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SSC Public Examinations July-2020

English Model Paper as per the marks division

Paper -I & Paper-II
Time : 3 Hrs - 15 Mins Maximum Marks : 100

Instructions :
1. This question paper has 35 questions in three sections (A, B and C).
2. Answer all the questions on a separate answer book supplied to you.
3. 15 minutes of time is allotted exclusively for reading the question paper and 3 Hours
for writing the answers.
tlm4all 4. Answer all the questions of Section –B (Grammar and Vocabulary) in the same order
at one place in your answer book.
5. Start answering the questions as you read them.

Section – A. Reading Comprehension (30 Marks)

Questions (1 – 5) : Read the following passage carefully.

When I was a child, which is almost more than fifty years ago, the environment was very
pristine, very beautiful, and very green. We were a British colony, and the British government at that
time started to clear cut the indigenous forests in our forested mountains because they wanted to
establish commercial plantations of exotic species of trees such as the pines from the northern
hemisphere and the eucalyptus from Australia. These trees are very nice, they grow tall, and they
grow very fast, but as they grow they destroy all the local biological diversity. All the flora and fauna
disappeared. So although we were getting commercial timber for the growing timber industry, we
also destroyed our local flora and fauna.
Now answer the following questions. 5x2=10
1. What did the British government do?
2. What is the meaning of ‘indigenous’?
3. What Wangari Mathai was a child, the environment was ……………………
A. Very normal B. Very peaceful
C. Very pristine, very beautiful and green
4. What species did they bring from abroad?
A. Eucalyptus B. Pine and Eucalyptus C. Flora and fauna
5. What happened to the local flora and fauna? It completely …………………….
A. Appeared B. Disappeared C. Increased

Questions (6 – 8) : Read the following lines.

Once upon a time, son, tlm4all
they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their teeth,
while their ice-block-cold eyes
search behind my shadow.
Now answer the following questions. 3x2=6
6. What does the poet want to explain through these lines?
A. Sincerely of modern society
B. Gaiety of previous civilization
C. Falsehood of modern society
7. What does the expression ‘ice-block-cold’ mean?
A. Cold eyes B. Horrible eyes C. Expressionless eyes
8. How were the people in the past?
A. Laughed with their teeth
B. Laughed with their hearts, eyes and teeth
C. Laughed only with their teeth

Read the following passage.

As a young cartoonist, Walt Disney faced many rejections from newspaper editors, who said
he had no talent. One day a minister at a church hired him to draw some cartoons. Disney was
working out of a small mouse infested shed near the church. After seeing a small mouse, he was
inspired. That was the start of Mickey Mouse.
tlm4all Now, answer the following questions. 2x2=4
9. Walt Disney was inspired by ……………………
A. A small shed B. A small church C. A small mouse
10. What is meant by ‘mouse infested shed’?
A. A shed damaged by a large number of rats
B. A shed occupied by a large number of rats
C. A shed built by a large number of rats

Study the following table carefully.

G.S.T. rates of some countries are given below.
Sl. No. Country Rate of G.S.T.
1 Australia 10%
2 France 19.6%
3 Canada 5%
4 Germany 19%
5 Japan 5%
6 Singapore 7%
7 New Zealand 15%
Now, answer the following question. 5x2=10
11. What is the data about?
12. How many countries are shown in the table?
13. The rate of G.S.T. in Germany is ………………………
A. 19.6% B. 19% C. 15%
14. Which country has the highest rate of G.S.T.?
A. Australia B. Japan C. France
15. Which is the correct statement among the following sentences?
A. Canada and Japan have the same rate of G.S.T., i.e.5%. tlm4all
B. Our country is shown in the above table.
C. The rate of G.S.T. of France is less than that of Germany.

Section – B. (Grammar and Vocabulary) (40 Marks)

16. That is the road. It leads to the railway station. (Combine the sentences with ‘which’) 1x2=2
17. The government declared the emergency. ( Change the voice) 1x2=2
18. It was a holiday yesterday. I woke up late. (Combine the sentences using ‘since’) 1x2=2
19. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in the brackets. 2x1=2
a) A pine stands __________________ (in front of / be means of / for the sake of ) his house.
b) He was very fond __________ (of / with / to) Jimmy.
20. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of the verb given in the brackets. 2x1=2
Radha ____________ (turn) on the radio after she _____________ (wash) the dishes.
21. Your uncle is a heavy smoker. Advise him to stop smoking. 1x2=2
22. Change the following sentence into a polite request. 1x2=2
You to stranger in the street : Where is the post office?
23. What do the following sentences mean? Choose the correct answer and write it in your answer
tlm4all book. 2x1=2
A. Can I leave now?
a) Offering help c) Seeking permission
b) Asking help d) Seeking advice
B. ‘Close the door.’
a) Ordering c) Thanking
b) Surprise d) Making an apology
24. Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the underlined words choosing from the
words given in the box. 4x1=4
Prolonging, wedding, traditions, community, first, moved
My parents had arranged my marriage (a) according to the customs of our society (b).
Time flew, and five months into my marriage. I realized it. Initially (c) I thought of extending (d)
my leave even taking unpaid leave.

a) ……………………….. b) ……………………….. c) ……………………… d) ……………………...

