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‘Amanda Cant @ Mary Charrington CONTENTS MAP Vocabulary: ‘The alphabet Emotions angry bored, hoppy, sod, ted Colours: black ble, brown, green, grey orange, pink, purple red, ‘te, gto (arr) I scaler cere are per en Nimes 2 Language focus: Hello! / Hi '5 ito (penyan (eraser)? What's your name? Yes, es 7 No eis Im (Ede) /'y name's (Ede) How many (pens)? ‘Spel your name, please, (ve) (pers) How ore you todoy? (wo) (green) (res) Tim (OK ine/soe) Social skills: Be friendly g fay A ert a Spates neve ea ee sn pi This s my (mu). (Allee) ‘ha lant my (stor) She's my Tom i (young) ‘end She's (10) yoors oe Hep your family Gye PT a peiay Pian oo le, won E cre B ay Sc tii nt ee enor recorder/voin = can ride « horse) ‘She can (own) he cant (skip) ‘Thay on (eng) Con you (poy foatbal)? Yes, lean / No, icant. Fespect everyone's preferences and abies, era Bes /Pp83-86 Vocabulary: O33 Pets: bie, cat, dog, goat, hamster rabbit Adectives big/smal Numbers 10-20 Revision colours Language focus: Revisor He can (unl He's (brown. Hove you got a (smal dog)? Te got 2 (eat! Yor, hove. / No, /haven' Thovent got a (bie) Has sho gota (goat)? ‘shes gota (smal brown cat) Ys, she hos / No, she hasn't ‘He hasn't goto (dog) (sateen) goats Social skills: Respect animale ‘Activate and Explore B(Units3.4) Geran Vocabulary: Food t bonanas, beans, carrots, orangds, peppers, sold, tomatoes Food 2 cereal chips, choclate, fh. homburger. post, pizza ce, soup Connectors and, but Revision: big/small colours, fay members focus: Do you lke (Fish ond ce)? Yes, do. / Ne, | don't ‘ke (vegetables) are Ike (Ash) 1 don’ ike (oranges) ‘ike (vegetabies) but I ont ke (Ash) Types of homes: cabin, fot. house Revision: big/smal, ol, farly members, pets Language focus: Where do you ive? They live in (cabin). ive in. at) (he cy) leo ie big desert n Por "ven ol town} but she Ths (ity) (ld). fos in (a ig ty) ive wth (ac, Social skills: Its fun to play with frends, = @ Listen, read and match. Then write the names. (or) © Hil Hello! My name’s Eva im your 4th grade teacher. What's your name? a I'm Marie. wil Hellot im Eddie What's your name? tim Sasha e Look at Activity 1 again and complete with the names. and ___are classmates. 2 —__ isa teacher. ——____ is a 4th grade student. © Act out the dialogues in Activity 1 By Ou: Gyan ey 9 Listen and point. Then listen and say. &). ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPG@R STUVWXYZ @ Listen, read and circle or write, Then spel Go 60 ial 6 © Play the spelling game. ®@ Spell your name, please. ) i You're Taylor. _—~S c~ 9g Listen and point. Then listen and say. (es) Bt, A Bb Ab MH ‘happy 2 sad 5 tired 4“ bored 5 angry & Hello, Cathy. How are you today? @Q Listen, read and circle, Then act out. | How are you? aa My friend is @ Listen, look and write the names. a7) @ Listen again, read and number. Then ect out. (er) By (_) cathy: C-a-THY. (_J cathy: Yes! How are you? Cathy: Hil Complete. ) | | [Jie c. Spel your name, | ease. fe Cathy. (_) cathy: 1m happy! | ur ? (Jip: 0K. cathy Whats yo | Cleat tr cat 7 i Trip: Hello! My name’s Trp. ae O TERP. What's your name? | dite (Jip: tm OK. And you? { OK. © Practise with a friend. Bp Goes - 2 @ complete. Then match. ©, What's your __? MARY. OUEue tm ted name, please. How are ____ today? My name's Mary. @ Look at Activity 1 again and tick (V) the correct picture. What's Choose a photo are you today? aaa Im 4 { 4 © teres @ Listen end point. Then listen end say | grey S yellow Swhite 7 green = red | blue pink 4 black = S orange brown 10 purple @ Listen and colour. Complete. Then listen and say. (ow) 98 Play a memory game. Is ita ruler? Yes, it is. Is it red? No, it isn’t @ Listen and point Then listen and say. (10) DOO HYD»: fo © Count and complete. Then say. —_—_— — black books =o. lll @ Listen and read. Then write and spell the names of the characters. (1 Him Shay. 1 Torts a bute Fm Shay. My name’ Shay! 511 9 @ Read the story again. What's the message? Tick (v) Remember names.) Be friendly.) Be careful. 