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M Dolores Porto

Are you new to teaching?

Are you currently working as a teacher?
OTP- Observed Teaching Practice ARP- Action Research Project

• For students who are new

to teaching • For practising teachers
• For students who do not a • For teachers who have good
group to teach right now teaching experience
• 300-hour teaching practice • Apply for a supervisor who
in a school assigned by your is specialized on their topic
• Write a final report on the
What’s an Action
Research Project?
It is a process in which teachers
investigate teaching and learning so as
to improve their own teaching and their
students' learning

Teachers who have carried out action

research often report significant changes to
their understanding of teaching
1. Observe – Identify the problem
– What’s wrong/can be improved?
– Narrow it down so that it is manageable
– Collect data and find evidence
2. Plan your action
– Revise theories
– Think of a possible solution
– Plan the steps
3. Act on the problem
– Follow the steps of your plan
– Gather evidence on results
4. Observe the results– Reflect and draw conclusions
– Analyse the evidence you gathered
– Check if the action was successful
– Decide on possible corrections for future
• For all research projects involving

Comité de Ética de la Investigación

y Experimentación Animal
Write your TFM
✓ Written in English
✓ Word length: 8,000 -12,000
✓ Double or 1.5 line spacing
✓ References : APA style

Prepare for Oral Defense

✓ Assessing Committee
✓ Visual support (template)
✓ 10-15 minutes
✓ Answer questions
Application for supervisor

Choose your topic

Choose your supervisor

October 31st
Procedures, guidelines,
advice, examples….
Oral Defense
• Make a realistic choice of subject
• Pick something that can be completed in time
In what area of research would I like to work?
( 4 skills, evaluation, grammar, motivation, … )
What specific aspects within this area would I like to study?
(videos in pronunciation, fairytales to improve reading, dictionary work
for spelling, …)

Check previous research on the topic

(in academic sources!!! )

How can I use this in my teaching practice?

Make decisions: theoretical approach, methods

What data is appropriate to investigate this topic?

(field notes, recordings, tests….)

How can I proceed in the analysis?

Groups, timing, resources (human and material)

Develop a very general (and provisional) outline

Avoid Plagiarism
Presenting other people’s work as your
(often unintended)
➢ Cite sources (APA style)
▪ Summarize in your own words
▪ Use quotation marks
Important dates

Apply for a supervisor – 31st October

(Application Ethics Committee – 31st January recommended)
Your final draft – 2nd June
Definite version – 16th June
Oral Defense – 30th June
Do you need more
• Visit the virtual classroom
• Review this presentation
• Visit the Master’s website
• Visit the Library website
• Ask your supervisor
• Ask ME

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