25. Read the paragraph and match the words under ‘A’ with their antonyms under ‘B’, Write your
answers and their corresponding numbers in the answer book. 4x1=4
The Second World War broke out in 1939, when I was eight years old. For reasons I have
never been able (a) to understand, a sudden (b) demand for tamarind seeds erupted in the
market. I used to collect (c) the seeds and sell (d) them to a provision shop on Mosque Street.
a) Able ( ) 1) distribute
b) Sudden ( ) 2) buy
c) Collect ( ) 3) contribute
d) Sell ( ) 4) unable
5) immediate
6) gradual
26. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in brackets. 4x1=4
For 26 years Roberge was the ……(a)…… (direction / director / directed) of Chitrabani
and under him the institute not only ……(b)…… (produces / produced / production) important
……(c)…… (document / documentary / documentaries) features, but also became breeding tlm4all
ground for ……(d)…… (local / locality / locally) talented for film-making.

a) ……………………….. b) ……………………….. c) ……………………… d) ……………………...

27. Complete the following spelling of the words choosing ‘ae’, ‘ea’, ‘ee’, ‘oo’, ‘ou’, ‘ai’, ‘ia’,
‘io’, ‘oi’, or ‘au’. 2x1=2
We’ll see if he’s locked the rec __ __ pt up in the bur __ __ u.
28. Complete the words with correct suffixes in the brackets. 2x1=2
“The (a) chall ________ (anges / enges) in our lives are there to strebgthen
our (b) convic ______ (tions / sions).
29. Find the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling. 2x1=2
a) Citizen torso premier leegue
b) Special adversity beutiful encourage
30. Read the following dictionary entry of the word ‘democracy’ given below.


Now answer the following questions using the information above. 2x1=2
a) What part of speech is the word ‘democracy’?
b) What does the symbol ‘ ’ indicate in the above entry?
31. Arrange the following words under correct headings. 8x¼=2
Crisis, crises, syllabi, theses, fungus, fungi, thesis, syllabus
Singulars Plurals
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
32. Match the following one-word substitutes with their meanings. 4x½=2
Part-A Part-B
1) Biography ( ) a) a meeting place
2) Documentary ( ) b) that which cannot be imitated
3) Rendezvous ( ) c) a hand written document
4) Manuscript ( ) d) a film that gives facts about something
e) a life history written by somebody else
f) a short stay between two places in one’s journey.

Section – C (Creative Expressions) (30 Marks)

In the lesson ‘The Brave Potter’ the potter caught a tiger thinking of a donkey. The
villagers saw the tiger tied to a tree in front of the potter’s house.
33. Write a possible conversation between the potter and one of the villagers. 10 Markstlm4all
Murthy’s father expressed his helplessness to send his son to join IIT due to his
financial position.
Write the agony of Murthy’s father in the form of a diary entry.
34. Write a letter to your cousin, advising him to read English newspapers. Tell him / her why
newspapers are important, how they bring not only news but also improve one’s writing
skills in English. 10 Marks
Write a biographical sketch of Sri M.Venkaiah baidu using the information given below.
Sri M.Venkaiah Naidu
Full Name : Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu
Profession : Politician, B.J.P. Party
Born : 1 July, 1949
Birth Place : Chavatapalem, Nellore
Parents : Smt.Ramanamma and Rangaiah Naidu
Marriage : Married to Ms.Usha.
Involvement : ‘Swarna Bharath Trust’ – a social service organization in Nellore,
that runs a school and imparts self-employment
training programmes.
Positions held : M.L.A., B.J.P., Leader and President, Member of Rajya Sabha
from Karnataka, Minister of Rural Development and
tlm4all Urban Development, Minister of Information and Broadcasting.
Present position : 13th Vice President of India, from 11 August, 2017.

India has many races, castes, sub-castes, nationalities and communities, but the heart of India is one.
We are all heirs to a common and rich culture (A). Our cultural heritage consists of our art and
literature (B) as they flourished centuries ago. Our cultural heritage (C) serves as a bond of unity
between people of different faiths and creeds.
The streams of different cultures have flowed into our subcontinent (D) to make us what we are
and what we will be. There were Dravidians in India before the coming of the Aryans and Hinduism
(E) is a blend of the cultures of the North and the South.
35. Now frame ‘WH’ questions to get the underlined parts in the passage as answers. 10 Marks
A. ___________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________
D. ___________________________________________________________
E. ___________________________________________________________

Study the following pie diagram
The percentage of people using different brands of mobile phones all over the world.


Now, write a paragraph describing the information depicted in the diagram above.

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