CH 9 Cardiac Monitoring

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C. Thrombosis
D. Tachycardia
Answer the pretest questions before studying the chapter.
This will help you determine your strong and weak areas in 6. Which of the following conditions results in a decreased
the material covered. central venous pressure (CVP) reading?

1. Which statement about the P wave on an ECG is FALSE? 1. Hypovolemia

2. Vasoconstriction
A. It represents atrial depolarization. 3. Air bubbles in the CVP line
B. It is a positive wave on the graph.
C. Normal duration time is 0.06 to 0.10 seconds. A. 1 only
D. It represents ventricular repolarization. B. 2 only
C. 1 and 2 only
2. Artifact found on an ECG may be caused by which of D. 1 and 3 only
the following?
7. The respiratory therapist palpates no pulse on a patient,
1. Electrical interference at the bedside. but the ECG monitor shows QRS complexes on the
2. Poor electrode contact with the skin. tracing. The therapist should:
3. Excessive movement of the patient.
A. Get immediate ABG studies.
A. 1 only B. Recommend cardioverting the patient.
B. 2 only C. Begin cardiac compressions.
C. 1 and 3 only D. Recommend administering Nipride.
D. 1, 2, and 3
8. After a cardiac arrest, a 48-year-old female begins
3. In which of the following cardiac arrhythmias is the QRS receiving mechanical ventilation. A pulmonary artery
complex abnormally shaped as well as wider than normal? catheter is in place. The following data are obtained:

A. Sinus tachycardia BP 94/52 mm Hg

B. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) Pulse 116/min
C. Atrial fibrillation PCWP 10 mm Hg
D. Premature atrial contractions (PACs) PAP 40/22 mm Hg
QT 3.5 L/min
4. A patient with a blood pressure of 110/50 mm Hg and
a pulse rate of 75 beats/min has which of the following Based on these data, which of the following has increased?
pulse pressures?
A. Pulmonary vascular resistance
A. 40 mm Hg B. Left atrial pressure
B. 50 mm Hg C. Stroke volume
C. 60 mm Hg D. Systemic vascular resistance
D. 70 mm Hg
9. The following data are collected from a patient receiving
5. A weak pulse is detected distal to the arterial mechanical ventilation:
catheter in a patient. This is indicative of which of
the following? 8:00 PM 11:00 PM
PAP 24/12 mm Hg 42/20 mm Hg
A. Infection PVR 2.1 mm Hg/L/min 4.2 mm Hg/L/min
B. Hemorrhage PCWP 6 mm Hg 7 mm Hg
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 97

On the basis of this information, these changes are the electrical activity of the heart can be monitored.
most likely the result of which of the following? The device to which the electrodes are attached
is the electrocardiograph. The electrical activity
A. Pulmonary embolus of the heart recorded on graph paper is called
B. Left ventricular failure the electrocardiogram and may be displayed
C. Aortic stenosis continuously on an ECG monitor, called an
D. Overhydration oscilloscope.
C. Standard 12-Lead ECG Has Three Lead
10. The following data have been recorded for a patient Systems
receiving mechanical ventilation: 1. Standard limb leads (three leads) (!, positive pole;
", negative pole; and ground)
a. The leads are placed on the right arm, left
CVP 5 mm Hg arm, and left leg.
PAP 28/10 mm Hg b. Limb lead I measures the electrical
PCWP 22 mm Hg potential between the right arm (") and left
QT 2.8 L/min arm (!).
c. Limb lead II measures the electrical
On the basis of these data, the patient most likely has potential between the right arm (") and left
leg (!).
A. Pulmonary hypertension d. Limb lead III measures the electrical
B. Left ventricular failure potential between the left arm (") and the
C. Pulmonary embolism left leg (!).
D. Right ventricular failure e. A ground is placed on the right leg.
2. Augmented leads (three leads)
See answers and rationales at the back of the text. a. The same electrodes used in the standard leads
are used for augmented lead composition but
in different combinations.
REVIEW b. Lead aVR: Leads are connected to right arm
(!), left arm, and left leg. The right arm is the
I. ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY positive electrode and records electrical activity
A. Electrical Conduction of the Heart from the direction of the right arm.
1. The sinoatrial (SA) node is the pacemaker of the c. Lead aVL: Leads are connected to left arm
heart; it usually initiates about 75 impulses/min. (!), right arm, and left leg. The left arm is the
2. Once an impulse has been initiated by the positive electrode and views the electrical activ-
SA node, the impulse travels down to the ity from the direction of the left arm.
atrioventricular (AV) node. d. Lead aVF: Leads are connected to left leg (!),
3. From the AV node, the impulse travels on to right arm, and left arm. The left leg is the
the bundle of His, located in the interventricular positive electrode and views the electrical
septum. activity from the direction of the bottom of
4. The bundle of His divides into the right and left the heart.
bundle branches, which deliver the impulses to 3. Precordial (chest) leads (six leads)
the right and left sides of the heart. a. Lead 1 (V1): positioned at the fourth
5. The bundle branches divide even further into the intercostal space at the right border of the
Purkinje fibers, which send the impulse to sternum.
individual muscle fibers of the ventricles, which b. Lead 2 (V2): positioned at the fourth
causes ventricular contraction. intercostal space at the left border of the
6. Once the SA node sends an impulse, the conduc- sternum.
tion system depolarizes, sending the impulse c. Lead 3 (V3): positioned in a straight line
through the conduction system to the heart between leads 2 and 4.
muscle, which depolarizes and contracts. After d. Lead 4 (V4): positioned at the midclavicular
contraction, repolarization occurs, and the heart is line and at the fifth intercostal space.
in a resting state, called diastole. The term used e. Lead 5 (V5): positioned at the anterior axillary
for the heart in contraction is systole. line, level with lead 4 horizontally.
B. ECG Leads. Through the use of various numbers f. Lead 6 (V6): positioned at the midaxillary line,
of electrodes (leads) placed on the patient’s body, level with leads 4 and 5 horizontally.
98 Respiratory Care Exam Review

E. ECG Graph Paper


= .04

= .08

= .12

= .16

= .20

PR = .16

FIGURE 9-2 Normal electrocardiographic (ECG) pattern.

