shemaya says to place them; Avtalyon says not to place
them. Hillel and Menaḥem did not disagree with regard to this issue.
Menaḥem departed from his post, and Shammai entered in his stead.
Shammai says not to place them; Hillel says to place them.

Gittin: 66a
‫ ּדְָרא ַרּבִי אֲבִינָא לְסִיּלְתֵיּה וַאֲזַל לְגַּבֵי ּדְַרב הּונָא ַרּבֵיּה ּדְאָמַר ַרב‬
‫ הּונָא ּגִיּטֹו ּכְמַּתְנָתֹו מַה מַּתְנָתֹו אִם עָמַד חֹוזֵר אַף ּגִיּטֹו אִם עָמַד‬
‫ חֹוזֵר‬
Let Rabbi Avina lift his basket and go to Rav Huna his teacher, as in
order to acquire the item he must rely on the opinion of his teacher, as
Rav Huna said: The legal status of one’s bill of divorce is like that
of his gift.Just as with regard to a gift given by one on his deathbed, if
he recovered from his illness and arose from his deathbed, he revokes
his gift, so too, with regard to his bill of divorce given by one on his
deathbed, if he recovered from his illness and arose from his deathbed,
he revokes the bill of divorce.

‫ ּומָה ּגִיּטֹו אַף עַל ּגַב ּדְלָא ּפֵָריׁש ּכֵיוָן ּדְאָמַר ּכִתְבּו אַף עַל ּגַב ּדְלָא‬
‫ אָמַר ּתְנּו אַף מַּתְנָתֹו ּכֵיוָן ּדְאָמַר ּתְנּו אַף עַל ּגַב ּדְלָא ְקנֹו מִיּנֵיּה‬
And just as with regard to the bill of divorce of one on his deathbed,
even though he did not specify, once he said: Write the bill of divorce,
even though he did not say: Give it to my wife, they write and give it
to his wife, as it was taught in the mishna. So too, with regard to a
gift given by one on his deathbed, once he said: Give the gift, even
though the recipients did not acquire the item from him by means of
an act of acquisition, the one on his deathbed has given the gift. Based
on the parallel drawn by Rav Huna between a bill of divorce and a
gift, Rabbi Avina can go and collect the gift given him by Geneiva.

‫ מַתְֵקיף לַּה ַרּבִי אַּבָא אִי מָה מַּתָנָה יֶׁשְנָּה לְאַחַר מִיתָה אַף ּגֵט יֶׁשְנֹו‬
‫ לְאַחַר מִיתָה הָכִי הַׁשְּתָא ּבִׁשְלָמָא מַּתָנָה אִיתַּה לְאַחַר מִיתָה אֶּלָא‬
‫ ּגֵט לְאַחַר מִיתָה מִי אִיּכָא‬
Rabbi Abba objects to that conclusion. If that parallel is valid, extend
it and say: Just as a gift is valid after death, so too, a bill of divorce is
valid after death. The Gemara rejects this: How can these cases be
compared? Granted, a gift is valid after death; however, is a bill of
divorce valid after death? A bill of divorce severs the bond between
husband and wife. After the husband dies, the bill of divorce is
pointless. Therefore, the parallel certainly does not extend to after

‫ אֶּלָא ַרּבִי אַּבָא הָכִי ָקא ַקׁשְיָא לֵיּה מַּתְנַת ׁשְכִיב מְַרע ּבְמְִקצָת הִיא‬
‫ ּומַּתְנַת ׁשְכִיב מְַרע ּבְמְִקצָת ּבָעֲיָא ִקנְיָן מִּכְלָל ּדְַרב הּונָא סָבַר לָא‬
‫ ּבָעֲיָא ִקנְיָן וְהָא ַקיְימָא לַן ּדְבָעֲיָא ִקנְיָן ׁשָאנֵי הָכָא ּדְמִצְוָה מֵחֲמַת‬
‫ מִיתָה הּוא‬
Rather, this is what is difficult according to Rabbi Abba: Geneiva’s
instruction is the gift of a person on his deathbed of a portion of his
estate, and the gift of a person on his deathbed of a portion of his
estate requires an act of acquisition. The Gemara asks: Is that to say,
by inference, that Rav Huna, according to whose opinion Rabbi Avina
acquired the gift, holds that the gift of a person on his deathbed of a
portion of his estate does not require an act of acquisition? But don’t
we maintain that the gift of a person on his deathbed of a portion of
his estate requires an act of acquisition? The Gemara answers: It is
different here, as this is not a standard case of the gift of a person on
his deathbed. This is a case where one issues an instruction to give the
gift due to his imminent death. In that case, the principle: It is a
mitzva to fulfill the statement of the deceased, applies even if it is a
gift of a portion of his estate.

‫ מִּכְלָל ּדְַרּבִי אַּבָא סָבַר מִצְוָה מֵחֲמַת מִיתָה ּבָעֲיָא ִקנְיָן וְהָא ַקיְימָא‬
‫ לַן ּדְלָא ּבָעֵי ִקנְיָן‬
The Gemara asks: Is that to say by inference that Rabbi Abba holds
that one who issues an instruction to give the gift due to his imminent
death requires an act of acquisition? But don’t we maintain that one
who issues an instruction to give the gift due to his imminent death
does not require an act of acquisition? What, then, is difficult for
Rabbi Abba?

