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IELTS SPEAKING FORECAST QUY 1 2023 (January - April)

Part 1
Topic 01: Technology
Topic 02: Social Media
Topic 03: Snacks
Topic 04: Singing
Topic 05: Puzzles
Topic 07: Public transportation
Topic 08: Names
Topic 09: Morning times
Topic 10: Housework and cooking
Topic 11: Hometown
Topic 12: Home & Accommodation
Topic 13: Geography
Topic 14: Birthday
Topic 15: Chocolate
Topic 16: Staying up late
Topic 17: Outer space and stars
Topic 18: Jewelry
Topic 19: Music
Topic 20: Small businesses
Why do some people decide to set up their own business?
What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?
What are some of things you have to do when running your own business that
might not appeal to everyone?
Topic 21: Weekends
Topic 22: Writing

Topic 23: Work or Study

Topic 24: Weather

Topic 25: The area you live in

Topic 26: Noise

Topic 27: T-shirts

Topic 28: Happiness

Topic 29: Art

PART 2&3
Topic 01: Place for sports
Topic 02: A friend from your childhood
Topic 03: Interesting story/novel
Topic 04: Impressive English lesson
Topic 05: Important things you learned
Topic 06: Recommend a place to visitors
Topic 07: Favorite movie
Topic 08: Favorite show/program
Topic 09: Praised (positive feedback)
Topic 10: Person loves to grow plants
Topic 11: Fashion people
Topic 12: Person from different culture
Topic 13: Difficult thing
Topic 14: Decide to wait
Topic 15: Person inspired you to do sth interesting
Topic 16: Outdoors activities
Topic 17: Home of familiar
Topic 18: Disagreement
Topic 19: Problem while shopping
Topic 20: Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something
Topic 21: Search for information
Topic 22: Plastic waste
Topic 23: Receive money as a gift
Topic 24: Forgot an appointment
Topic 25: Photo taken that you are proud of
Topic 26: Beautiful items
Topic 27: Share sth with others
Topic 28: Describe a period in history that interests you
Topic 29: Describe something you did with a group of people
Topic 30: Describe a small business that you would like to own/open
Topic 31: Describe an unusual meal
Topic 32: Describe a website you often visit
Topic 33: Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
Topic 34: Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short time
Topic 35: Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting
Topic 36: Describe a place you visited that was affected by air pollution
Topic 37: Describe a free time activity you enjoyed when you were younger
Topic 38: Describe a person you like or want to work or study with
Topic 39: Describe a gift you got
Topic 40: Describe a complaint you made and you were satisfied with the results
Topic 41: Describe something that you would like to learn in the future
Part 1

Topic 01: Technology

Topic 02: Social Media
Topic 03: Snacks

(thi giấy 5/1/2023, thi máy 18/1/2023)

Topic 04: Singing
Topic 05: Puzzles
Topic 07: Public transportation
Topic 08: Names
Topic 09: Morning time
Topic 10: Housework and cooking
Topic 11: Hometown
Topic 12: Home & Accommodation
Topic 13: Geography

(thi máy 2/1/2023)

Topic 14: Birthday
Topic 15: Chocolate

Do you like chocolate?

Oh, yeah! I can't live a day without it. It's a kind of antidepressant for me. It helps me to
reduce stress and gives a refreshing effect to my brain. I always feel elated after eating
chocolate and can't avoid the temptation to eat it again and again.

Do you like chocolate?

Oh, no, I don't. I don't like any sweets at all except for fruits. Chocolate and stuff like that are
too heavy for me. What's more, they leave an unpleasant aftertaste. So, no, it's not my type
of delight.

Did you like chocolate when you were a child?

Definitely. I think there are no kids in the world who don't enjoy eating chocolate. I really
adored that melt- in-my mouth feeling every time I popped a piece of chocolate in my mouth
and always waited for chocolate surprises from everyone coming to our place.

Did you give chocolate as a present to someone?

Millions of times, actually. First of all, it's a traditional present on st Valentine's Day. It
symbolizes affection, attraction, deep love, luxury, passion and sensuality. What is more, I
think it's an exciting sweet surprise for children which makes them really happy and a perfect
"thank you' gift to colleagues, friends, teachers and employers.

