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Topic: Some people say that the experiences a child has before starting school have the most
influence on their future life. Others say that experiences as a teenager, especially at school,
are more influential. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

It is undeniable that in this day and age, knowledge orientation exerts huge influences on
future generation. Some people opine that pre-school experiences are the most momentous for
children’s future life. While others think that teenager experience are more important. In this piece
of writing, I will elaborate both school of thoughts as well as the reason I am of the latter viewpoint.
On the one hand, pre-school stage prepares children fundamental foundation of human being.
Specifically, children’s developing brain allows them to accumulate a wide range of information
quickly and durably. Therefore, events that kids had undergone in the first stage of their life leave a
long-lasting impression on their memory. As a result, children who are facilitated particularly by
their parents will definitely be well-behaved and vivacious in the future. Additionally, uneducated
kids are more likely to become corruptible or vunerable to society. To examplify, children suffering
from bullying or abusing in their childhood turn out to be bashful because of the incident that they
had to witness.
On the other hand, teenager experiences equip youngster with a more comprehensive view of
their own world. If childhood helps children to shape their characteristics such as behaviour and
creativity, schooldays help them to utilize and develop their feature thoroughly. Since most of
children tend to change their psychology and thinking when they enter teenage stage; as a result,
they are disoriented and unsympathetic at this phase. Therefore, school experiences play an crucial
role by assisting in the process of forming their opinions and perspective on life. Additionally,
academic institutions make teenagers capable of perceiving and interpreting the matters, cultivate
them into mature individuals.
In conclusion, I would emphasize that children should be educated carefully at schoolage
because the experiences they gain determine what kind of human they will be in the future.

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