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Templates Proposals Restaurant Busi

Restaurant Business
Proposal Template
Used 6,755 times

Proposal for
Prepared for:



Prepared by:

[Sender.City] , [Sender.State] [Document.Creat
[Sender.PostalCode] edDate]

This restaurant business proposal

showcases your restaurant concept,
audience, ideal location and shows why
people want and need your restaurant. It
demonstrates that you understand your
target customers and their requirements
and what needs to be done to make it a
successful business. Use it to pitch to
investors, partners or as a personal
reference to stay aligned with your goals.

Executive Summary
[Sender.Company] is a (describe the business – a
restaurant chain, a growing business, an upcoming
restaurant). We currently have (number) locations in
(city / cities / countries). Our current annual revenue is
$(amount). We are proposing an investment of
$(amount), which we will use to (describe why you are
seeking this investment – to renovate, expand, open
new locations). In return, we offer (describe what they
will get, the amount or percentage they will earn, and
from what).

Our Team

Talk about your team members

and their experiences. Describe
what they do and how they bring
value to the business. Include
photos if possible.

(Team member name (Team member name

#1), (title) #2), (title)

(Name) has (amount) (Name) has (amount)

years of experience in years of experience in
(name the different (name the different
roles). At roles). At
[Sender.Company] , [Sender.Company] ,
(name)'s role is to (Write (name)'s role is to (Write
a sentence or two about a sentence or two about
their role on the team their role on the team
and describe their and describe their
specific tasks and specific tasks and
projects). Some of projects). Some of
(his/her) notable (his/her) notable
contributions to the team contributions to the team
include (give some include (give some
examples of what they examples of what they
have done to help the have done to help the
business). business).

Our Story, Mission, and


Here, give more details about the

restaurant. Tell the story of when
and why it was founded. Show the
investors that your goals align with
theirs. Gain their trust and interest
with your story, mission statement,
ideas, strong work ethic, and vision
for the future. Include a photo!

[Sender.Company] was founded in (year) by (who).

(Then tell the story of why it was founded).

Our mission is to (insert your mission statement).

In the future, we imagine (list some of your main goals,

for example: being known for providing the best quality
BBQ in the USA, or a world where everyone can
access healthy meals at every corner).

(Insert a photo of the restaurant).



[Sender.Company] 's

Describe how the restaurant and

menu will stand out – think about
your audience and area. How does
the environment stand out? Is it a
supper club? A classier
environment than the casual

[Sender.Company] provides (describe the food)

(describe benefits, for example, all-you-can-eat, or at a
more affordable price than its competitors), while
allowing its customers to experience a (describe the

Create professiinal proposals in no time

and increase your productivity our
Proposal Software.

Below is our menu / are our menus.

(Insert menu(s)).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

• (Insert • (Insert
menumenu menumenu
position). position).

[Sender.Company] was founded because (Describe
the problem that the restaurant aims to solve. Are
there no other restaurants like yours? Is there a
demand for more affordable restaurants of a certain
type due to a younger population?)

Our Solution
To address this problem, we aim to (describe how you
will address the problem, for example, open more
locations, open a branch in a more convenient location
to meet the demands).

Market Analysis
The following sections demonstrate our understanding
of our target customers and their behaviors as well as
the marketing strategies of our competitors. It also
demonstrates which mediums and social media
channels we use to successfully market our business.

Target Market

The target market is the specific

group of people who will come to
your restaurant the most often. To
find this, it helps to look at your
current customers and your
competitors’ customers.

Our restaurant targets (age group) in the (city, area).

Most of our clients have the following demographics:

• Age:
• Gender:
• Income:
• Education:
• Marital status:
• Work status and occupation:
• Nationality and ethnicity:

Psychographics (Why do they come to your


• Hobbies:
• Lifestyle:
• Social class:
• Entertainment:
• News Source: (Where do they get their
• Personality:

Behavioristics (Buying behaviors)

• Frequency: (How frequently do they come to

your restaurant?)
• Loyalty: (How loyal are they to your brand?)
• Opinion:(How do they feel about your


Your Unique Selling Proposition

(USP) is similar to a slogan, but it
states how you are different from
your competitors.