Topic 16: Staying up late

1 Do you go to sleep early or stay up late?

2 How do you feel in the morning after you stay up late?

I don't usually feel very good, obviously. I feel very drowsy and find it difficult to concentrate
on anything. It's quite a shame since I really want to be productive and sometimes the
sleepiness just won't allow me to get on with anything.

3 What were you doing when you stayed up late last time?
I work in most occasions. However, I also have to stay up late if there are office parties and
other important events with my clients. What I hate most is pulling an all-nighter for a
next-day presentation, because I get really sluggish and stressed.
Topic 17: Outer space

Do you want to travel in the outer space?

Of course I do. I love space and I am sure travelling there would be a great experience. I'll
get a chance to float around, discover new planets and see aliens. So yeah, I'd really love to
try it.

What would you do if you had an opportunity?

If I had an opportunity, I would definitely take it as I've been dreaming about space travel
since my childhood. I know that the amount of training I'd have to do before such a trip is
quite big and I know that it can be dangerous as I might get lost or run out of oxygen but still
I'd no doubt seize this chance.

Have you ever learnt about stars and outer space?

Yes, I once tried it. It was an online course and I took it last summer. I wanted to learn
information about distant past and future of Earth, the Sun and our universe and I was
satisfied with the knowledge and learning experience the course provided me with. No,
never. I can even say that I have never thought about it. Maybe it's because I have a list of
more important courses I would like to take in the not-too- distant future.

Is it important to study stars? I am sure it is. Stars help people understand how our solar
system was formed, give a lot of information about the physical world and have influence on
people's life. So it's really important to study them.

Topic 18: Jewelry

1. How often do you wear jewellery? [Why/Why not?]

Almost every day. I always have my earrings and a watch on and a

gemstone necklace for some formal ceremonies. I love wearing jewelry
because it is a beautiful fashion accessory that can make my outfits stand
out and more attractive.
2. What type of jewellery do you like best? [Why/Why not?]

I’ve currently had a love affair with filigree jewelry, a form of intricate
metalwork originating from ancient civilizations. I read about it
somewhere on the Internet and was so mesmerized by its beauty that I
instantly bought a pair of filigree earrings to wear on special occasions.

3. When do people like to give jewellery in your country [Why?]

In Vietnam, jewelry is the most popular gifts for weddings. Generally, the
elderly relatives in the family and very close friends of the bride and the
groom will give gold jewelry to the couple.

4. Have you ever given jewellery to someone as a gift? [Why/Why


No, I haven’t. To be honest, I don’t think giving jewelry as a gift is a good

idea if you don’t know the recipient’s preferences. Instead, I usually buy
chocolate boxes or some kinds of luxury stationery items to gift my
friends and colleagues.
Topic 19: Music

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

I am a music lover so I enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music
be it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover different
kinds of music influence me in different ways, for example classical music lessens
depression whereas rock music evokes strong memories.

When did you start listening to that type of music?

I started listening to pop music at a very early age, guess I was around 5 or 6 years
old. This catchy and easy-listening music tempted me and I just couldn't help
listening to it. As far as rock is concerned, I fell in love with it in my early twenties
after I heard the Rolling Stones' 'Paint it black'

Do you often listen to music?

It seems I listen to it all the time. I do it while working, driving a car, spending time on
the Internet, walking. down the street, working out, cooking and even lying. around.
So yeah, I can say that I listen to music my. entire day.

When do you listen to music?

Well, I would say I listen to music whenever I can but I mostly do it when I am out of
work and have free time though sometimes I turn on music at work when I need to
focus on some important task

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

I guess I spend about 70 percent of my time listening to music. I listen to it my entire

day while working, walking,. driving a car, cooking, surfing the Internet. So year
guess at least 70 percent of my day.

How do you feel when you listen to it?

I feel elated when I listen to the music I like. I just melt into the melody and flow with
the rhythm. It makes me relieved, pumped up and really blissful.
Topic 20: Small businesses

(thi máy ngày 11/1/2023)

Do you prefer buying things in big companies or from small businesses?

Oh, definitely from small businesses as, first of all, small businesses always do their best to
be competitive and provide the best price. Secondly, they are more likely to provide better
customer service if there are any problems with the merchandise as all purchases, deals and
positive reviews matter for them. And, of course when I buy from small companies, I cycle
money back into my community and, thus, support the local economy.