1) Creer as enone @ ‘ke an out me’ poster! [a= OS eee ED @ Think and complete Hil My name's _____ Today I'm _____ My favourite colour is and my favourite number is —___ © write the text on cardboard paper and decorate it. Be creative! © Share your work with your friends. o—: = @ Listen and number the photos. Then listen and write the names. (12) Celina Ch Roger Zoe @ Look at Activity 1 again and circle. | Roger is happy / tired / angry, 2 Chris is happy / bored / sad. » Celina and Zoe are bored / happy / tired. © !n pairs, look and circle Dan's family. Then say: This is (Roger). Bp © eves @ Listen and point Then listen and say. (12) Sens © Play the game: 1 point, you say’. Bp Chy @ Listen and look. Then write the names. &) Jessie Rob Alice Paul @ sien aguin, reed and complete. Then at out (i) Sy Cathy: Look, this is my —___, Paul Trip: Who's this? Cathy: This is my Alice Trip: Who's this? Cathy: This is my , Jessie Trip: Who's this? Cathy: This is my © show a photo of your family and practise with a friend 2 Goya 1 Put the words in order. | 's this. Who father, my is This Paul —O 9 Listen and point. Then listen and say. ren young tall short @Q Read, look and circle. Maggie Is Cathy is 3 Tom is John is short / tall short / tall young / old. young / old. © Listen and complete, @ My brother is ?__ My grandma is My father is ‘m Q i» pairs, talk about your family. Use short, tall young and old. Bp Cor vnons @ on @ Listen and read. Then answer: Who are George and Brenda? (1s) Circle. He / She is George. 2 He / She is my sister. (a Hi, I'm Ken. Look at the photo. This is George. He's my brother. He's young and short, And this is Brenda. She's my sister. She's young and tall I like this photo very much! @ complete with She or He. Hi, I'm Tina! Look at this photo. This is Helena. 1 —_'s my sister. This is Maria. 2 __'s. my mum. And this is Sam. > —__'s my brother. © Imagine you're Ken or Tina, cover the texts and describe the photos on this page. 9 Listen and read. Then write T (for True) or F (for False), roy Maggie isn’t my sister. She's my friend. She isn’t 9 years old, she’s 10. And she's tall! | Maggie and Cathy are sisters.(_] 2 Maggie is 9 years old. {_] eee el Q complete with is or isn’t Cathy | my friend. She > my sister, She 10 years old, she's 9 years old. She 4 short. © '" pairs, say three sentences about Cathy or Maggie using isn't. Goya vm tenon QD @ complete the text with the words from the box. Coat she (x2) he —This._—_young ) __ is my family, Sarah is my grandma,» ___ is 70 years old Ulises is my dad. is | _____ And Nina is my baby sister. 5 is 1 year old. She's @ Look at Activity 1 again and tick (¥) the correct photo. © match. This is Dora, » He's my dad. This is Vicky. and short. Cathy is young my grandma | This is Sam She's my sister. @sp ery « Find a family similar to Cathy's family and describe the photo. p fmaet) % Listen and read, Then point to Mum, Dad, Oliver and Freddie. (20) » Olive: help —— = a cr carat Read the story again. What's the message? Tick (V). Help your murn. Help your family. Love your pet. pps 9 Optional - (scaor and ue) cabowrd paper) marke sickers iter @ Describe each person in your family. Use the following text as a guide. Write each description on a piece of cardboard paper. This is ... (name). He / She is my ... (family member), He / She is .. years old. He / She is old / young and tall / short. He / She isn't @ Stick @ photo of your family on cardboard paper and stick the texts next to the corresponding family members. © Decorate your poster. Be creative! @ Share your work with your friends. - op AXctiv.ate) Listen, circle and write. Then sing and act out. @ It Se Pick up a ruler / pencil, Pick up a pencil / backpack. @ ck up a pen / eraser, Pick up a pen / eraser, Pick up a book / pen, Pick up an eraser / pencil, 7 And count to ten! And