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Jasmine Aguilar

Dr.J. Marteniez

English 1301-121

10 March 2023


What I learned from my first essay that I can use in my second essay is using higher

vocabulary and trying to use Grammarly more s it can check my spelling. What I learned

from the first essay was relaying resources and giving facts, and in this essay, I look at the

picture and say what I see and what I think. I learned from this essay that I got to pay more

attention to the image. I can use these resources in my history classes or in my univ when

they ask me what I think about the image or to give my opinion. What I learned that I

wouldn’t be able to use in other classes is inserting an image next to my essay and putting a

caption. Usually, they will be assigned the image, or we wouldn’t even have to put the image.

It will help me to pay attention to details. Looking at the details helps me understand what I

can write about. It can also help me see the poster differently. Remember, grammar is neither

a strength nor a weakness. One of my strengths was my intro; my weaknesses were my

spelling and not knowing how to put my words together. It was the same as my last essay, but

I improved my vocabulary this time. I think it will be the same but more specific on what I

need to work on in the sense you had to add a comment on the part I need to work on. The

least challenging part is knowing what I wanted to discuss from the image since it stood out.

As I wrote this essay, I got to really understand the image, and even if it didn’t have words, I

got to see the details and understand what it was about.

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