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Make tuoo 6entence8 using the undertined pre
L liveby supermaxkt

) T9hn ua& punisheat b_ his fathex

02 egine cletex.minex
A detexmines Q u0Yd that modites dexxibeS,
intocuuces a nGun eterminer Can be (Lsed
fo daxigu-
daxisy ohat anun XELENEGtp (e
Cax) Qnd t0 indftate9uantity r umbek 40t
Legfour uheal&)
03 cghat ae tuo ubes Og underlined axtide The
Jhe cdekinite axtide The' is sed
noun t indicate thatthe bekore q
iclentityOf the Doun
isRnown to the eder
) Jho' is used, to deseube
e noun 7
apecific and din
Aaun ph0se
y 9hich axtiile ib not used bekore absttact nouns
05 H k_athez thie eeRA the holidaya

d6 Write twn examplso dekinite axficles

Junexamples cleLinite tiles axe
Jhe iun dipped belous the hetiaan.
Jhe dog t h a t hit me XOn 0uau

Jdentit repsitiGn i n dentene given bela

A Captien ís holaus a genexal

0 8 Jdentijy prepernnun in senierice given belou)

Japil i s the axis Raiasta

9dentib- detexminex in Aenfericegien heloug

He is enough brave to do it
undertined modal Can
o LOtite two CLs madal Vexb.
q mmfnrly whed
Jhe moclal can is
I6 Lsed in
0Jo exptess ahility opperkunity
ydShous bassibility Ar impassihility
Lhing deteumine could
AMake @ne áentence
he CQuld speak Seieral fonguages
d12 uOhai is diterenLe betudcen May and Might

May Might
USUallyuAed Q8 Q moclal migkt can be usea Qs o
exb Ht can albo be Lsedmodai Vexb 0s unel Qsg

2 eh used kor expressingexh sed 05

Li Pessibilities d Past kpanm Of theetba
Expressin9 hope ga?z 'may
tA015hes Epession of a palite
exShe mayin us |Hequest_fo a5king ko 9
dinnér_ exmissi9n
ex 9 might have jeinedeu
tat night i itueren't kar
the ain

write &ne use G 'Must' i t h Ome exampte?

e usually use 'must to taIp about abllgations
Lohich CEme ram the speakeK
Must is uhed to expteS Obilloatfenging &rdexs
and giga aduie

Px Uou must ceme and see s seen

Oy Meine Aunctuatisn 2
Puricfuatiom i6 the uhe o umbol uch as Aull
steps Gt pexiads Cemma5 0 question_maxks tD
disidecOAiten Grds into 6entences and Clauses
dIS uChatae uotatiam maxks
uaien moxR& Oemt ofen Áed tn maxk
Smettung tht is &peken _ar in othex ulgrdsto
signatea_diret Quoteduatien maxks as g
hai mazks o ( blaredQxOLnd a

lgOrite fmne Sentcnce usinginiexted SmmqA

One denttnceusing inverted_cemmas arei
gshau qive ouÁeme uo0s to make 9-

dalcite ne dentcace UAÍngOpostebhe

Qm T'm Tm pdnning tn rite a hoak

Q8 Qekine Taygen
Tagen i5 the fechniol fexminelog Gr characderisi-
s idiam 9 6pecial atisity G gkeup MAt
Haygeni technicQ exminmlogyinvozing tems o axt
indusy tEXms, pith paxtiulak meaning
meaning uithin

a specikiG indLsty

g iL în the hlank ithduitabte madaLin gien

aeqister fh the t ueaR o tUrm
Lmay [omust).
020 i in the blan th maclal n
given entence
have beha ved uRe that (Shoutd notl
AOOuld not)
ihoud not

OepinemodalQuxiliaxy vexb
ASmall Oup o
the Vertbs
Cttit Quxiliay 2etbscae
are mly uaed inCembine
flGn_uaith rdinaxy Vexbs A modal2exb Changa
the Oth@x v0xb 's
kLem åimple kact
meaning to SCmething ijkerent|
dhe pindpa modalVecbs can CTe:
Can COuld, may might MUSttc.
Q2 Oite any tuo negatie ehfeckso wMeng editig
Ok OtHicialcleuiments
= c P9s Audio incamsistent udio.
Shuemplete kan siti8ms
03 ejine axtides uith_example
A artide IsQ 00rd that is used to indlcate
that nGunS Q Noun uOithout descibing it
der eg2 n Q senfence Alick baught o
cloq t h e Qvtide indicafes that the LOGrd
do (s NOun
Atiuecan aLho mocliky anything fhat a50
nem uch as a piEnoun G Q noun phhas
Ou u i t e tulo uACS O dlekinite atide-
Jhe dekinite axtide the 6 Used to falR_
ahouct a particulas hersan&thing
Lhe thcok yau sant 5 Out f pint

