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Properties of Matter


This is the branch of heat transfer that deals with the measurement of heat. The heat is usually measured in
calories or kilocalories.
Heat :
It is form of energy which determines the change in thermal state of a body and is defined as the flow of
energy from one body to the other body due to difference in the degree of hotness of two bodies (tempera-
ture). It flows from the body which is at a high temperature to the other at low temperature.
One Calorie :
1 calorie is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C.
Specific Heat :
The specific heat (s) of a substance is the quantity of heat in calories required to raise the temperature of 1
gm of that substance by 1C. Its units are cal/gm/C.

The heat lost by a body or gained from a body depends upon the difference in the temperature.

The heat lost or gained by a body = m s 

m : mass of the body ; s : specific heat ; : rise or fall in the temperature of body
Heat Capacity :
The heat capacity of a body is the quantity of heat required by the body to raise its temperature by 1C. It
is also known as thermal capacity.
Heat Capacity = m s (mass × specific heat)

Water Equivalent :
It is the quantity of water whose thermal capacity is same as the heat capacity of the body. It is denoted by
W = m s = Heat capacity of the body

Principle of Calorimetry :
When two bodies at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other or mixed with each other
(liquid-in-liquid, solid-in-liquid), the heat will pass from the body at higher temperature to the body at
lower temperature until both bodies reach a common temperature. This state is called as thermal equilib-

At this state :
Heat lost by one body = Heat gained by the other body
Two bodies of masses m1 and m2, specific heats s1 and s2 and at temperatures 1 and 1 are brought in
contact with each other. Assuming 1 > 1, heat will flow from body 1 to body 2. If  is the common
temperature of two bodies at the state of thermal equilibrium, then (assuming no heat is gained or lost from
or to the surroundings):
Heat lost by body 1 = Heat gained by body 2
m1 s1 (1  ) = m2 s2 (  2) (2 <  < 1)

Latent Heat :
The latent heat is the amount of heat that has to be supplied to (or taken from) the body during the change
of state even though its temperature does not change. It is measured in terms of cal/gm or kcal/kg.

Latent heat of fusion :

It is the quantity of heat required to change the unit mass of a solid substance to the liquid state at its melting
point. For ice, latent heat of fusion is 80 cal/gm.

Latent heat of vapourisation :

It is the quantity of heat required to convert unit mass of a liquid to gaseous state at the boiling point of the
liquid. For water, latent heat of vapourisation is 540 cal/gm.

Illustration - 1- 1 Calculate the heat of fusion of ice from the following data for water added to ice at 0C
kept inside calorimeter. Mass of calorimeter = 60 gm, mass of calorimeter + water = 460 gm, mass of
calorimeter + water + ice = 618 gm, initial temperature of water = 38C, final temperature of the mixture =
5C. The specific heat of calorimeter = 0.10 cal/g/ C.
mass of water = 460  60 = 400 gm.  400 × 1 × (38 - 5)
mass of ice = 618  460 = 158 gm. = 158 × L + 158 × 1 × 5 + 60 × 0.1 × 5
Heat lost by water = Heat gained by ice to melt (where L is the latent heat of fusion of ice)
+ Heat gained by (water + calorimeter) to reach
 L = 78.35 cal/gm.

Illustration - 2 When a block of metal of specific heat 0.1 cal/g/C and weighing 110 gm is heated to
100C and then quickly transferred to a calorimeter containing 200 gm of a liquid at 10C, the resulting
temperature is 18C. On repeating the experiment with 400 gm of same liquid in the same calorimeter at
same initial temperature, the resulting temperature is 14.5C. Find :
(a) specific heat of the liquid (b) the water equivalent of calorimeter.

Let s be the specific heat of the liquid and W be Heat lost by the block
the water equivalent of the calorimeter. = Heat gained by (liquid + calorimeter)
Heat lost by the block  110 × 0.1 × (100  14.5)
= Heat gained by (liquid + calorimeter) = 400 × s × (14.5  10) + W × (14.5  10)
 110 × 0.1 × (100  18)  1800 s + 4.5 W = 940.5 . . . . (ii)
= 200 × s × (18  10) + W × (18  10) On solving (i) and (ii), we get :
 1600 s + 8 W = 902 . . . . (i) s = 0.48 cal/g/ C and W = 16.6 gm.

Illustration - 3 The temperature of equal masses of three different liquids A, B, C are 12C, 19C and
28C respectively. The temperature when A and B are mixed is 16C while when B and C are mixed, it is
23C. What would be the temperature when A and C are mixed ?
Let m = mass of each liquid, when A and B are When A and C are mixed, Let  = final tem-
mixed, perature.
Heat lost by B = Heat gained by A Heat lost by C = Heat gained by A
 m sB (19 – 16) = m sA (16 – 12)  m sC (28 –  ) = m sA (  – 12)
 3 sB = 4 sA . . . . (i) By using (iii), we get :
When B and C are mixed,  15 sC (28 –  ) = 15 sA (  – 12)
Heat lost by C = Heat gained by B  16 sA (28 –  ) = 15 sA (  – 12)
 m sC (28 – 23) = m sB (23 – 19) On solving for  , we get :
 5 sC = 4 sB . . . . (ii) 16  28  12  15
From (i) and (ii), we get :  = 16  15
16 sA = 12 sB = 15 sC . . . . (iii)  = 20.26C

Illustration - 4 A tube leads from a flask in which water is boiling under atmospheric pressure to a calo-
rimeter. The mass of the calorimeter is 150 gm, its specific heat capacity is 0.1 cal/gm/ C, and it contains
originally 340 gm of water at 15C. Steam is allowed to condense in the calorimeter until its temperature
increases to 71C, after which total mass of calorimeter and contents are found to be 525 gm. Compute the
heat of condensation of steam.

Mass of calorimeter and contents before passing Heat lost by steam = heat gained by water + heat
steam = (150 + 340) = 490 gm. gained by calorimeter.
Mass after passing steam = 525 gm 35 L + 35 × 1 (100 – 71)
 mass of steam which condense = 340 × 1 × (71 – 15) + 150 × 0.1 × (71 – 15)
= (525 – 490) gm = 35 gm.  L = 539 cal/gm.
Let L = latent heat of steam.

Illustration - 5 Determine the final result when 200 gm of water and 20 gm of ice at 0C are in a calorim-
eter having a water equivalent of 30 gm and 50 gm of steam is passed into it at 100C.

When steam is passed, the final temperature can = Heat gained by (ice + water + calorimeter)
be 0C, between 0C and 100C, 100C.  50 × 540 + 50 × 1 × (100 – )
We will consider all three possibilities = 20 × 80 + (20 + 200 + 30) × 1× ( – 0)
Case I :   = 101.3C
Final temperature = 0C The assumption (0 <  < 100) is proved to be
In this case, all the steam condenses and then wrong.
cools down to 0C. Hence final temperature can not be between 0C
Heat given out by steam and 100C.
= 50 × 540 + 50 × 1 × (100 – 0)  The final temperature will be 100C.
= 32000 cal.
Final contenst of mixture
Mass of ice which will melt by this heat
Let m = mass of steam condensed.
32000 Heat lost by steam = Heat gained by ice to melt
 400 gm
80 + Heat gained by (water + water + calorimeter)
But there are only 20 gm of ice in the calorim- to reach 100C.
eter. m (540) = 20 × 80 + (20 + 200 + 30)
Hence final temperature can not be 0C. × (100 – 0)
Case II :  m = 26600/540  49 gm.
Final temperature =  and 0 <  < 100  49 gm of steam condense and the final
temperature is 100C.
Heat lost by steam

Illustration - 6 What will be the final temperature, when 150 gm of ice at 0C is mixed with 300 gm of
water at 50C. Specific heat of water = 1 cal/gm/ C. Latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/gm.

Let us assume that T > 0C 300 × 1 × (50 – T) = 150 × 80 + 150 × 1
Heat lost by water = Heat gained by ice to melt × (T – 0)
+ Heat gained by water formed from ice  T = 6.7C
Hence our assumption that T > 0C is correct.

Illustration - 7 In a calorimeter (water equivalent = 40 gm) are 200 gm of water and 50 gm of ice all at
0C. Into this is poured 30 gm of water at 90C. What will be the final condition of the system.

