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MCQ on 08.11.

1. Atherosclerosis is predominantly a disease of:
Entire vessel wall
2. The following lipid has highest association with atherosclerosis:
Low-density lipoproteins
Very-low density lipoproteins
High density lipoproteins
3. Cytoplasmic anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (C-ANCA) is seen in:
Polyarteritis nodosa
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Leucocytoclastic vasculitis
Giant cell arteritis
4. The most common site of involvement of atherosclerotic aneurysm is:
Arch of aorta
Thoracic aorta
Suprarenal abdominal aorta
Infrarenal abdominal aorta
5. Pulseless disease is:
Temporal arteritis
Kawasaki’s disease
Takayasu arteritis
Buerger’s disease
6. The features of tetralogy of Fallot are as under except:
Displacement of aorta to right to override the VSD
Pulmonary stenosis
Left ventricular hypertrophy
7. Chronic ischaemic heart disease is most often due to:
Coronary atherosclerosis
Repetitive coronary vasospasm
Embolisation to coronary branches
Stenosis of coronary ostia
8. In hypertensive heart disease left ventricular hypertrophy is correlated with:
Duration of hypertension
Severity of hypertension
Cause of hypertension
Severity of coronary atherosclerosis
9. Anitschkow cells are believed to be derivative of:
Cardiac myocyte
Cardiac histiocyte
Endocardial smooth muscle cells
Endothelial cells of lymphatics
10. MacCallum’s patch is seen in:
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Left atrium
Left ventricle
11. Emphysema associated most often with a1 antitrypsin deficiency is:
Distal acinar
12. The following type of bronchogenic carcinoma has worst prognosis:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Small cell carcinoma
Large cell carcinoma
13. Bronchial carcinoid arises from:
Columnar ciliated epithelium
Goblet cells
Kulchitsky cells
Alveolar lining cells
14. Which of the following mutation is being used to develop targeted molecular therapy in non-small
cell cancer of lung?
EGFR mutation
p53 mutation
K-RAS mutation
p16 mutation
15. Which of the following histologic types of carcinomas is most likely to be found at the periphery of
the lung preceded by healed lung lesions?
Large cell carcinoma
Small cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
16. Barrett’s oesophagus predisposes to development of:
Reflux oesophagitis
Oesophageal varices
Squamous cell carcinoma
17. The following features characterise ulcerative colitis except:
Formation of crypt abscess and cryptitis
Superficial mucosal ulceration
Depletion of goblet cells and mucus
Stricture formation in chronic cases
18. Long-standing cases of Crohn’s disease may develop the following complications except:
Toxic megacolon
Fistula formation
Stricture formation
19. The histologic hallmark of diagnosis of acute appendicitis is:
Mucosal ulceration
Impacted foreign body
Neutrophilic infiltrate in muscularis
Thrombosed blood vessels
20. H. pylori colonisation of gastric mucosa is implicated in the following diseases except:
Gastric carcinoma
MALT lymphoma
Intestinal metaplasia

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