‫ אֶּלָא ַרּבִי אַּבָא הָכִי ָקא ַקׁשְיָא לֵיּה חַמְָרא לָא ָקאָמַר ּדְמֵי חַמְָרא לָא‬
‫ ָקאָמַר מֵחַמְָרא ָקאָמַר וְאִיּדְַ מֵחַמְָרא ּכְֵדי לְיַיּפֹות אֶת ּכֹחֹו ׁשְלַחּו‬
‫ מִּתָם מֵחַמְָרא ּכְֵדי לְיַיּפֹות אֶת ּכֹחֹו‬
Rather, this is what is difficult according to Rabbi Abba: Geneiva did
not say to give four hundred dinars of wine to Rabbi Avina, and he
did not say: The monetary value of four hundred dinars of wine. He
said: Four hundred dinars from wine. The question is: What did
Geneiva seek to convey with that ambiguous expression? And the
other amora, Rabbi Zeira, who does not find this difficult, holds that
when Geneiva said: Four hundred dinars from wine, it was in order to
enhance Rabbi Avina’s ability to collect the gift. Geneiva sought to
give him a gift of value; in order to guarantee that Rabbi Avina would
have access to his property and that the heirs would not be able to
prevent him from receiving the gift with various claims, he specifically
designated from which property Rabbi Avina could collect the gift.
The Gemara notes: They sent a message from there, i.e., Eretz Yisrael,
that the term: From wine, is in order to enhance Rabbi Avina’s
ability to collect the gift.

‫ מַתְנִי׳ מִי ׁשֶהָיָה מּוׁשְלְָ לְבֹור וְאָמַר כׇּל הַׁשֹּומֵעַ אֶת קֹולֹו יִכְּתֹוב ּגֵט‬
‫ לְאִׁשְּתֹו הֲֵרי אֵּלּו יִכְּתְבּו וְיִּתְנּו‬
MISHNA: With regard to one who was thrown into a pit and thought
that he would die there, and he said that anyone who hears his voice
should write a bill of divorce for his wife, and he specified his name,
her name, and all relevant details, those who hear him should write
this bill of divorce and give it to his wife, even though they do not see
the man and do not know him.

‫ ּגְמָ׳ וְלֵיחּוׁש ׁשֶּמָא ׁשֵד הּוא אָמַר ַרב יְהּוָדה ּכְׁשֶָראּו לֹו ּדְמּות אָָדם‬
GEMARA: The Gemara asks: But let us be concerned that perhaps the
source of the voice in the pit is a demon, as no one saw the person in

the pit. Rav Yehuda says: It is referring to a case where they saw that
the being in the pit has human form.

‫ אִינְהּו נָמֵי אִיּדְמֹויֵי אִיּדְמֹו ּדַחֲזֹו לֵיּה ּבָבּואָה אִינְהּו נָמֵי אִית לְהּו‬
‫ ּבָבּואָה ּדַחֲזֹו לֵיּה ּבָבּואָה ְדבָבּואָה וְִדלְמָא אִינְהּו נָמֵי אִית לְהּו אָמַר‬
‫ ַרּבִי חֲנִינָא לִיּמְַדנִי יֹונָתָן ּבְנִי ּבָבּואָה אִית לְהּו ּבָבּואָה ְדבָבּואָה לֵית‬
‫ לְהּו‬
The Gemara objects: Demons too can appear in human form, and
therefore the fact that the being looked human is not a proof that it is
not a demon. The Gemara explains: It is a case where they saw that he
has a shadow [bavua]. The Gemara objects: Demons also have a
shadow. The Gemara explains: It is a case where they saw that he has
the shadow of a shadow. The Gemara objects: And perhaps demons
too have the shadow of a shadow? Rabbi Ḥanina says: Yonatan my
son taught me that demons have a shadow but they do not have the
shadow of a shadow.

‫ וְִדלְמָא צָָרה הִיא ּתָנָא ּדְבֵי ַרּבִי יִׁשְמָעֵאל ּבִׁשְעַת הַּסַּכָנָה ּכֹותְבִין‬
‫ וְנֹותְנִין אַף עַל ּפִי ׁשֶאֵין מַּכִיִרין‬
The Gemara asks: But perhaps the source of the voice in the pit is a
rival wife of the woman who is to be divorced. She seeks to cause her
rival to receive a bill of divorce under false pretenses, leading her to
believe that she is divorced. Based on that mistaken belief, she will
remarry without a divorce and will then be forbidden to both her first
and second husband. The Gemara answers: A Sage from the school of
Rabbi Yishmael taught: During a time of danger, when there is the
likelihood that the wife would assume deserted wife status, one writes
and gives a bill of divorce even though the people instructed to do so
are not familiar with the man who gave the instructions. Here too,
when a voice is heard from a pit, one writes and gives the bill of
divorce, as there is no possibility of properly clarifying the issue.

‫ מַתְנִי׳ הַּבִָריא ׁשֶאָמַר ּכִתְבּו ּגֵט לְאִׁשְּתִי ָרצָה לְׂשַחֶק ּבָּה‬

MISHNA: A healthy man who said: Write a bill of divorce for my
wife, but did not say to give it to her, presumably sought to mock her.
Since he told them to write the bill of divorce and not to give it, it is
not a valid bill of divorce.

