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Before seeing The Usual Suspects, I didn’t know what to think about it.

I usually don’t like

movies that involve crime or mysteries. I looked up the movie to see what it was all about. After reading

the rating of the movies. Many people said they like it. It has many positive reviews and had won over 37

awards. While watching the movie, I did tend to not be able to follow along. There were some scenes that

I just couldn’t follow. I usually don’t like movies that are super long. This movie was almost 2 hours

long. Due to the length of this movie. I found myself being bored. Overall, I found the movie to be some-

what pleasant. I liked that the film tried to convince the viewers what happened. During the beginning of

the film they told us the truth of what happened. Then during the movie, they try to convince that some-

thing different could have happened. Finally. I believe this was a decent movie. I recommend this movie

to people that enjoy crimes and mysteries.

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