FIGURE 9-1 Precordial (chest) leads. (From Davis, D. [1997]. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias
[ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)

1. The ECG paper is made up of very small squares,

which represent 0.04 seconds horizontally and
0.5 mV vertically (voltage axis).
Exam Note 2. So that counting time is easier, there is a
The 12-lead ECG is not normally used for long-term darkened line at every fifth small square; from
ECG monitoring, such as that seen in the ICU. one darkened line to the next is 0.20 seconds
(0.04 seconds # 5 squares).
3. Most ECG paper has short vertical lines at the top
to designate 3-second intervals, which makes it
easier to calculate the heart rate.
F. Normal ECG Pattern: The ECG strip shows a
D. Long-term ECG Monitoring baseline and positive and negative deflections from it.
1. Lead placements (three leads)
a. The first electrode is placed on the upper right
side of the chest ("). R
b. The second electrode is placed on the lower
left side of the chest (!).
c. The third electrode is used as a ground and
may be attached to any location that is
convenient. T
2. To obtain a clear ECG reading, there must P
be good skin contact with the electrode;
otherwise, artifacts will appear. An electrode gel
is used to improve conduction. Hair should be
shaved from the chest if an electrode is to be Q
attached in that area. Other causes of artifacts S
are electrical interference and excessive movement FIGURE 9-3 One cardiac cycle. (From Davis, D. [1997].
of the patient. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 99

G. ECG Waves: One cardiac cycle consists of a series

of waves, represented by the letters P, Q, R, S, and T.
1. P wave
a. Positive wave
b. Represents atrial depolarization (con-
c. Duration: 0.06 to 0.10 seconds
2. Q wave
a. Negative wave that follows the P wave
b. May be absent even in healthy people
3. R wave FIGURE 9-5 Electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing showing a
a. Positive wave that follows the Q wave prolonged PR interval. (From Davis, D. [1997]. Differential diagno-
sis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
4. S wave
a. Negative wave that follows the R wave
5. QRS complex This is an indication of cardiac ischemia.
a. Represents ventricular depolarization Cardiac ischemia results from a decreased
(contraction). Atrial repolarization occurs amount of oxygenated blood delivered to the
during the QRS complex and therefore is not left ventricle because of narrowed coronary
seen on the ECG. arteries. If the blood supply is not restored, ven-
b. Duration: 0.06 to 0.10 seconds. tricular muscle may die; this is called infarc-
c. A widened QRS pattern is seen tion. ST segment elevation or depression
with right bundle-branch block and is a sign of coronary artery disease.
premature ventricular contractions

FIGURE 9-6 Electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing showing ST

segment elevation. (From Davis, D. [1997]. Differential diagnosis of
arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
FIGURE 9-4 Electrocardiographic (ECG) tracing showing the
widened QRS complex. (From Levitsky, M. G., Cairo, J., N., & H. Normal Heart Rhythm
Hall, S. M. [1990]. Introduction to respiratory care. Philadelphia:

6. T wave
a. Positive wave.
b. Represents ventricular repolarization.
c. Inverted (negative wave) T waves indicate
the presence of coronary artery disease.
7. PR interval
a. Measured from the beginning of the P wave to PR
the beginning of the Q wave. ST
b. Represents the time it takes for the impulse to
travel from the SA node through the AV node.
c. Duration: 0.12 to 0.20 seconds.
d. May be prolonged in first- and second-degree
heart block.
8. ST segment
a. Measured from the end of the S wave to the
beginning of the T wave. QRS
b. Measures the time that is required for
ventricular repolarization to begin.
c. The ST segment may be elevated above the FIGURE 9-7 Normal heart rhythm. (From Davis, D. [1997].
baseline or depressed below the baseline. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
100 Respiratory Care Exam Review

Sinoatrial node artery

Circumflex branch of
left coronary artery
Right coronary artery

Anterior interventricular
branch of left
coronary artery

Branches of anterior
Marginal branch of interventricular artery
right coronary artery

Posterior interventricular Marginal branch of

branches of right left coronary artery
coronary artery

FIGURE 9-8 Primary and secondary arteries in the heart. (From O’Toole, M. [Ed.] [2005].
Miller-Keane encyclopedia and dictionary of medicine, nursing, and allied health [ed 7, Revised
Reprint]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)

1. Atrial depolarization (contraction) is represented a. As mentioned, most ECG paper has 3-second
on the ECG as the P wave. intervals marked off at the top of the paper.
Count the number of R waves in a 6-second
Blood supply to the heart is supplied by two main period and multiply by 10 to obtain the num-
arteries: the right and left coronary arteries, which ber of beats/minute.
originate from the aorta. The right coronary artery b. Normal rate: 60 to 100 beats/min.
extends down to supply the right ventricle and c. Bradycardia: less than 60 beats/min.
then separates into several branches. The left d. Tachycardia: more than 100 beats/min.
coronary artery divides into two major branches: 2. Determine regularity of the rhythm
the circumflex branch, which supplies the upper a. Using calipers, measure the distance between
lateral wall of the left atrium and left ventricle, a pair of R waves. Leave the calipers at that
and the left anterior descending branch (anterior distance, and measure the next pair of R waves
interventricular artery), which supplies the anterior to determine whether the distance is the same.
portion of the heart. b. Continue measuring the distance between suc-
cessive pairs of R waves to determine whether
it is constant. If the distances remain constant,
2. Cardiac impulse travels to the AV node, bundle of the rhythm is regular.
His, and the Purkinje fibers, which are represented 3. Observe P waves and PR interval
on the ECG as the PR interval. a. Make sure that there is a P wave before every
3. Cardiac impulse reaches muscles in the ventricles, QRS complex and that the waves are of the
causing ventricular depolarization (contraction), same shape.
which is represented on the ECG as the QRS b. Using calipers, measure several PR intervals to
complex. determine whether they are consistent.
4. Ventricular repolarization is represented on the c. As stated earlier, the normal PR interval is 0.12
ECG as the ST segment and T wave. to 0.20 seconds. If the PR interval is longer
I. Basic Steps to ECG Interpretation than 0.20 seconds with a regular rhythm,
1. Calculate heart rate first- or second-degree heart block is present.
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 101

4. Determine length of the QRS complex a. Rate: 100 to 160 beats/min

a. Remember, the QRS complex represents the b. Rhythm: regular
time it takes for ventricular depolarization to c. Wave pattern abnormalities: none
occur. The normal QRS complex takes 0.06 to d. Cause: hypoxemia, increased sympathetic
0.12 seconds; any longer duration would nervous system stimulation (e.g., fear, anxiety),
indicate heart block. medication
e. Treatment: stop underlying cause; administra-
tion of digitalis or beta blockers
Exam Note 3. Sinus arrhythmia
If all the above observations are within normal limits,
the ECG shows normal sinus rhythm.

