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Name Albert Martine

World History
Period 2
Mr. O’Brien
The Cuban Revolution

1. Why is the Communist Party of Cuba, called The July 26th Movement?

Its name originated from the failed attacks

on the Moncada Barracks

2. Why was Castro opposed to Cuban leader Batista and upset with
President Eisenhower?

Batista was with the U.S and he was

upset with Eisenhower because he wanted
overthrow him
3. Why is Richard Bissell important to the story of the Bay of Pigs?

Because he was responsible for major

projects like the 0 2
spy plane

4. Explain the code phrase “The Fish is Red”!

It began the sabotage operations against


5. How did Brigade 2506 earn its name?

numbers assigned to
Because of the lode
yeen fighter
6. Why was air cover for the Brigade so important for the Refuge army at
the Bay of Pigs?

It helped provide cover so

the refuge
army could a dance

7. What type of ransom did JFK pay to Castro to repatriate the brigade?

53,000,000 worth of food and


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