count to 1 One, two, four, five, One, ___, three, four, five, seven, nine, six, eight, nine, ey sae Z Read, look and circle. Hello! My name's / name Kevin. This is my family. This is Clare, my dad / mum, She's tall / short and young / old. This is George. He is / isn’t my dad, He's my grandpa, This is Anna. He's / She's my grandma She's old /young, And this is my baby sister / sister baby, Tina. Look, she's happy / tired! @ @ Find the emotions in the wheel. Then look, write and colour Clem ty, o b> “e, Y @ @ Look at Activity 1 again and find the English word for: | confundido: ___ confused __ 2 nervioso: — 9 interesado: 4 distraidlo: —__ S@ 8 oe @ Listen, read and match. Then write the names. (2) This is Ethan, He's a professional This is Eve. She is a professional parkour performer. He's 20 years artistic swimmer. She's 20 years old. He can run, jump high old. She can swim, jump and and climb walls, Parkour isn't dance very well! Artistic an Olympic sport. It’s an urban swimming is part of the Olympic Games x worl hh) | 'y again and circle. Ethan and Eve are old / young 2 Ethan and Eve can jump / swim. » Parkour is / isn’t an Olympic sport 4 Artistic swimming is / isn’t an urban sport. In pairs, read the texts in Activity 1 again and try to remember two facts about Ethan and Eve. Then close your books and say. @) Dm @ Listen and point. Then listen and say. (x3) rollerblade swim 4 sing 5 climb a tree 6 ride a horse Q Py 2 memory game ® 24,6 Swim, sing, ride a horse a © Match and complete. Then say. bike tree _ basketball ride © a mountain / a play ahorse / a » lim football / Goya vesson2 @ @ Listen again, read and complete. Then act out ba Be Cathy: Look at my —__! She can ride a horse. And look at my He can rollerblade. Trip: I can ! Whee! can't pa © Practise with a friend. Say what you and your family can/can’t do. OD won v0 2 can He 3a Ce Put the words in order. | horse She ride can rollerblade can't horse | ride ae @ Listen and point. Then listen and say, @ play the recorder 2 play the drums > play the piano play the violin a play football play tennis play basketball Q tisten and circle. (as) | play the violin / the piano play the piano / the drums 2 play the recorder / the drums \ play football / tennis © Play the mime game. ® Play the violin, Yes, | A basketball? Goya vassons @ | In scene number 1, Cathy is happy / sad / bored, In scene number 2, Cathy is happy / sad / bored. @ Listen again, read and number. Then act out. (27) Sy Trip: No, I can't. Can you swim? 1 football Can Trip: Yes, I can. | can help you! Cathy: Wow! This is great! Cathy: No, I can’t Can you swim? Cathy: I'm bored... Can you play football? 00000 © Ask a friend. Put a tick (¥) or a cross (%). eau Put the words in order. play you @ Listen and read. Then write T (for True) or F (for False). (20) | Lawrence and Johanna can play 2 Lawrence musical instruments. {__} and Johanna 2 Johanna can play the guitar and sna.) ® Lawrence can play the drums but Lawrence he can't sing. (_} @ complete with He, She or They. Then match. b Lara © Johanna | This is Helen, can play tennis very well 2 This is Brian. ___can't skip. 3 Paul and Charlie are brothers. ____can play basketball 4 This is Fred. ___ can’t swim. © , » |, he, she or they, Q complete the text Hil I'm Nelson. This is my brother, Thomas, and this is my sister, Katy. They love sports. | ______ like football, basketball, tennis and taekwondo too. Thomas can swim and ke is very good at basketball. can play very welll Katy can’t play basketball but > ____can play tennis, ____ can play football too. | don't ike sports. © _____ love music. | can play the recorder but my favourite instrument is the piano. 6 ___‘ can play the piano very well Katy and Thomas love music.” can sing but can't play any musical instrument. They love my concerts! © Read the text again and write the names. There is an extra photo. A Ca) ©) ©) © Complete with can or can’t » 4 | Thomas _____ swim and play basketball 2 Katy ____ play basketball but she _____ play football 3 Nelson __ play the piano and he _____ play the recorder too. 4 Katy ____ play the recorder. 