‫ מַעֲׂשֶה ּבְבִָריא אֶחָד ׁשֶאָמַר ּכִתְבּו ּגֵט לְאִׁשְּתִי וְעָלָה לְֹראׁש הַּגָג וְנָפַל‬
‫ וָמֵת אָמַר ַרּבָן ׁשִמְעֹון ּבֶן ּגַמְלִיאֵל אִם מֵעַצְמֹו נָפַל הֲֵרי זֶה ּגֵט אִם‬
‫ הָרּוחַ ּדָחַּתּו אֵינֹו ּגֵט‬

The mishna relates: There was an incident involving a healthy man
who said: Write a bill of divorce for my wife, and then ascended to
the roof and fell, and died. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said: If he fell
at his own initiative, taking his own life, it is a valid bill of divorce, as
it is clear that he anticipated his death and instructed those listening to
write the bill of divorce with the intent of giving it to her. However, if
the wind forced him to fall, it is not a valid bill of divorce, as there
was no clear intent to give her the bill of divorce.

‫ ּגְמָ׳ מַעֲׂשֶה לִסְּתֹור‬

GEMARA: The Gemara asks: Was an incident cited to contradict the
halakha stated in the mishna? The halakha is that in a case where a
healthy man said: Write a bill of divorce for my wife, the bill of
divorce is not valid. From the incident it is clear that under certain
circumstances when a healthy man said: Write a bill of divorce for my
wife, the bill of divorce is valid.

‫ חַּסֹוֵרי מִיחַּסְָרא וְהָכִי ָקתָנֵי אִם הֹוכִיחַ סֹופֹו עַל ּתְחִיּלָתֹו הֲֵרי זֶה ּגֵט‬
‫ ּומַעֲׂשֶה נָמֵי ּבְבִָריא ׁשֶאָמַר ּכִתְבּו ּגֵט לְאִׁשְּתִי וְעָלָה לְֹראׁש הַּגָג וְנָפַל‬
‫ וָמֵת וְאָמַר ַרּבָן ׁשִמְעֹון ּבֶן ּגַמְלִיאֵל אִם מֵעַצְמֹו נָפַל הֲֵרי זֶה ּגֵט אִם‬
‫ הָרּוחַ ּדָחַּתּו אֵינֹו ּגֵט‬
The Gemara answers: The mishna is incomplete and this is what it is
teaching: In the case of a healthy man who said: Write a bill of
divorce for my wife, but he did not say to give it to her, presumably
sought to mock her. However, if his ultimate actions prove the nature
of his initial intent, that he seeks to give the bill of divorce because he
is about to die, it is a valid bill of divorce. And there was an incident
involving a healthy man who said: Write a bill of divorce for my wife,
and he then ascended to the roof and fell and died. Rabban Shimon
ben Gamliel said: If he fell at his own initiative, it is a valid bill of
divorce. However, if the wind forced him to fall, it is not a valid bill
of divorce.

‫ הָהּוא ּגַבְָרא ּדְעָל לְבֵי כְנִיׁשְּתָא אַׁשְּכַח מְַקֵרי יָנֹוָקא ּובְֵריּה ּדְיָתְבִי‬
‫ וְיָתֵיב אִינִיׁש אַחֲִרינָא ּגַּבַיְיהּו אֲמַר לְהּו ּבֵי תְֵרי מִיּנַיְיכּו נִכְּתְבּו ּגִיּטָא‬
‫ לְִדבֵיתְהּו לְסֹוף ׁשְכֵיב מְַקֵרי יָנֹוָקא מִי מְׁשַּוּו אִינָׁשֵי ּבְָרא ׁשְלִיחָא‬
‫ ּבִמְקֹום אַּבָא אֹו לָא‬
The Gemara relates: There was a certain man who entered the
synagogue and found a schoolteacher and his son who were sitting
there, and another person also sat with them. The man said to them:
Two of you should write a bill of divorce for my wife. Ultimately, the
schoolteacher died. The Sages considered the following question: Do

people designate a son as an agent in the presence of his father, even
though the two of them could not serve together as witnesses because
they are relatives, or not? As the man’s intent was to designate two
people who could serve as witnesses, the schoolteacher and the other
person, the question is whether the son of the schoolteacher and the
other person are agents and eligible to write and give the bill of

‫ ַרב נַחְמָן אָמַר לָא מְׁשַּוּו אִינָׁשֵי ּבְָרא ׁשְלִיחָא ּבִמְקֹום אַּבָא וְַרב ּפַּפֵי‬
‫ אָמַר מְׁשַּוּו אִינָׁשֵי ּבְָרא ׁשְלִיחָא ּבִמְקֹום אַּבָא אָמַר ָרבָא הִילְכְתָא‬
‫ מְׁשַּוּו אִינָׁשֵי ּבְָרא ׁשְלִיחָא ּבִמְקֹום אַּבָא‬
Rav Naḥman said: People do not designate a son as an agent in the
presence of his father. And Rav Pappi said: People designate a son as
an agent in the presence of his father. Rava said that the halakha is:
People designate a son as an agent in the presence of his father.

‫ מַתְנִי׳ אָמַר לִׁשְנַיִם ּתְנּו ּגֵט לְאִׁשְּתִי‬

MISHNA: If a man said to two people: Give a bill of divorce to my

There is no particular reason I put these

passages in this work. I simply want to
spark an interest into these works because I
believe they should be read more openly by
a plethora of people.


A Die drei teilen

Alchemie, oder
Operation des Sohnes, des Weisheit
ist die Untersuchung hinein die des ganzes
spirituele Verfassung, oder Universum.
Leben, des Grundes und der
materielle Existenz.

