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Programming II

Faculty of
Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science


• What is recursion?

• How recursion works

• Developing recursive programs: the induction method

• Exercises

Recursion 2
What is recursion?

Programming II

Faculty of
Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science

Recursive Algorithm: definition

• That one that expresses the solution of a problem in

terms of a call to itself (recursive call).
• If the first call tries to solve a problem of size N, every
new (recurring) execution will try to solve a problem
of the same nature as the original one but with a
smaller size.
• Thus, at some point its solution will become trivial (or,
at least, manageable enough so it can be solved in a
non-recursive way). In this case we will say that we
are dealing with a base case of recursion.

Recursion 4
Faculty of Computer Science

Keys for recursion

• Therefore, to build a recursive subprogram:

– Each new call should be defined on a problem of less
complexity (thus easier to solve) than the original one.

– There must be at least one base case (thus ending the

recursion process) in order to avoid infinite recursion.

Recursion 5
Faculty of Computer Science

Parts of a recursive solution

• Base case(s), in which the problem is simple enough

to be solved directly, without recursion.
• Recursive step(s):
– Divides the problem into one or more much simpler
problems or into smaller parts of the problem,

– calls the function (recursively) on each part, and

– combines the solutions obtained for each part into a solution

to the entire problem.

Recursion 6
Faculty of Computer Science

Recursion vs. Iteration

• Both involve repetition: iteration uses a repetitive
structure (a loop); recursion is achieved by making
repeated calls.
• Both finish when the termination test is satisfied (exit
 Iteration ends when the loop condition is not met anymore.
 Recursion ends when a base case is recognized.
• Recursion demands more computational resources.

Recursion 7
Faculty of Computer Science

Use recursion when...

• The problem is complex and has a recursive

• It provides a more natural solution to the
problem and a program that is easier to
understand and debug.
• An iterative solution is not clear or obvious.

Recursion 8
Faculty of Computer Science

As a summary…

• Any problem that can be resolved recursively can

also be solved iteratively (i.e. not recursively).

• When time and memory costs are critical, the solution

to be chosen must be the iterative one instead.

Recursion 9
How recursion works

Programming II

Faculty of
Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science

Stack and Activation Records

• Every function call creates an activation record (AR)
(a.k.a. stack frame).
• An AR is the piece of memory where the system holdsthe
values of the constants, variables and pass-by-value
parameters of the subroutine currently in execution.
• If function A calls function B, the execution of A is stopped
at the instruction where B is called. Its AR is used to store
the address following the call instruction, named return
address, along with the local data being handled at that
• Once a function ends, its AR is destroyed.
• Ars are stored in the so-named [Call] Stack.

Recursion 11
Faculty of Computer Science

Recursion: call process

• Let's assume that we have the following recursive code:

unsigned long int Factorial(unsigned int n)

if n == 0
else Return address
return(n * Factorial(n-1)); R2

• Now, we will analyse how the following call works:

Return address
Result = Factorial(3); R1

Recursion 12
Faculty of Computer Science

Stack status

Result ?
n 3 First call
Return address R1

record (Stack)
Recursion 13
Faculty of Computer Science

Factorial(3) = 3*Factorial(2)
Stack status

Result ?
n 2 Second call
Return address R2
3 First call

Recursion 14
Faculty of Computer Science

Factorial(2) = 2*Factorial(1)

Result ?
Stack status

n 1 Third call
Return address R2
2 Second call
3 First call

Recursion 15
Faculty of Computer Science

Factorial(1) = 1*Factorial(0)

Result 1
n 0 Fourth call
Return address R2
Stack status

1 Third call
2 Second call
3 First call

Recursion 16
Faculty of Computer Science


Result 1
Stack status

n 1 Third call
Return address R2
2 Second call
3 First call

Recursion 17
Faculty of Computer Science

Stack status

Result 1
n 2 Second call
Return address R2
3 First call

Recursion 18
Faculty of Computer Science

Stack status

Result 2
n 3 First call
Return address R1

Recursion 19
Faculty of Computer Science


• Execution of call Factorial(3) ends. The program returns

to instruction R1 and continues its execution from there.

