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Essentials of Communication I Expository Essay T.


Expository Essay

Name: Theressa Reid

ID Number: 20221863

Lecturer: Ms. Vashtina Brown

Due Date: March 2023

Essentials of Communication I Expository Essay T.Reid

Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a College Student

Are you tired of burning the midnight oil and sacrificing your social life for good grades?

You are not alone, college can be a challenging time for many students as they navigate the

demands of rigorous academic coursework while also trying to maintain a fulfilling personal life.

In the pursuit of good grades, many students may find themselves sacrificing their mental and

physical well-being, leading to exhaustion, stress, and burnout. Despite these challenges, it is

possible for college students to strike a healthy work-life balance by following some key

strategies. By implementing effective time management skills, recognizing signs of excessive

stress, and making self-care/health a priority, students can successfully manage their academic

and personal responsibilities without sacrificing their well-being.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for college students, and proper time

management plays a key role in achieving this balance. Students can effectively manage their

time by avoiding procrastination and distractions. According to Top Universities (2022), setting

priorities and creating schedules can help students avoid last-minute cramming and stay on track

with their responsibilities. This approach can also reduce stress and increase productivity, as

suggested by research conducted by Dreisbach and Goschke (2004). By incorporating

academics, clubs or sports, as well as personal responsibilities like family time or hobbies, into a

timetable, students can ensure that they have a well-rounded and balanced life. Additionally,

students should be mindful of their time usage and identify unproductive activities, such as

scrolling through social media or watching TV. Being aware of how time is being spent can help

students make adjustments to their schedule to maximize their productivity and achieve a healthy

work-life balance. To sum up, college students can reduce stress, improve productivity, and
Essentials of Communication I Expository Essay T.Reid

achieve academic success by practicing proper time management techniques, such as setting

priorities and creating schedules.

Being aware of signs of excessive stress is crucial if you want to achieve a healthy work-

life balance. Stress that's left unchecked can lead to a multitude of health problems, such as high

blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, which can negatively impact one's ability to

maintain a healthy work-life balance (Mayo Clinic, 2021). It is therefore important for students

to be able to recognize the signs of excessive stress and take steps to manage it effectively.

According to the American Psychological Association (2021), common signs of excessive stress

include difficulty sleeping, feelings of anxiety or depression, and physical symptoms such as

headaches or muscle tension. One strategy to manage stress is through relaxation techniques,

such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Engaging in regular physical activity and

maintaining a healthy diet can also help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being

(Harvard Health Publishing, 2022). Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, or a

mental health professional can provide valuable resources and tools to manage stress effectively.

By being proactive in managing stress, students can reduce the negative impact it can have on

their physical and mental health, and in turn, maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Taking care of your physical and mental health allows you to be more productive,

focused, and energetic, which can improve your performance at work and enhance your personal

lifestyle. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can have numerous benefits, including

maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic illnesses, and strengthening the

immune system (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). Exercise has also been

shown to improve mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression (Harvard Health

Publishing, 2018). By prioritizing health, students can not only improve their academic
Essentials of Communication I Expository Essay T.Reid

performance but also enhance their personal life. Research has found that healthy behaviors can

improve communication and relationships with colleagues, friends, and family. Furthermore,

taking care of one's health can reduce the risk of burnout and chronic fatigue, leading to

improved productivity and efficiency at work. By making time for self-care and prioritizing

health, students can achieve a healthy work-life balance that promotes overall well-being.

In conclusion, achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for college students, and

it can be done by practicing proper time management skills, being aware of signs of excessive

stress, and prioritizing one’s health. These strategies can help students find the balance between

their academic responsibilities and personal well-being, which can lead to success and happiness

in all aspects of life. So, next time you feel overwhelmed by your college workload, remember to

take care of yourself and find a healthy balance between your academic and personal life.
Essentials of Communication I Expository Essay T.Reid


1. Healthy Lifestyle-Stress Management (Mayo Clinic 2021) -



2. Importance of a Timetable in Student’s Life (Agrawl 2020) -

3. 16 Work-Life Balance Tips for Students (Hannah 2021) -

4. How to Maintain a Work-Study-Life Balance (CzechUniversities 2019) -

5. School-Life Balance (John Hopkins University 2019) -

6. Black, A. (2021). How Prioritizing Your Health Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance. -


7. Harvard Health Publishing. (2021). The Importance of Exercise and Physical Activity. -

8. National Institute of Mental Health (2021). 5 Things You Should Know About Stress -

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