Im hermetischen
angenommen, dass die
wird ‫الكيمياء‬
Bewegungen der Planeten eine
Bedeutung haben, die über die
Gesetze der Physik hinausgeht.

Die Theurgie oder das
Wirken der Götter ist
eine der beiden
unterschiedlichen Arten der
Magie, die – so die Apologie
von Giovanni Pico della
Mirandola – völlig
gegensätzlich sind. Die erste
ist Goëtia, schwarze Magie, die
auf ein Bündnis mit bösen
Geistern (d.h. Dämonen)
angewiesen ist. Die zweite ist
Theurgie, göttliche Magie, die
auf ein Bündnis mit göttlichen
Geistern (d. h. Engeln,
Erzengeln, Göttern) angewiesen


The Aruarian
Feeling meditative is one of the greatest states one can be in, it is a
state in which you feel a calmness, not some overruling emotion.
You feel that whatever you might do will be completely from your
own critical thinking. Sensing power over all your bodies. Power, not
in a pompous way, but in a way that you feel no need for worry over
a thing as elementary as your own self.
People all over the world search for “the” way of meditating. Then
they try some flimsy practices they found on a California-type
wellness YouTube channel for some time, or time intervals for
everyday. And, although it is great they create this habit, it
doesn’t bring the results we need and, or want.
Being meditative is but a result of your own life choices. Life choices
concerning your well-being, in regards to: intake, rest and


What we eat, drink, listen to, touch, smell and see. All that our
sense interact with, must carefully be checked wether it benefits us,
or not. Why would you do take in something that doesn’t benefit
you? Or even is a disadvantages you? This is not human behavior!
This is impulse and indiscipline. You wish to feel well? Then control
your intake, in every dimension! Of course, not a single person is
perfect. But know this, the amount of control you have over your
intake, is directly proportional to immensity of your state of


Sufficient rest is rudimentary to the process of cell-synthesis and

recovery, your body, whether you want it or not, constantly tries to
make new cells after you’ve destroyed the old ones from either
physical or cognitive training. But also organ and bone tissue is
constantly being recovered. Most of this process happens during
your sleep and, or general resting time. To get this deep recovery,

sleep, preferably during the night, is best. This rest is needed
to let the bodies do their thing, and settle. The body needs to
recover on a cellular level, the brain needs to recover on a sensory
level, the mind needs to recover on a processional level and the
soul on a Tachyonic-related level. All needs rest, but how much is
sufficient? Generally 8 hours of sleep is sufficient, physical
workers and adolescents might need more. Also, sleep should
preferably be done during night time. Try to go to sleep before
midnight, or even before the second to last hour of the day, the
rise when sun does as well. All that because the cells follow a
cycle, that of the sun. Installing your sleep cycle otherwise will
leave you feeling unsettled and even restless, basically giving you
the opposite effect of what you actually needed.


Within your life you have one major question. It lies right at the
end of your time when you’re being pampered by whoever your
guardian is. It lies at the beginning of your journey, your effort,
your `logos’. That question is: “to be or not to be?” When you
start activating what you’re meant to do through tireless effort
and furious suffering, then you “are”. If you live passively,
without endeavor or effort. As a blind monkey without original
thought, then you “are not”.
In addition to what I’ve described above, everyone must to a
certain degree be physically active. Simply to take care of their
physical wellbeing. Exercise has your body function optimally, and
as a bonus, it makes you a bit sturdier, both physically and

As you can imagine dear

This process isn’t hard, it isn’t


So, once you begin…

Once you start feeling it…

Once you start , it just keeps flowing.

The Aruarian dance…

21.quelques citations que j’aime

俺と一緒に世 “If pain “Човек је рођен да ради, да

wasn’t the трпи и да се бори , ко тако
界をひっくり返 не чини , мора пропасти.“
されかー? blessing, why -Никола Тесла
-ゴールド・ロ would Allah
give it to his
most beloved
subjects, the “I dare to all that made be
prophets?” become a man.”
“I am the -Ibn Arabi
-Macbeth, Shakespeare
punishment of
God...If you
had not
great sins, “There is no value in anything until it is nished.”
God would not ― Genghis Khan
have sent a
like me upon
― Genghis Khan

妇 の
“Свобода не в том, ⼥ 夢
чтоб не сдерживать
себя, а в том, чтоб
владеть собой.”
能 は
-Достоевский Федор
顶 終
⽑ 半 わ

泽 边
“If you remove the fear of God, you

东 天
create the possibility of fear for
everything else.

If you instal the fear of God, you ぇ

eliminate the fear of everything else.”

-Ye !



Why we can’t work

towards multiple Gods,
and the holding of
multiple ideas.

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ُ ِ94: ;ِ !ً#&َ َ % 7A
ۚ !ً#4ََ 2 5 ,1َ
ِ + B: ِ-4َْ 3 .Bَ : ْDَE ٍD&َ ُ % 7ِ> 1ًGَ=َ8
َ + Gَ=ْHBَ : !َI ْJُEُ74َْ 2 0?َ ْDBَ % ۚ ِ9َّ=ِ> ُLْGَ&ْM?
“Allah draws and example: a man jointly owned by several
contending masters, and a man belonging entirely to one man: are
the two equal in comparison? All praise belongs to Allah! But most
of them do not know.”