Let us assume that all ice melts and warms up.  T = – 4.1C
Thus we will assume that T > 0.
Hence our assumption that T > 0 is wrong, since
Heat lost by water added = hot water added is not able to melt all of the ice.
Heat gained by ice to melt + Heat to warm water Therefore the final temperature will be 0C.
formed from ice and water added + Heat gained
Let m = mass of ice finally left in the can.
by calorimeter can.
Heat lost by water = Heat gained by melting ice
30 × 1 × (90 – T)
30 × 1 × (90 – 0) = (50 – m) × 80
= 50 × 80
 m = 16.25 gm.
+ (50 + 200) × 1 × (T – 0)
Finally there is 16.25 gm of ice and
+ 40 × 1 × (T – 0)
(200 + 30 + 33.75) = 263.75 gm of water at
 2700 – 30 T = 4000 + 250 T + 40 T

Illustration - 8If water at 0°C, kept in a container with an open top, is placed in a large evacuated
chamber :
(A) all the water wil vaporize
(B) all the water will freeze
(C) part of the water will vaporize and the rest will freeze
(D) ice, water and water vapour will be formed and reach equilibrium at the triple point
Evacuation will greatly enhance evaporation leading to heat losses by water. As water is at 0C, it begins to
freeze. After some time, a part of water will vaporise and the remaining will freeze.
 C is correct.

Illustration - 9 In the previous question, if the specific latent heat of vaporization of water at 0°C is 
times the specific latent heat of freezing of water at 0°C, the fraction of water that will ultimately freeze is :
1   1  1
(A) (B)  1 (C) (D)  1
 

Let m1 = mass which finally freezes  Fraction of total mass which freezes is
m2 = mass of water vaporised 
Heat gained by m2 = Heat lost by m1 1

m2 Lvap = m1 L fusion B is the correct answer.

m1 m1 
   
m2 m1  m2   1


When a solid is heated, its length, surface area and the volume increase.

Linear expansion : (expansion in length of a solid)

Consider a rod of length 1 at a temperature T1. Let it be heated to a temperature T2 and the increased
length of the rod be 2, then :
2 = 1 (1 +  )
 : coefficient of linear expansion and  = T2 – T1

Superficial expansion : (expansion in surface area)

If A1 is the area of solid at T1C and A2 is the area at T2 C, then :
A2 = A1 (1 + )  = T2 – T1
 : coefficient of superficial (a real) expansion

Volume expansion : (expansion in volume)

(a) If V1 is the volume of solid at T1C and V1 is the volume at T2 C, then :
V2 = V1 (1 +  )
 : coefficient of cubical (volume) expansion

(b) As the temperature increases, density of solid decreases. If d1 is the density at T1C, d2 is the density
at T1C, then :
d2 
1    

Relation between 1,  and  :

 = 2,  = 3 [6 = 3 = 2 ]

Heating a metallic scale :

A metallic scale (linear) expands in length when heated. As a result all the markings are displaced from their
usual (correct) positions.
A reading of 1 unit on a heated scale is equivalent to an actual
length of 1 ( +  ), where is coefficient of linear expansion
of material of scale, and  is rise in the temperature of the scale.
 If the reading is , actual length =  (1 +  )
 If the reading is x, actual length = x (1 + )
 actual length = reading (1 +  )

Difference of lengths of two rods :

Consider two rods 1 and 2 of lengths 1 and 2 . Let they be heated through a temperature . If 1 and 2 are
their expanded lengths, then :
2 = 2 (1 + 2 ) 2 : coefficient of linear expansion of rod 2
1 = 1 (1 + 1 ) 1 : coefficient of linear expansion of rod 1
If the difference of lengths of two rods is constant :
 2 – 1 = 2 – 1
 1 1 = 2 2

Time period of pendulum :

Time period (T) of a simple pendulum of length  is given by :

T  2
If there is a rise in temperature by , length of the pendulum increases and hence the time period increases. As
a result, the clock supporting such a simple pendulum slows down.

If  be the length of the pendulum and corresponding time period be T0, then : T0  2
0 g

If the pendulum be heated by  (rise in temperature), the new time period Tt is : Tt  2
t : expanded length
Tt t  0 1    
  
T0 0 0
Tt 1 Tt  T0 1
  1     1    as  is very small   
T0 2 T0 2
T 1
  
T0 2
 T0 = fractional increase in T = time lost in 1 sec.
1 
 Time lost in one day =      3600 × 24 s
2 
1 
=      86400 s
2 

Illustration - 10 A surveyor’s 30 m steel tape is correct at a temperature of 20°C. The distance between
two points, as measured by this tape on a day when the temperature is 35°C, is 26 m. What is the true distance
between the points ? (asteel = 1.2 × 10–5/°C)

Let temperature rise above the correct tem- True distance between the points
perature be  . = 26 (1 + 1.2 × 10 –5 × 15)
  = 35 – 20 = 15C.  true distance = 26.00468 m.
Using the relation :
Correct length = measured length (1 +  )

Illustration - 11 A clock with a brass pendulum shaft keeps correct time at a certain temperature.
(a) How closely must the temperature be controlled if the clock is not to gain or lose more than 1 sec. a day
? Does the answer depend on the period of the pendulum ?
(b) Will an increase of temperature cause the clock to gain or lose ? (brass = 2  10–5/C)

(a) No. of seconds lost or gained per day  || 
2  105  86400
1  |  | < 1.1574 C
   86400
Hence temperature should not increase or
where :  = rise or drop in temperature decrease by more than 1.1574 C. This
 = coeff. of linear expansion of shaft. does not depend on the time period.
1 (b) An increase in temperature makes the pen-
We want that    86400  1 dulum slow and hence clock loses time.

Illustration - 12 A steel ring of 3.000 inches inside diameter at 20C is to be heated and slipped over a
brass shaft measuring 3.002 inches in diameter at 20C. To what temperature should the ring be heated ?
(steel = 1.2  10–5/C)

Let  be the temperature to which the ring must 3.002  3
   20
be heated. 3
Final diameter of ring should be 3.002 inches.   = 75.6 C
 3.002 = 3 [1 +  ( – 20)]

Illustration - 13 A pendulum clock loses 12 sec. a day if the temperature is 40C and goes fast by 4 sec. a
day if the temperature is 20C. Find the temperature at which the clock will show correct time and the
coefficient of linear expansion of the metal of the pendulum shaft.

Let T be the temperature at which the clock is On adding (i) and (ii), we get :
correct. 64 = 86400  (40 – 20)
Time lost per day = 1/2  (rise in temperature) ×   = 1.85 × 10–5/ C.
On dividing (i) and (ii), we get :
 12 = 1/2 (40 – T) × 86400 . . . . . .(i) 12 (T – 20) = 4 (40 – T)
Time gained per day  T = 25C.
= 1/2 (drop in temperature) × 86400  Clock shows correct time at 25C.
 4 = 1/2  (T – 20) × 86400 . . . . . .(ii)

Illustration - 14 A glass flask whose volume is exactly 1000 cm3 at 0C is filled level full of mercury at this
temperature. When the flask and mercury are heated to 100C,15.2 cm3 of mercury overflow. If the coeffi-
cient of cubical expansion of Hg is 1.82 × 10–4/C, compute the coefficient of linear expansion of glass.

As 15.2 cm3 of Hg overflow at 100 C,  g =  – 1000 θ = 0.000182 – 0.000152
final volume of Hg – final volume of glass flask
= 15.2 cm3  g = 0.00003/C = 3  10–5 (C)–1
 1000 (1 +  ) – 1000 (1 + g) = 15.2 g
 g = = 1  10–5 (C)–1
where  = rise in temperature = 100 – 0 = 100C 3

Illustration - 15 A 250 cm3 glass bottle is completely filled with water at 50C. The bottle and water are
heated to 60C. How much water runs over if :
(a) the expansion of the bottle is neglected ;
(b) the expansion of the bottle is included ? Given the coefficient of areal expansion of glass
g = 1.2 × 10–5/ C and  = 60 × 10–5 / C.

