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qelevision Receiver The preceding chapters were devoted to the complexities and essential requirements of generation and transmission of composite video and sound signals associated with the televised scene. As is logical, we should now turn | ur attention to the receiver. In effect, a television receiver is a combination, ofan AM receiver for the picture signal and an FM receiver for the asso- ciated sound. In addition, the receiver also provides suitable scanning and synchronizing circuitry for reproduction of image on the screen of picture tube, We shall confine our discussion to monochrome (black and white) receivers. The basic principle and essential details of colour receivers are described in Chapters 25 and 26. However, it may be noted that all the circuits for a black-and-white picture are also needed in a colour receiver. The colour television picture is just a monochrome picture with colour added in the main areas of picture information. 8.1 Types of Television Receivers The receiver may use tubes for all stages, have all solid-state devices- transistors and integrated circuits, or combine tubes and transistors as a hybrid receiver. A typical chassis of a monochrome receiver is shown in Fig. 8.1. (a) All Tube Receivers. This type mainly applies to earlier monochrome receivers. All the functions are provided by about 12 tubes including several multipurpose tubes with two or three stages in one glass envelope. The dc ; supply for tubes is between 140 to 280 volts. (b) Solid-State Receivers. In this type all stages except the picture tube use semiconductor diodes, transistors and integrated circuits. The de supply is between 12 to 100 volts for various stages. The heater power to the picture tube is supplied through a separate filament transformer. (©) Hybrid Receivers. In this type the deflection circuits generally use Power tubes, ,while the signal circuits use transistor and integrated circuits. These receivers usually have a line connected power supply, with series cheaters for the tubes. Two de sources, one for semiconductor devices and the other for tubes are provided. 8.2 Reciever Sections Itis desirable to have a general idea of the organization of the receiver before going into circuit details. Figure 8.2 shows block schematic diagram b @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘uparaany WorsIARTOY, ExIOMDOROM € 70 e2-Fetp ROOT FR MA & ams 1A00 & a pemeon ay carn z osy, Zz per Oy neso4 vanawr ] [ane 8 Pomaon | mi eema ——1yandino oso (ort) 2 ay 0H zg ia wan zB — + soveredas. rea 12T0A, ous i eee vy Taurtdo Tos : sndino fe 050 (pret) reanien rong [Wann Sita Sand ‘fers sndino 2209 i ; wo sasmnd Surkay 1 suum aurg ' THM esas | 1 san ee~ ata | ' ! 1 ree ‘ unt 200 H f t J ' soymrdwe | | sades I alt soxoowep mie founds, Let sory fof BEE fo , PN Pawel | oapra ise] | arcepia |} T T b [ ! \ - 0 den yeudys punos ize Veuuarue qos zu s°3 [—repreoronut wal i ve punten, ! seydwe 319010 THM S°S t sauajon Panos fe] soundue fol ewne [WW "ns at pines euworue py) ww ry é es —_ _ — @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “N4)N0 unos pre g ayenbope paso} POP omnjoy 305 Pa9pIsuo Oe Tog jo pee nan mendaoos Aroyorysnes : udis & pue AUT T oF aw 005 JO J9PI0 OM Jo wun i Teuais y ag? pur OUT] Worsstsoen py SW '21q89 [eIxvo9 un JHA PAf9021 0} pousisap rae eee OF suo ‘sind a ae omnes ek ee Juruosa; 1 7 5 -odunt ue sey g[0dtp pa : TS Ie suIYO Soodsos Aouonbaay peng %y SUSWEMSIN on enp sso yey oy mong PO1g & sadnpoid uN} UW99q sey] 10} TATOO 4 LL “ouy| uorsspus 8 ¥0F 2819524 AL 248 Jo sono andy usisap 0} a cerinesd jis Gace “suIyO ¢Z Jo oouvpadurt St peoj-uray YW “youn. 