Do you know many small businesses?

Yeah, there are lots of small businesses where I live. I mean pizza parlors, coffee shops,
restaurants, barber shops and retail outlets. Nowadays many people prefer to start small
business 'cause they want to have the freedom to fill smaller niches with less common and
more innovative products.

Why do some people decide to set up their own business?

Sometimes people set up their own business because they have new ideas to execute.
Moreover they feel confident enough to understand the pros and cons of the situation. Some
cases it’s just an emergency and in some it is just an experiment.

What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?

There are many dangers one should keep in mind before opening a business. First and
foremost is the probability ratio of how much the business will be successful. Because
spending a bag full of money on a startup and failing it for lack of strategy is a waste of time
and money.

What are some of things you have to do when running your own business that might not
appeal to everyone?

One has to be selfish enough to not share their own strategies. Never start a business in
partnership. Also, one should not keep any dues.

Topic 21: Weekends

1 What do you usually do at weekends?/ What did you do last weekend/ What do you do on

2 Do you like weekends?

3 Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?

Q. How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?]

Answer: I usually spend my weekends by mostly doing the outdoors like

enjoying swimming (on summer days), fishing and gardening. I enjoy
these outdoor activities mainly because I spend too much of a time indoor
at my work. Oh, by the way, I also like to go to my favourite restaurant
with my friends in order to enjoy some “relaxing and fun” time. I enjoy
doing all these outdoor activities because they make me strong, positive
and rejuvenated to deal with “all-so-familiar-struggles” of our modern,
tough and complicate world.

Q. Which is your favourite part of the weekend? [Why?]

Answer: My favourite part of the weekend is certainly the “morning” when

I don’t have to worry about waking up early and getting ready quickly to
get to work. Then, of course, I also like the part when I don’t really have
to worry about going to bed “early” or staying up late at night. Even more
special are the Friday nights when my mind is pretty much “occupied”
with the very thoughts of enjoying a long weekend, waiting ahead of me.

Q. Do you think your weekends are long enough? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Yes, I do think that my weekends are long enough because it

helps me to rejuvenate for the challenges of the next week by allowing
me to do the things that I really enjoy. Of course, an extra weekend day
would certainly be welcome by many people like me, but I don’t see it
happening in the near future. So, essentially, whether our weekend is
long enough or not depends on how we plan to spend the time.

Q. How important do you think it is to have free time on the

weekends? [Why?]

Answer: There is no doubt that work is important, but so is the

recreation, families and friends. But, without enough free time, be it on
the weekends or some other times, we just won’t be able to “recharge”
ourselves, nor will we be able to interact with our families and friends
enough in order to show them that they really matter in our lives.
Therefore, it is absolutely important that we have enough free time in
order to ensure a “balanced” life so that not only we can succeed in our
professional life but also in personal life.
Topic 22: Writing
Topic 23: Work or Study
Topic 24: Weather
Topic 25: The area you live in

(thi máy 18/1/2023)

Topic 26: Noise

Do you mind noises?

I would say I'm pretty tolerant to noises when I'm not asleep as I've learned to cut out the
unwanted ones. But when I am about to fall asleep, I become very sensitive to any kind of
noise, and nearly anything can make me irritated. Sometimes I toss and turn throughout the
night just because I hear the muffled sound of slammed doors in the flat next door.

Do any noises bother you?

There's no worse noise than scraping chalk on a blackboard. You know, many cafes still use
such boards as an advertising medium. When I see them, I can't help imagining the way this
information was written down. And even the thought of it makes me feel sick.

Are cities becoming noisier?

Where is there louder noise, in cities or in the countryside?

Yeah, the level of noise is getting higher and higher. In fact, it is so high that it is now
regarded a type of environmental pollution. This is because nowadays cities are more
crowded than in the past, which means that there's much more traffic on roads. There are
more people talking everywhere. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention air conditioning
equipment which is one of the biggest parts of all ambient noise in today's cities.

What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

We are surrounded by different sounds both indoors and outdoors. My typical day starts with
the sound of boiling water as I can't imagine my morning without a cup of coffee. Every
single day I'm accompanied by roaring engines, slammed doors, mouse clicking and
constantly ringing phones.

Are there any sounds that you like?

