Reverse Outline Skeleton

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Reverse Outlining:

A Reverse outline helps you see the current state of your draft by helping you focus on the
organization and logical development of your paragraphs. A reverse outline can help you 1)
determine if your paper meets its goals, 2) discover areas where more information
(evidence/explanation)/analysis) is needed, and 3) see where readers might become confused
because of the organization. To complete this assignment, just complete the skeleton I provided
to you below by using your current draft of your essay. For most of this, you will copy/paste
directly from your draft to fill in information.

Reverse Outline Skeleton

● Topic of the paragraph (thesis/controlling idea):
Clearly, with the elements in this poster, which are the characteristics of the child with the

bread, the color emphasis, and the text, the point of this poster is to convince citizens to help this

organization and hungry children.

● Paragraph purpose:
to let people know what my essay is going to be about.

● Revisions needed:
move and rewrite so sentences.

Paragraph 2:
● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)

To begin with, in the poster, the child's characteristics are gray and white, while the background

surrounding him is pitch black allowing him to stand out.

● Summary of the paragraph:

the color of the poster and what the child is doing.

● Paragraph purpose:
to describe the poster

● Revisions needed:
more details about the poster.

Paragraph 3:
● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)

Making the piece of food in color makes people focus on it and makes them wonder why

it is the only part of the photo in color.

● Summary of the paragraph:

the purpose of the bread is in color and reasons why maybe it is in color.

● Paragraph purpose:
my thoughts on it why it could be in color.

● Revisions needed:
less repetition.

Paragraph 4:
● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)
The times that the word feed comes out it is in color. It has two different colors one of

them being orange and the other gray

● Summary of the paragraph:

the two words that are in two different colors and the designers want their audience to focus on
it and get them thinking about what it can be.

● Paragraph purpose:
to let the readers know what i am talking about and for them to know what it can possibly be

● Revisions needed:
add more details.

Paragraph 5:
● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)

● Summary of the paragraph:

● Paragraph purpose:
● Revisions needed:

Paragraph 6: (if needed)

● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)

● Summary of the paragraph:

● Paragraph purpose:

● Revisions needed:

Paragraph 7: (if needed)

● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)

● Summary of the paragraph:

● Paragraph purpose:

● Revisions needed:

Paragraph 8: (if needed)

● Topic of the paragraph (the topic sentence)

● Summary of the paragraph:

● Paragraph purpose:

● Revisions needed:
● What is the main idea that I want readers to come away with?
The organization's main purpose of this flyer is for people to help children get fed

● Summary of the paragraph:

the three points together and all of it is to help the children get fed.

● Revisions needed

less repetition and one more sentence.

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