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Alexia Aguilar

Dr. J. Martinez

English 1301.212

12 March 2023

Essay 2 Reflection Questions

In both essay one and essay two what I learned is staying on one topic. For example, I

learned to not be all over the place and it is just one specific thing. In essay 2 I learned to

describe an image so people can understand what I am saying and they can even picture in their

heads the image I a saying to them. In essay one, I had to do research and find sources that

applied to the essay, and in essay two it was just on the picture and just describing it.

I would use what I learned in this essay to be able to describe something to the point that

will be able to understand what I am talking about. What I won't be able to use is the purpose or

what I think about it. This has helped me be more open and really be able to analyze something

and really pay attention to the picture.

The comments are different now they are mostly positive now and not too many negative

as last time. The most challenging part was staying in one part of the picture and not to mention

the clothes without giving too much information. My identity has to be able to describe

something better.

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