Tips and Tricks

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So, here's a few things I like to do in my game that I feel some people might like

using or could provide feedback on.

Rolling initiative before the session. This makes it so when combat does start, we
can just go right into it and it'll feel more immersive than just rolling in the

DM rolls death saves. Yes, I roll for PC death saves behind the DM screen. No, I
don't fudge them and I don't tell anyone what I rolled. I do let them know if they
stabilize, revive or die, but no numbers are said. This gives downed and dying
players more of a sense of unease and makes the still active players have to weigh
options when it comes to healing or fighting.

Visible rolls for big things. Now, I roll behind the screen for average stuff like
enemy attacks, item prices, number of bad guys, etc. But for the more theatric
stuff, I do it in front of the screen. Things like the BBEG'S last attack on the
final player, or a save against a long-shot player idea.

Communal dice tray. I set up one big dice tray on the table for everyone to roll
in, thus ensuring no lying about numbers and to give transparency for gameplay.

Hit point levels. I divide enemy HP into 4ths to let the players know how enemies

4/4 is good.

3/4 is bruised.

2/4 is beaten.

1/4 is bloody.

And 1/10 is critical. This makes it so that I can convey how they're doing against
enemies. Instead of saying "he's still up", I can say "he's looking beaten". It
gives a more grounded feel to combat, making the enemies look like they've been
hurt over time instead of just chipping away at a health bar.

Mini markers. So, for groups of the same enemies, I'll have on actual mini and
numbered tokens for the rest. The tokens are the "mob" and the actual mini is the
"leader". This is so there's no confusion on targets. A player can say "I'll finish
off 5 with my rapier, bonus attack 3 with my dagger, and how's the big guy
looking?" Now, this is just for groups. Larger single monsters, I still use minis

Wild Magic Counterspell. So, if someone counterspells a Counterspell, I flip a

coin. Heads, it proceeds normally. Tails, I roll on the Wild Magic Surge table.
This is mostly to have fun with magic, since trying to cancel out a canceling out
spell would make a bit of an arcane mess.

Critical Cards. I have a Nat 1 and 20 deck with outcomes for both that can be
turned used for rewards or failures. For example: Nat 20 card could be +1d10 after
making a saving throw, or succeed on a skill check. Nat 1 could be fail on a skill
check, or receive minimum amount of healing possible from any one source. Nat 20s
are given to me, while i hold onto Nat 1s until any time of my choosing. The deck
is from Nord Games, BTW, I didn't make it myself.

Omen Tokens. Piggybacking off number 8, if they don't want to pull a Nat 1 card,
they can accept an Omen Token. I give them a black coin, and they can reroll the
Nat 1. However, I can call that Nat 1 back into play by requesting the token back.
Once it's returned, the roll made or being made is a Nat 1. Only 1 Omen coin can be
given to a player at any time, and it can't be used for a death save.

Anything you guys want to suggest as well, let me know. If you wanna try anything
out, let me know how it goes.

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