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Towwoo v vo VORBLIOJU! JeusBIO J9JsUBII OF JOVVIT|NSO [BOOT B WOAS qndyno yi wie sexi au ur poudposrey st soouanboxy 491330 quorayIp 1040 par ceinpow suOneIS snolwes Woy HONBUIOJUY 40 BBEIOA [UTIs LL “sx010001 fipes uy posn se ajdioulsd susposoysadns sosn ionjonos OL, “spueqapis hoy) pue sojouonbexj ayeipowsoqUl oy) OU} spung paywjoosse HOW) Puy sal “uonibas} 1915389 otf) Wonuod 0} pur eUUgUL oy) q dn poyold syeuds oanyord pur punos yiog Ajjdwe 1 81 yun souny oy) Jo osodsnd otf, “ 1OOAOD fouonbos}, 0M) polleo oBeIs uO UL poUrquiod Ajjensn ose suoHau FON PUY Forejioso |e59] ‘Sqm YatA “Posh oq UL suoJsIsuLA] 10 Sogn) JOU EL *AOUNL “gy, 20 ,puy wos, 8Y) poles ‘sIssvyo-gns oyusEdos w UO PoyunouE A\puULN SI pUe JO}EI}ISO woo] PUL JoNIUL 'YOY!IGUIY yf JO s7SJs4Od WOHOOS LL 10}j908 Se] WaATaomY NoISIAa TAL @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 136 wonocHnoMn AND COLOUR TRLEVISTON 1 (m2) puitier when set (or channel 4. ig. 8.9(4) Teal response curve of the RF em i i i i ir si . The required IFs jie. the intermediate frequencies and their sidebands are then produced as here: (Local oscillator freanency, of 101.15 MHz)— f 62.25 MHz) = Picture IF of 38.9 MHz, (Picture carrier frequency © | (Local oscillator frequency of 101.15 MHz)—(Sound carrier frequency of 33.4 MHz, The desired output response from the mixer is 8.4, Notice that frequency changing process reverses the relative positions of the sound and picture signals. This is obvious, since the oscillator works above the signal frequencies, and ‘difference’ frequencies produced, when the picture and sound frequencies are substracted must give a higher IF from the lower frequency picture signal. It may be noted that picture and sound signals would remain in the same relative position, jie. with sound carrier frequency higher than picture carrier frequency if local oscillator frequency is set below, instead of above the carriers. The local oscillator frequency is kept higher because of ease of oscillator desizs and several other merits. The ratio of highest to lowest radio frequency Sound IF Pictur 33.4 MHz etd @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘TELEVISION RECEIVER 137 ‘The tuning of RF and oscillator tuned circuits is pre-set for switching in different channels. Despite the fact that modern tuner units are remarkably stable, most receiver manufacturers provide a fine tuning control for small isiments of local oscillator frequencies. The control is varied to obtain best picture results on the screen, IF Amplifier Section A short length of coaxial cable feeds tuner output to the first IF amplifier. ‘This section is also called video IF amplifier since composite video signal is the envelope of the modulated picture IF signal, Practically all the gain and selectivity of the receiver is provided by the IF section. With tubes, 2 or 3 IF Stages are used. With transistors, 3 or 4 IF stages are needed. In integrated circuits, one IC chip contains all the JF amplifier stages. Essential Functions of the IF Section The main function of this section is to amplify modulated IF signal over its entire bandwidth with an input of about 0.5 mV signal from the mixer to deliver about 4 V into the video detector. This needs an overall gain of about 8000. This gain should be adjustable, by automatic gain control, over a wide range to accommodate input signal variations at the antenna from 50 V to 0.5 V, to deliver about 4 V peak-to-peak signal at the input of the video detector. To achieve desired gain, atleast three stages of tuned ampli- fiers are cascaded and to obtain desired bandwidth the resonant frequencies of these stages are staggered. Such an arrangement provides desired gain and selectivity. 