J. Cardiac Arrhythmias
1. Sinus bradycardia

FIGURE 9-11 Sinus arrhythmia. (From Davis, D. [1997].

Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)

a. Rate: 60 to 100 beats/min

b. Rhythm: irregular
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: R to R cycles vary
more than 0.16 seconds. In Figure 9-11, note
FIGURE 9-9 Sinus bradycardia. (From Davis, D. [1997].
how the distance between the R wave
Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
of the QRS complex varies and is
a. Rate: less than 60 beats/min. d. Cause: none; normal in young, healthy
b. Rhythm: regular. individuals; heart rate may increase during
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: none. inspiration and decrease during expiration
d. Cause: stimulation of vagus nerve (e.g., during e. Treatment: none necessary
tracheal suctioning), hypothermia, increased 4. Premature atrial contraction (PAC)
intracranial pressure (ICP); sinus bradycardia
may be normal in well-conditioned athletes.
e. Treatment: If accompanied by shortness of
breath, hypotension, or abnormal beats,
atropine is used; a pacemaker may also be
2. Sinus tachycardia

FIGURE 9-12 Premature atrial contraction (PAC). (From Davis,

D. [1997]. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia:

a. Rate: 60 to 100 beats/min. Less than 6 PACs

per minute is considered a minor ar-
rhythmia; more than 6 PACs per minute
FIGURE 9-10 Sinus tachycardia. (From Davis, D. [1997]. is considered major arrhythmia.
Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.) b. Rhythm: regular, except for PAC.
102 Respiratory Care Exam Review

c. Wave pattern abnormalities: the premature

P wave looks different than the sinus P wave;
the PAC occurs sooner than the next beat
would be expected.
d. Cause: atrial irritability caused by organic
heart disease, central nervous system (CNS) Coarse fibrillatory waves
disturbances, sympathomimetic drugs, tobacco,
e. Treatment: if more than 6 PACs per minute, FIGURE 9-14 Atrial fibrillation. (From Davis, D. [1997].
lidocaine may be used. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
5. Premature ventricular contraction (PVC)

c. Wave pattern abnormalities: P waves cannot be

distinguished and have an uneven baseline; PR
interval is also indistinguishable.
d. Cause: hypoxia, arteriosclerotic heart disease,
mitral stenosis, valvular heart disease.
e. Treatment: cardioversion, propranolol, digitalis.

FIGURE 9-13 Premature ventricular contraction (PVC). Exam Note

(From Davis, D. [1997]. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2].
Atrial fibrillation is considered to be a major arrhythmia,
Philadelphia: Saunders.)
whereby the atria fail to pump blood adequately to the
ventricles, which results in a significant decrease in cardiac
output (QT). It may also result in pulmonary emboli.
a. Rate: 60 to 100 beats/min; less than 6 PVCs
per minute is considered minor, and more than
6 PVCs per minute is considered major.
b. Rhythm: regular, except for PVCs. 7. Atrial flutter

Exam Note
4:1 Response
When every other beat is a PVC, the arrhythmia is
termed bigeminy, which is considered a dangerous
arrhythmia. (A PVC occurring every third beat is
termed trigeminy.)

c. Wave pattern abnormalities: the shape of the FIGURE 9-15 Atrial flutter. (From Davis, D. [1997]. Differential
QRS complex is abnormal and wider than diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)
0.12 seconds.
d. Cause: ventricular irritability caused by hypoxia,
acid-base disturbances, electrolyte abnormali- a. Rate: atrial, 200 to 400 beats/min; ventricular,
ties, an excessive dose of digitalis, congestive 60 to 150 beats/min
heart failure (CHF), myocardial inflammation, b. Rhythm: regular or irregular
coronary artery disease. c. Wave pattern abnormalities: P waves have a
e. Treatment: intravenous lidocaine or other characteristic sawtooth pattern and are often
antiarrhythmia drugs, such as procainamide or referred to as F waves
propranolol if more than 6 PVCs per minute. d. Cause: hypoxia, arteriosclerotic heart disease,
6. Atrial fibrillation myocardial infarction (MI), rheumatic heart
a. Rate: variable; atrial rate greater than 350 disease
beats/min. e. Treatment: cardioversion, carotid artery
b. Rhythm: irregular. massage, procainamide, digitalis, tranquilizers
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 103

Atrial flutter is an arrhythmia that results in block- e. Treatment: defibrillation, CPR. If this arrhythmia
ade of atrial impulses in what is called a 2:1, 3:1, is not reversed, death soon results because
or 4:1 block. In a 2:1 block, there are two atrial there is essentially no blood being pumped out
impulses for each ventricular beat, and in a 3:1 or of the heart.
4:1 block, there are three or four impulses to each 10. First-degree heart block
ventricular beat, respectively.

8. Ventricular tachycardia (lethal)

FIGURE 9-18 First-degree heart block. (From Davis, D. [1997].

Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)

FIGURE 9-16 Ventricular tachycardia (lethal). (From Davis,

D. [1997]. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia:
a. Rate: 60 to 100 beats/min
Saunders.) b. Rhythm: regular
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: PR interval longer
than 0.20 seconds
a. Rate: 140 to 200 beats/min. d. Cause: complication of digoxin or beta block-
b. Rhythm: regular. ers, ischemia of the AV node
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: P waves and PR e. Treatment: atropine, isoproterenol
intervals are absent or hidden in the QRS com- 11. Second-degree heart block
plex; each QRS is wider than normal with a
run of three or more PVCs.
d. Cause: arteriosclerotic heart disease, coronary
artery disease, myocardial ischemia, mitral valve
prolapse, hypertensive heart disease.
e. Treatment: lidocaine, defibrillation, CPR, pro-
cainamide, amiodarone.