5 Thomas _____ sing, Q@ seven (Core icf 4 Listen and read. Then answer: Why does Joy say she can make dresses? (») "want a nice dress for tonight oy can you make dresses? im sorry, Joy! ‘and thank yu! What's the message? Tick (V) and discuss. @) 1 All princesses can make dresses. 2 Respect everyone's preferences and abilities. 3 Respect princesses. Think of a different ending. Then share it with your friends. pro ink of four friends or family members you admire and describe what each person can do. Use the following text as a guide. This is .. (name). He / She is my .. (friend / brother / etc). | admire (name) because he / she can © Fold the cardboard paper. Follow your teacher's instructions. © Write ‘My Real Heroes’ on the cover and stick a photo of the people you admire on each page of your mini book. Stick the corresponding description (see Step 1) under each photo. Q Shere your work with your friends. @p =x @ Listen and match. Then listen again and write the names. fe) Rick Jul Gavin Mara | Gavin is Rick's dog O 2 Mara is a big animal 0 > Rick and Mara are pets 0 4 Gavin is old and Julia is young. O @ Listen and point. Then listen and say. (o1) wn Ab 1 bird 2 dog 3 cat yr » ty & wa al 4 hamster © rabbit © goat Qe Look and circle. Then say. ee » © | This is a 2 This is a 3 This is a ‘This is a cat / dog rabbit / bird. hamster / goat. hamster / bird. © Match and colour. Then say. © (0) 4 | a brown do Be i 2a grey cat 5a white and brown hamster © dy 4a blue bird a black rabbit . Goes Py ns © =x @ Listen and look. Then circle Cathy's cat @ @ Listen again, read and complete. Then act out. (2) Sy Trip Cathy: Trip: Cathy: Trip: 9 In pairs, say what pets you and/or your family have got. QO wens 's this your pet? No, it isn’t. | haven't got a I've got a cat, Felix. Is this your 2 No, it isn’t... My cat hasn’t got a grey tail, He's got a teil My has got a grey cat but it isn’t real. Ha hal Ce Complete 1 _— got a bird. got a cat. > Felix got a grey tail My sister — got a grey cat. Geena @ Listen and point Then listen and say. (=) I 1) 1) 1) _) 19 » Dw 9 Qe Play a memory game. © write the name of the animals. Then listen, circle and say. Ge) oy : { ; oe | eleven / sixteen > fifteen / thirteen © eighteen / nineteen fourteen / eleven ey ten and look. Then circle. (38), Cathy has got a big dog / small cat and a funny robot / goat. ten again, read and complete. Then act out. (35) ey 9 Victor: Have you got a small ? Cathy: Yes, | have. Victor: And have you got a big Complete. 2 —— you got a small cat? . Cathy: No, I haven't Yes, | ictor: ‘athy got a 2 Victor: Has Cathy g prea Mum: No, she hasn't. She's got a No, she - funny —__! Victor: Oh! Ask two friends. Put a tick (V) or a cross (X), Then form sentences using has got or hasn't got. cat fish bird Friend 1 Friend 2 © sevens @ Read. Then write V (for Vicky) or L (for Leo) next to the pets. © iy name's Vicky. ve got big black dog, Simon, and a small white) rabbit, Kiko. | haven't got a cat because my mum is allergic. @ ‘im Leo. ve got a bird, @ hamster and a rabbit My bird Is small and yellow. My hamster is brown and my rabbit is small and grey. | haven't, got a dog because my house is too small, But | love dogs! © © © © bm, a. J & @ Read the texts again and complete with has got or hasn't got. Vicky three pets. Leo __ three pets. 2 She 4 He ___ rig pets. 9 Read. Then, in your notebook, write about a pet. # Hello! My name's Harry. I's 10 years old. ve got a dog Willy. Name the pets and answer He's big and brown, We can run | ifueesltrafl they? Ave cand jump, but he can't swim, they big or smal? I love Willy! Goya vexns @ cm Q Read and write the names. Then complete. has got climb big small old can (x2) whi dog brown Hi *_ Martin, He's 2 im Polly. | love animals. I've got a | and brown. He 2 run very fast! In this photo, I'm with my friends Luana and Zoe. Luana a rabbit, Bonny. He's © __ and 6 Zoe has got a cat, Sylvestre. He's /_¥ and © But he can © tall trees and Bonny |) ___jump very high! @ Write questions. Then read the answers and circle the correct name. 1 you / a small pet 2 you / a cat Yes, | have. No, | haven't. 2 you / a white pet Who's answering? Polly / Luana / Zoe Yes, | have. @ as commu ow 9 Read and match the photos to the signs. There is an extra sign. ) not a pet! a i 2 Draw a picture to represent the extra sign in the poster. © Look at the poster again. What's the message? Tick (V) and discuss. » 1 Respect pets.) 2 Love dogs.) 2 Respect animals.) Gee tanon @ fr oa eke Your =. pet Hunt cores and play: = 2 F “~ Peis atic ae @ on a sheet of paper, write a description of the pet. Don’t say what type of animal it is. Use the following text as a guide. a Hi, I'm... (your name). 've got / My (family member) has got a pet called (pet's name). He's / She's big / small. He's / She's .. and ... (colour) He's / She's... (another characteristic). He / She can .. and ... but he / she can't... Find this pet in the photos! @ Put the text face up on your table so that your friends can read it. Stick the photo of the pet on a piece of cardboard paper and give it to your teacher. © Prey Pet Hunt | 2. name's Sant. Tve got \ pet called Arlo.He's small} | Hes black ond white. He's anny. He can run and jump. _f baat he cont climb. Find this pet inthe photos! © saves Think and complete about you. Then say your rap. /#f a I've got talents, I'm special! 4) ¢@ Tel got supernowersi ae eae and I can Ory ian ta but I can I've got talents, I'm special! I've got superpowers! Read and match. Then complete long small big can purple black climb (Animals\in{SouthyAmerica) Yaguaretés are ____ cats. They ____run, _ swim, They ____a big body and _____ spots. Violet-tailed Sylphs are ___ birds. They can fly but they swim. They are green, blue and They've got a beautiful and tall ‘ve got can’t and tail Explore @ Read and match. Take care of your pet! Feed your pet O O Play with your pet ‘Walk your pet Give water to your pet. Clean the poo poo. Love your pet! @ daiz time! Read and complete the table with Yes or No. ®, You Friend1 Friend 2 I feed my pet. I play with my pet. I walk my pet. | give water to my pet. | clean the poo poo. 4-5 Yes —> You love your pet! @P 3 Yes —> Your pet is happy! & 2 Yes —> Oops! Your pet is not happy. (0-1 Yes > Sorry! Your pet is very sad. = @ Who's speaking? Listen and tick (¥) the correct photos. (36) Qe isten again and circle. (x) | Kyle has got a brother / sister. They like big / small hamburgers 2 Sarah and her dad / mum love pasta / pizza © Listen again and circle. G) @ vonens @ Listen and point. Then listen and say. & peppers 2 beans > tomatoes 4 salad 5 carrots © bananas 7 oranges © Look at Activity 1 and complete the table. Then say. Crt) ese © Match and colour. Then say. ®> 9 Listen and look. Then circle the food Cathy likes. (a) Cathy: Let's prepare sandwiches! ike and cheese. Put the words in order. Trip: What about this? ee ‘cheese | and tomatoes like Trip: And now? Cathy: Wow! | like — juice! 2 don't carrots like Yummy! © In pairs, say what food you like/don't like. 2p @ twos Cor @ Listen and point, Then listen and say. & aS & & @& | chips 2 hamburger 3 rice 4 soup 5 fish © pizza ) chocolate 8 cereal © pasta @ Look and circle, Then say | fish / hamburger? rice / pasta 3 chips / soup _¢ cereal / chocolate © Match. Then play a memory game 2 © @ Ge @ 0 © @ — SF B&O OD SF AO Gon saie wes O ie Pn) @) ston and look Then write Yes or No. Ga) Cathy prepares a new menu for Julie @ Listen again, read and number. Then act out. (w) Gy ( cathy: wait, 1! prepare something special (Ditlie: No, | don't (J eathy: Julie, do you like fish and rice? (Julie: Yes, 1 do! (J sutie: Yes, 1 do! Yummy! {J cathy: Do you like my new friend? It’s for you (J