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com Spring 2023

Students How 2
A news letter for you, the college student who wants to
learn everything better, easier or cheaper.

Welcome to our monthly newsletter Voting

This newsletter is to inform the average college student on
How to prepare to
everything life. In this edition the newsletter covers important
topics like voting, producing news, and pet ownership. vote as a college
Article by: Riley Callahan

Producing News
How to shoot
a quality
Hi readers my name is Hayden Beswetherick. news package
I am the editor of this edition of the students
how 2 newsletter. I am a student at East Article by: Abigail Clavijo
Carolina University. I am a communications
student and have been at ECU since the Fall of
2020. I am also a cadet in Army ROTC where
I am currently a 3rd year cadet. I have also
Pet Ownership
enlisted in the North Carolina National Guard
since 2020, finally coming up on three years in How to be
Picture by: Hayden Beswetherick
service. Some hobbies of mine outside of school
and the military is video games and watching Photo of Hayden from a wedding. a small pet
sports. I love watching football and can’t wait parent
for football season to come back. I also enjoy
hanging out with friends and just talking. Article by: Kiarra Crayton

Both the content for this newsletter and the design are created by students enrolled in COMM
Contact Information
3310 Copy Editing and Design in the School of Communication at East Carolina University in
Phone: 910 555 - 3410
Greenville, North Carolina during the Spring and Fall semesters under the direction of course
instructor Barbara Bullington.
Address: 501 East 10th Street
Greenville, NC
We welcome suggestions for article ideas for future issues.
For inquiries, please email
How to prepare to vote Be ahead of the game
as a college student Plan ahead when choosing when to vote. Early
voting is a very popular option and allows for those
Article by: Riley Callahan who have complications with their voter registration
to amend them before it is too late. Voting on the day
In the current information age, college students of may be tricky if the polling stations are busy or if
know more than they ever have before. Yet when it they run out of ballots.
comes to national and particularly local elections,
young people on college campuses are often reluctant “If there’s a problem with your registration they can
to learn about candidates or vote, and these factors fix it: if you’re not registered they can do the same-day
take a toll on national averages. process to be registered to vote on the same day,” says
Dennis. “If you wait until Election Day to vote, you
According to a report by the Institute for have to go to that assigned precinct location, and if
Democracy and Higher Education, only 66 percent there’s an issue a provisional ballot is about your only
of college students voted in the 2020 presidential option.”
election. If you have found yourself lost on how to
vote, the tips and words of advice on how to vote as a Bring some identification. Most states require
college student in the guide below should put you on some form of
the right path. it to vote, such
as a driver’s
Go register license or
passport. Check
Registering is the most important step in voting, not your state’s
just as a student but as a citizen. College students are requirements
put in a unique situation in that they have the choice in advance
of choosing where they want to vote: either in the and make sure
county of their institution or permanent residence. you have the
The most convenient option is to register to vote in the necessary ID
county of your school. with you.
Photo by: Riley Calahan
Sticker used to indicate voting.
“If you choose to register to vote [at school], you
are going to be here during the election in November,”
says Alex Dennis, Senior Assistant Director of the Educate yourself with the candidates
Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement and head
of Pirates Vote at East Carolina University. “While you Be informed. Most local candidates have campaign
have that option to be registered back home, which information readily available and many local
one is going to lead you to voting?” newspapers report on their respective races. It’s one
thing to go and vote, but learning and voting for what
you want to see in your community has much more
of an impact on not just the ones around you, but even
Find a location future students.
After you are registered, you will want to determine
“How does a democracy function if you can’t
your voting location. This information can be
find information about candidates?” says Dr.
found on your state’s election board website. Most
Cindy Elmore, co-founder of,, a
universities in the United States have polling locations
nonpartisan public service providing local candidate
on or close to campus.
information to Pitt and Beaufort counties in North
Carolina. “People either don’t vote in local races, they
vote on the basis of political party, or they
just vote on the basis of continued to page 3 2
In the growing media market, it is difficult to stand
continued from page 2 something
like yard signs. We started out in TV news. So, how do you make a good first
this website to provide some information.” impression with a stand-up?
Make your voice heard
Confidence is key
Often young people are reluctant to vote because
Standing in front of the camera can be
they think that their vote doesn’t matter in the grand
intimidating. However, being confident in front of
scheme of things. But every ballot cast in local and
the camera is the first and most vital step in creating
national races is vital, especially in recent years.
a quality stand-up.
“This is your opportunity and your voice to share
Senior communications major at East Carolina
your concerns and passions,” says Dennis. “Advocate
University, Reyna Crooms, said one way that helps
for the issues that are important to you, and that at the
her stay confident is to go over the main details of
end of the day, you’re not going to agree 100 percent
the story before shooting the stand-up. This way the
with any of the candidates. You’ve got to choose the
information is fresh in her mind.
ones that line up mostly with the things that you are
most passionate about.”
Crooms also said that projecting one’s voice is an
important step in appearing confident.
Lastly, go vote! Make
“I know most of the time you have a microphone
sure to bring your ID
on you, but speaking clearly and loudly enough can
and any other required
improve the quality of the sound more than you
documents, and head
to your polling place
during early voting or
Crooms said in addition to sounding confident it’s
on Election Day. Voting
also important to look confident. This is something
in college may seem
Crooms said she learned while interning at a news
difficult, but with the
station. Checking the lighting to make sure you
right knowledge, it can
don’t look washed out or too dark, making sure
be quite stress-free.
your hair is out of your face and standing up tall
are all are all now on Crooms’ list of “do’s” when
preparing to record a stand-up.
Photo by: Riley Calahan
North Carolina Local Ballot
What not to do

