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General Guidelines for Layout and format for all written drafts:

1. Paper Size must be A4 and margins should be maintained on all pages as follows:
a. Left margin = 1.5” (wider for binding) Top, right & bottom margins = 1”
2. Use Times New Roman font, 12 point size, for text.
3. Use 1.5 pts line spacing for all text in the main body of the project.
4. Use 18 pts paragraph spacing
5. The content should justified (alignment).
6. Draft should contain page numbers (1, 2, 3….) starting from Introduction Chapter.
7. Preliminary pages should be numbered: i., ii., iii, iv, v, vi, etc. A page number should not
be shown on the title page.
8. Page number should be placed at the bottom- center of page.
9. Figures and tables may be inserted in the text as they appear or may be appended in order.
10. List of references shall be appended at the end.

Heading font size:

Heading Type Details

Heading 1 Bold and 18 pts

Heading 2 Bold and 16 pts

Heading 3 Bold and 14 pts

Heading 4 Bold and 12 pts

Prepared By: Brihat Singh Boswa Page 1



 Cover page
 Title Page
 Declaration
 Supervisor Recommendation (Approval Page)
 Abstract
 Acknowledgement
 Table of Contents
 List of figures (if any, used with the content itself)
 List of tables (if any, used with the content itself)
 List of abbreviations (if any, used with the content itself)

1. Introduction
1. 1 Background
1. 2 Problem Definition
1. 3 Objectives
1. 4 Scope
1. 5 Benefits
1. 6 Tools Used
2. Analysis of the System
2. 1 Analysis of the Existing System
2. 2 Feasibility Analysis
2. 3 Requirement Definition
2. 4 Requirement Modelling
2.4.1 Use Case Diagram
2.4.2 Any other diagram (if possible/required)
3. System Design
3. 1 Architecture of the System
3. 2 Class Diagram
3. 3 Sequence Diagram
3. 4 Any other diagram (if possible/required)
4. Database Design
4. 1 Logical Data Model (ER Diagram)
4. 2 Physical Data Model (Data Dictionary)
5. System Implementation
5. 1 Implementation of the project (Planning, Training, System Testing, Conversion
5. 2 Post-Implementation and Software Maintenance
6. Project Conclusion and Recommendation
6. 1 Current Status of the project
6. 2 Remaining Areas of concern
6. 3 Technical and Managerial lessons learnt

Prepared By: Brihat Singh Boswa Page 2

7. Bibliography
8. Appendix
 User Manual: A complete document (Help Guide) of the software developed. [UI and
guidelines to use it]
 Source Code
 Any other supporting documents

Prepared By: Brihat Singh Boswa Page 3

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