Water overflow = (final volume of water) (b) If the bottle (glass) expands :
 (final volume of bottle) Water overflow = (final volume of water)
(a) If the expansion of bottle is neglected : – (final volume of glass)
Water overflow = 250 (1 + ) – 250 = 250 (1 + ) – 250 (1 + g)
= 250 × 60 × 10–5 × 10 = 250 ( – g)
 water overflow = 1.5 cm3. = 250 (58.8 × 10–5) × (60 – 50)
 water overflow = 1.47 cm3.

There are three different ways in which heat can be transferred: conduction, convection and radiation.
Conduction :
It is a process by which heat is transferred in solids. In conduction, molecules vibrate about a fixed location
and transfer the heat by collision.
Convection :
It is a process by which heat is transferred in fluids (liquids & gases). In convection, transfer of heat takes
place by transport of matter (in form of motion of particles).
When a liquid in a container is heated, the molecules at the lower layers are heated up and the density
decreases. As a result the molecules rise up and heavier ones come down and hence a continuous movement
of molecules takes place giving rise to convection currents. In this manner the whole of liquid gets heated.
Radiation :
It is a process in which the heat is transferred in the form of electromagnetic waves without the aid of any
material medium. Heat is radiated from a body due to its own temperature (greater than 0 K) is called as
radiant energy.
Thermal Conductivity
In solids, heat is transferred through conduction. We will study conduction of heat through a solid bar in the
following section.
Consider a solid bar of thickness d and area of cross-section A. The left side of the bar is maintained at a
temperature A and right side at B.
Let us assume that A > B .
Heat flows from high temperature to low temperature i.e. from left side
to right side, as shown.
After some time, temperature of each section becomes constant with
time. This is known as steady state.
If Q is the amount of heat flow (transferred) through a cross-section in t seconds at steady state, then the
rate of heat flow is given by :

 Q KA  A   B 
H= 
t d

K = coefficient of thermal conductivity of solid material

Its units are : cal s–1 m–1 K–1 or J s–1 m–1 K–1 (W m–1 K–1)

Heat Conduction through a Composite Slab (rod)
(A) Two rods connected in series
(B) Three rods connected in series
(A) Consider a composite rod made up of two rods of
lengths d1 and d2 and each of cross-section A, joined
end to end (asshown). LetK 1 and K 2 be t he
coefficients of thermal conductivities of two rods and
A and B be the temperatures of two ends of the
composite rod.
Let us assume  as the temperature of the junction of two rods and A > B. Heat flows from left to
the right. In steady state, heat flow per second is same through each rod. It is given by :
H = t

For Ist rod : H  1 A  A    . . . . . . .(i)

For IInd rod : H A    B  . . . . . . .(ii)

A  A   B 
Eliminating  from (i) and (ii) we get : H 
d1 d
 2
K1 K 2
Equating (i) and (ii) we get :
K1 K
 A  2 B
K1 K d1 d2
A  A    = 2 A    B    
d1 d2 K1 K 2

d1 d2
(B) Consider a composite slab made up of three rods of lengths d1, d2 and d3 joined end to end. Let area of
cross-section of each rod be A. The left side of the composite rod is maintained at A and right side at B
(A > B). Let the coefficient of thermal conductivities of three rods be K1, K2 and K3 and the junction
temperatures of rods 1 and 2 be 1 and that of 2 and 3 be 2.

As A > B heat flows from left to right side. At steady state let H be the heat flowing per second.
First rod : H= A  A  1  . . . . . . . .(i)
Second rod : H= A 1   2  . . . . . . . .(ii)
Third rod : H = 3 A  2   B  . . . . . . . .(iii)

H d1
From (i) A – 1 = . . . . . . . .(iv)
A K1
H d1
 1 = A –
A K1

H d2
From (ii) 1 – 2 = . . . . . . . .(v)
A K2

H d3
From (iii) 2 – B = . . . . . . . .(vi)
A K3
H d3
 2 = B + A K
A and B are known, so 1 and 2 can be determined.
Adding the equations (iv), (v) and (vi) to eliminate 1 and 2, we get :

H  d1 d 2 d3 
A – B =    
A  k1 k2 k3 

 A   B  A
 H=d
1 d d3
 2 
k1 k 2 k3

Conduction of Heat through a Cylindrical Shell
1 = temperature of the inner surface
2 = temperature of the outer surface
L = length of the cylinder
K = thermal conductivity
r1 and r2 are inner and outer radii of
the cylinder

= Heat flow per second = H

2 L 1   2 
1 r
og 2
K r1

In case of two cylindrical layers

2 L 1   2 
1 r 1 r3
og 2  og
K1 r1 K2 r2

Heat Conduction through a Spherical Shell

4 1   2 
11 1
  
K  r1 r2 

In case of multiple shells

4 1   2 
1 1 1  1 1 1
    K r  r 
K1  r1 r2  2  2 3

Growth of Ice on the Surface of a Lake
A layer of ice of thickness x is formed on the surface of a lake. The water
below the ice layer is at a temperature of 0C. The air above the ice layer
is at a temperature of – C (below 0C). Heat flows from water to air
through ice. As a result of this heat loss, the layer increase in thickness from
below. Let dx be the increase in thickness in time dt.
 heat loss from water to air = (mass) × (latent heat)
= (A dx)  L
where  : density of ice ;
L : latent heat of ice ;
A : area of cross–section of ice slab

Using  Q KA 1   2 

t d

 dx  KA
 Heat flow per second = AL   
 dt  x
dx KA
Rate of growth of thickness = dt   L x

If the thickness changes of ice layer chnges from x1 to x2 in t seconds, then:

 x2 K t

xdx  0 d t
x L

x22  x12 K t
 
2  L

Illustration - 16 Water is being boiled in a flat bottom kettle placed on a stove. The area of the bottom is
3000 cm2 and the thickness is 2 mm.If the amount of steam produced is 1 g/min, calculate the difference of
temperature between the inner and outer surface of the bottom. K for the material of kettle is 0.5 cal/C/s/cm,
and the latent heat of steam is 540 cal/gm.
d Q KA
dm 1  
Mass of steam produced =  g/s dt d
dt 60
dQ dm d m KA
Heat transferred per sec. = L  L 
dt dt dt d
dQ 1 0.5  3000  
  540  cal / s  9 cal / s
dt 60  9=
Area = 3000 cm2 ; K = 0.5 cal/ C/s/cm
 = temperature difference   = 1.2  10–3 C.
d = thickness = 2 mm = 0.2 cm.

Illustration - 17 A uniform copper bar 100 cm long is insulated on sides, and has its ends exposed to the ice
and steam respectively. If there is a layer of water 0.1 mm thick at each end, calculate the temperature
gradient in the bar. KCu = 1.04 and Kwater = 0.0014 in C.G.S. units.

Let 1 and 2 be the temperatures at the ends of As the rods are in series, heat transfer per second
the copper bar. must be same through each part.
Heat transfer per sec. through the system is : A 100  0  K A 1   2 
  Cu
dQ A 100  0   0.01 100 0.01  100

 0.01 100 0.01   K K  K 
 w Cu w 
K  K 
K w 
 w Cu Putting Kcu = 1.04 and Kw = 0.0014 we get :
Heat transfer per sec. through copper bar
   
Temperature gradient = 1 2 = 0.87C cm–1.
K A 1   2 
= Cu 100

Illustration - 18 A closed cubical box made of perfectly insulating material has walls of thickness 8 cm and
the only way for the heat to enter or leave the box is through the solid, cylindrical, metallic plugs each of
cross-sectional area 12 cm2 and length 8 cm fixed in the opposite walls of the box as shown in fig. The outer
surface A is kept at 100C while the outer surface B of other plug is kept at 4C. K of the material of the
plugs is 0.5 cal/s/ C/cm. A source of energy generating 36 cal/s is enclosed inside the box. Find the equilibrium
temperature of the inner surface of the box assuming that it is same at all points on the inner surface.

Let  be the temperature of inner surface of box.
Heat transfer per sec. through A + Heat pro-
duced by source per sec.
= Heat transfer per sec. through B

dQ dQ
  d t   36 cal / s   d t  Now d = 8 cm, A = 12 cm2,
 A  n
K = 0.5 cal/s/ C/cm.
KA 100   KA   4  36  8
  36 
d d  2 – 104 =
12  0.5
 KA (  – 4 – 100 + ) = 36  d.
  = 76C

Illustration - 19 One end of a copper rod of uniform cross-section and of length 1.5 m is in contact with ice
and the other end with water. At what point along its length should a temperature of 200C be maintained so
that in steady state, the mass of ice melting is equal to that of steam produced in the same interval of time ?
Assume that whole system is insulated from surroundings.

