E2 Homework Weeks 1,2, and 3

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WEEKS 1, 2, AND 3

English 2

Submission Dates: From February 26th to March 3rd, 2023.

Part 1 Writing:

Describe what the people do and are doing.

Objective: Give information about daily routine,

specific moments and favorite leisure activities.
Use of vocabulary and grammar related to the
weeks 1, 2, and 3.

English Use, Grammar and Vocabulary:

● Present simple
● Present continuous
● Adverbs of frequency

● The written part must have 3 sentences.
● Use the present simple vs the present continuous to mention what the people do
or are doing at the moment.
● Include the adverb of frequency given in the sentences with the present simple.
● Be careful with the use of capital letters and punctuation marks.


1. Complete with the information needed.

Example: He usually rides a bike, but today he is swimming

1. They usually skip the rope, but today they are skating

2. I'm usually eat fish, but today i'm eating meat

3. They usually read a book, but today they are listening to a text
Part 2 Speaking:
Describe what you do and are doing.

Objective: Give information about daily routine, specific

moments, activities and favorite leisure time. Use of
vocabulary and grammar related to the weeks 1, 2, and 3.



1. Answer for the following questions

● What do you do on Monday?

On Mondays I get up early for breakfast and take my daughter to school, then I
go to work and in the afternoons we go swimming and then do activities.
● What do you usually do on the weekend?
I'm going to the park to play the guitar with my girl and then I'm going to study
martial arts
● What are you doing right now?
I'm sitting there trying to finish homework.
● What are you doing now that you don't do every day?
studying advanced English to improve my job opportunities.

2. Prepare a short audio on Vocaroo of 60 seconds

3. Paste the link for your audio in the following box:
** How do I record the audio?
The student needs to record his/her voice on https://vocaroo.com/

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student’s

Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student’s email in this document for the
teacher to verify and grade your production.

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