FIGURE 9-19 Second-degree heart block. Electrocardiographic

(ECG) tracing showing the narrowed QRS complex. (From
Kacmarek, R. M., Stoller, J. K., & Heuer, A. J. [2013]. Egan’s
fundamentals of respiratory care [ed 10]. St. Louis: Mosby.)

a. Rate: 60 to 100 beats/min

b. Rhythm: regular or irregular
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: the QRS complex
FIGURE 9-17 Ventricular fibrillation (lethal). (From Davis, D. is normal but may be preceded by two to
[1997]. Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias [ed 2]. Philadelphia: four P waves.
Saunders.) d. Cause: myocardial ischemia; may be a
progression from first-degree block
9. Ventricular fibrillation (lethal) e. Treatment: isoproterenol, atropine;
a. Rate: cannot be determined. pacemaker
b. Rhythm: cannot be determined. 12. Third-degree heart block
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: no distinguishable a. Rate: atrial rate, normal; ventricular rate, less
waves. than 40 beats/min.
d. Cause: coronary artery disease, hypertensive b. Rhythm: atrial and ventricular rhythms are
heart disease, acute MI, digitalis overdose. regular but are independent of each other.
104 Respiratory Care Exam Review

3. Internal pacemaker: The electrodes are placed

P P P P P P P P P P inside the chest wall.
4. The transvenous pacemaker, a temporary
internal pacer, is introduced into a peripheral
FIGURE 9-20 Third-degree heart block. Electrocardiographic vein and, with the use of fluoroscopy and ECG
(ECG) tracing. (From Levitsky, M. G., Cairo, J. N., & Hall, S. M. monitoring, is advanced through the superior vena
[1990]. Introduction to respiratory care. Philadelphia: Saunders.) cava and right atrium and positioned in the right
Indications for the temporary transvenous pacemaker
c. Wave pattern abnormalities: PR interval cannot are second- and third-degree heart blocks,
be determined; QRS complex may be normal ventricular asystole, and other arrhythmias
or widened. resulting in symptomatic bradycardia.
d. Cause: myocardial ischemia, AV node damage. 5. A pacer spike is a straight line observed on the
e. Treatment: pacemaker. ECG strip.
13. Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA) 6. To treat permanent arrhythmias, permanent
a. A condition in which there is dissociation pacemakers are surgically implanted.
between the electrical and mechanical activity 7. The electrodes are attached to a battery-operated
of the heart. The ECG pattern that appears on pace generator, which fires impulses at a specific
the ECG monitor does not reflect the actual rate continuously, or to a demand-type pacer,
mechanical activity of the heart. which fires if the patient’s heart rate slows to a
b. For example, the ECG may show regular QRS preset rate.
complexes, but the patient has no pulse. The 8. The therapist must know whether the patient has
QRS pattern is created by electrical a temporary pacemaker before beginning a
conduction that is not resulting in treatment such as chest physical therapy (CPT),
cardiac muscle contraction; therefore because this type of pacemaker can become
the tracing should be ignored and chest dislodged with vigorous movement.
compressions started. L. Holter Monitoring
c. Although PEA is not common, it is often 1. A Holter monitor is a portable, battery-powered
associated with cardiac trauma, tension recording device that records the patient’s ECG
pneumothorax, severe electrolyte disturbances, tracing while the patient conducts daily activities.
and severe acid-base imbalances. The monitoring is generally done over 24 hours.
K. Electric Cardiac Pacemakers 2. The patient keeps a diary of activity throughout
the day so that it can be compared with the ECG
recording. The patient records any symptoms in
the diary, which are later correlated to the ECG at
that specific time.
3. Because arrhythmias and inadequate blood flow to
the heart may occur only briefly or unpredictably,
this method of monitoring is useful in patients
experiencing irregular heartbeats on an inconsis-
tent basis.
A. Arterial Catheter (Arterial Line)
1. Systemic arterial blood pressure is most accurately
measured by placing a catheter directly into a
peripheral artery.
2. Peripheral arterial lines should be used in patients
with hemodynamic instability. Along with the
FIGURE 9-21 Electric cardiac pacemaker.
measurement of blood pressure, these lines
provide a direct route for the frequent blood
1. Electric pacemakers are devices used to replace samples drawn from these patients.
the heart’s natural pacemaker (SA node); they 3. The most common peripheral artery sites are as
control the contractions of the heart by a series of follows:
rhythmic electrical discharges. a. Radial: most common because of easy access
2. External pacemaker: The electrodes that deliver and good collateral circulation (with ulnar
the discharges are placed on the outside of the artery). The Allen test must be performed
chest. before puncture to determine whether
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 105

collateral circulation is present. (See calculated: systolic pressure ! (diastolic

Chapter 10 on ABG interpretation.) pressure # 2) $ 3.
b. Brachial e. Note the dicrotic notch on the waveform. It
c. Femoral represents the closing of the aortic valve. If the
4. Sterile technique should be used when the 18- or dicrotic notch is not visible, the pressure is most
20-gauge catheter is placed into the artery by ei- likely inaccurate, in that the values are lower
ther surgical cutdown or percutaneous puncture. than the patient’s actual pressure. The dicrotic
The catheter is connected to a system that delivers notch may disappear when the systolic pressure
a continuous flow of fluid from an IV bag to main- drops below 50 to 60 mm Hg. At this point it
tain patency of the system. The IV bag, which is difficult to palpate or hear a cuff pressure.
should contain normal saline with added heparin, 8. Complications of arterial catheters
is pressurized by a hand-bulb pressure pump. a. Infection: risk may be reduced with removal of
5. The system is also equipped with stopcocks to al- the catheter within 4 days.
low for calibration with atmospheric pressure and b. Hemorrhage: make sure all connections in the
for arterial sampling. system are tight.
6. A strain gauge pressure transducer (the most c. Ischemia: note the color and temperature of
commonly used transducer) is connected to the the skin distal to the insertion site to determine
system to provide a display of the pressure wave- distal perfusion.
form and a digital reading of the arterial pressure d. Thrombosis and embolization: a weak
in mm Hg. pulse distal to the puncture site may indicate
thrombosis. A continuous flush of saline and
heparin through the system helps to avoid clot
mm Hg

Exam Note
notch The catheter site and points distal to it should be as-
sessed frequently by the respiratory therapist for signs
of the above complications.

