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Solomiia Hevko

1.- Regarding the four types of CSR reported in Harvard Business School file
(, which
approach to CSR do you consider to best fit the strategic role of corporate

I guess that the strategic role of corporate communication fits best with Ethical
Responsibility. Because in order to develop Environmental Responsibility or Philanthropic
Responsibility, i.e. something global, you need to first establish strategic communications
in your own company. That is, you need to start changing the world from yourself. If a
company behaves ethically, honestly and responsibly towards investors, employees, and
customers, then this will indicate that this company is capable of influencing society,
financing other areas, such as ensuring compliance with the rights of employees in other
companies. And if the company has a well-established strategic role, employees will work
well and all norms will be observed, then this will increase the company's efficiency and
show its advantage over competitors. When the company establishes communications
within itself, it will create a strategy to improve the company's work , then it can switch to
integrated communication or other.

2.- List the main steps of CSR evolution and guess what's next.

The CSR began in the 1950s, when careless actions were discovered that led to
violations of human and labor rights companies Faced with this reality, voices emerged in
society demanding more responsible actions by companies regarding social aspects. It was
aimed at charity and philanthropy.

The 1970s were influenced by the economic crisis, which led to the emergence of
social movements that played a key role in the introduction of environmental protection,
civil rights and women's rights. CSR have become something interesting, not only as a

In the 1980s, concerns began to be expressed about the impact of human activities,
including those developed by companies, on the environment, and numerous summits of
international organizations were held to address both this and existing problems spoke
about human rights and work. This was the stage when people start investing in studying

In 1990, corporations began to implement CSR in their companies.

In the 2000s, CSR became a fundamental element in companies' responses to various
social demands. And in the 2010s, we were able to prove that it really works.
In my opinion, the future of CSR is great, because it faces the question of solving
modern problems, so that our future generation does not face them. Now the issues of
social problems, environment, discrimination and others are still popular. Accordingly, if
companies will contribute to their solution, make their products and the process of their
production environmentally friendly, then business will flourish, and our society will

3.- How do think the purpose driven professional skills appeal to your own
development as individual?

In my opinion, a person should live a decent life and think about the life of future
generations. A role that has deeper meaning and value where my contribution helps
change the world contributes to my development as an individual. After all, the very idea
of changing the world (for the better, of course) and altruistic ideas have a spiritual
component. Accordingly, if we improve the world, we improve ourselves and the society in
which we live, contribute to its spiritual, social and material development.

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