cathy: And do you like chips? Put the words in order. | rice Do like you © Ask 2 friend, Put a tick (¥) or a cross (X). ee ka Q@ tessons Gon ea @ Read. Then put a tick (¥) or a cross (X) in the table f \ | I like bananas and | like bananas but i. [like oranges | don't like oran -— eee oh Cea ses Complete with and or but wd Tom: like vegetables — | like fish i: | like vegetables, I don't like fish. @ Match and write. Then say. 1 like dogs © Vlike cats: 2 I don't like fruit b I don't like dogs. I like cats © Mike fruit. « Idor't like vegetables 6 Ilike vegetables. Name the food items and say: healthy / not healthy. Geos mons @ c~ @ Reed. Then write the names in the table. > Hil My name is Uma. | love pasta and vegetables. | like tomatoes and peppers but | don't like carrots. This is my dog, Tyson. He loves carrots! Hello! My name is Mark. | don't like vegetables. | like hamburgers, pizza and pasta but my favourite is pizza This is my dog, Emma, She likes salad but she doesn't ike beans. @ Read. Then, in your notebook, write about you. atte Helio! My ome is Tener Tove vegetables. I like green & pasta, green soup and salad! T don't lke hamburgers. @ essen? 9.280 FF. | cxmmutad om © Q think anc draw @ oF @. Then discuss ® e Match the phrases to the pictures in Activity 1 Dont eat and speak atthe same ime (_) b Ask to leave the table O Use a napkin. ia No mobile phones at the table O © © Look at the pictures again. What's the message? Tick (V). 1 Be polite. 2 Be healthy.) 3 Say ‘Sorry’. () Cresder op 0-9 tment @ Cee er write & text and Dictation Race, (== ey wre) (seen nie) (steno) (ten) (mone as) @ 1» pairs, think of the food you like/don't like and write a short text on a sheet of paper. Use the following text as a guide. Student t I'm... like .. and ... but | don't like .. or ... | also like Student 2: I'm... like . and ... but | don't like ... or ... | also like © Draw all the food items on cardboard paper and include emojis next to them according to your likes. Don’t write your names. . © Stick your text on one wall of the classroom and the drawing on another wall. @ Follow your teacher's instructions and play Dictation Race! @ @ who's speaking? Listen and tick (V) two photos. (a) § Q Listen again and complete the table. (a2) Name Age Country Big or small How many brothers Pets | Ae stars?) | ee ae | es sy eeeaae _ Bazil. = = a rabbi © Complete about you. Then share the information with a friend. Country Big or small How many brothers Pets, family? or sisters? Name 1) Listen and point. Then listen and say. (a) 3 cabin “town © S countryside Q Listen and number. Ge) » town (_] » ety) © countryside (_] © Match. Then say. 1 a small house 2 a small cabin 5 a big flat 4 2 big house 5 a big cabin © a small flat cy @ Listen and look. Then tick (V). Gs) Luka lives. in a small town in South America (_] 2 ina sfhall city in North America. () 3 in a big city in North America. () ‘ (Luke: tts a big city in Canada, in North America. Look at this photo. (J cathy: Hi, Lula! Where do you ‘live do Where you live? (J) cathy: ike big cities! | lve in age a big city too 2a in live city | big (J) cathy: is it a city or a town? (J) ute: ve in Montreal © Ask your friend Where do you live?’ and tick (v). ®p Yel vo Be i tn RO So Bho po @ tesons (COE beach island mountains « desert @ Listen and match. Then say. (a7) Comoumain) cetae i ae Ts © Wn pairs, lock for information, tick (V) and complete. Then say. a mountain a desert a beach an island Ipanema is if Aneohuma is “9 San Andrés is ie Las Grutas is Con @ Listen and read. Then tick (v) Brian's home. (a) Hi, my name's Brian. Look, this is my | family. | live with my mum, Silvia, in a small house near the beach but my sister, Helena, and my dad, Oscar, live in the city. My dad lives in a flat ‘and my sister lives in a big house. She lives with my grandmother. 2 Brian and Silvia ______ near Circle. | the | Ilive / lives in a house. 