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Precedence Diagram

Work Package Predecessor Duration (days)

Investigation of Campus
A - 5

Determination of possible
Locations for Tank,
B A 8
Pumps, water lines and
C Design and drawings A 20
D Canvassing B,C 14

E Piping, elbows, and fittings D 7

Dispensers, centrifugal
F D 7
pump, and water tank

G Tank and Pump Installation F 10

Pipes, Elbows and Fittings,

H E 10
Dispenser Installation

Pressure Head Testing and

I G,H 7
Leakage Detection

J Water Quality Assessment I 14

Pump Priming and

K J 13
Dispenser Startup

L Water Quality Assessment K 10

Pump, Tank, and Piping

M L 10
Figure __. Precedence Diagram

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