The end A of the copper rod is at 100C K A 100 
 . . . . .(i)
(vapourising water) and end B is at 0C (melt- x
ing ice).
KA  200 100 
Let C be the point where 200C temperature is Heat received per sec at B =
maintained (AC = x). 150  x
80  mass of ice melting per sec
KA  200 
 . . . . .(ii)
150  x
Dividing (i) by (ii) we get :

KA  200 100  540 100  150  x 

  
Heat received per sec at A = 80 200  x 
(540  mass of steam produced per sec) 27 150  x
   x = 10.34 cm
2 x

Illustration - 20 Two identical rods are connected between two containers one of them is at 100° C and
another is at 0°C. If the rods are connected in parallel then the rate of melting of ice is q1 gm/sec. If they are
connected in series then the rate is q2. The ratio q2/q1 is :
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 1/2 (D) 1/4

In parallel, H = H1 + H2  q2  100  0  . . . . (ii)
KA 100  0  KA
H  q1L   100  0 
  Divide (ii) by (i) to get :
2 KA q2 1
 q1L  100  0  . . . . (i)   D is correct.
 q1 4
A 100  0  KA
In series, H 
 
 100  0 
 2 

Illustration - 21 A and B are two point on a uniform metal ring whose centre is C and the angle ACB =
. A and B are maintained at two different constant temperatures. When  = 180°, the rate of total heat
flow from A to B is 1.2 W. When  = 90°, this rate will be :
(A) 0.6 W (B) 0.9 W (C) 1.6 W (D) 1.8 W

KA KA  2
H0  2 TA  TB   1.2 H  2    TA  TB 
r r  3

H  H1  H 2 H0  2 4 4
H  2    H 0  1.2 
2  3 3 3
H TA  TB   TA  TB 
r / 2 3r / 2  H = 1.6 W. (C is correct).


1. A solid material is supplied with heat at a constant rate. The temperature of the material is changing
with heat input as shown in the graph. Study the graph carefully and answer the following question :
(a) What do the horizontal regions AB and CD represent ?
(b) If CD = 2 AB, what do you infer ?
(c) What does the slope DE represent ?
(d) The slope of OA > slope of BC. What does this indicate ?

2. Two walls I and II of the same thickness are made of heterogenous metals, as shown in figure. In what
case will the coefficient of thermal conductivity will be greater ?


RADIATION Section - 4

In radiation, heat is transferred from one body to other or to the surroundings even in the absence of any
medium in the intervening space. Heat energy of the sun is transmitted to earth through radiations.
Radiation is only a mode of transfer of energy by transverse electromagnetic waves. While studying heat
radiations (Radiant energy), we are concern with thermal radiations which form the infra-red region of elec-
tromagnetic waves. All bodies emit heat to the surroundings at all temperatures and at all times. When the
temperature of a body remains constant, it emits as much heat to the surroundings as it gains from them. The
body is then in a state of dynamic (thermal) equilibrium.

Black Body :
A black body may be described as one that completely absorbs the radiations of all wavelengths falling upon
it. There is no substance which exactly behaves like a black body as described.

Hollow Enclosure :
A hollow enclosure, kept at constant temperature behaves like a black body. If a small hole is made in such a
enclosure, it will act as perfectly black body towards the incident radiations. Any ray getting into the enclosure
through the hole will be internally reflected not be able to escape. Any radiation coming out of a narrow hole
made in a hollow enclosure is generally referred to as black body radiation or cavity radiation.

Emissive Power :
It is the total amount of energy radiated by a body (at a particular temperature) per second per unit area of the
surface.E : energy radiated per second per unit area of the surface.

1 Q
A t

where A : surface area, : heat radiated per sec from the surface

Stefan’s Law :
The energy emitted per second per unit area of a black body
(emissive power = 1) is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
i.e., E =  T4  : Stefan’s constant = 5.67 × 10–8 J/m2/s/K4.
For any other body :
E =   T4  : emissivity of body ( = 1 for a black body)

Net Heat Loss from the Surface of a Body
The rate at which a body radiates energy is determined by the temperature
of the body, but the rate at which it absorbs energy by radiation depends
on the temperature of its surroundings. When a body is hotter than its
surroundings, the rate of emission exceeds the rate of absorption; there
is net loss of energy, and the body cools down, unless it is heated by
some other means. When a body is cooler than its surroundings, the
rate of absorption is greater than the rate of emission, and its temperature
rises. At thermal equilibrium the two rates are equal.
Hence for a body at a temperature of T1, surrounded by walls at a
temperature T2 (as in figure), the net rate of loss (or gain) of energy per
sec by radiation is

Hnet = A   T14  A   T24

Hnet = A    T14  T24 

Newton’s Law of Cooling :

It states that the rate of heat loss from a hot body to the surroundings (dQ/dt) is given by:
= kA ( – 0) A : surface area ; k : constant
 : absolute temperature of body 0 : temperature of surroundings
 – 0 : difference in temperature
dQ d
 Ms
dt dt

M : mass of the body s : specific heat of body

d /dt = rate of fall of temperature (rate of cooling)
 Ms  A   0 

Wien’s Law :
The distribution of energy among the wavelengths of radiations emitted from a BLACK BODY was studies
by Lummer and Pringsheim. The energy contained over a wide range of wavelengths of radiations emitted by
black body is not equally divided. It was found that the relative intensities of different wavelengths depend
upon the absolute temperature of the radiator. The energy distribution (E ) in the spectrum for the temperature
range 893K to 1893 K was found and plotted against the wavelengths (). The general shape of the curve is
same for all temperature. From the graph it was analysed that :

 For a particular temperature, the graph is continuous one
spreading from a minimum to a maximum at the other end
and has a wavelength where the emission is maximum ( m).

 As the temperature increases, the minimum cut off wavelength

shifts to a lower value and the wavelength where emission is
maximum (m) also shifts to a lower value.
He deduced that : m T = constant
where m = wavelength corresponding to maximum energy at a particular temperature
The value of constant is 2.9 × 10–3 m K = 0.29 cm K. The above statement is known as Wien’s Displace-
ment Law.

Illustration - 22 The emissivity of tungsten is approximately 0.35. A tungsten sphere 1 cm in radius is

suspended within a large evacuated enclosure whose walls are at 300 K. What power input is required to
maintain the sphere at a temperature of 3000 K if heat conduction along the supports is neglected ?  = 5.67
× 10–8 S.I. units.
Net heat lost by sphere per second Power input required = net heat loss per sec from
the surface
Hnet =   A (T4 – T04)
Pinput =   A (T4 – T04)
where T = temperature of sphere = 3000 K
Pinput = 0.35 × 5.67 × 10–8 × 4  (0.01)2 ×
T0 = temperature of surrounding = 300K (30004 – 3004)
A = 4  r2 = 4 (0.01)2 = 2019.8 watts.
To maintain constant temperature,

Illustration - 23 Two solid copper spheres of radii r = 15 cm and r = 20 cm are both at a temperature of
1 2
60C. If the temperature of surroundings is 50C, then find :
(a) the ratio of the heat loss per second from their surfaces initially (b) the ratio of rates of cool-
ing initially.
H1  dQ / dt 1 H1 A1 r12  15 2 9
(a) The ratio of heat loss       
H 2  dQ / dt  2 H 2 A2 r22  20  16

H1 K A1  60  50  (b) The ratio of initial rates of cooling

 
H 2 K A2  60  50   d / dt 1
(by using Newton’s Law of cooling)  d / dt 2

H1  r1 
We have    d / dt 1  r1 2 M 2
H 2  r2   
 d / dt 2  r2  M1
M1 s  d / dt 1  r1 2 2 3
   r1   r2 
M 2 s  d / dt 2  r2  =   
 r2   r1 
As the spheres have the same densities, the ratio
of their masses is equal to the ratio of their vol- r2 20 4
= r  15  3
umes. 1