8.3 Vestigial Sideband Correction ‘Another important function assigned to IF section is to equalize the ampli- tudes of side-band components, because of vestigial sideband transmis- sion. The need for this was fully explained in Chapter 4, and a reference to Fig. 4.8 will show, that for vestigial side-band correction the picture carrier frequency gain must be 6 db down on the IF frequency response curve. It is also necessary to shape the IF response curve around the picture LF frequency in such a way that all the lower video frequencies, which got a boost on account of partial lower side-band transmission (besides the full upper ‘side band), are duly attenuated and get restored to their actual level, This is achieved by suitably tuning and shaping the response of the. IF stages, This is fully illustrated in Fig, 8.5, which shows ideal overall response of the IF section. In the IF amplifier circuitry, provision must be made for rejection of signals from adjacent channels. For this purpose special tuned circuits, called trap circuits, are connected in the signal path in such a way that the offending frequencies are removed. These trap circuits are disposed at convenient places in the IF amplifiers. ‘Their position will vary from receiver to receiver, but generally they are placed in the input circuit of @ scanned with OKEN Scanner paye90] OSTE xe soouaNbary AT 8uy Ipuodsory fq peords ore fonueys 09 anf ye i . : nurs 40 uy ssousts puntos paw smd ony eis Sopouanbaxy oyeypaunzayuy Jo 99109) pS svont30] pur UorTENuaRE [PUFIS pumo: sA0US WHIFTIP OY, “C1 PUPA) =f | amour dea, AHH BT * sez9~ 5166 2am vee" 2H Fon = aT punos ses ~s1'b6 Tous 1804 TomteyD 1wo98fpe uous poeta ae xa eae, ‘ ubprenuone ews punog. r~ iB wonoa1i00 g pimepts4 \~--—---------} =-*--- e- eis1so9 2H grb =Aoudnbayy 980 18907] THN S209 a bal i oo an sers9 = ©) zum sures ~8°) winaeqo o) (aim 19-19) amszey = ate aveea) 3 ~lowey ¢- fauueyo pormbor swaoefpr 20807 eyo ye Saneredo soNFUIsIUN oY) 07 OsO[> do srommusuan Jt A[uO 1nd90 pjnoa re z sjouueyo ye Bape ! Pereso aye p pue Z si2uunHD HN aly af UF UNOTS 3 AP OF NOE souozaproyuy YORS JU POOr TT oqo 1uzov{pE Oa} 9801] OFENITIIE OF POUIsP a sappuanboiy Bune eI Teas AT JO WAS 180] SH OF B80] SE SMLL “ST TD are synosjo des) OU gis couanbasj sous porunarun Jowjotte oonpos —S1'v6) ZH 6'1€ J° di “yeoq ost tas (oud wooufpv sedan pe miiim ©} soyxIILos0 [BOO] O43 TI" yodses aff pestsop JO HIS 10% jin auf) O} aso] at] armyoid ayy “ALEIUIS “NOT pop Jo Souanboyy souerayip payunaun Pinom yorym “(sL'es—$1'V6) 71 ég joutruyo Jo BUMUIFIq ap) OF 7 y DAIZ 0} Joye{pI9s0 [P01 OH uog [HA “€ [0 Hayssva puns auf ‘asst SApISEL °S oUONbaYy AL asopo st yoryan *7 [oURHD JO I Oc oyouonbay) Joptiuo panos puw armioxd ” pas ou > ausoe{pe s0utH *¢ aun unos pue asnjold posse? 7 = 16 (6°8E-FS'SS) SEE [OUULYD 205 foumeyo ou equa ye0q prno SL THEA Tuya oF paypitns st 198f0901 ca woo] UL ‘I PI vir porwaisnyls sf read s[eudts ty Aouanbaxy 1038 I]!9S° ‘9q3 yeq) asoddns canter Jouneyo yuooefpe paren a ue sy 58 “3 fom ony, “Hoyrduy AT asymp worsinTtaL UNOTOD CINY BNOWHONON BET @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a = TELEVISION RECEIVER 139 at the same difference. Accordingly, if the picture IF is fixed at a certain frequecy the sound IF automatically gets fixed at a frequency 5.5 MHz jess than the picture IF frequency. Therefore we shall refer mostly to picture IF frequency. ‘The factors which influence the choice of intermediate frequencies in TV receivers are : (i) Image Rejection Ratio For a desired input signal at 100 MHz the local oscillator frequency is set at 110 MHz if the IF frequency is fixed at 10 MHz. However, for the same input signal frequency, if the IF frequency is chosen to be 40 MHz, the local oscillator must be set to give an output at 140 MHz. This is shown in Fig. 8.6(a) and (b). In the first case, if another station is operating at 120 MHz, it will also be received with