9. Troubleshooting for arterial lines

a. “Damped” pressure tracing; causes include:
(1) Occlusion of the catheter tip by a
clot: correct by aspirating the clot and
flushing with heparinized saline.
7. Pressures measured on the arterial waveform (2) Catheter tip resting against the wall
a. Systolic pressure: equal to the peak of the of the vessel: correct by repositioning
waveform (normally %120 mm Hg). Systole catheter while observing waveform.
occurs as the heart contracts, forcing blood (3) Clot in transducer or stopcock: correct
through the aorta (to the systemic circulation) by flushing system; if no improvement is
and pulmonary arteries (to the lungs). seen in the waveform tracing, disconnect
b. Diastolic pressure: measured at the lowest the transducer and change the stopcock.
point of the waveform (normally 60 to (4) Air bubbles in the line: correct by
80 mm Hg). Diastole occurs in between the disconnecting transducer and flushing out
contractions of the atria and ventricles (or while air bubbles.
the heart is at rest), as these chambers begin b. Abnormally high or low pressure readings;
refilling with blood. causes include:
c. Pulse pressure: the difference between the (1) Improper calibration: correct by
systolic and diastolic pressures (normally recalibration of monitor and strain gauge.
about 40 mm Hg). (2) Improper transducer position: correct
d. Mean arterial pressure (MAP): represents by ensuring the transducer is kept at the
the average pressure during the cardiac cycle level of the patient’s heart. If the transducer
(normally 80 to 100 mm Hg). MAP is is placed below the level of the heart, the
106 Respiratory Care Exam Review

pressure reading will read higher than the 5. The balloon inflation channel controls the inflation
actual pressure. If the transducer is placed and deflation of a small balloon, located about
above the level of the heart, the pressure 1 cm from the distal tip of the catheter, and is
reading will read lower than the actual used to measure PCWP.
pressure. 6. The fourth channel is an extra port for the contin-
c. No pressure reading; causes include: uous infusion of fluid when necessary.
(1) Improper scale selection: correct by 7. This catheter is also equipped with a computer
selecting appropriate scale. connector to measure QT with the use of the ther-
(2) Transducer not open to catheter: modilution technique.
correct by checking system and making
sure the transducer is open to the
Some catheters are equipped with only two
channels: the distal channel and the balloon
B. Flow-Directed Pulmonary Artery Catheter
inflation channel.
(Swan-Ganz Catheter)
1. The pulmonary artery catheter is a balloon-
tipped catheter made of polyvinyl chloride that is 8. Insertion of the Pulmonary Artery Catheter
used to measure central venous pressure (CVP), a. The catheter is inserted through the brachial,
pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), and pulmonary femoral, subclavian, or internal or external
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), sometimes jugular vein.
referred to as pulmonary artery wedge pressure b. Continuous monitoring of the catheter pressure
(PAWP). and waveform is necessary along with ECG
2. The catheter also allows for the aspiration of blood monitoring.
from the pulmonary artery for mixed venous c. Once the vein is entered, the catheter is ad-
blood gas sampling and injection of fluids to vanced into the right atrium, at which time the
determine QT. balloon is inflated and the catheter flows
3. The distal channel (lumen) is used for the mea- through the right atrium, right ventricle, and
surement of PAP and for obtaining mixed venous into the pulmonary artery, where it “wedges”
blood from the pulmonary artery. into a distal branch.
4. The proximal channel (lumen) is used for the d. Pressures and pressure waveform tracings are
measurement of CVP or right atrial pressure and recorded as the catheter passes through the
for the injection of fluids to determine QT. right side of the heart.

Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 107

e. Once the catheter wedges in a distal branch of a. CVP is a measurement of right atrial
the pulmonary artery, the PCWP may be pressure, which reflects systemic venous
measured, and the balloon should then be return and right ventricular preload. The
deflated, allowing blood flow past the tip of the normal value is 3 to 8 cm H2O or 2 to
catheter. Because blood flow is stopped distal 6 mm Hg.
to the wedge position when the balloon is b. Conditions that increase CVP
inflated, it should not be inflated any longer (1) Hypervolemia
than 15 to 20 seconds or pulmonary (2) Pulmonary hypertension
infarction may occur. (3) Right ventricular failure
C. Monitoring of CVP, PAP, and PCWP (4) Pulmonary valve stenosis
1. Central venous pressure (CVP) may be monitored (5) Tricuspid valve stenosis
with a pulmonary artery catheter or from a (6) Pulmonary embolism
separate CVP catheter that is inserted through the (7) Arterial vasodilation, resulting in increased
subclavian, jugular, or brachial vein. The CVP blood volume in the venous system
catheter is connected to a water manometer, (8) Left heart failure
which reads the pressure in cm H2O. Measuring (9) Improper transducer placement (below the
the CVP with a pulmonary artery catheter gives level of the right atrium)
the pressure in mm Hg. (10) Positive pressure ventilator breath
(measure CVP at end of expiration)
(11) Severe flail chest or pneumothorax:
Exam Note these conditions may compress the
When CVP is monitored with a water manometer, the superior and inferior venae cavae,
manometer must be level with the heart while the pa- which would decrease venous return and
tient is lying flat. This method of monitoring CVP is not increase CVP as a result of compression of
as accurate as using a pulmonary artery catheter and is the heart
not commonly used.




FIGURE 9-24 A normal pressure waveform tracing of the right atrium (RA), right ventricle (RV),
pulmonary artery (PA), and pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP). (From Wilkins, R. L., Stoller,
J. K., & Kacmarek, R. [2009]. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care [ed 9]. St. Louis: Mosby.)
108 Respiratory Care Exam Review