Illustration - 24 Two identical spheres A and B are suspended in an air chamber which is maintained at a
temperature of 50C. Find the ratio of the heat lost per sec. from the surfaces of the spheres if :
(a) A and B are at temperatures 60C and 55C respectively
(b) A and B are at temperatures 250C and 200C respectively.
Net heat loss per sec. per unit area E A 10
Hence  2
=   (T4 – T04) from Stefan’s Law EB 5
If T – T0 is small as compared to the tempera- (b) As the temperature difference is not
ture of surroundings, we have : negligible as compared to the
temperature of surrounding, we use
Net heat loss per sec. per unit area Stefan’s Law for accurate answer.
= (constant) × (T – T0) EA  (250 + 273)4 – (50 + 273)4
(From Newton’s Law of cooling) EA  (200 + 273)4 – (50 + 273)4
(a) Here the temperature difference is small
and hence we can use Newton’s Law of E A 5234  3234
Hence   1.632
cooling. E B 4734  3234
 EA  (60 – 50) and EA  (55 – 50)

Illustration - 25 A body cools down from 60C to 55C in 30 seconds. Using Newton’s Law of cooling,
calculate the approximate time taken by same body to cool down from 55C to 50C. Assume that the
SOLUTION : of surroundings is 45C.
Assume that a body cools down from temperature t  30 og 2
i to f in t seconds, and 0 is the temperature of 
30 og 3 / 2
Applying Newton’s Law of cooling,  og 2 
According to Newton’s Law of cooling. t = 30  1   81.28 s
 og 3 / 2 
  K    0  ; 0 = 45C Time from  = 50C to  = 50C is (t – 30)
 d = (81.28–30) = 51.28 s
  K dt (k is a constant.)
   45
 Alternate Method : (for approximately answer)

From t = 0C to t = 30s,  charges from 60C d 

   0     av  0 
to 55C. dt t
30 60  55  60  55 
 d   45 
 K  d t . . . . . . .(i) 30 2
 
   45  
55  50  55  50 
t   45 
 d t  2 
  K  dt

   45 . . . . . . . (ii) Divide to get :
5 / 30 57.5  45
  t  50s
5/t 52.5  45
Divide (ii) by (i) to get :

50  45
t  30 og
 55  45
30 55  45
60  45

Illustration - 26 Three discs A, B and C having radii 2, 4 and 6 cm respectively are coated with carbon
black. Wavelengths for maximum intensity for the three discs are 300, 400 and 500 nm respectively. If QA,
QB and QC are power emitted by A, B, and C respectively, then :
(A) QA will be maximum (B) QB will be maximum
(C) QC will be maximum (D) QA = QB = QC
By Wien’s Law,  2 A 4  2 B 4  2 C 4
max T = constant r1 T r2 T2 r3 T3
  1T 1 =  2T 2 =  3T 3 34 QA 4 4 QB 54 QC
 
Let 3T1 = 4T2 = 5T3 = a 22 a 4 42 a 4 62 T3 4
By Stefan’s Law, 625
81 A B QC
Q =  AT4  Q  r2T4 9
 QB is maximum

Illustration - 27 Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivites of 0.01 and 0.81 respectively. The outer
surface areas of the two bodies are the same. The two bodies radiate energy at the same rate. The wavelength
B, corresponding to the maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation from B, is shifted from the wavelength
corresponding to the maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation from A by 1.00 m. If the temperature of
Q  64 Q 
A is 5802 K :
(A) the temperature of B is 1934 K (B) B = 1.5 m
(C) the temperature of B is 11604 K (D) the temperature of B is 2901 K
TA = 5802 K. By Wien’s Law,
By Stefan’s Law, ATA = B TB
3A = B
Energy radiated per sec =  AT 4
We also have B – A = 1 m
 A  AT 4  B  ATB4
A  3 A –  A = 1
0.01 TA4  0.81 TB4  A = 0.5 m
TA = 3TB  TB = 1934 K. and B = 1.5 m
Hence A and B are correct answers.

Illustration - 28 A body cools in a surrounding which is at a
constant temperature of 0. Assume that it obeys Newton’s law of
cooling. Its emperature  is plotted against time t.Tangents are
drawn to the curve at the points P( = 1) and Q( = 2). These
tangents meet the time axis at angle of 2 and 1, as shown :
tan 2   tan 2  
(A)  1 0 (B)  2 0
tan 1  2  0 tan 1 1   0

tan 1  tan 1 
(C)  1 (D)  2
tan 2 2 tan 2 1

tan  = slope of tangent = = rate of cooling d 
dt   2   0 
dt  at Q
By Newton’s Law of cooling, is proportional
dt tan  2  2  0
to temperature difference between body and  
tan 1 1  0
 B is correct.
d 
 1  0 
dt  at P


ELASTICITY Section - 5
The deforming force is the external force applied to a body which tends to change the size or shape of the
body. Under the action of deforming force, a body opposes any change it its shape and size due to the net
effect of internal molecular forces. The resulting force which opposes the deformation is know as restoring
Illustration the concept :
When one tries to stretch a spring
 The force acting on the spring (F1) is the deforming force
 The force exerted by the spring to oppose the deforming action is the restoring force (F2).
 By Newton’s third Law, we can say that F1 and F2 are equal and opposite forces ; forming an
Action- Reaction pair.
The property of a body due to which it opposes the action of the deforming forces is called as Elasticity.
 A material is said to be elastic if it returns back to its original shape or size, when the deforming forces
are removed. Plastic materials on the other hand, remain permanently distorted when the deforming
forces are removed.
 There are a number of elastic modulii (young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus) that measure
the response of an elastic solid which is acted upon by the deforming forces.
 The deforming force is measured (described) in terms of a physical quantity, the stress, that it develops
in the body. The deformation of the solid is described in terms of a physical quantity the strain, that is
created in the body as a result of deformation force.
 First, we will define the mathematical meaning of the stress and strain.

Stress and Strain

Longitudinal Stress and Longitudinal Strain :
Consider a rod (or a string) of length ‘’ and cross-sectional area A. Suppose that a force F is applied at the
ends parallel to the length so as to stretch the rod by 
The rod is said to be under tension. The tensile stress is defined as the ratio of the force of tension to the
cross-sectional area.
Tensile stress = F/A
The resulting tensile strain in defined as the ratio of change in length to the original length :
Tensile strain = /
If the ends of a rod are subjected to equal pushes, the rod is said to be under compression.
Compressive stress = F/A
Compression strain = /

Tensile and Compressive Stress and Strains are also known as Longitudinal
stress and Longitudinal strains.

Illustrating the concept :

A bob of mass m is suspended from a light steel wire of length  and
radius r. Assume the mass of the wire to be negligible.
Let T be the tension developed is the steel wire. As the bob is stationary,
T = mg
Longitudinal stress = T/A
= mg/r2
If the length of length of wire increases by , then the longitudinal strain/

Volume stress and Volume Strain :

Sometimes, the deforming forces acting on the body tend to change its
volume. If the deforming force changes the volume of a body form V to
V + V (V is negative if volume decreases), we define volume strain
as the ratio of change in V to V :

i.e. volume strain =
The stress associated with the volume strain is called as volume stress. It
equals the deforming forces acting on a unit area. It is usually called
aspressure P = F/A

Illustration the concept :

A cube is subjected to pressure of 5  105 N/m2. Each edge of the cube is shortened by 1%.
Volume stress = P = 5  105 N/m2
volume strain = ?
Let ‘’ be the length of cube (underformed)
 99 
 Distorted length =    V = Vf – Vi
 100 
 99 
V =   –  3
 100 
V  99 3
or volume strain =
=  1
 100 
  0.03

Shear Stress and Shear Strain :
If the deforming force tries to change the shape of a body, a shear
stress is developed in the body. In the diagram, we sea a force F
parallel to the surface ABCD of area A, deforming the rectangular area
ABPQ into a parallelogram.
[Let AA‘ = x and AQ = y ]
Hence due to F, the shape of the body is altered.
shearing force
Shear stress 
area of ABCD
Shear strain is defined as :
Shear strain = = tan  =  ( is very small)

Illustration the concept :

A block of weight 15 N slides across a horizontal table, the coefficient
of sliding friction = 0.4. The area of the block is contact with table is
0.05 m2.
Shear stress = mg /A
0.4 15
= 120 N/m2

Hooke’s Law :
If the deforming forces are within a limit (known as elastic limit), the stress created in the body is proportional
to the resulting strain
i.e. stress  strain.