equal strength because the ‘incoming signal will beat with the local oscillator frequency of 110 MHz to develop output at 10 MHz. Similarly in the second case, a station operating at 180 MHz will be received equally well because the output circuit of mixer is tuned to deliver output at 40 MHz. Note that in cach case the undesired signal which gets received is spaced at a gap of twice the IF frequency, and is known as ‘Image Signal’. The image rejection ratio is defined as the out- put due to desired station divided by output due to image signal, Without the use of an RF amplifier prior to the mixer, there is nothing that can stop the reception of image signal if that is present. With RF amplifier the output due to image signal can be very much reduced or completely limi- nated, With lower IF frequency, say 10 MHz, the image frequency at 120 MHz isnot very far away from, desired frequency of 100 MHz and might pass through the pass-band of RF amplifier though somewhat attenuated. But if the IF frequency is kept high, as shown in Fig 8.6(b), image signal frequency is 80 MHz away from the desired signal and has no chance of passing through the RF amplifier, Thus the use of RF amplifier helps in reducing interference due to image signals and a higher IF frequency results in a very high image rejection ratio. Desired sinal Desited signal frequency =100 MHz ———_-equency = 100 ie KS. nage signa Tage signal ‘mean frequency = 120Milz frequency = 180.2 } } Input cat Tt rou 4 zr PY ater ote [ro Hone Tocal Local @ o © igs 84 (a) and (b) fMlusteation of image signal taterference,(c) local oscillator signal radiation, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 140 MonoctinoMe AND COLOUR THLEVISTON «than half the entire band TC be covered it is By choosing an IF greate! ‘VHF band possible to eliminate image interference. For oe es vane 68 MHz) the IF frequency comes to 13 M re In the UHF band (479 (174 to 230 MHz) desired TF frequency © 28 MHz, To ee er the difer to 528 MHz), where the ima 8 Mca 5 thee of entire band results in the cholee of an IF ee ae But this is higher than the lowest frequency use a i, it oancict be a and because of direct pick-up problems in ov and, used, Therefore, the IF frequency must be less than from TV Receivers ii) Pick-up Due to Local Oscillator Radiation i : Nabe cian from the local oscillator of a TY receiver gets coupled to the antenna, it will get radiated and may cause interference in another receiver. This is shown in Fig. 8.6(c)- Here again advantage lies with higher IF frequency, because with higher IF there is a greater separation Pigeon the resonant circuits of local oscillator and RF amplifier circuits. ‘Thus lesser signal is coupled from the local oscillator through the RF amplifier to the antenna circuit and interference due to local oscillator radiation is reduced. (ii) Ease of Separation of Modulating Signal from IF Carrier at the Demodulator : For ease of filtering out the IF carrier frequency, itis desirable to havea much higher IF frequency as compared to the highest modulating frequency. Tn radio receivers the IF frequency is 455 KHz and the highest audio frequency is only 5 KHz. In TV receivers, with the highest modulating frequency of 5 MHz, an IF frequency of atleast 40 MHz is desireable. (iv) Image Frequencies Should Not Lie in the FM Band ‘The FM band is from 88 MHz to 110 MHz. With IF frequency chosen close to 40 MHz, the image frequencies of the lower VHF band fall between 121 to 148 MHz and thus cannot cause any interference in the FM band. Higher TV channels are much above the FM band. (¥) Interference or Direct Pick-Up from Bands Assigned for other Services ‘Amateur and industrial applications frequency band lies between 21 to 21 MHz, If the IF frequency is chosen above 40 MHz, even