Oh yeah! Splashing waves and screams of sea-gulls sound like music to me. I also enjoy the
sound of rain when I'm inside and don't have to go anywhere. And I can't help mentioning
the train tracks clanking in the constant pattern. This sound makes me fall asleep as soon as
the train leaves.

(thi giấy 14/1/2023)

Topic 27: T-shirts

Do you like wearing T-shirts?

Yeah I do. To my mind, a T-shirt is always a good choice. First of all, T-shirts are super
comfy. They are usually made of cotton, which is regarded as one of the most skin-friendly
fabrics. Plus, T-shirts are versatile. can dress them up or down, depending on the occasion.
For example, I sometimes throw on a pair of jeans and some sneakers for a casual look.
Sometimes I tuck a T-shirt into a skirt and add some heels for a dressed-up outfit. And, of
course, they're perfect for lounging around the house.
Topic 28: Happy things
Topic 29: Art
Topic 30: Schools
Topic 31: Library
Topic 33: Doing sports
Topic 34: Keys

Topic 33:

Xem thêm các bài mẫu song ngữ part 1 khác ở link:
PART 2&3

Topic 01: Place for sports

Xem bài mẫu topic 01:
Topic 02: A friend from your childhood

Xem thêm bài mẫu topic 02:
Topic 03: Interesting story/novel

Xem thêm bài mẫu topic tương tự:

Xem topic 03:
Topic 04: Impressive English lesson

(Thi máy IDP HAI BA TRƯNG NGÀY 09/01/2023)

Xem bài mẫu topic 04:
Topic 05: Important things you learned

Xem bài mẫu topic 05:
Topic 06: Recommend a place to visitors
Topic 07: Favorite movie

Xem thêm bài mẫu:

Xem thêm topic 07:
Topic 08: Favorite show/program

Xem bài mẫu topic 08:
Topic 09: Praised (positive feedback)
Topic 10: Person loves to grow plants

Xem bài mẫu topic 10:
Topic 11: Fashion people

(thi giấy ngày 14/1/2023)

Topic 12: Person from different culture

(thi máy ngày 3/1/2023)

Topic 13: Difficult thing

(Đề thi máy 2/1/2023, thi giấy 7/1/2023)

Đề tương tự: Describe a time you succeed in doing sth (thi giấy 12/1/2023)
Xem thêm bài mẫu topic tương tự:
Topic 14: Decide to wait
Topic 15: Person inspired you to do sth interesting

Xem thêm bài mẫu topic tương tự:
Topic 16: Outdoors activities

Xem thêm bài mẫu topic 16 ở link:

(Thi giấy 5/1/2023)

Topic 17: Home of familiar

(thi máy 18/1/2023)

Xem thêm bài mẫu Topic 17:
Topic 18: Disagreement

Xem bài mẫu ở topic 18:
Topic 19: Problem while shopping

Topic 20: Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative

You should say:

what you taught them to do

whom you taught

how you taught them

how you felt about it

Xem bài mẫu topic 20:

(thi máy ngày 15/1/2023)

Topic 21: Search for information

(thi giấy ngày 7/1/2023)

Xem bài mẫu topic 21:
Topic 22: Plastic waste

Xem thêm bài mẫu topic 22:
Topic 23: Receive money as a gift

(Đề thi máy 12/1/2023 ở IDP Hai Bà Trưng TP.HCM)

Xem bài mẫu:

Xem thêm topic 23:
Topic 24: Forgot an appointment

Xem bài mẫu topic 24:
Topic 25: Photo taken that you are proud of

Xem thêm bài mẫu tương tự:

Xem thêm topic 25:
Topic 26: Beautiful items/objects

(Thi máy ngày 6/1/2023 ở BC)

Xem bài mẫu topic 26:
Topic 27: Share sth with others

Xem bài mẫu topic 27:

Topic 28: Describe a period in history that interests you

You should say: what the period is how you know about it why it is interesting

Xem bài mẫu topic 28:

(Thi máy ở IDP Đà Nẵng 11/1/2023)

Topic 29: Describe something you did with a group of people

You should say:
what it was
where you did it who you were with whether you liked it
Xem bài mẫu topic 29:

Topic 30: Describe a small business that you would like to

You should say
​ what this business would be
​ how you would start/open this business
​ how you would run this business and explain why you would like to run this
kind of business

Xem bài mẫu topic 30:

Topic 31: Describe an unusual meal

You should say:

Who you were with

Where you went

When it happened

Why it was unusual

Part 3: food (anything about food)

The reason why fast food is popular in Viet Nam. Fast Food in Vietnam and other
country are the same or not?

