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Jefferson –

And last but not the least, I am Jefferson Ramos, and I am going to present the last part which is
the ‘Impact of Project’.
I will restate the importance, what are the outcomes, and the usefulness of this project.
So, let’s start....

First of all, children need guidance and counseling, and schools play a significant part in
bringing out the best in students.
Of course, school is named as the second home and teachers serves as the second parent of
young children. So, just like in our own house, guiding and disciplining them is a must.
Although good behavior is desired, young minds require guidance to develop their personalities.
Student not only learns academically but also morally. Having right conduct are taught in school
for them to be better as an individual.
Children receive guidance through counselling on how to handle and resolve emotional conflict
and personal issues; this project targets to provide students the help they need.
Some students have trouble communicating with others; building positive relationships with
other students and teachers is challenging for them.
In this case, our project is a good way to help children and make them overcome their mental,
physical, and social conditions.
First, therapists will assess the students’ behaviors and personalities to know how to guide them
through their own thoughts.
It is a healthy and efficient way of solving a social issue which is campus bullying.
With the help of our professional therapists, they will serve as an instrument to be someone who
can students rely on.
Second, this project can provide help for students to regain social competence despite the
traumatic situation they have been in.
Any fears, worries, or concerns a student has in their inner minds, our project is perfect because
it can bring back someone’s confident, strength, and capability to interact to other people again.
Counselors will work with the kids to pinpoint the areas where their social and life skills need
work during therapy sessions.
With the help of counselors, they can assist students who’s having a hard time and aid them
along with the sessions.
At last, the pupils get to develop their verbal and nonverbal communication abilities, and power
to handle emotions in extreme life situations.
Therefore, one of the outcomes that we expect this project will result in is to bring back the skills
in socializing of the students and for them to have a positive mindset. Seeing a smile on their
faces, warm in their hearts, and peace in their minds are the signs that this project is worth it at
the end.

That’s all. Thank you!

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