the second bar monies of this band will not cause any serious direct pick-up problems. (vi) Gain Itis easier to build amplifiers wi amplifiers with large gain at relati i : ; i en cies. The Tat anit some 0 yours bck ied IF equoncy a8 100 % dye Ui ve estlaae ‘0 limitations of active devices available, 204 the a mponents marketed at that ti i rapid aries made by electronics industry during the oa ae wee eae : ch can perform very well at high ee ae easilY @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘TELEVISION RECEIVER 141 available. The quality of components and other techniques have also consi- derably improved. Thus the gain criteria is no longer a constraint in choos- ing higher IF frequencies, The merits of having high IF frequency are thus obvious and this has lead to the choice of IF frequencies close to 40 MHz. tn the 625-B system adopted by India and several other countries the recom- mended IF frequencies are : Picture IF=38.9 MHz, Sound IF=33.4 MHz. Jt will be of interest to note that sets manufactured in USA have picture JF=45.75 MHz and sound IF=41.25 MHz. In the British 625 line system, because of channel bandwidth difference, the picture IF= 39.5 MHz and sound IF=33.5 MHz. Video Detector. Modulated IF signals after due amplification in the IF section are fed to the video detector. The detector is designed to recover. composite video signal and to transform the sound signal to another lower carrier frequency, This is done by rectifying the input signal and filtering out unwanted frequency components. A diode is used, which is suitably polarized to rectify either positive or negative peaks of the input signal. Figure 8.7 shows a simplified circuit arrangement of a video detector. Note the use of an L-C filter instead of the usual RC configuration employed in radio receiver detectors. This is to avoid undue attenuation of the video signal while filtering out carrier components. The video signal shown in Fig. 8.7 is of correct polarity for feeding to the cathode of picture tube after “one stage of video amplification. BB eet eee Vn 5.5 MHz Intercarer FM sound signal Diode ™ i Fitter Hi it =¥q @ @ Fig.8.7 (a) Last IF amplifier output (modulated 1F signal) (b) video detector and sound, ‘signal separation citcuit . Video Amplifier. The picture tube needs video signal_with peak-to-peak amplitude of 80 to 100 volts for producing picture with good contrast. With an ipput of about 2 volts from the detector, the video amplifier is designed to have a_gain that varies between 40 to 60. A contrast control Which essentially is gain control of the video amplifier is provided on the front panel of the receiver to adjust contrast between black and white parts of the picture. A large constrast makes the picture hard, whereas too low a value leaves it weak or soft. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “2aMt SIM9F4 01 or09%09 won qeustg ° P1830 aResSrg Bg Tents ssomusug f Teno asenuiog sowarop 4 sl sonydue | Pt pareinpow 9p, ‘d-d Ags LHS Trusts oapta payndwy [eUHts oapya ‘ausoduog, “9qN} aINjoid ay) 0} 10399}9p ooprA wos [eUsIS oapia Jo aSessed om smoys gg a1nLy “Josyuod ssaujystaq oy Jo Buyzas Cue Joy UaaHS a} UO Waas ose soul] aoBNOT OU yey oINsu o1 sasind SuIyUL|Q s0en}0d SALOOF 0} B91J Yo] SM} S] PIB ay], *pozsajoud st oatup epoypyes saseo 1S0W UY “sfejap amnjoid Jo uoronposdas yoass09 oJ JerJUAsso st [eUBIs COPIA ap jo Aytsejod sejnonsed v aseo soupye uy ‘eqn, aunjord aq) Jo PB yox1d0o 10 apomeo ayy ye JoNpe poy oq Acur soyydure oapia amp wosy indyno aL, sfoxyuoc pue AxjmoxKy ogy, AMAT $8 -rogtidure oq Jo wpHMpueg pues 0} paXojdura axe sonbyayoos Saspucg-apim NOEs, “eesusitinip Pauisap aaatyoe 0} U[sap jnJesvo sport JOATQOOI BOmIAae ue eee ; an pia ey snyy, “s[eiap esmoid Joao 12H? — a 7 ait ® uonsoysip aseyd oayssooxg “MANUUTUTH vO} Y eae a oe von “STR SFE IW (BU am ommord afi Jo 8 UW ynsor ym osuodsex Aowenboxy_ MOL ae Bay Tai Jo ured “divys sonpor pynom jeusis oapla om UE S102 ae ap tox) spushi> 2 — : ary Jo pug ot oa 0} (0302) ee a ee SP woay sey 0g AiIeap! 