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Installation pour Switch

1 - Switch configuration
You need to manually edit the configuration of your local network with this informations.

Note: The IP address can be any from to, excepting But don't use the
same IP address with your friend.

IP Address Settings
IP Address: 10.13.XX.YY
Subnet Mask:
DNS settings (these are the 90DNS servers)
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

Please follow the screenshots:

2 - Computer configuration

First, you need to install WinPcap.

Then download and run lan-play-win64.exe as an administrator.


First, you need to install Homebrew.

Then in a terminal: brew install libpcap libuv switch-lan-play .

Finally in a terminal: sudo lan-play .

user@mac: ~/
$ brew install libpcap libuv switch-lan-play
==> Downloading
==> Pouring libpcap-1.10.0.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
/usr/local/Cellar/libpcap/1.10.0: 110 files, 973.8KB
==> Downloading
==> Pouring libuv-1.41.0.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
/usr/local/Cellar/libuv/1.41.0: 49 files, 3.1MB
==> Downloading
==> Pouring switch-lan-play-0.2.3.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
/usr/local/Cellar/switch-lan-play/0.2.3: 5 files, 922.4KB
$ sudo lan-play --relay-server-addr
Interface not specified, opening all interfaces
[DEBUG]: open en0 ok
[DEBUG]: open p2p0 fail: datalink(12)
[DEBUG]: open awdl0 ok
[DEBUG]: open llw0 ok
[DEBUG]: open utun0 fail: datalink(0)
[DEBUG]: open utun1 fail: datalink(0)
[DEBUG]: open lo0 fail: datalink(0)
[DEBUG]: open bridge0 ok
[DEBUG]: open en1 ok
[DEBUG]: open en2 ok
[DEBUG]: open gif0 fail: datalink(0)
[DEBUG]: open stf0 fail: datalink(0)
[DEBUG]: open ap1 ok
pcap loop start
[DEBUG]: packet init buffer 0x10ecb9bb0
Server IP:


You need to download lan-play-linux .

In a terminal: sudo apt install libpcap0.8 libuv1

Then, go to the directory you downloaded to (likely ~/Downloads) and input chmod +x lan-play-linux .

Finally in a terminal: sudo ./lan-play-linux (ensuring you are in the proper directory (likely ~/Downloads).
user@linux: ~/Downloads
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ sudo apt install libpcap0.8 libuv1
Reading package list... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libpcap0.8 is already the newest version (1.8.1-6)
libuv1 is already the newest version (1.24.1-1)
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
$ wget --quiet
$ chmod +x lan-play-linux
$ sudo ./lan-play-linux --relay-server-addr
Interface not specified, opening all interfaces
[DEBUG]: open veth3b172e4 ok
[DEBUG]: open br-f2c3fb820b84 ok
[DEBUG]: open ensi92 ok
[DEBUG]: open any fail: datalink(113)
[DEBUG]: open lo fail: get all zero mac
[DEBUG]: open nfqueue fail: datalink(228)
[DEBUG]: open usbmon1 fail
[DEBUG]: open usbmon2 fail
pcap loop start
[DEBUG]: packet init buffer 0x55b3687b58c0
Server IP:

If you omit the --relay-server-addr option, the application will prompt you to enter the relay server
address. You can choose the server you want, like .

You need to run the client administratively and allow it through your firewall. If the client exits right away,
ensure you are running as an administrator and pasting in the server correctly.

3 - You can now play games that have the LAN play
Launch the desired game you want to play (must have the LAN play feature).

You can find a list of games compatible with the LAN play feature here.

4 - Test you have setup everything correctly

You can test if you have setup everything correctly by putting your Switch to sleep and waking it up.

If everything is good, you should see IConnection::IConnection on your lan-play client. It will look like:
user@linux: ~/Downloads
[DEBUG]: IConnection::IConnection
[DEBUG]: TcpConnection::onConnection
[DEBUG]: ptcp->onConnect
[DEBUG]: lwip->onClose
[DEBUG]: IConnection::writeCallback -89
[DEBUG]: IConnection::~IConnection

If you do not, verify your switch settings, ensure there is no autoconnect profile for a different wireless profile
but that autoconnect IS enabled for the lanplay profile, and try playing a game. Failing this, try rebooting your
switch. Failing the internet and/or DNS connectivity test on your switch DOES NOT
MATTER and can be ignored.

If this continues to fail, join #help on the lan-play discord for further assistance.

Some system combinations no longer show IConnection, but work perfectly fine. If you
do not see an IConnection, but believe you configured everything properly try playing

5 - Download ldn_mitm to play non LAN supported games

(Requires CFW)
You will need to download ldn_mitm if you wish to play to play games that don't have the lan play feature
(Local Wireless mode Games).

You can download the latest ldn_mitm here.

If you blindly upgraded AMS without checking compatibility, you will need to use untested/unsupported
nightly builds of ldn_mitm, which are here.

After you downloaded it extract to the root of your SD card and the module should load on your next reboot.

After that you just launch your game of choice and select local wireless play and you should be good to go

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