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COR1100 Writing & Reasoning (G28)

Dr TAN Su Hwi

Assessment 3 – Business Proposal

CHENG Ging Wei (0137 0401)

Table of Contents

Executive Summary............................................................................................................3


Current Trends.............................................................................................................................4

Information Gap.............................................................................................................................................4




The “Triple-E” Approach...............................................................................................................6




Risk Analysis.................................................................................................................................9

Action Plan.......................................................................................................................10

Programme Timeline..................................................................................................................10


Measures of Success...................................................................................................................12



Appendix A: Cost of AirPods Pro.................................................................................................16

Appendix B: Cost of Logitech C920 Pro Webcam........................................................................17

Executive Summary

This proposal seeks to develop a two-day online programme for Mrs Wong Kwok Leong

Student Wellness Centre aimed at increasing awareness on Social Wellness (SW) within the

SMU community. Titled “Distant Socialising” (DS), the programme takes on the “Triple-E”

Approach: Educate, Empower and Evaluate to instil SW in participants. Under “Educate”,

SMU seniors share on the importance of SW in their lives; under “Empower”, participants

get to exercise SW through peer appreciation exercises after workshops by MWKLSWC

counsellors and C3 volunteers; under “Evaluate”, a scenario-based game show checks and

corrects their understanding of SW. Event turnout and game show results can be used as

quantifiable measures of success. Possible risks include cancellation of a physical programme

and lack of participation in activities, but these are mitigated by an online conduct with

attractive prizes and the incorporation of DS into Faculty Freshman Orientation Camps.

Therefore, implementing these recommendations will comprehensively fulfil MWKLSWC’s

aims to raise awareness on SW.


This proposal allows MWKLSWC to achieve the goal of raising awareness on SW within the

given budget with easily mitigated risks.

The Covid-19 pandemic’s sudden arrival caught the world off guard, leaving many struggling

to recalibrate their social routines. Day-to-day interactions between people have pivoted

towards online meetups instead of physical gatherings. Despite increased traffic on the

internet by youths, studies showed that these platforms are being used as an escape from

reality (Fernandes et al., 2020) instead of being a means to keep in touch with family and

friends. Youths also turn to online platforms for advice on how to adapt to the Covid-19

situation (Cauberghe et al., 2020). To help the SMU community adjust to the new normal and

properly utilise internet platforms, MWKLSWC should fill the information gap and

consolidate advice in a one-stop resource.

SW is about creating and maintaining relationships with others (SMU, 2020). This is

encompassed under the idea of resilience, characterised by one’s ability to thrive and achieve

personal growth despite setbacks (APA, 2012). It is challenging to convince our pragmatic

society of the importance of both topics because their benefits are intangible, but they should

be addressed to raise awareness on SW successfully.



MWKLSWC can collaborate with community partners like C3 to better contextualise DS. C3

has been imparting SW to people across the age spectrum since 2010 (C3, n.d.). It has an

ACE (Resilience) programme (C3, n.d.) aimed at developing youths’ social skills. This is in

line with MWKLSWC’s overall efforts to build resilience through inculcating SW. Their

wealth of experience accumulated from practising SW with diverse beneficiaries will help

MWKLSWC to develop lesson content that ties in with sentiments on the ground, ensuring

the currency and relevance of DS.

The “Triple-E” Approach

In order to ensure success, DS’s design has to adhere to a certain rigour that addresses the

goals of MWKLSWC. To provide a structure, the “Triple-E” approach is adopted as shown in

Figure 1.

Figure 1: The “Triple-E” Approach


In order to broach the topic of SW, highlighting its relevance in the participants’ day-to-day -

lives will be critical. To do so, MWKLSWC can invite SMU seniors and alumni to share how

strong support networks in school have helped them achieve personal growth during stressful

times. Moreover, modules in SMU place a heavy emphasis on projects, requiring students to

work in groups. MWKLSWC can surface this as another selling point during the sharing

since peer-to-peer relations are critical to harmonious project group dynamics. The

relatability of these anecdotes to the participants’ daily lives will demonstrate and convince

them on the importance of practising SW and building resilience.


After participants understand the pertinence of SW, the next phase empowers them with the

know-how on exercising SW to boost sustainability for DS.

Figure 2: SW Module (SMU, n.d.)

Figure 3: Resilience Module (SMU, n.d.)

As shown in Figures 2 and 3, MWKLSWC has existing educational resources on SW, but

they are under-utilised because they are optional. To address this, MWKLSWC can

consolidate key pointers in one workshop during DS by MWKLSWC counsellors to

empower participants with the means to practise SW.

MWKLSWC can also bring in C3 volunteers to share their experiences on interacting with

people from diverse backgrounds. On top of imparting SW practices, this empowers students

to build global networks, achieving SMU’s aim to nurture them into global citizens (SMU,


Lastly, a Secret Santa activity can be organised where participants send notes of appreciation

to one another, allowing them to experience the power of SW for themselves. Putting

participants through the process of reflecting on what they have learnt and taking action to

exercise SW enhances the sustainability of knowledge gleaned (Tassone et al., 2017).