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Pige 811 Block diagram of AFC circuit. 8.9 Vertical Deflection Circuit ode coupled multivibrators are normally emplo- yed as vertical deflection oscillators. The controlling time constants are suitably chosen to develop output corresponding to trace and retrace periods. The necessary sawtooth voltage is developed by charging and discharging a capacitor with different time constants. This capacitor forms part of the waveshaping circuit which is connected across the oscillator. "The frequency of the oscillator is controlled by varying the resistance of the RC coupling network and is locked in synchronizm by the vertical syne pulses. A part of the coupling network resistance is a potentiometer that is Tocated on the front panel of the receiver. This is known as ‘Vertical Hold Control’ (see Fig. 8.2) and enables resetting of the vertical oscillator fre- quency when it drifts far away from 50 Hz. ‘The output from the oscillator-cum-waveshaping circuit is fed to a power amplifier, the output of which is coupled to the vertical deflection coils to produce vertical deflection of the beam on picture tube screen. Blocking oscillators or cath 8.10 Horizontal Deflection Circuit ‘The horizontal oscillator (see Fig. 8.2) is similar to the vertical oscillator and is set to develop sweep drive voltage at 15625 Hz. However, the fre- quency of th oscillator is controlled by de control voltage developed bY the AFC circuit, Since the noise pulses in the control voltage are comple- tely suppressed, most receivers do not provide any horizontal frequency (hold) control, as is normally done for the vertical oscillator, The oscillator output is waveshaped to produce linear rise of current in ‘the horizontal deflection coils, Since the deflection coils need about one amp of current to sweep the entire raster, the output of the oscillator is given one. stage of @ scanned with OKEN Scanner *Adans “J H'G Jo wNoo'oteeR aT°g “tg iL oro ~ soytide 204 Woy swoo vonaapep wonsayap b_—< oe 011 vw He canst) tg <—L 081 aBra[08 WT “a8eyoa Sp permbar apiaoid 0} possy[y st Joynoe1 oy} JO jndjno oyL “Ry WISI SSEIOA YSIy & OF poy UOYT PU AX S| 0} O] Mmoge o} Suipulm IOUS SueHoTme we Aq dn paddays oF soy} oundy oy ur_uMoys sy “THUTOSTEN Indo [eUOZHOY oy} Jo Tupuy ArewMpId ap ssoise padojaaap aIe AX 6 OF ‘9 Bssmtog apniydwe Jo sasjnd aFeyoa yaiy ‘SuITuwOS [BPUOTIOY Jo SpeATOVUL ‘soEHel SUNN “Z1'g ‘BY Ul pareNsnyr st soinos [pq Sutureygo soy pasn oure jevow y "3s09 UI BAIqod pue a[qissodu ysoumye st’ sMLOJsUE B YUM oFeyoa surem ayy dn Surddays Kq oBeyoa yBIy v Yons UIEIGo OL “Aiddns (uojsua} yBi{ B4X2) LH JO AH Se UMODY st sig, “soqny ammoid ouya pue YOeIq UL ssamMYsizq JWa!oUsNs 105 papadu St AX ¢] Jo Jps0 aq} Jo aBe3/0a apoue uv ‘saqny sumpoid uo saydeyo ayy ut poyejs Apvase sy Ayddng (LHq) a80y104 YSU “JowsOJsueN) Sueur ay} Uo SuIpUrA aBeyor sof v Aq, 40 sureUs oF OU] sSoIOE safsas UI srayeaM aUp [Ie uNIoUUOD JoyRIa Kq paxjddns 8} xomod quowely ey], “JeA!eoo2 ay) Jo suoNdas usIOYIP usdA}0q SuIdnoo anpun Aue pilose 03 posn are sysoaitou Suyjdnooop ‘xaat9001 241 JO suoNods snowser 0} A\ddns op 943 SuryouRsg >p1A\ “PopiAosd AIpouzou axe sorjddns Jomod aBe[04 Mo] paye[ndex ‘synosyo poyesBoyur pur sioysisuesy Ko[duzo yey symnosto 104 “aBeyOA op ayy ostex 0} pasn axe syinozio sa[qnop aBey[oA ‘xOUL ~soysuvsy sureut v Aojdua 10M op Yoiym ‘sufisap 01q wey ~f SNOILSIND MATARI “x ynony uonoagep peyuoz0y om sow yuowoduusm s BoA ynos wonoayep [eU0! 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