right side of the heart. The transducer mea-

Exam Note sures the back pressure through the pulmonary
To determine what effect positive end-expiratory pres- circulation, which is equal to pressure in the
sure (PEEP) has on venous return and CVP, measure left atrium and to the left ventricular end-
CVP while the patient remains on PEEP. To determine diastolic pressure (LVEDP).
CVP without the effects of PEEP, discontinue PEEP for b. PCWP, therefore, is a measurement of pressure
the measurement in some patients. However, remem- in the left side of the heart.
ber that patients with critical lung conditions using high c. As stated, the balloon should not be inflated
levels of PEEP cannot tolerate being removed from any longer than 15 to 20 seconds because
PEEP; therefore, CVP must be measured while the pa- blood flow obstructed for any longer may
tient remains on PEEP. cause pulmonary infarction.
d. The normal PCWP value is 5 to 10 mm
Hg. A PCWP value of more than 18 mm Hg
c. Conditions that decrease CVP usually indicates impending pulmonary edema.
(1) Hypovolemia
(2) Vasodilation (from decreased venous tone)
(3) Leaks or air bubbles in the pressure line Exam Note
(4) Improper transducer placement (above the PCWP is elevated in patients with cardiogenic pulmo-
level of the right atrium) nary edema and is normal in patients with noncardio-
2. Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) is an important genic pulmonary edema.
measurement in the care of critically ill patients
with sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), pulmonary edema, and MI. e. Conditions that increase PCWP
a. It is especially important to monitor PAP and (1) Left ventricular failure
mixed venous oxygen tension (PvO2) values in (2) Mitral valve stenosis
patients using at least 10 cm H2O of PEEP be- (3) Aortic valve stenosis
cause high levels of PEEP may compromise the (4) Systemic hypertension
cardiac status of the patient by decreasing QT f. Conditions that decrease PCWP
and O2 delivery to the tissues. (1) Hypovolemia
b. Mixed venous blood sampling (to measure (2) Pulmonary embolism (PCWP may be nor-
PvO2) is achieved by obtaining blood from the mal or decreased)
pulmonary artery. Normal PvO2 is 35 to D. Complications of Pulmonary Artery Catheter
45 mm Hg. PvO2 reflects tissue oxygenation. Insertion
If this level drops after the initiation of or 1. Damage to tricuspid valve
increase in PEEP, then a decrease in tissue 2. Damage to pulmonary valve
oxygenation has occurred, caused by a drop 3. Pulmonary infarction
in QT because of PEEP. PEEP should be 4. Pneumothorax
decreased to maintain an adequate PvO2. 5. Cardiac arrhythmias
(See Chapter 11 on ventilator management.) 6. Air embolism
c. Normal systolic PAP is 15 to 30 mm Hg. Nor- 7. Ruptured pulmonary artery
mal diastolic PAP is 5 to 15 mm Hg. Normal E. Measurement of QT
mean PAP is 10 to 20 mm Hg. 1. QT may be measured through the pulmonary ar-
d. Conditions that increase PAP tery catheter with the use of the thermodilution
(1) Pulmonary hypertension (resulting from technique. A cold saline or dextrose solution is
hypercapnia, acidemia, or hypoxemia, for injected through the proximal port of the catheter.
example) Heat loss occurs from the injection port to the
(2) Mitral valve stenosis distal tip of the catheter. The rate of blood flow
(3) Left ventricular failure determines the amount of heat loss and is
e. Conditions that decrease PAP measured on the QT computer.
(1) Decreased pulmonary vascular resistance 2. QT may be calculated with the use of the Fick
(pulmonary vasodilation); caused by im- equation:
proved oxygenation, for example
(2) Decreased blood volume QT !
3. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) CaO2 " CvO2 # 10
a. When the balloon at the distal end of the cath-
eter is inflated, it wedges in a branch of the QT & cardiac output (L/min)
pulmonary artery, blocking blood flow from the VO2 & O2 consumption (mL/min)
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 109

[CaO2 " CvO2] & arterial and mixed venous O2 4. CvO2 is calculated with the following formula
content difference (milliliters of O2 per deciliter of
blood), also called vol%
(1.34 ! Hb ! SvO ) " (PvO
2 2
! 0.003)

Milliliters per deciliter (mL/dL) must be converted

to mL/L to express the QT in L/min. This is ac- EXAMPLE:
complished by multiplying the O2 content differ-
ence by 10. Normal QT is 4 to 8 L/min. Calculate the total venous O2 content, given the following

Hb 15 g/dL
PvO2 40 mm Hg
Calculate a patient’s QT given the following information:
1.34 # 15 # 0.75 & 15 mL of O2 (bound to Hb)
VO2 & 250 mL/min 40 # 0.003 & 0.12 mL of O2 (dissolved in plasma)
CaO2 " CvO2 & 5 g/dL CvO2 & 15 mL ! 0.12 mL & 15.12 mL/dL
250 mL min 250
QT ! ! ! 5 L min
5 " 10 40

F. Measurement of Arterial and Venous O2 Exam Note

The normal C(a " v)O2, or arteriovenous O2 content
1. O2 content refers to the total amount of O2
difference, is 4 to 6 mL/dL. In the above calculations,
dissolved in the plasma and bound to hemoglobin
the C(a " v)O2 is
(Hb) in arterial or mixed venous blood.
2. The difference between arterial and venous O2 19.96 " 15.12 4.84 mL dL
content (arteriovenous O2 content difference)
is used to calculate QT and cardiopulmonary
3. Total O2 content of arterial blood (CaO2) is calcu- An arteriovenous O2 content difference
lated with the use of the following formula: of less than 4 g/dL may be the result of in-
creased QT (less time for tissues to extract O2;
CaO2 ! 1.34 " Hb " SaO2 ( i.e., mL of O2 bound to Hb ) # therefore arterial and venous O2 are closer in
PaO2 " 0.003 ( mL of O2 dissolved in plasma ) value), septic shock, or anemia.
An arteriovenous O2 content difference
of more than 6 mL/dL may be the result of
1.34 mL of O2 is capable of binding with 1 g of Hb, decreased QT (more time for tissues to extract O2
and 0.003 mL of O2 is dissolved in the plasma for because of slower blood flow; therefore a greater
each 1 mm Hg of PaO2. On the exam, don’t take difference is seen between arterial and venous O2
the time to calculate the amount of O2 dissolved in values).
the plasma. It will be less than 1, and you’ll still get
an answer close to one of the choices. Select the
choice that is slightly higher but closest to what you C(a " v)O2 is useful in determining the effects
calculated for the oxygen bound to hemoglobin. that PEEP and mechanical ventilation have on the
patient’s QT and in evaluating the patient’s need
for more circulatory support.