Given the uncertainty of the Covid-19 situation, DS should be conducted online. Capitalising

on the concept of gamification will increase audience engagement in an online educational

context for university students (Kuo & Chuang, 2016). The main activity in this phase is a

scenario-based game show played in groups to evaluate participants’ SW knowledge with

prizes for the top 3 teams to incentivise participation. This encourages friendly competition

and gives participants the feel-good factor when they score points. Positive reinforcement

will augment the retention of SW knowledge (Craig, 2021), ensuring the sustainability of

DS’s objective to promote SW.

Risk Analysis

“Empower” and “Evaluate” phases involve experiential learning and team activities but

showing appreciation to and working with strangers might be challenging. One possible

solution is to conduct the programme as an extension of the faculty orientation camps. This

capitalises on the rapport built during orientation to ease participants into DS’s activities and

also strengthens freshmen’s social support network going into university.

Risks of programme cancellation due to deterioration of the Covid-19 situation are mitigated

by the online conduct and also expands DS’s capacity to accommodate as many participants

as possible.

Action Plan

Programme Timeline

Figure 4: Proposed Schedule

Figure 4 shows the proposed schedule with the recommended activities and will be conducted

online via Zoom.


Figure 5: Budget Breakdown

Referring to Figure 5, most of the budget is allocated to prizes for the game show with some

tokens of appreciation for partners and volunteers. Participants are divided into teams of eight

and top 3 teams win prizes. GrabFood Gift Cards can be used to order food take-outs for

others, one way to extend care and concern (SMU, n.d.), while webcams and AirPods can be

used for online lessons and video conferencing with friends. Since the prizes are popular

amongst university students and also related to social wellness, they will appeal to


Measures of Success

Figure 6: Target KPIs

The event turnout can serve as an indicator of DS’s outreach within SMU’s population of

9,188 undergraduates (SMU, 2020). Participants’ performance in the game show can gauge

their awareness on SW and highlight gaps in content delivery (Archer, 2017). Combined

together, these measures provide a good overview of DS’s effectiveness.


The recommendations laid out earlier will produce a layered programme with each step of the

“Triple-E” Approach serving as a multiplying force, driving home the value of SW. This

achieves MWKLSWC’s aims where awareness is raised through sustainable engagement and

the information gap on SW is addressed thoroughly.

Word Count: 1200 Words


Apple. (n.d.). AirPods Pro. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from


APA. (2012). Building your resilience. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from


Archer, E. (2017). The Assessment Purpose Triangle: Balancing the Purposes of Educational

Assessment. Frontiers in Education (Lausanne), 2. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2017.00041

Calvary Community Care. (n.d.). Youth. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from


Calvary Community Care. (n.d.). Our Story. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from


Cauberghe, V., Van Wesenbeeck, I., De Jans, S., Hudders, L., & Ponnet, K. (2020). How

Adolescents Use Social Media to Cope with Feelings of Loneliness and Anxiety During

COVID-19 Lockdown. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.


Craig, H. (2021, February 17). 5 Activities For Using Positive Reinforcement in the

Classroom. PositivePsychology.com. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from


Fernandes, B., Tan-Mansukhani, R., Essau, C. A., Biswas, U. N., & Casarín, A. G. V. (2020).

The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on internet use and escapism in adolescents. Revista de

Psicología Clínica Con Niños y Adolescentes, 7(3), 59–65. Retrieved from


Kuo, M.-S., & Chuang, T.-Y. (2016). How gamification motivates visits and engagement for

online academic dissemination – An empirical study. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 16–

27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2015.08.025

Shopee Singapore. (n.d.) Logitech C920 Pro Full HD 1080P Webcam - EBL. Retrieved 28

March 2021, from https://shopee.sg/Logitech-C920-HD-Pro-Full-HD-Webcam-


Singapore Management University. (2020). Facts. Retrieved April 1, 2021, from


Singapore Management University. (2020). Student Wellness. Retrieved March 24, 2021,

from https://www.smu.edu.sg/campus-life/student-wellness

Singapore Management University. (n.d.). Global. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from


Singapore Management University. (n.d.). Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty. Retrieved

March 25, 2021, from


Singapore Management University. (n.d.). Taking Care Of Your Mental Health During The

COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from https://oasis.smu.edu.sg/Pages/DOS-


Tassone, V. C., Dik, G., & van Lingen, T. A. (2017). Empowerment for sustainability in

higher education through the EYE learning tool. International Journal of Sustainability in

Higher Education, 18(3), 341–358. https://doi.org/10.1108/ijshe-12-2015-0209


Appendix A: Cost of AirPods Pro

Figure 6: Price of AirPods Pro on Apple’s website (Apple, n.d.)

Appendix B: Cost of Logitech C920 Pro Webcam

Figure 7: Price of Logitech C920 Pro Webcam on Shopee’s website (Shopee Singapore, n.d.)


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