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rs ec =m CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Addendum to CSC MC No. 8, s. 2007 Number: £00 ‘on Management of 201/120 Files Promulgated: 22 NOV 2010 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Section 3, Article IX-B of the 1987 Constitution provides that the Civi] Service Commission (CSC) shall institutionalize a management climate conducive to public accountability; WHEREAS, Section 12(3), Chapter 3. Vitle (A), Book V of Executive Order No, 292 of the Revised Administrative Code of 1987 provides that the CSC shall promulgate policies, standards and guidelines for the Civil Service and edope plans and programs to promote economical efficient and effective personnel administration inthe government; WHEREAS, Section 12(18}. Chapter 3, Title (A), Book V of EO 292 provides that the Commission shall keep and maintain personnel records of all officials and employees in the Civil Service: WHEREAS, Section 16(6) Chapter 3. Title (A) of Book V of £0 292 provides that the Office of Central Personnel Records {now Integrated Records Management Office) shall formulate and implement policies, standards, rules and reguletions pertaining t6 personnel records, maintenance, security, control and disposals WHEREAS, CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998 or the Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Personnel Actions includes among the responsibilities of the Human Resource Management Officers (HRMO}, the maintenance of a complete 201 file for each employee of their respective offices: WHEREAS, CSC MC No. 8 5. 2007 provides that the 201/120 file of a govemment employee shall be turned-over by the agency"s HRMO to the concerned employee upon said employee's resignation, retirement or «eparation from the government service and thereafter, said employee shall assume responsibility for the said documents: WHEREFORE, the Commission RESOLVED as it hereby RESOLVES to adopt the following additional duties and responsibilities of the Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO)’ 1. Duties and Responsibilities Pertaining to the Initial Turn-over of 201/120 Files (see Procedural Flow A) 1. Sort and segregate 201/120 files of resigned/tetired/separated personnel. Ina Race to Serve eat IAPR vB wows Coonlinate with the Legal OMfice/Unit of the ageney. Civil Service Commission and Ombudsman to ensure that the individual has no pending axiministrative case’ Cheek the records of the agency to ensure that the employee has been cleared of all property and money accountal Prepare a list of the 201/120 files to be released 10 resignedretired? separated personnel, their authorized representatives or next of kin using the attached sample format for the said record (Record on Release of 01/120 Files or Form |), which shall also serve as receiving form and recon! of the records released! t0 appropriate parties. ost in the website of the Office/LInit/Ageney! Department information on the turnaver of 201/120 files of personne! Who resignediretired or were separated frum the service prior to the issuamee of CSC MC No. 8 s, 2007 and tis Memorandum Circular together with a list of the names of {qualified personnel ‘The HRMO shall Tikewise cause the dissemination of said information through posting in the agency’ website*bulletin board, publication in a newspaper of general circulation. distribution of flyers. posting of posters in public areas, radio broadcasts and/or such other forms oF information media. Mark duplicate documents as “Certified Duplicate Copy” and dry seal them prior to release or turn-over to concemed parties. Issue a Centfication as te the authenticity of duplicate documents with original signatures of authorized representatives contained in the 201/120 file (Form 2) to be signed by the Head of Otfiee/Director IVAN of the Human Resource Management Office. The same shall be released together with the 201/120 files to serve as additional support document to the appointment or any other document specified therein when the need arises, Require the claimant to accomplish a Request for Reledse of Records Form «Form 3) Release the 201/120 files to any one of the following: a) the owner ofthe 2017120 file upon presentation of a valid Wentification Card (ID): b) a duly authorized representative upon presentation of a valid ID of the fwwner. authorization leter and hisiher own valid 1D: orc) ifthe owner of, the 201 Tiles deceased, a relative upon presentation of proot of relationship tothe deceased and histher own ID. | oe | Duties anid Responsibilities Pertaining to Succeeding Tar-Over of 201/120 Files (see Procedural Flow B) 1. List the 201/124 files to be released to resigned etired/separated personnel, using the attached sample lormat for the suid record [Record on Release af 201/120 Files or Form 1) Ensure that the individual has no pending administrative case with the ageney. Civil Servie Commission and/or the Ombudsman: and fas been cleared ofall property and money accountabilities, Mark duptica ‘entitied Duplicate Copy” and dry seal them prior release oF turn-aver to the concerned personnel fication as to the authenticity of duplicate documents sith representatives contained in the 201/120 id of Office’Director I/IL of the res oF authorize ved by the H 20 file to serve as additional support document to the 1 other docasment specified therein when the need arises