3 Oscar —__ ina. They live / lives in the city. * Helena and Grandma eee aes eae 4 She live / lives in a house. ina big__ © in pairs, think of different family members and say where they live. ®. @ Read and write the names. Then circle. BS My name’ Lily. | live /.lives in a big city. | live / lives in a fiat. She's my friend Melody. She live / lives on a small island She live / lives in a house. e Look at the table and complete the text. 1 STE) Gity or town? Flat or house? city big house town small fiat Hit 'm }_—___t'm years old. | 2 Wim bigg ee in) Monterrey, a 4 in 5 _____ This is my best friend Paloma, She's ee She lives in the 6 —___ years old countryside She 7 ____ ina small8 ____in : (Mary! Mercedes, 29 in 1. : ey @ Read and answer: Where do they live? Write Zoe or Pedro. Hello! I'm Zoe, Im 10 years old. | live ina | fiat in a big city. \{__]! ive with my mim and my grandpa. My dad and my brotter live in the countryside. ° [_] | go there at | the weekends. (_] she lives in another | country. [_]! only see her at Christmas My friend Pedro is 1 years old. {_} He lives in a big house with his mum, dad and baby sister. (_} @ Complete the text in Activity 1 with these sentences. » They live in a cabin, They are a lovely family. © He lives near the mountains too. © She lives in a big house. © My fiat is small | Ive also got a sister. 9 Read. Then, in your notebook, write about you and say. Hil T’m Brenda. I'm 4 years old, I live ina small house in Pehuaié, a city in Buenos Aires. I live with my mum, my dad and my four brothers. Benjamin is my best friend. He's 10 years old. He lives in a big flat in Rosario, a city in Santa Fe. i @ teson? Goya - =~ € @ Listen and read. Then answer: Why does Chloe say, ‘No problem!"? Ge) Lats play! Howe your skateboard! Do you want ) sak @ Read the story again. What's the message? Tick (V) and discuss. 2 1 It’s fun to play with toys.) 2 It’s fun to play with friends. () 3 It’s fun to play alone O [Nag tea : celebrity Quiz! rorkers ‘magazine cut-outs or Peper inages trom the Internet Instructions Qn pairs, think of a celebrity and look for information about this person's family, pets, likes/dislikes, abilities, type of house, etc. Use the following example as a guide. Write your quiz on a sheet of paper. He/She is. He/She can tall short ride horses. climbs mountains He/She has got. He/She lives fone brother. 5 two brothers,» near the beach © on an island. @ tick a photo of your celebrity on cardboard paper and make a collage to represent the answers to your quiz. Don't show it for now. © Give your quiz to another pair and ask them to solve it. Then check their answers and show them the collage you made in Step 2, @ Present your collage to the rest of the class. Vote for the best collage! @ | Celebrity quiz! Ti Stoessel 1 She has got. @\ eee | b one sister. @ —: eles in the correct order. Rice salad ‘ Ingredients 2 big tomatoes > 1 ig caret 1 green pepper 1 Dre FF = n> +) EA U Wash the Peel the | cut the Mix the ee wasn be Pet ef ome covets ord | pepver ‘and peppers pepper Read and circle the ingredients. Then number the instructions Where do you live? Live in the The is hot This is my home! Where do you live? Where do you live? I ive on an I ive in the —___ This is great.|| The are high. This is my place! This is my house! @ Read. Then look and write. PURMAMARCA Hi Peto! Nice to meet ou! Purmamarca is a small town in | How old are you? the north of Argentina, The inhabitants Hit 7yearsold, ‘of Putmamarca love music. They sing Do you len Purmamara? «and pay instruments in festivals, This Yes, do. ve with my dd and fs Pedro. Read the interview and lear’ my brother in house ea the ‘about his life inthis beautiful old town! eee eee ‘This place i eal beaut ‘Whats the typical food? Hete people ike tamales and empanadas. ike tmaes very much ‘And do you ke music? Yes, dal can ply the sy (hoy. wat the sku? The sks tadtonl musical instrument the noth of ‘get. Sus have ot 12 ubes 8 Read