Result 2
n 3
Return address R1 Result = 6


Recursion 20
Faculty of Computer Science

Recursive calls and

returns through time


Recursion 21
Faculty of Computer Science

To begin with …

• Let’s take the following function P:

void P(int num)
if ((num>=1) && (num <=8)){
printf(" %i ", num);

• What is the output returned for P(3), P(7), P(10)?

Recursion 22
Faculty of Computer Science

To begin with …

• What are we computing with the following recursive

function F? (assuming n>=0)

float F (float x, unsigned int n)

if (n == 0)
return(x + F (x, n-1));

Recursion 23
Developing recursive
the induction method

Programming II

Faculty of Computer Science

Faculty of Computer Science

Steps for the development

of recursive code
1. To redefine the original problem in recursive terms:
Induction Method.

2. To write the recursive code.

3. To verify the recursive code.

4. To validate the recursive code.

Recursion 25
Faculty of Computer Science

Step 1: Induction Method

Commonly used in Mathematics for theorem proving (Mathematical
Induction). It consists of three phases:
• Example: prove that "Every integer number n>=1 of the form 10n-1 is divisible
by 9".

1. Induction basis: Identify base cases (i.e. trivial cases with direct
 n=1 meets 101-1 = 10-1 = 9 = 9*1
2. Establish the induction hypothesis: Assume that the property is
fulfilled for a case simpler than the general one (n):
 assume that n-1 meets 10(n-1)-1 = 9*a
3. Induction step: Using the hypothesis, we prove the general case:
 since 10(n-1)-1 = 9*a we can prove that it is true for all n:
10n-1 = 10*10(n-1)-(10-9) = 10*10(n-1)-(10-9) = (10*10(n-1)-10)+9 =
= 10*(10(n-1)-1)+9 = 10*(9*a)+9 = 9*(10*a+1) = 9*b
Recursion 26
Faculty of Computer Science

Step 1: Induction Method (cont.)

Also applicable to programming.

• Example: recursive implementation of
int Factorial (int n) (PreCD: n>=0)

1. Base cases: Identify trivial cases with direct solution:

 if n=0 then Factorial=1
2. Induction hypothesis: Let's assume that the function Factorial() we try to
build already works for cases simpler than the general:
 Hypothesis: Factorial(n-1) returns (n-1)! correctly
3. General case: We obtain the general case using our previous hypothesis.
 Factorial(n) = n * Factorial(n-1)

Here it is our recursive solution!

Recursion 27
Faculty of Computer Science

Step 2: Writing the recursive code

• We build the code as a sequence of if-then-else

where the base cases are checked first and, next, the
general case:

1 unsigned long int Factorial(unsigned int n){

2 if (n == 0)
3 return(1);
4 else
5 return(n * Factorial(n-1));
6 }

Recursion 28
Faculty of Computer Science

Step 3: Verifying the recursive code

• We verify that the code is well-constructed and that

infinite recursion is not possible:
a) There are base cases that are solved without recursion.
b) All recursive calls get closer and, finally, reach a base case.

long int Factorial (int n) void recursive(int n);

{ { Non-recursive
if (n==0) Non-recursive if (n==0) { case is present
case is present
return(1); Printf(“End reached”);
else return;
return(n * Factorial(n-1)); }
} else
return(recursive(trunc(n/2) + 1));
Recursive case always reach
Recursive case never reaches
the non-recursive case
the non-recursive one if n>0

Recursion 29
Faculty of Computer Science

Step 4: Validating the recursive code

• We verify that the code returns the right result by

simulating the execution and its activation records.
Example: Factorial(3)

Parameter n Stop instruction
3 5 Factorial = 3 *Factorial(2); 6
2 5 Factorial = 2 *Factorial(1); 2
1 5 Factorial = 1 *Factorial(0); 1
0 -- 1

Recursion 30
Faculty of Computer Science

Recursive or Iterative?

• Questions to be considered when deciding how to

implement a solution:
– Computational cost (CPU time and memory): in general, recursion
increases costs.
– Redundancy: some recursive solutions involve repeated calls, thus
causing redundant calculations.
e.g. Fibonacci(n) = Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2)
– Complexity of the solution: sometimes, the recursive solution is
easier to find than the iterative one (e.g. towers of Hanoi)
– Conciseness, legibility and elegance of the resulting code: the
recursive solution may be simpler.

Recursion 31
Recursion: Exercises

Programming II

Faculty of Computer Science

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