(Insert your USP)

Competitors & Advantages

[Competitor1.Company] : (reason, e.g., also sells
burgers and is in the same neighborhood).

Our advantage over (above competitor): (Describe

why you are better than them, e.g., Our burgers are
more affordable than (competitor)'s, and our restaurant
is more chic than (competitor)'s).

[Competitor1.Company] : (reason).

Our advantage over (above competitor):

Marketing and Sales


Describe how you will market your

restaurant and why you chose
each channel/medium. Also,
compare your marketing strategy
to one or more of your

Social/Digital Media Channels:

Facebook page:(URL) YouTube:(URL) (number

(number of followers) of followers)
[Competitor1.Company] YouTube: (URL) (number
Facebook page:(URL) of followers)
(number of followers)
Instagram:(URL) (number of followers)
(number of followers) [Competitor1.Company]
Snapchat: (URL)
[Competitor1.Company] (number of followers)
Instagram: (URL)
(number of followers) Website:(URL)
Twitter:(URL) (number Website: (URL)
of followers)
Blog: (URL)
[Competitor1.Company] [Competitor1.Company]
Twitter: (URL) (number of blog: (URL)

Tik-Tok:(URL) (number
of followers)

Tik-Tok:(URL) (number of

We also advertise via:

• Social media ads:(Facebook ads, Instagram


• Print media ads:(list publications)

• TV/radio ads:(list channels)

Analysis: (Describe why your mediums are better than

your competitors. Do you have more followers? Is your
content more fun?)

• Our followers vs. [Competitor1.Company]


• Our content vs. [Competitor1.Company]


Location Analysis
[Sender.Company] is located in [Sender.City] .

We chose this location because (describe how the

location helps with exposure, accessibility, and

Financial Analysis

If you’re trying to attract investors,

include financial details that
clearly show your restaurant’s
financial progress to date, and its
forecast for the future. Include
parts of financial documents like
your balance sheet, the profit &
loss statement, and your cash flow

Financial Overview and Funding

(Give an overview of where you are at financially and

how much funding you have.)

(Describe how you attained this – where did you get

your funding?)

Financial Projections

This section is important because

investors want to know how much
ROI they can expect to get if they
invest in your restaurant. Include
screenshots of financial
spreadsheets and charts.

Startup costs:

Personal investments:

Projected monthly income:

Expected monthly sales growth rate:

Projected prices over time:

(Screenshot of balance sheet)

(Screenshot of P&L statement)

(Screenshot of cash flow spreadsheet)

Investor benefits

(Clearly define what the investors will gain).

Funding Needs

• Rent / Land • Office

• (Materia
• (Descrip l/tool):
tion, $(Cost)
e.g., We • (Materia
are l/tool):
renting $(Cost)
a 1000 • Marketing and
square advertising
feet • Website:$(Cost)
space in • Software:$(Cost
Brookly )
n, New • Marketing:$(Co
York.) st)
• Ads:$(Cost)
• $(cost) • Staff
• Furniture • (Name),
(30 tables): (role):
$(cost) $(Salary

(Furnitur • (Name),
e): (role):
$(cost) $(Salary
• (Furnitur )
• Materials and
• Construction
• (Materia
• (Materia

Total amount of funding required: $(Amount)

(Include quotes from people saying good things about
your restaurant.)

Signature Signature


[Sender.FirstName] [Client.FirstName]
[Sender.LastName] [Client.LastName]
[Sender.Company] [Client.Company]

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Preparedfor: Preparedby:
Client.FirstName]|Client.LastName [SenderFirstName]|Sender.LastName]
[ClientCompan: [Sender.Company]

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