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Puntos totales 8/10

Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando el tipo de condicional adecuado. Después,

envía tus respuestas y accede a las soluciones del ejercicio.


1. If I __________ the truth I wouldn't have said those stupid words. 1/1

1. know

2. knew

3. had known
2. If I __________ (have) more money I would buy a new house. 1/1

1. had had

2. had

3. have

3. John _________ (come) if Mary calls him. 1/1

1. would come

2. would have come

3. will come

4. If I ________ (be) you, I would visit Ann. 1/1

1. am

2. were

3. had been
5. You _________ (not arrive) on time unless you hurry up. 1/1

1. wouldn't arrive

2. wouldn't have arrived

3. won't arrive

6. If I __________ (study) harder I will pass my two exams tomorrow. 0/1

1. studied

2. study

3. had studied

Respuesta correcta

7. Rose _________ (come) if you hadn't been so stupid with her. 0/1

1. would come

2. come

3. would have come

Respuesta correcta

would have come

8. If you heat the water, it _________ (boil). 1/1

1. would boil

2. boils

3. will boil
9. Maria's baby _________ (sleep) if you kept silence. 1/1

1. sleeps

2. will sleep

3. would sleep

10. Vanessa __________ (pass) her exams if she feels confident. 1/1

1. would pass

2. will pass

3. would have passed

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