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1. Choose the correct from of the verb.

The police heard a baby ... .
A ) cries B ) has cried
C ) crying D ) to cry
E ) will cry

2. Choose the correct variant.

Do you have ... mistakes in your test?
A ) anybody B ) any
C ) anything D ) some
E ) something

Konul teacher
3. Choose the correct variant.
... sun is millions of miles away from ... earth.
A ) A, the B ) A, an
C ) The, an D ) -, -
E ) The, the
4. Choose the correct variant.
... workers were given uniforms.
A ) A lot B ) Few
C ) A lots of D ) Only few
E ) Too much

5.Choose the sentence with the correct form of the

Possessive Case of Nouns. Konul teacher
A ) My mum 's an excellent driver
B ) Have you answered yesterday 's letters?
C ) Life ' s too short to worry about money
D ) Bob ' s much fatter than the last time I saw him
E ) Flora 's twenty - five years old

6. Choose the correct variant.

... children should be taught to swim
A ) Neither B ) Either
C ) Every D ) Each
E ) All
7. Choose the correct tense forms.
Tom ... a book while Martha ... TV.
A ) was reading, has watched
B ) reads, had watched
C ) was reading, was watching
D ) read, is watching
E ) has read, was watching

8. Choose the correct variant

This question is ... than that one.

A ) important. Konul teacher

B ) more important
C ) most important
D ) the most important
E ) as important as

9. Choose the correct variant.

Molly didn't let me use her computer, ... .
A ) neither did Ted
B ) so did Ted
C ) neither didn't Ted
D ) so didn't Ted
E ) Ted did too

10. Change the sentence into Passive.

They will pack the things in an hour
A ) The things are packed by them in an hour
B ) The things will pack in an hour by them
C ) They will be packed the things in an hour
D ) The things will be packed them in an hour
E ) The things will packed in an hour

11. Choose the correct variant.

I visited ... United States of America ... last year.

A ) the, a. B ) the, the. Konul teacher

C ) a, the. D ) the , -
E ) -, -

12. Choose the correct modal verb.

I ... to climb this mysterious building.
A ) should. B ) will able
C ) can. D ) must
E ) am able.
13. Choose the correct tense forms.
Jim ... it for you if you ... him.
A ) translates, will ask
B ) will translate, asks
C ) will translate, ask
D ) translated, asks
E ) translates, asked

14. Choose the correct variant.

This is ... play I have ever seen.
A ) good B ) the best
C ) better D ) more better

E ) best Konul teacher

15. Choose the correct variant.

1. at the childrens' table
2. at Mr. Smith's house
3. at the Black's flat
4. at David's place.
5. at my uncle's party
A ) 2, 4, 5. B ) 1, 3, 4
C ) 1, 2. D ) 1, 5
E ) 2, 3

16. Complete the centences.

Can you tell me what ... ?
A ) your words mean
B ) do your words mean
C ) mean your words
D ) did your words mean
E ) will your words mean

17. Make up a sentence.

1. and. 2. Mark town Konul teacher

3. stories. 4. a lot of novels
5. wrote
A ) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 B ) 3, 1, 4, 5, 2
C ) 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 D ) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
E ) 2, 5, 4, 1, 3

18. Choose the correct variant.

In my childhood I lived ... a small town not far ... the capital.
A ) on, of. B ) at, from
C ) in, from. D ) in, -
E ) on, in

19. Choose the correct variant.

... is he?
He is a driver.
A ) What B ) Who
C ) Which. D ) Whose E ) Whom

Konul teacher
20. Choose the correct variant interrogative sentence.
A ) How often did they write a composition?
B ) How often they wrote a composition?
C ) How often did they wrote a composition?
D ) How often did write they a composition?
E ) How often they write a composition?

21. Choose the correct pairs of synonyms.

1. maverllous - splendid
2. tolerant – patient
3. magnificent - ordinary
4. smooth - rough
A ) 2, 4. B ) 2, 3
C ) 1, 2. D ) 1, 3
E ) 3, 4

22.Choose the correct variant.

A ) How big bus he drivers!
B ) What big bus drivers he!

C ) How a big bus he drivers! Konul teacher

D ) What a big bus he drivers!
E ) What a big bus drivers he!

23. Choose the correct variant.

Flowers and ... looked after by the gardener.
1. has been 2. will be
3. were. 4.was
5. is
A ) 1, 5. B ) 4, 5
C ) 2, 3, D ) 3, 4
E ) 2, 3, 4

24. Choose the correct conjuction.

... it was too dark, the travellers could find the was easily.
A ) Although B ) As
C ) If. D ) Because
E ) Whether

25. Choose the correct variant.

1. a few pairs of trousers
2. a little furniture shops
3. a few pairs of shorts
4. a little sheets of paper
A ) 1, 3 B ) 2, 4
C ) 3, 4 D ) 1, 2. E ) 2, 3

Konul teacher
26. Choose the correct.
My daughter sings well.
... .
A ) Neither does my son
B ) My son isn't, too
C ) My son does, either
D ) So is my son
E ) So does my son
27. Choose the correct variant.
We arrived ... the morning and our relatives met us ... the
A ) in, out B ) in, at
C ) to, by D ) into, -
E ) at, for

28. Change the sentence into Passive.

I have forggotten her name. Konul teacher

A ) Her name was been forggotten
B ) Her name has been forggotten
C ) Her name have been forggotten
D ) Her name had been forggotten
E ) Her name was forggotten

29. Choose the correct variant.

A ) What a nice furniture it is!
B ) How nice furniture it is!
C ) How a nice furniture it is!
D ) What nice furniture it is!
E ) What nice furniture they are!

Konul teacher
30. Choose the correct modal verb.
I ... hear you, please, speak loudly.
A ) can't. B ) ought
C ) am not able. D ) will able to
E ) wasn't able to

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