appoint Release the 201/120 files to any one of the following: a) the owner of the 2OL/120 file upon presentation of a valid Mlenttication Card (ID): b) a uly authorized eepresentative upon presentation of a valid ID of the Downer. authorization leer and bivher own valid ID; or e) if the owner of the 201 file is deceused, @ relative upon presentation of proof of relationship to the deceased and hivher own 1D. Other Duties and Responsibilities Pertaining t0 201/120 Files 4. Require personnel who resign, retire or ane separated from the service t0 Submit a duplicate copy of Clearance trom Property and Money Aceuuntahifiies ane information on forwarding address and. contact number's 2. Retain the personnel's service record. duplicate cop$ of Clearance from Property and Money Accountablities and the forwarding address ang ccamtact numbers in the records oP the Ageney after turnover of the other isthe personnel’s 201/120 files conte Keep 201/120 files thar remain unclaimed after resignationireirement! Separation oF afier the wrn-over period for one (1) year, after which the ‘sid records may be disposed of, Proceeds of sale shall be deposited in the bank account of the Office’ Linit/A geney/ Department 1. Sulit to the National Atehives of the Philippines (NAP) at report on the UL 120 Tiles that were turned-over to individual personnel on account of resignation, retirement or separation frum the service. This Resolution shall take effect after filtebn (15) days ftom its publication ina newspaper of general circulation. Quezon City FR DUQUE UL Chima CESAR D. BE NATL Commissioner eit Atiested by Director IV Commission Secretariat and Liaison Office A. PROCEDURAL FLOW IN THE INITIAL TURN-OVER OF 201/120 FILES, (OF RETIRED/RFSIGNEDSEPARATED GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES ‘TURN-OVER OF 201/120 FILES Verifies if Name isin Form 1 i the Documents he ‘SC MC No. 8.5. 2007) 3 i Fain 4 Name of Agency RECORD ON RELEASE OF 201/120 FILE NAVE OF FORMER PERSONNEL DATEOF aRTA, 5 SIGRATURE OF OREOF (Sumame, Given Name, Miadie Name) teorvaanyyon | *| 242] 4] ®| ©] 7 8] | 10] 8) 22] 19] 14) 8] 8 CLAIMANT RELEASE agent 6: Copes of Corficates of Eigioes 2: NB Giaarance 1 Appointment’ [(CSC Form 33(:885)] 7. Copies of Diplomas. Commendations end Awards 1% Nobeels of Salary Adjusiments/Step Increments 2- Assumption 10 Duty {8 Gopies of DisciphinaryActons 14 Oaths f fice py of Martage Contract 15: Persona) Data Sheet [CSC Form 212 (2008)] Designations ‘Mecical Certiicate (CSC Form 211(1987) 17- Service Record GS 16: Oners, please specty 3. Gertiicaton’s of Leave Balances 44 Clearance trom Property and Money Account 5. Contracts of Services (GUIDE IN USING THE FORM: be attaches to this core 4. The last a (2) columns are forthe signature of he claimant and data of receptor ralaase ofthe 201/120 fas, Form 2 AGENCY LOGO NAME OF AGENCY. ‘Address of Agency PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This certifies that the following documents (marked J) in the name of Mr/Ms First Name, Middle Initial, Surname) are authentic and were part of his/her 201/120 files ‘while employed in this Office: [1 __ 1. Duplicate copy (with original signatures of authorized signatories) of Appointmens fo (enumerate speifc position’s und name of agence Oo Duplicate copy of Clearance from Property and Money Accountabilities (with original signatures of authorized signatories) issued by (enumerane name of agencwies Duplicate copy of Contract of Services(with original signatures of authorized signatories) enumerute specific postion’s und name of ageneyries) oO 7. Duplitate copy of designation’s (with original signatures of authorized signatoties) as (enumerate specific position’s amd dates Duplicate copy of Notice/s of Salary Adjustments/Step Increments (with original signatures of authorized signatories) as (enumerate postion’s and date 9. Duplicate copy of Oath of Office (with original signature of authorized signatory) issued by dnume of agency ond dat Duplicate copy of Position Description Forms as (with or of authorized signatories) fenmmerate specific pasition’s.asinelicate in the Posirion Description Farm) (CJ 11. Duplicate copy of Service Record (with original signature of authorized Signatories) a o | This certification is bei issued to support the use of the documents marked ¥ above . Affix Ageney Dry Seal Over Signature PRINTED NAME & SIGNATURE HEAD OF OFFICE/DIRECTOR IH1V. (Note: Do not leave any of the above boxes unmarked, Mark with X boxes without J) Form 3 Name of Agency REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF 201/120 FILE Date. Name in 201/120 File: ‘Sumamney [ewen Name) (alo Name) Date of Birth Place of Bit Reason for Leaving the Government Service To Resgnaton [| Retwement [| Others, ns. speci oe Name of Requesting Party: Relation to Owner of 201/120 Fite, ‘Checklist of Requirements: 4) IClaimant i the owner of the 207/120 fe ‘One (1) Identification Card (ID) 2)\f Claimant is an authorizes representative ‘One {1} ID of owner authorization letter and one (1) ID of authorizes representaine 1) owmer of the 201/120 fe is deceased, the claimant, who mest be a descendant ofthe deceased, shall present proof of relationship tothe deceased and hisiner on 1. ~Tianatare of Requesting Porty) — Released by Signature} Printed Name « (Signature) Designation Printed Name of HRMO | Date Release: _

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