OL Biology Worksheet Natural Selection, Drugs, Ecosystem MS.

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O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs

Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Cacti have fewer stomata than other plants. How does this help them to survive in desert
A. It increases loss of water.
B. It increases uptake of carbon dioxide.
C. It reduces loss of water.
D. It reduces uptake of carbon dioxide
2. The table shows the birth rates and death rates in four countries. Which country will double its
population most quickly?

3. What is not a feature of natural selection?

A. competition for resources
B. Production of many offspring
C. Selection by humans
D. Variation within the population.
4. The diagram shows how sewage is treated

Why is air bubbled through the aeration tank?

A. To encourage microorganisms to reproduce quickly

B. To float the sludge
C. To settle the sludge
D. To stop microorganisms from reproducing too quickly
5. Three human activities are listed.
1 burning fossil fuels
2 deforestation
3 overusing fertilizers
Which activities can cause the change shown in the graph?
O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1 only
D. D 2 and 3 only
6. What is a reason for conserving plant species?
A. to absorb oxygen from the air
B. to decrease rainfall
C. to obtain drugs for medicinal use
D. to release carbon dioxide into the air
7. What is reduced after deforestation?
A. force of rain hitting the ground
B. rainwater run-off
C. soil erosion
D. soil fertility
8. Which process may result in eutrophication in a lake?
A. bleach entering from a factory
B. fertilizers entering from farmland
C. hot water entering from a power station
D. pesticides entering from farmland
9. Over-use of fertilisers on farmland causes the chemicals in the fertilisers to be washed into
ponds and lakes. This causes eutrophication resulting in the following events.
1. algae grow
2. fish die
3. bacteria grow
4. oxygen decreases

What is the correct sequence of these events?

A. 1 → 3 → 4 → 2
B. 1 → 4 → 3 → 2
C. 3 → 4 → 2 → 1
D. 4 → 1 → 2 → 3
10. The concentration of a pesticide in the tissues of the organisms in the following food chain was
plants → small fish → large fish → birds of prey
Which bar on the chart represents the large fish?
O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs
11. The graph shows changes in part of a lake after it has been polluted by fertilisers from a nearby
farm. At which time will the oxygen concentration in the water be lowest?

12. The diagram shows a food chain. A farmer sprays his cabbages with pesticide. Which organisms
does the farmer want to kill?

13. The graph shows the quantities of pesticides that accumulate in four populations, each at
different trophic levels in a food chain. Which population is most likely to be herbivores?

14. Which human activity helps to prevent the extinction of animal species?
A. creating more farmland
B. creating nature reserves
C. destroying natural habitats
D. extracting natural resources
O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs
15. Which component of cigarette smoke is most likely to cause lung cancer?
A. carbon dioxide
B. carbon monoxide
C. nicotine
D. tar
16. Cilia are present on the surface of the cells of the trachea. The cilia of a smoker work less
effectively than those of a non-smoker. How does this affect the smoker?
A. Less carbon dioxide is released.
B. Less oxygen is released.
C. More bacteria enter the lungs.
D. More mucus is removed from the lungs.
17. Which two statements describe the effects of smoking cigarettes?
1 Cilia beat more quickly.
2 Cilia beat more slowly.
3 Goblet cells stop producing mucus.
4 Goblet cells produce more mucus.
A. 1 and 3
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
18. The graph shows the effect of an antibiotic treatment on bacterial populations in the blood.

What conclusion can be drawn from the graph?

A. Antibiotics are effective against viral and bacterial infections.

B. Antibiotics cause reduction division in bacteria.
C. Antibiotics take ten days to kill all bacteria.
D. Before the start of antibiotic treatment the bacterial population was rising
19. A species of insect usually has pale-coloured wings. This helps to camouflage them on pale-
coloured tree trunks. A few of the insects in this species have darker coloured wings. After a
number of years the tree trunks become darker in colour due to environmental changes. The
insects with dark-coloured wings become more common than insects with pale-coloured wings in
this species.
Which process causes this change in the proportion of insects with dark-coloured wings?
A. biotechnology
B. conservation
C. natural selection
D. selective breeding
O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs
20. The events listed may happen in a population.
1 Better adapted organisms survive.
2 Mutation results in variation.
3 Survivors pass on their alleles to the next generation.
4 There is a struggle for survival.
Which sequence may lead to evolution in the population?
A. 1 → 2 → 3 → 4
B. 2 → 4 → 1 → 3
C. 3 → 2 → 4 → 1
D. 4 → 1 → 2 → 3
21. The diagram shows a pyramid of numbers in a food chain.

What type of organism is the hawk?

A. producer
B. primary consumer
C. quaternary consumer
D. tertiary consumer
22. The diagram shows a pyramid of biomass for a food chain in a woodland ecosystem.
O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs
23. The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle.
Which process reduces the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere?

24. The diagram shows energy flow through an ecosystem.

In what form is energy transferred at X?

A. chemical
B. heat
C. kinetic
D. Light
25. Why is aspirin sometimes used as a drug to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease?
A. It reduces blood pressure.
B. It reduces pain.
C. It reduces the tendency for blood to clot.
D. It relaxes artery walls.
26. What is the name of an organism that obtains its energy from dead organic material?
A. carnivore
B. consumer
C. decomposer
D. herbivore
O level Biology worksheet: Natural Selection, Ecosystem, Drugs

2a. Answer

2b. Answer

3. Answer

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