Summary of Achievements: Study Programme: Computer Science (Master of Science)

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Mr e-mail: b.tripathi@stud.uni-goettingen.

Bhal Chandra Ram Tripathi Student ID: 25909585
Shiv 3/55 Kh-2R, Anand Nagar
221003 Varanasi
Göttingen, 24th April 2023

Summary of achievements
Study programme: Computer Science (Master of Science)
Status: no degree completed
Prüfungsordnung vom 01.06.2021

Examinations already passed: 44 Credits

Weighted average of all examinations completed so far: 3.0
Minimal number of credits to pass: 120 Credits
Subject semester: 5
Standard period of study : 4 semester

Status of this part of the study programme: admitted
Examinations already passed in this part of the study programme: 44 Credits
Weighted average of all examinations completed so far in this part of the study programme: 3.0

Core subject studies I

Credits Grade
Visualization 5 1.0
Algorithms on Sequences 5 4.0
Seminar Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 5 2.0

Interdisciplinary key competencies

Credits Grade
Modeling and System Development 6 3.7

Spec. Applied System Engineering with Minor Subject Business Information Systems - Business
Information System II
Credits Grade
Digital Platforms 6 3.7

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Bhal Chandra Ram Tripathi (25909585) Göttingen, 24.04.2023

Spec. Applied System Engineering - MP Basics of Business Information Systems II

Credits Grade
International Human Resource Management 6 4.0

Spec. Applied System Engineering - MP Specific Application Systems I

Credits Grade
Specialisation Softwareengineering: Requirements Engineering 5 3.0

Spec. Applied System Engineering - MP Specific Application Systems III

Credits Grade
Lab Usable Security and Privacy 6 2.3

Voluntary Additional Modules

Credits Grade
Digital Strategy and Interorganizational Information Systems 6 2.4*
Cloud and Service Computing 5 3.0*
Doing Business in India 3 2.7*
Business Analytics 6 4.0*

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*) Voluntary Additional Modules; not included in weighted average

Special regulations of the study guidelines (e.g. deletions) are not included in the calculation of the weighted average.
List of grades: 1,0 - 1,5 1,6 - 2,5 2,6 - 3,5 3,6 - 4,0
very good good satisfactory sufficient Page: 2 / 2

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