Video Self-Analysis Form

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erie fine FARMINGTON Video Self- Analysis student als pate] 3B observer: SubjecrTope/Ski ONS | Pedue Wo} __ ne Lent Th Procedures: ‘Obtain permission to video students, Video a practice lesson to aclimate students tothe camera. Set up the camera to include you and the students if possible ‘® Choosea lesson where you are teaching so that you wll earn more about your teaching. Video the lesson, Including a portion of student work ime, ‘® Complete the rating form and written response items. Submit the form and lesson plan toyour supervisor by the assigned due date Evaluation scale: 1 Standard Not Met 2.SandaréMinmaly Met 3. Standard ParilyMet 4 StdordSasacorly Met 5, Standard Brceeded Standard [A Organization and Preparation: Do you T aay 1. State the lesson objective in clear Identifiable terms and its relationship to the previous ELST ats clase? o ‘Z_Emphasize and summarize main points with students during the cass? Ttztst a '3._Make smooth transitions from one topieto another? afet3 @ ‘4 "Relate the days session to upcoming presentations? apes a '._Include neither too much not oo litle material in a dase pariod?” apes 3) (6. Seem at ease with the material? ape ps @) 7. Begin and end cass promptly? _—— at2ts Comments sevens vluton ale Sania 2 SonedMigy Mi 2 Sond ei M4 Sunray 5 Sf Sadar [Soleo eseeton Doo (S| a Sen ns ey song vi acon Bo near rapes [fet [a tena ti slows aden oaks nts as Stata vie border now ret ate (5) [ites cay ose s connens on gations aarp? Tra Tse (|: Peon see matt edentatanton?” cepa (3 Oban tc aenon ro bepinigessonbywangan ong eRe PX[ 2 PSY opening? [a ye scecioe bn apppratsnanmaromhacetcleaningneesttryor PU] Ps [a sult! cs Sane [C Cary of ana Dope (i) [a ote new terms concepts a RITE? capt [[e) [2 Gis xp stats or applets A aS cone sete (ee —| Ext feats new es toa one copes (ota Seek terns ct nT cetste (| Stes erat anne when sents do Sts? cepa (eT —e-Pase senn ath dat comprehension cepa {| 7 Ratan fom edly digresing am he la OE nota (yay | —a Vas andou a ani vl ae eos ctr {STS oy and cero de boarder overfoa ope (| at Move patptetulytvogfo the cssoom and leon moor aR PI] > [a Pe l sams eens? Tomiment Evaluation scale. 1 SandardNot Met 2 Sandard Mrmally Met 3, Sandard Party Met 4 Standard Setar Met_ 5 Sandard Bu Standards [D. Questioningklls.Doyou o 1 Perlodically ask questions to gauge whether students need more orTess TPEpap ay {nformation on atopic? (ESEz)_| —E Ask diferent ievels or Kinde o questions to challenge and engage seni? Teas @ 3. Pause suliienty ater al questions wo alow student Une to respond? rpepste ©. “Encourage students to answer diflult questions by providing cus or rephrasing? | t | 2-[-3.[-# 5) 5 Answer questions directly before elaborating or giving addtional information? | 1 | 2.| 3-4 ©. When necessary, ak students to carl thet questions? apetate @ Ask ollow-up question a student answers incomplete oF superical apetste Comments Standard E Student interest and Paricpation: Do you i 7 (it) | 1. Encourage students questions? retary 2) 2_Aceep othe points of view? apepste (1.27) | — 3. Provide opportunities for students practice what they ae earing? t2tsts 3) -£ Incorporate students” questions and concerns int presentations? terran Comment Evaluation scale 1 SinéardNot Met 2.SandaréMinmoly Met 3, SandardPartalvMet 4 Standard SasacorlyMet_3, Standard Brseéed Standard | F_ Classroom Climate: Doyou 7) ‘Address students by nam (and with the correc pronunciation)? TZTsTeys, 3) Call on male and female students in equal numbers? apes fs 3) Call on students of diferent ethni groups in equal numbers? ipets ye Ga Evenhandedlyisten attentively and respond to students’ comments and queions | 112] 3 | 4 Ga) Give feedback, encouragement criticism and praise evenhandedly? ape ats @ use humor, use itappropriately and effectively? apetste Comments Siandard_[G- Discussion: Bayou Ga) ‘Encourage all students to parteipate in the Gscussion” Tass aay 72. Draw out quiet students and prevent dominating students from monopoliingihe [1] 2] 3 | + discussion? Gal "Refrain from monopolizing the dacussion yoursel Tizae G3) “4 Encourage students to question one another? FERREBED'C (om 5._Mediate diferences of opinion? ab2tsta (ca 6. Bring closure tothe discussion? apzrsts Comments Eaphan way you did oF did not meet the lesson’s Objeaive(s). How do you know? did NOt Cleaviy SOR? the lesson TDechve Inve vequntiing, Ithis lesson aso cli nwt vse technalogy wer. a a TT TNT L Would ve peck eveyyting, just Change sina Independent sstaty on. Sears Sagas ou Would wale Uyoa aS WON Iwouldl include Hw lesson clyectve Sormmwnere on He wwe yoou - | \wuldl also Change wHlependennt station It iMclude techng logy, IMy goal woeld be 7d weegrate “ecology Move \ato My Lessons. L wovlol alse indede lesson olgectives Stmawhye, Sor camp on Yee whic beard.

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