Living a certain way, means to say that you hold an idea above. No
one, not a single person, lives without a hierarchy of believes within
their hearts. There is a certain apex we as humans hold above to sort
of have an aiming point. Well, this is true only with those of us who
live through humility.
If you were, so to say, a big part of a certain cultural group. Then, you
would honor, or hold as a god, the being at the apex of that group.

The thing you hold highest.

A shark grows to great size, it is no unknown fact. However, if you
were to hold that very shark that grows to great size in a not so great,
or even small, confinement from the day it is born, then it could only
grow as much as the confinement permits.
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, if you were to hold a being at your
apex, that would hold little to no worth, then you would only grow to
that size.
If you were to hold perfection itself, the absolute nothingness, at your
apex then you would become immense, absolute.

Upholding many.
Upholding a being, or idea, takes energy. Thus, if you were to hold
many ideas, then the many ideas posses you. Holding and idea takes
energy in the sense that, when you hold it, it uses you to further its
strength. Using many ideas means to serve many. You cannot possibly
hold to many ideas.

I have an idea!
How about holding no ideas and seeing life as it is!
Using your sharp mind, and your senses in the heart!

Look at life the way is, not with a god, or an idea.

But for those who know, Allah ‘is’ not.

The extension of the
There was a moment when I sat with my family. Sitting there, I started
thinking. How I am thinking and experiencing life right now, they are
as well. Their conscious extends just as much as my own.
But all of a sudden, I didn’t feel like they “were” anymore. But,
neither was I anymore.
It felt as if “all was”, as in, there was no border, no limit to my
I no longer felt as if my mother, who was sitting right next to me, was
a separate entity.

Herein aught to be introduced the idea of multi-point-to-point

accessible uni-polar entity. Let me explain in a visual manner,


Let’s set the scene;

In view a created space, in a certain sense separate from the
greater white space. All these white dots are gateways from the
black space to the white space. From the perspective of an
observer within the black space, the white gates seem as if they
are totally separate from one another. Yet we know that they all
lead to one and the same unipolar ‘thing’.
Like wise, all consciousness is held within di erent human
bodies, within di erent human egos. Yet they are all a part of
one and the same ‘thing’. This can be named many things; think
of Brahman or Kami.

Also, this concept can be perfectly used in context of black holes.



“Istina je naj krasnija vjera.” -H.P. Blavatsky

“Istina nije ono što želite da bude, ona je ono što jeste. i
morate se povinovati njenoj moći ili živjeti u laži.”
-Miyamoto Musaši

“Svedočim da nema boga, osim Allaha.”-…

What do these sentences have in common?

Life is made up of one single being. And that being can be called God,
Brahman, Kami, the universe, you name it. This very thing is the
universe itself, yet it “created” it.
When we speak of subjective and objective, a lot of people speak of
opinions and facts, respectively. Yet things go further than that, much

Our lives, and I very consciously use the word “our lives” for
reasons not needed to be explained right now. In our lives, we have
senses, these senses take up pure information from the reality in the
form of electric signals that travel to our brains. No “opinion” or
“though” is involved yet. It is when that signal travels to our brain
that there happens something. We, as humans, make a decision based
on that signal. That signal can either be something minor like swatting
a mosquito after it landed on your shoulder, or it can be something
great, like yelling at someone after they’ve abused you verbally.
The reaction itself is important, yet not so important to what we’re
discussing here now.
What is important is how that decision, or reaction, to that signal is

Do you choose to make a decision after calmly sitting back and
having a thought process, or do you choose to let an impulse make
that decision for you?

The rst type is one in which the decision comes purely from you, as a
human with supreme intelligence and most importantly, as a human
with conscience.
The second type is a bit tricky to explain;
At one point in your life someone abused you by calling you a retarded
donkey with bad eyesight (as an example). Now, a long time after that,
your best friend and companion is joking around with you and all of a
sudden calls you a blind donkey. As a reaction from your previous
trauma, you react very heavily. Despite the value of those words
meaning very little or even nothing, and despite your friend not
meaning to do you any harm even in the slightest.
But it was as an effect of trauma that the impulse to react heavily to
your friend.
Basically, release any neuron-induced impulse, these are memories of
your system that try to not allow you to live consciously.
Any thought that comes up to you that isn’t rooted in your purely
conscious thought, should be ignored completely!

So, having got that out of the way, we can move on.

Your thoughts and decisions should be purely based off of conscious


So, through your life you garner all this information, you in ict upon
yourself neuron-based memories, or Karma. With this, you, and here I
purposely use “you”, create a certain picture of the world. How
unique your view is is of no importance e to be discussed right now.
(Maybe some other time?)

When an ego dies, they have come to a state of perception where they
see everything just as those things are. Meaning, they view everything
without that “past memory”.
This is partially what is known as seeing with your third eye.

Thus, beyond the ego stands a reality, a truth. Only when you die,
meaning your ego dies, will you be able to view this truth. And when


you kill this ego, you have successfully performed submission to the
You have become part of the ow, and your heart is at ease.
Verily, is this not the greatest of states?
Well, it is the only one that is truthful…



The silence
Once when I sat in mentation. I came across the edge, of all.
There I stood and looked at it.
I wasn’t staring at a wall,
Nor at a vast darkness.
In front of me stood a mirror of sorts.
It re ected all.
But no noise, silence.
Then I realized, that it was silence itself.
Reaching my hand out, wondering what it’d feel like.
I let my rst nger enter, then my whole hand, like reaching your hand into
a sea.
Am I feeling the water around my hand, or the entire sea.
Since it wasn’t water, but a coherent mass(if you can even call it that).
I felt my location, as well as the other side of the edge, if there even is
another side…
And HURAH, There and Then I heard it!!!
May it be proclaimed!!! Shouted out through the streets and towns!!!
It does exist!!!
The silence “IS”!!!!