The ratio is known as modulus of Elasticity
According to various types of stresses, we have three modulii of elasticity.

1. Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (Y)

Longitudinal stress
Y = Longitunal strain

 / 

 Y = A 

The following forms of the result must be carefully noted

F 
 = A Y and F = YA

2. Bulk Modulus (K)

volume stress
volume strain

 K=
V / V

 K=
 the reciprocal of K is known as modulus of compressibility

3. Shear modulus ( )
shear stress
 = shear strain

  =

 =
 is also called as modulus of rigidity

Relation between Y, k and  :

The three modulii of elasticity are related as 3  1  1

Y  3k

Elastic Energy
When an elastic body is deformed, work is done by the applied force. This work is stored as elastic
potential energy and is released when the body returns back to its original shape or size.
We have already come across an example of elastic potential energy in case of a compressed or stretched
The general expression for the elastic potential energy is a unit volume of a deformed body is given by :
Elastic energy stored per unit volume
= 1/2 (stress) (strain)
= 1/2 (modulus of elasticity) (strain)2

In the case of a longitudinal stress (compressive of tensile)

Energystored 1   
 Y  
volume 2   

 1   2 
 total energy stored =  Y     volume of the body 
 2    

1   
= Y   .  A  (V = A.)
2   
1 YA 2
Total energy = .    . Compare it with the energy stored is a spring = 1/2 kx2.
2 
Also, Y = A   Substituting is above expression

Total energy = F 

Consider a cylinder whose upper end is rigidly fixed and the other end
is twisted through an angle  about the axis of the cylinder. The twisted
cylinder exerts a restoring torque given by :

1  r 4
  
2 
where  is the modulus of rigidity, r is the radius and  is the length of the cylinder.
If we express torque as  = C

 r 4
where C = is known as the torsional rigidity..

Illustration - 29 (a) A metal wire 75 cm long and 0.13 cm is diameter stretches o.035 cm, when a load of 8
kg is hung on its ends. Find the stress, strain and Young’s modulus.
(b) A solid cylindrical steel column is 4m long and 9 cm in diameter. What will be its decrease is length
when carrying a load of 80, 000 kg ? Y = 1.9  1011 N/m2.
(c) A box shaped piece of gelatine dessert has a top area of 15 cm2 and a height of 3 cm. When a shearing
force of 0.5 N is applied to the upper surface, the upper surface is displaced 4.0 mm relative to the
bottom surface. What are the shearing stress, shearing strain and shear modulus ?
(d) Compute the volume change of a solid copper cube, 40 mm on each edge, when subjected to a
pressure of 2  107 N/m2. The bulk modulus of copper is 1.25  1011 N/m2.
F 8  9.8 tangential force 0.5
(a) Stress =  (c)Shear stress  
A Area of face 1.5  104

 6.5  104  = 333 N/m2
= 5.9  107 N/m2

Strain =
 0.035
 = 4.67  10–4 Shear strain =  = x   displacement 
 75 y height
stress 5.91  10 0.4
Y= = =  0.133
strain 4.67  104 3
= 1.27  1011 N/m2
shear stress
(b) Crossection area of cylinder = r2  (shear modulus) = shear strain
=  (0.045)2 = 6.36  10–3 m2

8  10  9.8 4 4
 0.133
 = AY

6.36  103 1.9  1011   = 2500 N/m2
(d) Volume stress = p = 2  107 N/m2
= 2.6  10–3 m V V
volume strain = 
= 2.6 mm V  0.043
K (bulk modulus) =
v / v

 V 
 pV

 2  107  0.04   3

K 1.25  1011
=  1.024  108 m3
=  10.24 mm3

Illustration - 30 A wire elongates by 1.0 mm when a load W is hanged from it. If this wire goes over a pulley
and two weights W each are hung at the two ends, the elongation of the wire will be :
(A) 0.5 m (B) 1.0 mm (C) 2.0 mm (D) 4.0 mm
The tension in the wire will be same in both the cases.
Hence elongation will be same. B is the correct answere.

Illustration - 31 A heay uniform rod is hanging vertically from a fixed suport. It is stretched by its own
The diameter of the rod is :
(A) smallest at the top and gradually increases down the rod
(B) largest at the top and gradually decreases down the rod
(C) uniform everywhere
(D) maxium in the middle
Tension at a point P is : Hence the parts of the rod near the top end
Mg will be elongated more than the parts near the
Tp  x bottom. As volume of each part should remain

Tension is maximum at the (area of cross section)  = constant
top and zero at the free end
1 1
 Area   Area 
 T
    T Hence the diameter will be least at the top and
AY maximum at the bottom.

Illustration - 32 Assertion & Reasoning Type :
(A) If Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) If Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is True ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) If Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) If Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
(i) Statement 1 : Steel is more elastic than rubber.
Statement 2 : Under given deforming force, steel is deformed less than rubber.
(ii) Statement 1 : A hollow shaft is found to be stronger than a solid shaft made of the same material.
Statement 2 : The torque required to produced a given twist in hollow cylinder is greater than that
required to twist a solid cylinder of same size and material.
(i) Ysteel > Yrubber  r 4
(ii) 1  for solid shaft causing unit angular
1 1
 twist.
YSteel Yrubber
For hollow shaft of same material :
For a deforming force F,

F F 2 

 r24  r14  where

AYs AYr 2

 s   r  
 r22  r12    r 2
(for equal volume of material)
(Reason is correct)
As it is difficult to deform steel, it can be said
that steel offers greater opposition to changes in  
 r22  r12   r22  r12   r 4 2
  r2  r12 
length. Hence steel is more elastic than rubber. 2 2
The correct answer is (A).
 2r 2 
 1  1  1 
 r 2 

  2  1
 The correct answer is (A).

Illustration - 33 The length of a metal wire is 1 when the tension in it is T1 and is 2 when the tension is T2.
The natural length of the wire is :
1   2 1T2   2T1 1T2   2T1
(A) (B) 1  2 (C) (D)
2 T2  T1 T2  T1

Let the free length = 
T 1   T1  1T2   2T1
     
AY  2   T2 T2  T1

Illustration - 34 A student plots a graph from his readings on the determina-

tion of Young’s modulus of a metal wire but forgets to put the labels. The quanti-
ties on X and Y-axes may be respectively :
(A) weight hung and length increased
(B) stress applied and length increased
(C) stress applied and strain developed
(D) length increased and the weight hung
(A) For a straight line graph, the two quantities Stress
should be proportional (C) Y 
F  stress  strain
   F  
AY Hence C is correct
Where F = weight hung.
Hence A is correct (D) Same as A. This is also correct.

(B) Stress = F/A = Y (Strain)

 

 Stress   . Hence B is correct

Illustration - 35 A load of 981 N is suspended from a steel wire of radius 1 mm. .What is the maximum
angle through which the wire with the load can be deflected so that it does not break when the load passes
through the equilibrium position. Breaking stress is 7.85  108 N/m2 .
Let  = maximum angular deflection. For maximum , T/A must be 7.85 108 N/m2.

