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• Know the rules.

You don’t need to know every rule for every situation, and new
players can get a little leeway, but don’t be the player that grinds the game to a
halt every time it’s your turn. Edit: Likewise, know your character. Don't be
flummoxed every time you have to do something.

• Be respectful of people's time. In-game, think about what your next action will
be when it’s not your turn. Situations may change but you shouldn’t start thinking
about it the moment your turn starts. Out-of-game, don't flake on a session or
routinely be late. Sometimes things happen and life throws a wrench, but be
courteous about other people's time.

• Your character’s personality should be one that would join a party, and that
party should want to have them. A character that attacks other party members or
makes them uncomfortable is no longer a part of the party—or the game. You can have
intra-party discord—that can make things interesting!—but it should be to a
manageable degree.

• Do not fall into the Main Character Syndrome. TTRPGs are collaborative
storytelling experience. It’s not just about you.

• Pay attention!

• Don’t argue with the DM… The DM’s word is final. There’s a reason they’re doing
what they’re doing, and your character may not know why. Also, don’t try to be the

• …too much. That said, DMs are fallible. If you feel as if you’re being unjustly
treated, you can make a case…but not for long. If a few moments of discussion
doesn’t clear the air, continue with the game and take your concerns off-table.

• Don’t get mad when there are consequences to your actions. Remember that failure
often leads to interesting decisions.

• Don’t metagame. Don't try to "win" the game. TTRPGs are just as much about
narrative as the mechanisms used to drive that narrative forward. If you
intentionally gain details outside-of-game about the story, it's just like reading
the ending of the book first and then spoiling it for everyone else. Remember that
while you might know, your character doesn't. That can sometimes be hard or
counterintuitive, but that’s why it’s a game of imagination.

• The point of the game is to have fun. If someone at the table isn’t having fun—if
they are uncomfortable with the subject matter or the actions of your character
(stop hitting on every NPC!)—then the game isn’t fulfilling its function. Don’t be
the person that Ruins Things.

I made this as the start of a discussion: should anything be added? Altered?

Deleted? There's always exceptions, so I don't want to get bogged down in that, but
if something is important enough, should it be noted?

Edit: Adjusted the metagame and reworded the "respect people's time".

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