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⚡ To arise Arose Arisen Sortu
⚡ To awake Awoke Awoken Itzartu
To be Was/Were Been Izan/egon
☂ To bear Bore Borne Jasan
To beat Beat Beaten Eragin/jo
To become Became Become Izatera heldu/bihurtu
✴ To begin Began Begun Hasi
☁ To bend Bent Bent Tolestu/makurtu
To bite Bit Bitten Haginka egin
° To bleed Bled Bled Odola jario
❣ To blow Blew Blown Putz egin
⚡ To break Broke Broken Apurtu
° To breed Bred Bred Hazi/hezi/bideratu
✺ To bring Brought Brought Ekarri/eraman
☁ To build Built Built Eraiki
❂ To burn Burnt Burnt Erre
To burst Burst Burst Lehertu
✺ To buy Bought Bought Erosi
✺ To catch Caught Caught Harrapatu
⚡ To choose Chose Chosen Aukeratu
To come Came Come Etorri
To cost Cost Cost Kostatu
To cut Cut Cut Ebaki/moztu
☻ To dig Dug Dug Zulatu/aitzurtu
To do Did Done Egin (Aux)
❣ To draw Drew Drawn Marraztu
❂ To dream Dreamt Dreamt Amets egin
✴ To drink Drank Drunk Edan
⚡ To drive Drove Driven Gidatu (kotxea)
To eat Ate Eaten Jan
To fall Fell Fallen Jausi
° To feed Fed Fed Elikatu
☮ To feel Felt Felt Sentitu
✺ To fight Fought Fought Borrokatu
☻ To find Found Found Aurkitu
❣ To fly Flew Flown Hegan egin/Hegaz egin
To forbide Forbade Forbidden Debekatu
⚡ To forget Forgot Forgotten Ahaztu
To forgive Forgave Forgiven Parkatu
⚡ To freeze Froze Frozen Izoztu/jelatu
☻ To get Got Got Hartu/lortu
To give Gave Given Eman
To go Went Gone Joan
❣ To grow Grew Grown Hazi/Handitu
☻ To hang Hung Hung Zintzilikatu
✌ To have Had Had Euki (Aux)
✌ To hear Heard Heard Entzun
To hide Hid Hidden Ezkutatu
To hit Hit Hit Jo
☻ To hold Held Held Eutsi
To hurt Hurt Hurt Zauritu/min egin
☮ To keep Kept Kept Mantendu
☮ To kneel Knelt Knelt Belaunikatu
To knit Knit Knit Puntu egin
❣ To know Knew Known Jakin

English Irregular Verbs 1

° To lead Led Led Gidatu (personak)

English Irregular Verbs 2

❂ To learn Learnt Learnt Ikasi
To leave Left Left Joan/alde egin/utzi
☁ To lend Lent Lent Utzi
To let Let Let Onartu
To lie Lay lain Etzundu
To light lit Lit Argitu
To lose Lost Lost Galdu
To make Made Made Egin (eskulana)
❂ To mean Meant Meant Adierazi/esanahi
° To meet Met Met Topo egin/ezagutu
To melt Melt Melt Urtu
✌ To pay Paid Paid Ordaindu
To put Put Put Ipini/jarri
To read Read Read Irakurri
⚡ To ride Rode Ridden Gidatu (txirringa, zaldia)
✴ To ring Rang Rung Jo (txirrina)
⚡ To rise Rose Risen Igo (prezioak)
To run Ran Run Korrika egin
✌ To say Said Said Esan
To see Saw Seen Ikusi
✺ To seek Sought Sought Bilatu
✌ To sell Sold Sold Saldu
☁ To send Sent Sent Bidali
To set Set Set Ezarri
✎ To sew Sewed Sewn Josi
⚡ To shake Shook Shaken Eragin
☻ To shine Shone Shone Disdiratu
° To shoot Shot Shot Tiro egin
✎ To show Showed Shown Erakutsi
To shut Shut Shut Itxi
✴ To sing Sang Sung Abestu
✴ To sink Sank Sunk Urperatu
☻ To sit Sat Sat Jesarri
☮ To sleep Slept Slept Lo egin
° To slide Slid Slid Laban egin
☮ To smell Smelt Smelt Usaindu
⚡ To speak Spoke Spoken Hitz egin
☮ To spell Spelt Spelt Letreiatu
☁ To spend Spent Spent Gastatu
To stand Stood Stood Zutundu
⚡ To steal Stole Stolen Lapurtu
☻ To stick Stuck Stuck Erantsi
To strike Struck Struck Eraso
☂ To swear Swore Sworn Zin egin
☮ To sweep Swept Swept Erraztatu/eskobatu
✴ To swim Swam Swum Igeri egin
⚡ To take Took Taken Hartu
✺ To teach Taught Taught Irakatsi
☂ To tear Tore Torn Urratu
✌ To tell Told Told Kontatu
✺ To think Thought Thought Pentsatu
❣ To throw Threw Thrown Bota/jaurtiki
To understand Understood Understood Ulertu
⚡ To wake Woke Woken Itzartu
☂ To wear Wore Worn Jantzita eraman
☻ To win Won Won Irabazi
⚡ To write Wrote Written idatzi

Five main categories

English Irregular Verbs 3

1. AAA (12)
2. AAB (1)
3. ABB [52-12(idn)]
☁ first column´s ending d becomes a t in the next columns (5)
° loose one vowel (often middle 1) from first to next columns (7)
✺ second column is -aught and third is -ought (7)
☻ the first column´s -i- becomes another vowel (u, ou, o, or e) (9)
❂ add a -t at the end in the second and third columns (4)
☮ a vowel or -l is lost and a -t is added instead at the end of word (7)
✌ end in -d (might change or last letter or add it to end of word) (6)
Others: miscellaneous changes (7)
4. ABA (3)
5. ABC (45)
⚡ second column vowel becomes -o-; third ends in -en (15) warning: the last
column might need a double consonant!
✴ first column´s vowel is an -i-, second´s is a -a-; third´s is a u (6)
❣ second column ends in -ew and third in -wn (6)
☂second -ore and third -orn(e) (4)
✎ second -ed and third –wn (2)
Others: miscellaneous changes (12)

English Irregular Verbs 4

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