 1/2 mv2 = mg (   cos ) 3mg  2mg cos 

 7.85  108
and T – mg = mv2/  
 103
 T = 3 mg  2mg cos   cos  = 0.243   = cos–1 (0.243)

Illustration - 36 A copper rod of length 2 m is stretch by 5mm of the energy stored is the stretched rod is
converted into heat, calculate the rise in the temperature of the rod. Y copper = 1.2  1011 N/m2, SCu = 0.1
cal/gm/C, dCu = 9.09 g/cc.
Total elastic energy stored 1
1     4.2 
= 1/2 (stress) (strain) volume  = Y  
2    ds
= 1/2 Y (strain)2 volume
= 1/2 Y (/)2 V
1.2  1011   5  103 
 
 4.2 1
Energy stored = heat created 2 
 2 
 9  103   0.1  103 
1/2 Y (/)2 V = (ms) 4.2 J /cal [S = 0.1  103 cal/kgC]
[1cal = 4.2 J ]
  = 0.099C
1/2  ( /)2 V = (V ds ) 4.2 J /cal

Illustration - 37 A steel rod of cross-sectional area 0.5 mm2 is held between two fixed supports. If the
tension in the rod is negligible and it is just taut at 20C , determine the tension when the temperature falls to
0C. Ysteel = 21  1010 N/m2, steel = 12  10–6/ C. Assume the distance between the supports remains same.
As the ends of the rod are rigidly fixed, its length
can not change. The rigid supports, now, have a
tendency to pull the rod creating a tensile stress.
As the temperature drops (20  C) the rod Let 1 = change is length due to temperature
tends to contract. drop

2 = change is length due to tensile stress.  1 + 2 = 0
(1 is ve and 2 is +ve) (    ) + TAY = 0 [T = tension is rod]
As, there is no net change in length,  T=YA
[The stress created like this in called as Thermal = (21  1010) (0.5  106) (12  106) (20)
T = 25.2 N

Illustration - 38 A cylinder of length 1.5 m and diameter 4 cm is fixed at one end. A tangential force of 4 
105 N is applied at the other end. Calculate the twist produced in the cylinder if the modulus of rigidity is 6 
1010 N/m2.
In equilibrium, applied torque = restoring torque. 2  Fr 2  1.5  4  105
  = 
 r
 r 4 
 6  1010   0.02 3
Fr = 
2 = 0.796 radians (  45.5)

Illustration - 39 A rod 1.05 m long, whose weight is negligible, is supported at

its ends by wires A and B of equal lengths as shown. The cross-section of A is 1
mm2 and that of B is 2 mm2. The Young’s modulus for wire A is 2.4  1011 N/m2
and for B is 1.6  1011 N/m2.
At what point along the rod should a weight be suspended in order to produce
(a) equal stress in A and B, (b) equal strain in A and B.
(a) Let x = distance of the point P where an weight (b) One equation is same i.e. F1 x = F2 (105 –x)
is suspended from wire A.
Y1 A1 Y2 A2
Let F1 and F2 be the tension in A and B. equal strain  
F1 F2
Balancing torques about P, F1 x = F2 (105– x)
As the rods have equal stress F1 2. 4 1 3
   
F2 1.6 2 4
F1 F2
  2 F1  F2
A1 A2 105  x 3
 
x 4
105  x 1
Solving for x we get : 
x 2  x = 60 cm (From A).
 x = 70 cm (form A)



Example - 1 A copper and a tungsten (W) plate having a thickness  = 2 mm each are riveted together
so that at 0C they form a flat bimetallic plate. Find the average radius of the curvature of this plate at t =
200C. The coefficient of linear expansion for copper and tungsten are Cu = 1.7 × 10–5/K and W = 0.4 ×
10–5 /K.
The average length of copper plate at a tempera- Consequently,
 (R +  /2) =  (1 + c T) . . . . . .(i)
T = 200C is c = 0(1 + cT),
 (R –  /2) =  (1 + t T) . . . . . .(ii)
where 0 is the length of copper plate at 0C.
To eliminate the unknown quantities,  and 0
The length of the tungsten plate is we divide the equation (i) by (ii) term wise :
t = 0 (1 + t T).
 R   / 2  1   cT 
 
 R   / 2  1  t T 

 2   c   t  T 
 R 
 2  c   t  T 

 R
 c   t  T
We shall assume that the edges of plates are not
displaced during deforming and that an increase Neglecting ( c – t) in the numerator as
in the plate thickness due to heating can be (c –t) < 1
Substituting the values in above relation we get :
From figure we have :
R = 0.769 m.
c =  (R +  /2)
t =  (R –  /2)

Example - 2 A sinker of weight W0 has an apparent weight W1 when placed in a liquid at a temperature
T1 and W2 when weighed in the same liquid at a temperature T2. The coefficient of cubical expansion of the
material of the sinker is . What is the coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid ?
Let  = T2 – T1 and  = coefficient of volume  1 = 2 (1 + ) . . . . . .(i)
expansion of liquid. Let V1 and V2 be the volumes of the sinker at
temperatures T1 and T2 respectively.
Let density of liquid at temperatures T1 and T2
be 1 and  respectively.  V2 = V1 (1 + ) . . . . . .(ii)

The loss in weight at T1 = V1 1 g Using (i) and (ii) we get :
 W0 – W1 = V1 1 g . . . . . .(iii) W0  W1 1   

The loss in weight at T2 = V2 2 g W0  W2 1   

 W0 – W2 = V2 2 g . . . . . .(iv) W  W1  W  W1 
 1 +  = 0   0 
W0  W2  W0  W2 
Dividing (iii) and (iv) we get :
 W W  1  W  W1 
W0  W1 V     2 1   0 
 1 1  W0  W2  T2  T1  W0  W2 
W0  W2 V2 2

Example - 3 A vessel is filled completely with 500 gm of water on top of 1000 gm of mercury. When
21200 cal of heat is given to it, water of mass 3.52 gm overflows. Calculate the coefficient of volume expan-
sion of mercury. The expansion of the vessel may be neglected. Coefficient of volume expansion of water =
1.5 × 10–4/ C, density if mercury = 13.6 g/cc, density of water = 1 g/cc and specific heat of mercury = 0.03
cal/g/ C.
Let  = coeff. of volume expansion of Hg and Now water overflow
w = coeff. of volume expansion of water
3.52 gm 3.52
and = d = (1 + w )
 = rise in temperature. final 1
Water overflow = (final volume of water) + (final = 500 (1 + w )
volume of Hg) – (final volume of vesel) 1000 1000 
 1       500   . . .(i)
Initial volumes of water and mercury are 500/1 13.6  13.6 
and 1000/13.6 ml respectively.
Another equation can be formed by calorimetry :
 water overflow
Heat gained by water and Hg = 21200 cal.
500 1000  500 × 1 ×  + 1000 × 0.03 ×  = 21200
 1   w    1    
1 13.6   = 40C
 500 1000  Substituting the value of  in equation (i), we get :
  
 1 13.6  1000
3.52 (1 + 40 w) = 500  40 w +  (40)
Note that the volume of vessel remains same 13.6 !
as its expansion is neglected.
 3.52  1.006  3  13.6
  
  = 1.84  10–4 (C)–1

Example - 4 A U tube contains mercury. The left limb of the tube is maintained at a temperature of
T1C and the right limb at a temperature of T2C. The heights of mercury columns in the left and right limbs
are h1 and h2 respectively. Find the coefficient of volume expansion of Hg. Neglect the expansion of tube.

Let d1 and d2 be the densities of mercury in the left and right limbs respectively.

By hydrostatic conditions : h1 d2
 
PA = PB h2 d 2 1    
Patm + h1 d1 g = Patm + h2 d2 g h2
 1 +   =
h1 d 2 h1
 
h2 d1 h2  h1
     h 

Example - 5 The rods of copper, brass and steel are welded together to form a Y–shaped structure.
The cross-sectional area of each rod is 4 cm2. The end of copper rod is maintained at 100C and the ends of
the brass and steel rods at 0C. Assume that there is no loss of heat from the surfaces of the rods. The lengths
of rods are: copper 46 cm, brass 13 cm and steel 12 cm.
(a) What is the temperature of the junction point ?
(b) What is the heat current in the copper rod ?
K (Cu) = 0.92, K (steel) = 0.12 and K (brass) = 0.26 C.G.S. units.
Let  be the temperature of the junction. KCu A 100    K1 A   0 

Let H = Heat flow per second in copper rod. d d1

H1 = Heat flow per second in steel rod. K 2 A   0 

H2 = Heat flow per second in brass rod.
 H = H1 + H2 0.92  4  100  

0.12  4   0.26  4  
  KCu A 100  
12 13 Hcu =
  = 40 C
0.92  4  100  40 

= 4.8 cal /s.

