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ISSN 2456- 2637

Hostel management system


Abhishek 64 1222011
Bhilare 4
Shreyash 65 1222016
Bhosale 6
Ashwini 79 1222026
Pagare 0
Pravin 80 1222008
Sable 4
Raj 86 1222027
Kudtarka 6

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

University in Pune, Maharashtra

about the administrators who have access to

Abstract the system.

The database of hostel management Additionally, there is a "adminlog" table to

system consists of several tables, including keep track of login activity of
tables for registering students, managing administrators.
courses, and managing admin accounts.
Overall, the database appears to be a good
The "registration" table includes fields for starting point for building a hostel
storing information about students (users), management system. However, the success
such as their names, contact information, of the system will depend on how well it is
identity number, e-mail, gender, designed, implemented, and maintained.
registration number, updation date,
password, payment information. The
"courses" table includes information about Keywords
the different courses offered by the hostel.
 Hostel Management System
The "admin" table includes information
 User Registration
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 Database Operations for accommodation, pay fees, and view

 PHPMyAdmin their hostel details. The Admin Dashboard
 SQL Query Console is designed for hostel staff, including the
 User Interface administrator, the warden, and the mess
 System Architecture staff, who can manage the hostel, allocate
 User Authentication rooms, monitor fee payments, login details
 User Privileges and view reports.
 CRUD Operations (Create, Read,
Update, Delete)
System Architecture
 Data Export and Import
 Report Generation The Hostel Management System is
 Error Handling designed using the Model-View-Controller
 Data Validation and Verification (MVC) architectural pattern. The model
 Security Features. represents the data and the business logic,
the view represents the user interface, and

Introduction the controller manages the communication

between the model and the view.
Hostel Management System is a software
application that simplifies the task of
managing hostels. The system automates
the hostel management process, including
room allocation, student registration, fee
collection, and food management. The
project aims to make the management of
hostels easier and more efficient by
providing an online platform that
facilitates the entire process.

System Overview
The Hostel Management System consists
of two main components: the User System Design
Dashboard and the Admin Dashboard. The system design includes the database
The User Dashboard is designed for schema, the user interface design, the
students, where they can register, apply admin interface and the system flow. The

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database schema includes the tables for system meets the requirements and user
the user registration, admin registration, expectations.
room allocation, fee payment, and food
management. The user interface design
System Requirements
includes the login page, registration page,
dashboard, and forms for room allocation, The system requires a web server, a

fee payment, and food management. The database server, and a client-side web

admin interface design includes identity browser. The web server should support

number, user name. email address, login PHP, and the database server should

details, password, updation date. The support MySQL or MariaDB. The client-

system flow includes the process for user side web browser should be modern and

registration, room allocation, fee support HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

payment, and food management. Conclusion

The Hostel Management System project

Testing provides an efficient and user-friendly

The system testing includes unit testing, solution for managing hostels. The system

integration testing, and acceptance testing. automates the hostel management process,

The unit testing includes testing the making it easier for hostel staff to manage

individual components of the system, the hostel and for students to apply for

including the model, view, and controller. accommodation, pay fees, and view their

The integration testing includes testing the hostel details. The system is designed using

integration of the components to ensure the MVC architectural pattern and is tested

that they work together correctly. The to ensure its reliability and functionality.

acceptance testing includes testing the

system with real users to ensure that the

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Assignments Performed On the basis of our course project

Title:- Choose a database application; you propose to work on throughout the

course. Perform requirement analysis in detail for the same. Draw an entity-
relationship diagram for the proposed database.

ER model stands for an Entity-Relationship model. It is a high-level data model. This model is used
to define the data elements and relationship for a specified system. It develops a conceptual design
for the database. It also develops a very simple and easy to design view of data.In ER modeling, the
database structure is portrayed as a diagram called an entity-relationship diagram.

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Title:- Create a database with appropriate constraints using DDL and

populate/modify it with the help of DML.


SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create table in a database.If you want to create a table, you
should name the table and define its column and each column's data type.

Create Table:-

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Show Table:-

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Alter Table:-

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Title: Execute DDL statements which demonstrate the use of views. Try to update the base
table using its corresponding view. Also consider restrictions on updatable views and perform
view creation from multiple tables.

A view is a database item that enables the creation of virtual tables in databases whose
contents are determined by queries or pulled from one or more tables.
Views are a subset of virtual tables in SQL.

Conventional tables require physical space in the database, whereas these views don't actually
require any.

The output of a series of stored queries is a view.

The rows and columns of a view are identical to those in a database's actual table. By
choosing fields from one or more database tables, we can build a view. A view may include
all table rows or only certain rows according to a set of criteria.


 Creating simple view from single table

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Query :-

OutPut :-

 Create View from multiple tables:-

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Query :-

Output :-

Insert into view:-


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Delete from view:-


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Title: Write equijoin, non equijoin, self join , Natural join and outer join queries

MySQL JOINS are used with SELECT statement. It is used to retrieve data from multiple
tables. It is performed whenever you need to fetch records from two or more tables.

The output of a series of stored queries is a view.

The rows and columns of a join are identical to those in a database's actual table. By choosing
fields from one or more database tables, we can build a join. A join may include all table
rows or only certain rows according to a set of criteria.


 Inner Join:-

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 Left outer Join:-



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 Right outer Join:-



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 Equijoin:-



 Natural Join:-

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Title: Design and Execute "SELECT" queries using conditional, logical, like/not like, in/not
in, between...and, is null/is not null operators in where clause, order by, group by, aggregate
functions, having clause, and set operators. Use SQL single row functions for date, time,
string etc.
Here are some sample queries that demonstrate the use of conditional, logical, like/not like,
in/not in, between...and, is null/is not null operators in the WHERE clause, ORDER BY,
GROUP BY, aggregate functions, HAVING clause, and set operators, as well as SQL single
row functions for date, time, and string manipulation.


1.SELECT with WHERE clause and logical operators:

Query and Output:-

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2.SELECT with AND/OR operator:-

Query and Output:-

3.SELECT with LIKE/NOT LIKE operator:-

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Query and Output:-

4.SELECT with IN/NOT IN operator:-

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Query and output:-

4.SELECT with BETWEEN/AND operator:-

Query and output:-

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5.SELECT with IS NULL/IS NOT NULL operator:-

Query and Output:-

6.SELECT with ORDER BY clause:-

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Query and Output:-

7.SELECT with GROUP BY and aggregate function: max(),min(),sum(),avg().

Query and output:-

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8.SELECT with HAVING clause:-

Query and Output:-

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8.SELECT with set operator UNION clause:-

Query and Output:-


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Query and Output:-

Title: Write useful stored procedure in PL/SQL.

Description: A stored is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused
over and over again. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it
as a stored procedure, and then the stored procedure can act based on the parameter values
that is passed.


1.Stored Procedure:-

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Query and output:-

2.Stored Procedure With One Parameter:-



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3.Stord Procedure With Multiple Parameter:-



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Title: Write and execute all types of database triggers in PL/SQL.

Description: In PL/SQL, triggers are special stored procedures that are executed automatically in
response to certain events, such as inserting, updating, or deleting data in a database table.
Triggers can be defined on tables or views, and are useful for enforcing business rules,
maintaining referential integrity, or auditing changes to data.

Here are some common triggers in PL/SQL

Screenshots/Output: 1.BEFORE

INSERT trigger:

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2. AFTER INSERT Trigger:

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3.BEFORE UPDATE trigger:

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4. AFTER UPDATE trigger:

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5. BEFORE DELETE trigger:

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6. AFTER DELETE trigger:

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