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Energy needs started a steep increase worldwide in the last century. Development in Europe and
North America originated the spike and are still an issue due to increased desire for extra
comfort. Additionally, the industrialization of populous countries like China and India increases
greatly the needs of energy and power generation. The world’s power was – and still is – very
carbon intensive, which resulted in enormous amounts of GHG emissions, such as CO2 (IEA,
2018a). Such emissions are atrocious for the environment, resulting in global warming. In the
past few decades, focus has been laid on producing more environmentally friendly energy. Most
results were seen in the power generation sector. Renewable energy generation has been steadily
increasing all over the world. R&D is still taking place and ideally at some point, all the
electricity consumed can be produced from green sources. The next step in creating a more
sustainable future is the transport sector, which relies heavily on oil, a very carbon intensive
source. The transformation has started with road transportation starting the transition, with an
increasing number of players, options and regulations being introduced to the market every year
(IEA, 2018b).


It is understood that PEVs are going to continue to expand in current society, and that is in the
front row of environmental conscientious measures, and, as a consequence, in the front row of
PEV growth. It is also understood that a high penetration of PEVs can result in damages to the
grid and an increase in peak load. This study will then intend to answer the following research

Are there monetary savings to EV owners associated to the use of EV charging?


The following smaller objectives were identified, which, when achieved, provide content and
insight to answer the research question.

1. Analyze three different charging modes: The three different charging modes will have
increased control over the charging. The reference mode has no control, and the vehicle is
charged as fast as possible when plugged in. The smart charging mode will analyze day-ahead
prices and schedule the lowest cost charging profile. The “Vehicle-to-grid” mode is
fundamentally similar to the “smart charging mode”, with the added possibility of selling
electricity to the grid.
2. Compare profiles of load and costs: The day-ahead electricity prices profile will be
compared to the given residential load. Both the load and the prices will then be compared to the
charging profiles of the three charging modes. This will allow to analyze how results follow
expectations and to take valuable conclusions.

3. Analyze the trade-off between V2G savings and increased battery degradation: It is
expected for the V2G mode to be achieved the least expensive charging due to the possibility of
selling electricity to the grid when prices are high. Nevertheless, this mode will come at the cost
of higher battery degradation. Advantages and disadvantages will be compared to reach a

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