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Work Package Quality

 To ensure effective implementation of
Investigation of Campus the project to the desired site, the
geography/landscape geography/landscape must be guaranteed
safe for the installation process.
Determination of possible Locations  The chosen location must be safe,
B for Tank, Pumps, water lines and safeguarded and not prone to possible
dispenser. breakage/damage.
 The drawings and designs must be
appropriate for the location of the
C Design and drawings project. Accurate drawings and designs
must be produced and must coincide
with the needs of the project.
 The quality of needed materials must be
looked into. The specifications of
D Canvassing materials from suppliers must match the
required specifications of materials for
the project.
 Verification of the dimensions of pipe,
elbows, and fittings with the declared
specification of the manufacturer before
E Piping, elbows, and fittings purchasing and visual inspection of the
aforementioned materials before buying
must be done to ensure quality and
functional products.
 Equipment procured must coincide with
the design specs. Counter checking the
Dispensers, centrifugal pump, and manufacturer claimed specifications of
water tank the equipment and visual inspection
before payment of the equipment must
be executed.
 The water tank and the centrifugal pump
should be installed accurately within the
G Tank and Pump Installation
suggested guidelines with regards to the
site evaluation results and design.
 The pipe quality and sizes must be
Pipes, Elbows and Fittings, Dispenser
H correct relative to the approved design.
 Compare results with the design
specifications from the design work
Pressure Head Testing and Leakage
I package and evaluate if the required head
was provided by the pump and if not
leakage are observed.
 The quality of potable water must adhere
J Water Quality Assessment
to the standards set by the Department of
Health (DOH) of Administrative Order
No. 2017-0010 or also known as the
Philippine National Standards for
Drinking Water of 2017.
 The pump and the dispenser should work
relative to how it was designed.
Specifically, the flow rate and the head
supplied by the pump, and the
K Pump Priming and Dispenser Startup
functionality of the dispensers must be
within the set standards. This can be
done by pump testing and operation of
 The quality of potable water must adhere
to the standards set by the Department of
Health (DOH) of Administrative Order
L Water Quality Assessment
No. 2017-0010 or also known as the
Philippine National Standards for
Drinking Water of 2017.
 The quality and functionality of the
pump, tank, and piping must be
regularly. The measured quality must be
compared to the initially designed system
M Pump, Tank, and Piping Maintenance
if it is still within the acceptable
operational limit. Otherwise, necessary
modifications, repair, and revisions must
be executed.

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