Popular food in Vietnam ?

Food in the family nowaday and in the past are the same or not ? Why?

(Đề ngày 6/1/2023, thi máy 11/1/2023)

Xem bài mẫu topic 31:

Topic 32: Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

what the website is

how you first found out about this website how often you visit it

why you like it

Xem bài mẫu topic 32:

Topic 33: Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to

You should say:

what it is

what you got it for

how often you use it

how you feel about it

Xem bài mẫu topic 32:
Topic 34: Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short

You should say:

what city it is

who you will go there with

what you will do there

why you will stay there only for a short time

(Thi máy ngày 4/1/2023)

Topic 35: Describe a time when you missed or were late for a
You should say:
what the appointment was

when and where it was

why you forgot about it how you felt

Xem bài mẫu topic 35:

Topic 36: Describe a place you visited that was affected by air
You should say:
where it is and when you visited this place
why the air was not good
how this place was affected
how you felt about it

Xem bài mẫu topic 36:
Topic 37: Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time
when you were young

You should say:

what the activity was

who you did it with

when and where you did it

why you liked it

Xem bài mẫu topic 37:

Topic 38: Describe a person you like or want to work or study

You should say:

who this person is

how long you have known each other

how you met

why you want to work or study with this person

Xem bài mẫu topic 38:

Topic 39: Describe a gift you got

You should say:

what it was

how you got it

what you did

how you felt about it

Xem bài mẫu topic 39:
Topic 40: Describe a complaint you made and you were
satisfied with the results

You should say:

when it happened

who you complained to

what you complained about

why you were satisfied with the results

Xem bài mẫu topic 40:

Topic 41: Describe something that you would like to learn in the
You should say:

what you would like to learn to do

how and where you would learn it

why you would like to learn to do this whether it will be difficult or not
Xem bài mẫu topic 41:

Topic 42: Describe a part of your house

You should say:
● Where you are living now
● Where you want to live
● What kind of home your dream home is
(Thi máy IDP NGỌC KHÁNH - 11/1/2023)

Xem bài mẫu topic 42:

Topic 43: Describe an interesting old person you have met

Xem bài mẫu topic 43:
Topic 44: Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

Xem bài mẫu topic 44:
Topic 45: Describe a film character played by an actor or
actress whom you admire

Xem bài mẫu topic 45:
Topic 46: Describe a time when someone gave you something
that you really wanted

Xem bài mẫu topic 46:

Topic 45: Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

Xem bài mẫu topic 44:

Xem thêm 100+ bài mẫu kèm song ngữ part 2 speaking (có thu âm audio):

Tổng hợp các bài speaking gần đây quý

● Topic 03: (thi giấy 5/1/2023)
● Topic 11: (thi giấy 14/1/2023)
● Topic 13: (thi máy 2/1/2023)
● Topic 25: (thi máy 18/1/2023)
● Topic 26: (thi giấy 14/1/2023)

PART 2&3
● Topic 04: (Thi máy IDP HAI BÀ TRƯNG NGÀY 09/01/2023)
● Topic 11: (thi giấy ngày 14/1/2023)
● Topic 13: (Đề thi máy 2/1/2023, thi giấy 7/1/2023)
● Topic 16: (Thi giấy 5/1/2023)
● Topic 17: (thi máy 18/1/2023)
● Topic 20: (thi máy ngày 15/1/2023)
● Topic 21: (thi giấy ngày 7/1/2023)
● Topic 22: (thi PAPER-BASED IDP HAI BÀ TRƯNG 5/1/2023)
● Topic 23: (Đề thi máy 12/1/2023 ở IDP Hai Bà Trưng TP.HCM)
● Topic 26: (Thi máy ngày 6/1/2023 ở BC)
● Topic 31: (Đề ngày 6/1/2023, thi máy 11/1/2023)
● Topic 34: (Thi máy ngày 4/1/2023)
● Topic 42: (Thi máy IDP NGỌC KHÁNH - 11/1/2023)

● PS: Ad mới update các file PDF phần R/W/S, các em vào xem lại nhé.

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