The ancient history

before the great void.
When we look at historical narratives and facts we are teaching
and being taught in educational institutions of the masses,
strange ‘things’ occur. We are taught that the oldest language
was a so called foremother called “proto-indo-european”. We are
taught that ancient civilizations were separated from each other,
and that they had nothing to do with one another. We are taught
that technological advance happened only recently, and that the
ancient civilizations were nothing more than mere agrarian
societies incapable of any intellectually advanced practices.

But let me ask you this: why are there artifacts, dug up in India,
that show Sanskrit has a much older origin than Proto-Indo-
European? Why do countries such as: Bosnia-Hercegovina,
Egypt, Mexico and India all have architectural structures that
resemble one another. Why did Japan close it self of from the
rest of the world during the Edo-period?
That last question is of great importance, because it will tell us
much more about the historical context before and after that

Let’s set the scene;

Voila! In view, a small kingdom of great sovereignty, with but
one mission expand for its own glory and strength. Huzzah !
They yell as they move to the next country. Within a particular
time they take in countries such as parts of south-Asia,
Southeast-Asia and literally the whole of the americas.
What do they leave behind? Themselves, their culture, their
habits and so forth.
What remains of the locals? Barely anything. The hegemony of
the invader almost completely destroys local ways.

Oh and there’s one more thing they’ve introduced to the locals,
or rather taken advantage of since the locals have been
practicing this for a long time, slavery.

The invader take the locals to produce rearms, spices and any
other niftiness they can produce, all for the well being of the
Yet, it is not as if the masses of the population of the invaders are
pro ting of this back home. Contrary in fact, they become more
and more miserable since their fathers and men are being taken
away to serve as soldiers and slaves themselves.

In order to try and block o this monstrosity, the Shogun(PBUH)

decided to isolate the country.
What was the result? Japan remained one of the only few
sovereign and prosperous countries in Asia.

A world government…

Yes, unity and cooperation are great. Yet, unipolarity is the worst
thing you can imagine for the people.
Let’s put it this way;
Would it be better to have a group of people that are all the
same and somewhat work together, or to have a group of people
each being unique and ready to cooperate and help each other
out, simply out of good will.

We probably had something of an even more superior stage

than the multi-polar cooperating world before the great erasure.
A world government allowing ultimate freedom, yet proper
moral. But this is yet to be proven completely.
As of now, the existence and great scale of Atlantis has been
proven for sure. It was supposedly from the grave of Atlantis that
Egypt was born. So, we know that it very very old.

Then there is another matter that ties all these “ancient world
civilizations” together. And that is the repeatedly reoccurring



gure, which we’ll refer to Quetzalcoatl, and which is that very
gure in the Mesoamerican civilizations.
It is the bringer of knowledge, the dragon, the man with the bag.
This gure is shown repeatedly in many civilisations.
Then we take a great leap to a certain Quranic gure, known as:
“Dhuw al-Qarnain” (“He/she of two horns”).

The dragon, the bringer of knowledge.

What his, or better, ‘their’ job was, was to spread that amazing
knowledge. Yet it remains a mystery to me as to what the
quali cations were for a people group to receive such divine
intervention; and simply to receive this amazing leap in
I’ll leave it at that in order to prevent any unnecessary confusion.


When one experiences
physical danger, they
want nothing else but to
keep on living.
Then how do we get to the point of suicide?
Those who surrender in the eye of fear, and die as a
consequence , is it also considered suicide?

Every level of life, when you make it so that every single

thing in the external in uences your internal. Then, your
wellbeing becomes completely dependent off of the
external, simply put; your well being isn’t in your hands
This principal then further connects to the principal of
survival of the ttest.

a moment in which two sides come to compete within a
certain channel. Of course depending on your personal
previous development, it will become apparent which of the
two parties will win. Yet, let’s say in a ght, there are
other factors than brute strength and speed that are
involved. Namely: wit and spiritual strength.
Wit involves the cognitive power of problem solving, in
which one of the two sides nds an opportunity to defeat
the other by a cunning and smart solution.
Spiritual strength is something that lies as a foundation to
all other aspects in confrontation.





It stands there as a seemingly in nite source of power,
which if used completely can override any physical
limitation, pain and, or suffering. This is the true strength of
the spirit.

So, when one is faced by death, do they use their spirit to

demolish that threat? Or, do they cower into a corner of
What I’ve shown you here just now is the following;
It isn’t your accomplishment that matters, what matters is
your ght, your battle.
Again, will you cower like a fool, begging for mercy when
all you’ve done is leach off of others your entire life.
Or, will you raise your spirit to the heavens, as if to say:
“The strength within me is immense, is this all that can be
thrown at me? HAHAHAHAHAHAA”
For this is truly what we can call; the color of the supreme
king…like a conqueror.

So, to get back to the initial setting; people who commit

suicide are the greatest cowards, yes that sounds very rough,
but it is ultimately true.

A little scheme to give insight.

