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April 21, 2023
Report Reveals Christian College Forces Forgiveness on Sexual Violence Survivors:
Century of similar stories include founder's incest

Hesston, Kan. - Hesston College, a Mennonite school in rural Kansas with 325 students, has released a
report detailing systematic mishandlings of Title IX reports including multiple sexual assault cases.

The report presents an audit conducted by international law firm Cozen O’Conner’s Institutional
Response Group, known for their high-profile investigations. Released on April 14, the 64-page report
documents personal accounts of students, faculty and staff and shows a pattern of continuous failure to
respond properly to reports, offer support or lawful procedural rights, or properly utilize informal

According to the report, the audit team discovered the repeated and frequent occurrence of coerced
informal resolution processes that violated Title IX regulations and further traumatized victims. Stated in
the report, “Pursuing a face-to-face informal resolution between the parties without explicit written
consent, sufficient training, and appropriate safeguards reflected a lack of understanding of the
dynamics of interpersonal violence.”

Quoted in the report, one community member said, “They are thinking they are doing restorative justice,
but it is not what they are really doing. People have to agree to do it. I think they think they are being
Mennonite, but their idea of restorative justice is wrong in how it’s being applied.”

“I was never allowed to be mad,” said one student. “They pushed so much forgiveness. I was told about
counseling options, but I was never followed up with again. I was under suicide watch, but no one came
to check on me.”

Another stated, “I don’t think leadership knows what sexual assault is. We have a lack of security and I
believe we are a target for sexual predators.”

According to advocates with Into Account, a survivor advocacy organization mentioned in the report, this
audit is scratching the surface of a systemic issue with a 114 year history. The College was founded in
1909 by D.H. Bender, a Mennonite bishop who repeatedly raped his daughter. Ruth Bender, his daughter,
was later fired from her teaching position at Hesston College when community members learned of her
victimization by her father. Up until the release of the report, his portrait hung in the administration
building even after multiple parties asked for it to be taken down. It was removed on the same day as the
report’s release.

Students as well as faculty and staff are willing to come forward and share their personal accounts.

For the entire report:


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