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Deryn Doamekpor

College Speech

25 January

Speech Apprehension

My biggest fear when public speaking is mixing my words. I don’t usually get speech

anxiety, but sometimes I mix up my words and panic. When I mix up my words, I feel a

sensation of butterflies. I also feel really anxious. Being able to speak in front of people with

little kids to no anxiety with make public speaking feel much better. Having shaky words or

mumbling is a problem because it can make it hard to understand me. Another problem is that is

shows that I nervous and can make me look insecure. When shaking your words it makes your

argument seem unorganized. When I am able to talk without mixing my words, my public

speaking will be better, and more clear.

Another one of my problems are keeping eye contact. Holding eye contact to who you

are talking to makes your argument better. They see you are more confident and will take you

much more serious. Without proper eye contact, you can look insecure. When you do this is

makes the listener feel like you are not truest confident in what you are presenting.

Overall, being able to confidently speak to a person and look at them with steady eye

contact will help with any speech anxiety.

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