Horrible Good Best

In uencing the external
Not letting the external
in uence the internal

in uence the internal

through the internal

Letting the external




Magique, c’est
Without logic, hocus pocus and nonsense.
These are words, very justly, associated with
magic. From the perspective go arrogance.
Instead, let us take a different stance. Let’s
say magic is something like “undiscovered
technology and, or science”. All of a sudden,
possibilities open up, surprise surprise…

Thus, when we talk about “magic”, I believe it

is most appropriate to discuss the Quranic
concept, since it seems most relevant.
This Quranic concept is known as ‘Sihr’, it
means magic, yet holds a very negative
connotation in the muslim world.
But Sihr can be split into two categories:
Sihr Halal, and Sihr Shirk.
The first comes as a result of countless hours
of study and hard work; this process relates
to the story told in the beginning of chapter
‘al-Baqarah’. Where Allah tells us how after
being created, Aadam learned all the names and
thus the angels were commanded to submit to
him. An obvious analogy showing that knowledge
will grant you the authority (sultan) to use
the angels’ powers.
Sihr Shirk, sadly, does not irk that way. In a
contract, in which you basically sell your
soul, a Jin (a separate party from yourself)
agrees to complete tasks for you. Herewith you
perform no hard tasks, it is as simple as
being ignorant enough to give up a piece of
your humanity and simply put, to perform the
truest version of Shirk, hence the name.

The most important part in this, is the
concept explained in nr.23 in the end part,
combined with respect to oneself and more
importantly God. Selling yourself out, as well
as God’s good will, but they’re actually one
and the same thing.


Crazy people lead

the world forward.
If it were up to those who said:”I wouldn’t do such a thing, for
surely I’d be mad to invest that much energy and time in a
single domain!”, no progress would happen.

For life as it is right now, is good enough for them. To see

something potentially better, to have a vision or to simply have
a passion for something.

’t is those who are connected to the in nite and never-ending,

those who have faith, that bring to earth their vision. That’s
why they’re called visionaries.

You wish to bring an idea into fruition. Yet those around you
do nothing. It is usually best to be around this who are better
in that domain than you. To be those who have a similar
passion to yours, so you may advance in the actualization of
your idea.

Obstacles, obstacles, obstacles and obstacles.

So many, yet few.

No matter what, remember the ultimate intelligence is focus.

Focus alone will get you wherever you wish.


metaforicna; bog i
covjek, zena i covjek.
For a while now I’ve been puzzled and confused on why men sort
of represent the whole of humanity and its meaning, and women
In our conquest through the whole universe, we humans hold the
stamp of creation. And the direct other side of this stamps is our
partner or ‘only other party in this relation’. God.
In our conquest of the universe, humanity has always best been
prescribed to do exactly that by the ‘men’. But where are the
We know that man is like allah.
We know that metaphors stand for us.

So, if men are humanity…

Then the only option left for women is for them to be… the god.
(notice how I used lowercase g)
Think about it.
We, men, work for the realization of the divine within the
women. ‘Devi’.
It is the full blooming of nature we as men need. For without it,
we cannot progress.

As you can see, there are plenty of connections to be made from

our relation with the creator to the relation between men and
women. As well as their own being and identity.

Another very important one in this case is the parenting role.
Which is shown to the creator in the well know, yet poorly
understood, phrase: “Bismi allah, al-rahman al-rahim”.
It cannot be coincidence that the second name is early similar to
the word for womb, namely:”al-rahma”.
Al-rahim symbolizes the feminine, not the female. It symbolizes
the ever so merciful mother. Who loves her child more than
anything and wants to take care of everything and everyone and is
to be epressed through the word “yes”. Whereas al-rahman
symbolizes the masculine, not he male. It symbolizes the ever so
just father who never enches at pointing out the false and is to
be expressed through the word “no”.




-As a continuation of bite nr.1-

In the spur of the moment a quick dash of lighting hit me

through the heart. Mother, father, sisters, brethren, friends,
foes, comrades…
Did I really need anything else besides them? YHVH acted
quickly and pulled me down. Screaming: “DONE WITH
YOU!” “No, YHVH, it is you who will be erased!” In a fraction
of a second I clench my st as if to say, “we all hold this hand
together, ve ngers and people are humans and humans are
ve” Piercing my rst right through his chest, he screams in
despair and I yell “begone! Return to nothing!”
As we all stand, with everyone dear, and everyone opposing,
but most importantly, everyone true. We see YHVH crumbling
away, he thought that making a deal with the devil would
promise him eternal life and even paradise. It was nothing but
a lie, and his arrogance paved the way for that. On the other
side, a certain EVERYTHING stands waiting: “with your
arrogance and corruption there is no mistaken. You will reside
ablaze forever and in despair. This despair is reserved for the
boastful.” And what is left of YHVH is but a cry of …despair


Yet who remained?

The devil.

The devil is always around! Never is he not here.

He waits for you to drop your guard, so he may nd an

Whispering: “I wish to do thus and such.” Not “you”. For he
even lies so that you may believe his ideas to be your own. But
they are nothing more than small impulses, which you can
have complete control over.
Why do the Gautamadists always speak of having control over
yourself? Is there another party trying to hold it over you?
Well, most de nitely there is!
The devil!

