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Panjab University

Department of Library and Information




M.Lib.I.Sc Semester 2 (2022-23)

Submitted To – Dr.Khushpreet
Singh Brar

Submitted By – Karuna
Knowledge Research Center (Library), ARIES Observatory

Ever since the inception of the Observatory in 1954, its library has been steadily
building up through the years and is now known to be one of the best libraries
amongst those belonging to any similar scientific research institutions in the
country. Institute has a well stocked automated library .It is facilitated with Wi-Fi
connectivity. The ARIES KRC acquires books and journals mainly related to
Astronomy & Astrophysics and Atmospheric Sciences. The KRC also acquires
reference books time to time. The ARIES KRC is a member of FORSA (Forum for
Resource Sharing in Astronomy and Astrophysics), which was established by Indian
Astronomy Librarians in 1979. The ARIES KRC is also a member of the National
Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC). NKRC provides free access of Subscribed
Online Databases to DST and CSIR institutions.

According to the data collected on the visit to KRC (library) of ARIES observatory,
Nainital on 15th march 2023 by our group, the following report has been prepared.

NAME OF THE LIBRARY— knowledge resource center

DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT- 1954 (since the inception of the ARIES Observatory)

NATURE OF LIBRARY- special library

PARENT ORGANIZATION- Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences


The library was well equipped and maintained. The books were arranged in the
shelves made up of iron having glass doors to protect the books from dust and
grime. Around 5 to 6 shelves were placed in the library on the left side having
sufficient walking space between shelves for the user. A different shelve is being
allotted for the reference books. Behind the shelves, the wooden drawers
containing the old catalogue cards was placed so that the users can also see them.
QR codes were pasted on the shelve of books. Pages containing the classification
numbers of subject were pasted on the shelves respectively. A specific area having
wooden frame was provided for the storage of theses known as the theses section.
Maps, globes and other awards attained by the library were kept on the wooden
shelve. A specific board is also provided were all the new publication of ARIES is also
shown. The library was fully ventilated and well lit. big wooden table and chairs
were kept in the libray for the seating purposes of the user. Two rooms alongside
the entrance were there out of which one is for the library staff and the other was
for the reprographic services having photocopying, printing and scanning machines.


Total collection of library- 22,256

Total Number of Books: 11,051
Bound Volumes of Journals: 11,205

Information resources-
Subscription to Journals: 74 (Print + Online) + Full Text & Databases
Publications in Refereed Journals: 129

NATURE OF COLLECTION- the items acquired by the KRC focuses only on the
subjects related to astronomy like atmospheric science, astrophysics etc.

TYPE OF COLLECTION- The collection of KRC includes books, journal, theses, charts,
maps, diskettes, CD-ROMs, etc

The KRC of ARIES observatory has also subscribed to various e- resources mainly
through National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC). They provide free access
of Subscribed Online Databases to DST and CSIR institutions. The major E journals
that are subscribed by the KRC are- Indian journal of physics, journal of aerosol
science, advances in space research, ANGEO, astronomy reports etc.


KRC provides access of reading hall to the researchers and the project student along
with the basic issue return book services. Reprographic services like photocopying,
scanning and printing facilities are also provided to the users of the library. The
library also on the behalf of the users of library pay the ATC charges of the journals
subscriptions for the smooth flow of information. The library has also provided the
users with a theses section in the library wherein the research fellows who are
pursuing their researches can take help for further study and can also submit their
theses. The reference material including books, journal articles, magazine articles,
newspaper clippings, e-journals, internet articles, etc. are provided through the
reference service throughout the year. Newspaper clippings, lists of books and
journal articles are provided to the teachers, which helps them to update
themselves on the related topics in their subjects. For effective reference service,
the library provides subject bibliographies and index of the articles published in the
journals subscribed to by the library. This is a useful tool for searching articles on a
particular topic in the journals. The webopac service is also provided to the users
through the official website of the institution.


Membership is open to all the Scientists, Engineers, Research Scholars and Staffs of
the Institute
Issue and return of books and use of Library are restricted to office hours on all
working days.

Arjun Singh, Sr. Scientific Assistant

Pooja Joshi, Scientific Assistant


The collection of KRC is developed according to the need and demand of the
institution. The major focus is given to the demand of the users and the
researchers. Request letters are sent to the faculty members of the institution so
that they can list the books they need. The faculty members and the researchers fill
out the forms and send it back to the library, the library committee then scrutinize
the items recommended and then place the order. Books and other material which
is only related to the subjects of astronomy are ordered.

The knowledge resource center of ARIES uses the DSPACE, an open source software
to digitize the collection of their library and for developing their institutional
repositories where KRC preserves the scientific documents, academic reports,
photographs of special events, newspaper clippings, etc.
The knowledge resource center (Library) of ARIES Observatory does not follow any
popular classification scheme for classifying and cataloguing the material of their
library as the collection of the library is very subject specific and the further
bifurcations of the branches of subject is very detailed which cannot be entertained
or classify by any classification schemes hence the library uses their own
classification system to classify their resources in which they make use of mix of
alphabets and numbers like 100 200 and 500 for the materials. For example for
cosmology A20 is used.

The knowledge resource center of ARIES observatory was one of its kinds. The
major focus while collection development of library was given to the subjects
related to astronomy. Material in the library as arranged in a very decent manner.
Small models and statues of various tools and equipment used by observatory are
kept in the library in glass boxes. A smaller dummy model of the telescope used in
that observatory is also kept in the very beginning of the library. Books are kept in
the shelves made of iron and glass. The shelves are also covered with the glass door
for preservation of books by dust and grime. The number of staff was very low as
there were only two employees who were managing the staff.


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