the text again, choose and complete. south / north town / city beach / desert house / fiat Interesting! this your brother? Yes, hei. Thi isuan. He 12 He can play the si oo ane an als ply the charango, Teme more about the charango, The charango isa tradtionl Andean instrument's simi to 3 (ita but its smal My brates ar [play in a band. We love musi That sounds fantasti! Thank you ‘very much fr your time, Pero! You're welcome! old / young mum / dad Pedro is a | ______ boy. He lives in Purmamarca, an old in Jujuy. Jujuy is @ province in the » _______ of Argentina. Pedro lives, with his | and his brother. He lives in a 5 the 6 _______and the mountains. He loves his town! - My Practice Trip nO @ Look and complete the ialogues with the words from the box. \'m your teacher. What's your name? My name's Frida, I'm Tom. (2 Complete. Then say. necte teens @ Read and draw. OFOLO | happy bored > angry @ on @ Put the words in order. Then number in the correct order. [% Gg cones ame your ‘ what's Look and complete. Then say. — © Answer about you | What's your name? 2 How are you today? @ on) ® Find and circle using the corresponding colours : Moi Ov ore, x2 9PM Np e, i < bluepie? s Korey ® Colour and write eS S o SD &? a ® Write numbers to make ten backpack pencils erasers books pens rulers Write one colour, one number and one emotion. Ca) Ge) Cn) - 1) Look and write the family members. ‘9 2m, od _ 2% 8 | “9 5s 6b. @ Look and tick (v). Sam 1» This is my grandpa.) 3 © This is my sister.) © This is my dad, © This is my mum. C) 2 © This is my dad. ) 4-© This is my grandmother. ) © This is my brother. © This is my mum. C) ° nD 3) Look and complete. This ___ my mum, Rita. dad, Tom. is my grandma, 6 Charlie. @ Look and complete. Then say. B Look and complete with young, old, tal or short. Ben is ___ Anna is y » Luna is Rite ieee Bob is __ © Luca is © complete with He or She. Then tick (V) the correct photos. This is George. is my brother. is 20 years old. is tall 2 This is Daisy. is 6 years old is short @ © R OL oO 2 ko Oo 0 O is my sister. a? @ Look at Activity 6 again and complete with is or isn’t. | George ___ old. ® George ___ tall 2 Daisy —___ tall, « Daisy young. ® Complete the text with the words from the box. Then match. | He is _isn’t(x2) young old She © | This is Sally. She i © my mum, is my grandma, She isn’t Hove my grandma! : 2 This is Frederick. He my dad, is my brother. He 15 years old. He is — love my brother! 0 | ® Write four sentences about your family using is, isn't, young, old, tall and short. 1 My ___is Write a sentence about a member of your family. Use the words you learnt! 4) Look and complete. Then match. | roller ______ 4 sk 2 sw__ cl a we istoes 6 riL_ a hor__ 2) Complete with He or She and the correct verb. can__ a bike. 2 can _____ football. can a horse. —— a tree a B) Look and write sentences using can or can’t. Find 8 words and write them in the table. Then write two sentences about you using can or can’t and the words from the table. K T E N N 1 s ° r ° 8 A s rre>oadam -rpzamowmoOoma POAYyzcCuUrxRZ -vOuUNxuUMmEM rPZzrrr>anoon ZreemrNvezo ov0omuzZCcaOV Imr4-caxon Sports Instruments. on? ) Look at the table and write Cathy's answers. swim /rollerblade| play play _ play the play the football tennis drums violin x v v v x x Cathy Cathy, can you swim? Can you play tennis? poe Can you play the drums? Can you rollerblade? © Complete with He, She or They. | can climb a tree. can swim, can play football can skip. ° oa) @ Look and write sentences. ~via (® Write the questions. Then answer about you. | you / climb a tree you / rollerblade ? fie 2 you / play the piano > you / ride a horse Write a sentence about your best friend using ? ? you / swim: © you / play the drums . . . . can and can’t @ Look and tick (¥). © bird Gy 2 cat > hamster (1) o rabbit = (1) @ Colour the animals in Activity 1 and describe them. 1a bird 4 2a 5 ee

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