Calculate the CaO2 from the following data:

G. Intrapulmonary Shunting
Hb 15 g/dL 1. Intrapulmonary shunting is defined as the portion
SaO2 98%
of the QT that perfuses through the lungs without
PaO2 86 mm Hg
coming in contact with ventilated alveoli. This
1.34 # 15 # 0.98 & 19.7 mL of O2 (bound to Hb) ! portion of the QT therefore passes through the
86 # 0.003 & 0.26 mL of O2 (dissolved in the plasma) lungs and into the left side of the heart without
CaO2 & 19.7 mL ! 0.26 mL & 19.96 mL/dL being oxygenated.
110 Respiratory Care Exam Review

2. In a healthy person, intrapulmonary shunting

occurs. This results from blood flow through the Exam Note
bronchial, pleural, and thebesian veins. These A simplified method of calculating shunt is as follows:
veins return blood to the left atrium, thus bypass- A-a gradient/20 ! 4%. Although not as accurate, it
ing the oxygenation process in the lungs (called should work fine on the NBRC exams.
an anatomic shunt). Normally, intrapulmonary
shunting is about 2% to 5% of the QT and
is primarily caused by anatomic shunting. 7. Interpreting calculated shunt values
3. Physiologic shunting represents only a small por- a. Less than 10% is normal.
tion of the normal anatomic shunt. Increased b. Abnormal intrapulmonary status is 10% to 20%
physiologic shunting results in a worsening cardio- and is usually of no significance clinically.
pulmonary status. c. Significant intrapulmonary disease is 20% to
4. Conditions that increase physiologic shunting 30%, may be life-threatening, and requires
a. Pneumonia cardiopulmonary support.
b. Pneumothorax d. More than 30% is a serious, life-threatening
c. Pulmonary edema condition that requires aggressive cardiopulmo-
d. Atelectasis nary support.
5. The amount of shunt may be determined with the H. Measuring Cardiac Index
use of the clinical shunt formula: 1. QT varies according to the patient’s body surface
area (BSA). The cardiac index (CI) correlates the
(PAO2 " PaO2 )(0.003) patient’s QT for his or her specific BSA.
QT (CaO2 " CvO2 ) # (PAO2 " PaO2 )(0.003) 2. Formula for calculation:

This formula requires a 100% Hb saturation of O2 Cardiac output (L min )

in arterial blood. CI &
BSA ( m2 )
6. If measurement of PvO2 is not available (via pul-
monary artery catheter), the modified shunt equa- 3. Normal CI is 2.5 to 4.0 L/min/m2
tion may be used: 4. Factors that increase CI
a. Drugs that increase cardiac contractility (e.g.,
(PAO2 " PaO2 )(0.003) dopamine, epinephrine, digitalis)
QT ( 4.5 mL dL ) # (PAO2 " PaO2 )(0.003) b. Hypervolemia
4.5 vol% represents a normal CaO2 " CvO2 c. Decreased vascular resistance
d. Septic shock (early stages)
5. Factors that decrease CI
a. Drugs that decrease cardiac contractility (e.g.,
Calculate a patient’s percentage of shunt given the follow- propranolol and metoprolol)
ing data b. Hypovolemia
c. CHF
pH 7.37 d. Increased vascular resistance
PaCO2 45 mm Hg e. MI
PaO2 60 mm Hg
f. Septic shock (late stages)
FiO2 0.40
PB 747 mm Hg g. Positive pressure ventilation
h. PEEP and CPAP
PAO2 & (PB " 47)(FiO2) " (PaCO2 # 1.25)* I. Measuring Stroke Volume
(747 " 47)(0.4) " (45 # 1.25) 1. Stroke volume (SV) is the amount of blood ejected
280 " 56 & 224 torr from the ventricle during ventricular contraction.
2. Formula for calculation:
(PAO2 " PaO2 )(0.003)
QT ( 4. 5 mL dL ) # (PAO2 " PaO2 ) ( 0.003) Cardiac output ( mL min )
SV &
(224 " 60) $ 0.003 ! 0.49 ! 0.49 ! 0.098 Heart rate ( beats min )
4.5 # (224 " 60 ) ( 0.003) 4.5 # 0.49 50
3. Normal SV is 60 to 120 mL/beat.
! 0.098 $ 100 ! 9.8 J. Measuring Systemic Vascular Resistance
1. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) is a measure-
*To simplify the math, use 7 # O2% and (PaCO2 ! 10) to obtain an an- ment of the resistance that the left ventricle must
swer close enough to get the correct answer. This means that almost 10% overcome to eject its volume of blood. This is
of the patient’s QT is not being oxygenated in the lungs.
known as afterload.
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 111

2. SVR is calculated with the use of the following L. Measurement of O2 Consumption (VO2)
formula: 1. VO2 is defined as the amount of O2 (in milliliters)
extracted by the peripheral tissues in 1 minute. It
MSAP " CVP (mm Hg) is also a measurement of the O2 uptake in the
QT (L min ) lung.
2. VO2 may be calculated with the use of the follow-
MSAP & mean systemic arterial pressure. ing formula, which is based on the Fick equation:
VO2 ! QT C ( a " v ) O2 # 10
This resistance formula may be multiplied by 80 to
convert to resistance units of dyne # s # cm"5.
10 & Factor to convert C(a " v)O2 to milliliters of
3. Normal SVR is 11.25 to 17.5 mm Hg/L/min, or O2 per liter.
900 to 1400 dyne # seconds # cm"5.
4. Factors that increase SVR
a. Vasoconstrictors (dopamine, epinephrine)
b. Hypovolemia EXAMPLE:
c. Hypocapnia
Given the following data, calculate a patient’s O2 consump-
5. Factors that decrease SVR
tion (uptake).
a. Vasodilators (nitroprusside sodium, morphine,
nitroglycerin) QT 5 L/min
b. Hypercapnia CaO2 20
c. Septic shock (early stages) CvO2 14.5
K. Measuring Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
1. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is a reflection VO2 & 5 # [20 " 14.5] # 10
of the afterload of the right ventricle. VO2 & 5 # 5.5 # 10
2. PVR is calculated with the use of the following VO2 & 275 mL/min