And the most dangerous trick the devil plays is that of the
If you were to jump up on a very high level, well that would be
pretty much impossible. Yet if there were extremely small
levels in-between where you stand and that high level.
“Hmm, taking this small step wouldn’t do any harm.” You’d
think, but then: “well, taking this second step isn’t any worse
either.” And before you know it you are at that level you
imagined to be oh so far away…




Say yes when you have to, and say no when you have to. Do
not fall for the greatest liar. For he means nothing but harm to


When one wishes to move, to what is it they hold on to?

Who is it they wish to help?


That, you will nd, is a truly awed plan.

For is there any point in trying to accomplish anything except

to help another?

I’ve been in a dark pit for a while, and today I have

completely(or so I believe) realized the reason how and why I
got here.

Tell me dear reader, do you wish to know the recipe for

internal disaster? The perfect mixture for hell and despair?

Well let me tell you!

A dash of cynicism with a heap of nihilism.

Thinking of anything as if it were worthless and pointless.

Saying to every opportunity: “what is the point?”, and “you’re
not even worth my time”. Now that is plan for despair. You
wish to be a wiseass in eye of opportunity? You want to be
one who doesn’t believe in oneself? Then you are but a
spineless coward! You were afraid of the challenge ahead, so
you turned to escape. But, you only postponed your despair,
everyone and everything was kind enough to give you another
chance and to push you forward. Yet you choose to take
advantage of that and take their energy and make it as your

All but one thing is to be lost. If you believe the possibility

exists, you should do whatever it takes to make it happen!
Don’t give up, get up and walk! Keep moving! Whatever you
do, do not ever abandon hope dear reader!

Don’t ever abandon hope!

That cold breeze and that soft whistle
of the cracks in the branches…
Temudjin closed his eyes finally after days of heat…

What he saw was a dream. A large space as if he was fully

under water in the deepest parts of the ocean. However, there
were no fish, there were no rocks or coral, and not even any
But in far distances he saw specs of light. Teeny tiny little
dots of light everywhere, in every direction.
Something felt off, but not in a bad way, just as if he was
dreaming but… more real.
In front of him appeared a swirly path made up of loose and
floating large white stones. You know, like the ones you see
on beaches, but much bigger, so big you can lie down on
So, hippyty hoppity, Temudjin made his way down the path.
Not knowing what was ahead, Temudjin remained n a state of
blissful ignorance. Yet YHVH and the devil wait ahead. Like
street punks waiting to mug the weaker kids at an alleyway.
They only prey on those weaker.
But every now and then, throughout history, a figure comes
up. And don’t be mistaken, this figure hasn’t just shown
up once or twice in all time. No no no, this figure is always
This figure, is not the type to be the prey of YHVH and the
devil, even though they do persuade it from time to time.
They stand in awe of the fire and persistence this figure holds,
even during the toughest of their schemes.

Temudjin wasn’t having it. They looked at him trying to tell

him that he stands no chance, mind you they have been doing
this since his birth, yet they know that it is them who stand
no chance. Would you like to know why, oh dear reader, that
Temudjin isn’t so easy to be trifled with?
It is because Temudjin holds his head up, he follows his heart
and his intellect, and thus follows virtue and moral.
ForTemudjin these things are simple. He doesn’t question
them for he has done that already.

It is for this that Temudjin holds a certain force with him that
most do not. And that force is Tengri. Ever so infinite, and
ever so endless. Self-sufficient and all-knowing. Tengri holds
Temudjin as if he were his friend. Showing even further just
how unique Temudjin was among the Humans on earth.

Thus Temudjin kept going through the sand-less, fish-less,

coral-less…sea. When he started approaching the sun he started
slowing down, thinking: “is this really a good idea?” And
when he said that, I simply stopped. I had no idea what or
how to think. What if it wasn’t a good idea? What if it was?
There was that story my good friend from earth, Wikius, once
told me about.
The story of Icarus; an angel who flew too close to the sun and
as a result his wings melted and he fell back down to earth.
Slowly approaching, slowly lurking up to the sun, Temudjin
started seeing something. Something in a similar shape of a
large gate; and in large and bold letters it said:

“Su er now, and be reimbursed

later, for that is the eternal life.
Live in the fake substance and
live eternity in ablaze.”

At that moment, having read those immense words of

immeasurable weight, Temudjin knew that this was a door not
meant to be opened just now. For all doors have a set time to
be opened at. So he went down back to earth. Trodding

And set forth on a path of heart, muscle, sun and steel.


You have made it to the end of the Thirty-three-parted series.
Wasn’t it fun, dear reader?
To me it feels as if though we’ve become very keen friends, as thick
as thieves!
Having read this little work of mine, you know the most of what
goes on in my head of any person in this world, you know?
But that’s not the point.
The point is to continue the lineage of my name…
You see, there is a lineage of people, strong willed and joyful.
They aren’t bonded by blood, nor by nation, not even by personal
connection of any kind.
It is their dream that connects them, their will…
I’m talking about inheritable will.
I may die, I may be killed.
However, the ame that has lit this lineage for epochs will never
die out.
Countless have been, countless will be.
But one day, a great one will come.
He’ll turn the world upside down and (metaphorically) challenge
the world to a ght.
And oh dear, will that day come.

I wished to have showed you something, my dear reader.

I hope to have lifted for you, some of the curtains that cover the
absolute…My dear reader.

I wish you to be open minded but critical.


And dear reader,

I may never meet you,
I may never even know your name or even see you.
But, I hope you understand and realize what I mean when I tell

I love you.

With kind regards,


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