Cii he ceinite axtilethe is alaoued to talp abaut

a peLsen d thing that has aHeQdy beern a¬hE-
OUHed ho
Jhe uing

O>HP_ arny DuY QuaLheso6 900d edifed douament

)Attentien to detaie Jhe hitstand mkt
pheious chazadteristils 9and 90od editor is thee
Qttention to detail.
ti knouledge o gammak Fditors hqveto have an
in-depth undexsfanding 93mmay
knoua ledae - le
Civ ) imlinPss
Stoutine douumenk
Explain hour to prmread
Proo Rtead uautine claumenksby'
i Siep ausay then nLb o 40LY document
prcint q haxod ceby
Kead Qlnud
cammpany btle &t0ndards
( Remoe excess gdi
Explain r Lemove jaxg£n
Check Aentcnce KHuctuNe.
(Yu)Regieu Hous arrcl seguenching

Explainthe the broes8 e edifingdoumeK
Jhe ptoess eding clOuLments Qxei
G CeMdse_uCrding
9m business fime isindeed m&ney Hansiatd
nto Aiting this means t h a t SndsemeS5age
Xeadin9 tme

ulerdy PxepesiHienal phrases

CiiL 2919 Lead-_In6
Ctv1 Oufdated xpres5si8ns
Aeedieis Advexbs
Redundant 10rds
() (ltches
(K Cencete louns andSpeihic wOTds-
(xi) Jatku L0xiting
03 e ughat f's tactful
usingeditingátage me dhauld have a dea
i e u about Crect aHtude tene alan
G9ith the Cetrect anguage
AHitude atHftude in a technical ting
xeAexS to the eeLHIOn the opinian D the
on the eadek
Tactless Vexsien: e0e oill nct be ahle to prat
to pra
yoe busn ess torm8 are to
yowr 9der becauhe
ague and QY uriacceptahle to uS

04LChs6%e_ uitabie_macdals iven SentenE6

i SEs Vey (old today Aunu thinkit

Enouslafer 2

L)Mum sayg ue Lwatch V QLtey u9etveinished

Ow hemewerk

pik me upat the 8tafign T an_

i oy dont
have to

be amistake
his his is impoasihleit

haveáeen_me becauAe he ualked past

aithaut dayîng Helol.

have lai the azwith pekra hetere

oughE to

0S u i t e Six elemenk o puntuaHon

buntuaH@n aUre-
i x elemenK
uestfon iak
ex How do ouUkeyou e994
FxClamatHi9n Paint L
ex Lnot out behind uoy she eued
tL Comma C
ex Je, it oa8 nce fo see you 4gain
iv) Colem[:1
ex Jhe dlid nt hae time to LOaste t was
alereadly late

ex> Kast8ummek ue traveled to (emdon,
england Qnd Paris
(vi) Dash -1
ex Her AnSwer cO5 cdeqa yes

0L Bblainfrour to prookead emPiex douments
Peonread1 CEmplex douLmen
) embany Shyle
hat the tOne_and stlee the dolument
matches fhe douLment tyhe and purpese
For ex an_ ínfexnal dizective ail generally t
dikerent fenehan maKmaxRetihy

rmat Revieu
Pa aktrentigr to the erjangatio t h a dounment
sheuld He Loirally rBm ne Sedin to th
nextZopk t2 Seei the douument useg
Y headlihea
Subfhea.cding ih Q_ CEmsistent ad_easily
manner eQsily xeLOgni-
nammor and spelling
Kead6enttntesQngbaxoghaphA Uaiely tn make Su
the áuctuxeisLogialpnkuatiem S CEimplele
dnd the utiding
ts 6math

fayout Cxitioue
t h e daument includes graphs dr_chars, make
ÁUre theu doot oVeLoheln theert and axe ra
Qttec pinperly

v)Cemkixm AuLacy
HuNQte inkmmiatiknin husmes douments h eBsentia
t q Lempan int ear ity

6i ihal
40u might also ant ta ask another bersarn_
t cokover fhe inal dhagt to nofe an
emainitg pt oY oin k LImfuki}n

2 cShat ore abiectiza pruaa eadingand editing

douments 2, editi1 o daCLmeAK
hyecti o h0o eading aXe

Underatand the thirdbhase o the KiHng_ptaess



(2)tou need to take g sip back m yauk R

nd beemme an editox Ohith mvelves 9 8hist_in

Read aus etk aunud o au canheaH_ahat it|

S&LNds ike Qnd CEme to it QkLLsh

)deave asmuch @laauc be ot- ca time blu the

uOitingQnd the editing ou Can to help
qo et distante e m y a u LOoKk a ame t
it_as_a elde e0outd

6)Revise mes50g9s to Qcheize CEnise otdihg y

Climinating LOSrdyp1epthitienal bhrases

6 ) Revise messagesto elimihate lteKs2epetikou5 0M

and 2edundancies

(7Reuae mes5agg to uhejaxgom spaingly and aid

glang Qnd Ciiches

Revise mêssages to înducle ptreise 1eths, CEn
nouns Qnd vivid adjetives

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