3. Normal O2 consumption is 150 to 275 mL/min.
QT 4. Factors that increase VO2
a. Hyperthermia
MPAP & mean pulmonary artery pressure
b. Exercise
QT & cardiac output (L/min)
c. Seizures
PCWP & pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
d. Shivering
5. Factors that decrease VO2
a. Hypothermia
This resistance formula may be multiplied by 80 b. Cyanide poisoning
to convert to resistance units of dyne # seconds c. Musculoskeletal relaxation
# cm"5. M. Measurement of Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
1. RQ & VCO2/VO2
Note: VCO2 refers to CO2 production
3. Normal PVR is 1.38 to 3.13 mm Hg/L/min, or 110 2. RQ may be calculated to help determine whether
to 250 dyne # seconds # cm"5. a patient has been overfed, which can promote
4. Factors that increase PVR excessive carbon dioxide production (VCO2). An
a. Vasoconstrictors (dopamine, epinephrine) increased VCO2 can overwhelm respiratory
b. Hypercapnia function in patients with already compromised
c. Hypoxemia ventilatory capacity.
d. Acidemia 3. An RQ of '1.0, indicating overfeeding, has been
e. Pulmonary embolism shown to result in shallow, rapid respirations,
f. Pneumothorax increased dead space ventilation (VD), and delay
g. Positive pressure ventilation from weaning from mechanical ventilation.
h. PEEP and CPAP Normal RQ is 0.80 to 0.85.
5. Factors that decrease PVR 4. Indirect calorimetry is the estimation of energy
a. Improved oxygenation (pulmonary vasodilator) expenditure by the measurement of VCO2 and
b. Alkalemia (hypocapnia) VO2. This information will help assess a patient’s
c. Vasodilating agents (nitric oxide, sildenafil, metabolic state, determine nutritional needs, and
prostacyclin, nitroprusside) assess response to nutritional therapy. This can be
112 Respiratory Care Exam Review

valuable information to obtain on patients having g. CO2 production

difficulty weaning from the ventilator. h. Respiratory quotient
III. CARDIOPULMONARY STRESS TESTING i. O2 pulse (volume of O2 removed from the
A. Exercise Stress Testing blood with each heartbeat; calculated by
1. Exercise stress testing is used to evaluate a dividing O2 consumption by the heart rate)
patient’s cardiopulmonary reserve capacity. j. VD/VT ratio
2. The cardiopulmonary stress test is usually k. Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV)
conducted with the patient either pedaling a l. Anaerobic threshold (the point at which the
cycle or walking on a treadmill. O2 requirements of the exercising muscles
3. Before testing, perform a patient history and cannot be met and anaerobic metabolism
physical examination. The examination should begins providing the cellular energy supply;
include: recognized when CO2 production exceeds
a. Pulmonary function tests O2 consumption, so the ratio is 1.0 or
b. Carbon monoxide diffusion capacity greater).
c. Arterial blood gas (ABG) measurements m. The test is discontinued when the patient
d. Blood pressure reaches a predetermined heart rate or if the
e. Before and after bronchodilator study (if following signs or symptoms occur:
airflow obstruction exists) (1) Physical exhaustion
f. Resting ECG (2) Excessive chest pain
4. Some patients are not ideal candidates for (3) Excessive dyspnea
cardiopulmonary stress testing. Following is a (4) Excessive fatigue in the legs
list of conditions in which stress testing is (5) PVCs
contraindicated. (6) Ventricular tachycardia
a. CHF (7) Heart blocks
b. Recent acute MI (8) Hypotension
c. Unstable angina (9) Patient requests the test to be stopped
d. Acute infection
e. Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias
g. Third-degree heart block
h. Myocarditis 1. List four causes of a dampened arterial pressure
5. A physician should always be present during the waveform.
stress test; always have the following emergency 2. List five conditions that cause an increased CVP.
equipment available: 3. List four conditions that cause a decreased CVP.
a. Defibrillator 4. What are three drugs used to treat PVCs?
b. O2 source 6. What is the treatment for ventricular tachycardia?
c. Manual resuscitator with mask 6. List three conditions that cause an increased PAP.
d. Oral airway 7. List two conditions that cause a decreased PAP.
e. Laryngoscope and endotracheal tubes 8. PCWP is a measurement of what function?
f. IV setup with 5% dextrose 9. List four conditions that cause an increased PCWP.
g. Cardiac medications 10. List two conditions that cause a decreased PCWP.
B. Cardiopulmonary Stress Test 11. List the normal values for CVP, PAP, and PCWP.
1. This test requires a cycle ergometer or a treadmill, 12. Calculate the QT of a patient who has a VO2 of 240
a system for analyzing exhaled gases, a device mL/min and a C(a " v)O2 of 6 mL/dL.
for recording ventilation variables, and an oxime- 13. In a healthy person, what percentage of the QT makes
ter for measuring O2 saturation or an arterial line up the intrapulmonary shunt?
for obtaining blood gas measurements. 14. Calculate the C(a " v)O2, given the following
2. This test also requires the patient to exercise at information:
certain workload increments.
3. Values measured during this test include:
pH 7.43
a. Blood pressure
PaCO2 43 mm Hg
b. Heart rate PaO2 82 mm Hg
c. ECG SaO2 95%
d. Respiratory rate PvO2 37 mm Hg
e. O2 saturation or blood gases SvO2 72%
f. O2 consumption Hb 14 g/dL
Chapter 9 Cardiac Monitoring 113

15. List four conditions that increase physiologic shunting. 23. List three factors that cause a decreased O2
16. Calculate the percentage of intrapulmonary shunt consumption.
given the following information:
See answers at the back of the text.
pH 7.39
PaCO2 40 mm Hg
FiO2 0.50
PB 747 mm Hg Davis, D. (1985). How to quickly and accurately master ECG interpretation.
Philadelphia: Lippincott.
17. List four factors that cause an increased SVR. Davis, D. (1997). Differential diagnosis of arrhythmias (ed 2). Philadelphia:
18. List three factors that cause a decreased SVR. Saunders.
19. List five factors that cause an increased PVR. Des Jardins, T. (2013). Cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology (ed 6).
20. List three factors that cause a decreased PVR. Albany, N.Y.: Cengage.
Hess, D., et al. (2012). Respiratory care principles and practice (ed 2).
21. Calculate the O2 consumption given the following
Sudbury, Mass: Jones & Bartlett.
information: Heuer, A., & Scanlan, C. (2018). Wilkins’ clinical assessment in respiratory
care (ed 8). St. Louis: Mosby.
QT 4.5 L/min Kacmarek, R. M., Stoller, J. K., & Heuer, A. J. (2017). Egan’s fundamentals
CaO2 19 of respiratory care (ed 11). St. Louis: Mosby.
Levitsky, M. G., Cairo, J. N., & Hall, S. M. (1990). Introduction to
CvO2 14
respiratory care. Philadelphia: Saunders.
O’Toole, M. (Ed.). (2005). Miller-Keane encyclopedia and dictionary of
22. List four factors that cause an increased O2 medicine, nursing, and allied health (ed 7, Revised Reprint).
consumption. Philadelphia: Saunders.

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