Viewers don’t necessarily want to see reporters

How to shoot a quality simply standing in front of the camera holding a
news package microphone. Not only is it not engaging, but it also
makes it difficult for those who are visual learners
Article by: Abigail Caljvio
to understand the topic.
An essential part of being an on-air reporter is
creating an engaging stand-up for both packages East Carolina University professor Dr. Mary
and live stories. A stand-up is the first thing the Tucker-McLaughlin said you should avoid standing
viewers will see before they are exposed to the still if possible. Instead, you should be walking
rest of the story, which makes it similar to a lede toward the camera.
in print writing. Just like a lede, your stand-up
should be how you will first connect to your “Stand-ups should use the premise of ‘walking and
viewers. talking’,” Tucker-McLaughlin said. “All parts of a
news video should engage the audience, the stand-
up included.”
continued to page 4 3
continued from page 3
That being said, you don’t need to be constantly moving.
as simple as
gesturing in the
direction of
what you are
reporting on
will improve
the quality of a

Photo by: Abigail Caljvio

Abigail conducting a stand-up news package.

Get creative

One of the best stand-ups I recorded during my time

in Dr. Tucker-McLaughlin’s video news class involved
me simply walking under the arches of ECU’s Joyner
building to demonstrate the music that plays when you
do so. It wasn’t much, but it was engaging and helped
me to better express the story I was reporting, which
was about the repairs made to the plaza in between the
Joyner East building and Joyner Library.

According to, another creative way to

make your stand-up stand out is to shoot it in multiple How to be a small pet
takes to piece it together. This method allows you to give parent in college
information to your viewers in a visual, step-by-step
By Kiarra Crayton
“One time I did a stand-up where I was standing on one
end of these clothing racks, and I shot the first half on The competitors
that end, then we shot the second half of the stand-up
on the other end and cut the two clips together,” Crooms Having a dog or cat can be challenging because of
said. their size and behavior but smaller pets like guinea
pigs, rabbits or hamsters are to easier to easier have in
She said not only did it look cool, but it allowed to shot college and can still provide emotional support.
to be more engagning to her viewers.
Imagine trying to find time in your busy class
schedule to run home, take your dog out to use the
bathroom and scurry back to campus. Dogs can also
raise noise complaints from random barking in the
middle of the night.
continued to page 5
continued from page 4
The other go-to pet is a cat, which is much quieter
than a dog but their meows can be constant and grow Fruits and vegetables were plentiful and free for Ricks
annoying. Cats also shed easily, which can prompt at the dining hall, where she got most of her guinea pig’s
increased cleaning time. The day-to-day routine for a food because it was accessible to her. As the costs of
small pet fresh fruits and vegetables increase, this is an alternative
way to cut the cost of caring for a guinea pig.
Ayanna Ricks, a sophomore marketing major at East
Carolina University, said she provides her two guinea “I would try and get the best-looking fruits and
pigs with fresh hay, fruits, vegetables, fresh water and vegetables,” Ricks said. “They always had a variety of
attention daily. When Ricks was living on campus, she food.”
took them out to the grass area called the mall located
in the middle of the ECU campus, often and she said Petco, a popular store to buy animal products, gives
that was a way she made friends. customers the option to buy a starter kit. The kit
includes a cage, bedding, a water bowl, a food dish and a
“For class, I would just turn music on most times $10 rebate for any Kaytee Guinea Pig food, according to
because they don’t like being in complete silence,” Petco. Buying a starter kit for your small pet would save
Ricks said. “I would take you money. All the essential habitat items are in the kit,
my stuff outside with so you do not need to go multiple stores.
us and I would take my
iPad and do classwork Petco also offers a QR code that takes customers and
and stuff and they (Keiko potential small pet owners to a separate website that has
and Kiro) would lay important information from experts and also provides
around in the grass.” tips and tricks. Some of the topics talked about are
habitat size, care of your guinea pig and where to buy
Photo by: Kiarra Crayton
Guinea pigs in a wagon them.

A college student’s perspective

The benefits: from a veterinarian Ricks said she loved having her pets on campus and
registered them as emotional support animals. She said
Dr. Linda Kuhn, a veterinarian at East Carolina her guinea pigs helped her be more productive because
Veterinary Service for 33 years, said she thinks small they were a priority.
pets like guinea pigs and rabbits are better for college
students than cats or dogs. “When you have something that you’re kind of taking
care of, I feel like it motivates you a little more,” Ricks
“A lot of college students get depressed, away from said. “It’s like, oh I need to go to the dining hall to get
home,” Kuhn said. “These are good little pets that can some lettuce, now that I’m at the dining hall I am going
make you feel good.” to get something to eat’.”

Kuhn said it’s best to do your research about their
diet. She said when people bring small pets into the
practice, the typical reason is nutritionally based.
Learning the normal activities and behaviors of your
pet is important, Kuhn said because the illness can
be caught sooner. Another thing she recommends is
learning how to trim their nails.

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