Example - 6 A steam pipe 1 m in length with an outside diameter of 5.00 cm has a uniform temperature
of 100C.The pipe is insulated with a 6.00 cm layer of asbestos fibre. If the room temperature is 20C, what
is the heat loss to room per hour per meter of pipe length ? What is the temperature in the middle of the layer
of insulation ?
K(asbestos) = 0.19 × 10–4 cal/s/ C/m.
The system has cylindric symmetry, so we
conclude that the isothermal surfaces are og  
concentric cylinders and that heat flows radially r = 1 – (1 – 2)  r1 
outward along lines parallel to the normal vectors. r 
og  2 
Using the expression for rate of heat transfer per  r1 
second :  5. 5 
og  
d Q 2  L K 1   2   2.5 
  r = 100 – (100 – 20)
dt r  8.5 
og 2 og  
r1  2.5 
 r = 48.457 C
d Q 2   1  0.19  104  100  20 
  To derive the expression for r , equate the rate
dt 8.5
og of heat flow in the region r = r1 to r = r2 with the
2.5 rate in the ragion r = r1 to the radial distance r.
 d t = 7.80  10–3 cal/s = 28.1 cal /hr.. 2 KL 1   2  2 KL 1   r 

log r2 / r1 log r / r1
To find the temperature in the middle of layer of
insulation, we will use the following relation. Let
r be the temperature of the isothermal surface
at a radial distance r.

Example - 7 The rate at which the radiant energy reaches the surface of earth from the sun is about
1.4kW/m2. The distance from earth to the sun is about 1.5 × 1011 m, and the radius of sun is about 0.7 × 109
(a) What is the rate of radiation of energy, per unit area, from the sun’s surface ?
(b) If the sun radiates as an ideal blackbody, what is the temperature of its surface ?
Let D = distance from SUN to the earth P P
= 1.5 × 1011 m. = 
area of big sphere 4 D 2
Let R = radius of SUN = 0.7 × 109 m.
Let power of SUN = P = energy radiated from = 1.4  103 W m–2
the surface of SUN per second. 4 D 2
(a) Hence in every one second, P joules of energy  P = 4 (1.5  1011)2  1.4  103 W
are radiated from the surface of SUN and this
P = 3.96  1026 W
energy passes through a big sphere of radius D
centred at SUN. Rate of radiation of energy per sec. per unit area
of SUN’s surface is given by :
Hence at the circumference of this big sphere (i.e.
near the surface of the earth), the energy cross- P P
 7 –2
ing through a unit area per sec.
area of sun 4 R 2 = 6.43  10 W m
(b) If SUN is an ideal black body,  = 1.
 E =  T4
1/ 4 1/ 4
E  6.43  107 
 T=   
   5.67  10 
= 5803 K

Example - 8 An ice cube of mass 0.1 kg at 0C is placed in an isolated container which is at 227C. The
specific heat capacity c of the container varies with temperature T according to the empirical relation c = A
+ BT, where A = 100 cal/kg-K and B = 2  10–2 cal/kg-K2. If the final temperature of the container is 27C,
determine the mass of the container.
(Latent heat of fusion for water = 8  104 cal/kg, specific heat capacity of water = 10–3 cal/kg-K).

Heat gained by ice in converting into liquid water at Heat gained by liquid water in raising its temperature
0C is from 0C to 27C is
q1 = mL = (0.1 kg) (8  104 cal/kg) = 8  103 cal q2 = mc T = (0.1 kg) (103 cal kg–1 K–1) (27 K)
= 2.7  103 cal

Total heat gained by water is Substituting the given data, we get :
q = q1 + q2 = 8  103 cal + 2.7  103 cal q’ = m [(102 cal kg1 K1) (500 K – 300 K)
= 10.7  103 cal . . . . . . .(i) + (2  10–2 cal kg1 K2/2){(500 K)2 –
Heat lost by the container in cooling from (300 K)2}
T1 (= 500 K) to T2 (= 300 K) is = m [2  104 cal kg1 + 1.6  103 calkg–1 ]
T2 T2 = m (2.16 104 cal kg–1) . . . . . . .(ii)
q'   mc dT  m   A  BT  dT From equations (i) and (ii), we can write
T1 T1
m (2.16  104 cal kg–1) = 10.7  103 cal
= m  A T2  T1    B / 2  T22  T12  
10.7  103 cal 
 m  0.495 kg
 2.16  104 cal kg 1 

Example - 9 Oil at temperature T is continuously circulating

through an insulating container as shown in the figure. A lid of
thickness 6 mm, conductivity 0.16 J/(s m C) and emissivity 0.6
closes the top of the container. The temperature at the top of the lid
is steady at 127C while the surroundings have a temperature of
27C. Calculate (a) the rate of heat lost per unit area due to the
radiation from the lid, and (b) the temperature of the oil.
Given : Stefan-Boltzmann constant, is  = (17/3)  10–8 W/m2 K4.

The rate of heat lost per unit area of the lid The above heat lost is supplied by the circulat-
ing oil through the lid whose one side tempera-
1 dQ ture is 127C and the other side is T.
=  e  T24  T14 
A dt The rate of heat flow through the lid
= (0.6)  17/3  10–8  {(273 + 127)4 1 dQ T T  127 
– (273 + 27)4} = k   0.16 
A dt l  6  103 
= (0.6) (17/3) (10–8) (2.56  1010 – 8.1  109) = 25 (T  127)
Equating this to 595 W/m2, we get :
= 595 W/m2
 595 
T   127  C  150.8C
 25 

Example - 10 A wire of radius r stretched with out tension, along a
straight line is tightly fixed at A and B. A mass m is suspended from the
mid point of the wire. Due to the weight of mass, the wire is pulled into
the shape ACB. Find the depression ‘d’ in the wire.
The length of the wire is 2 and its young’s modulus is Y.

1/ 2
 d2  d2
 1   1
  2  2 2

d d
Let T be the tension is the wire. As sin  =  (neglecting d2,
d 2  2 
2T sin  = mg
because d2 << 2)
 T= mg 
2 sin   Stress =
2  r 2d
T mg mg
Stress    mg 
A 2 A sin  2  r 2 sin 
stress 2  r 2 d
 Y = 
d 2  2   strain d 2 / 22
 Strain =  1/ 3
  mg 3  mg 
 Y   d   
 r 2d 3   r 2Y 

Example - 11 A wire of length  and radius r has a weight W and the Young’s modulus Y. It is suspended
vertically from a fixed point. Calculate the increase in length of wire produced due to its own weight W.
As tension is non-uniform along the wire, we have The total change in length of the wire is the sum
variable stress Consider an infinitesimal element of the changes in length of infinite such elements
of length dx at a distance x from bottom end A. along the wire.

mgx 
The tension at this position in the wire = mgx dx
 Total charge in length =  =  d   

 YA
Let d = increase in length of the element. 0
d mg  mgl
 strain =  =   
dx YA 2 2Y  r 2

 Y 
mgx / A
 d 
mgx dx
 Δ 
 stress at mid pt.
d  / dx Y A Y

Example - 12 Two rods of different metals having the same area of cross-section
A and same length ‘ ’ are placed end to end between two massive walls as shown.
The values of Young’s modulus, length and coefficient of linear expansion for the
rods are given.
The temperature of both the rods is now raised by T degrees
(a) Find the force with which the rods act on each other.
(b) Find the length of the rods at higher temperature
Let 1 = change in length due to thermal expansion Final length of rod 1 = 1 + 1 + L1
in rod 1.
F 1
L1 = change in length due to elastic forces in rod = 1 + 1 1 T +
Let 2 and L2 be the respectiv values for rod 2.
 1 
Y11  Y2  2  T
(Note that a decrease in length will mean negative  Y1 Y2 
change in length). As the walls are fixed,   
 1  2 
Net change in length of rod 1 + Net change In length
of rod 2 = 0 Final length of rod 2 = 2 + 2 + L2

 (1 + L1) + (2 + L2) = 0 F2

= 2 + 2 2 T +
 F 1   F2 
 1 1 T     2 2 T   0
 AY1   AY2  Y11  Y2  2  T
= 2 –
Where F is the force of compression between  Y1 Y2 
  
rods.  1  2 
Y1 Y2 AT  1 1   2  2 
 F = Note that the displacement of the function of rods
Y11  Y21 is :

Y11  Y2 2  T (towards right if + ve).

 Y1 Y2 
  
 1  2 



1. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2, specific heats s1 and s2 and at temperatures 1 and 2 are brought in
contact with each other. Assuming 1 > 2, heat will flow from body 1 to body 2. If  is the common
temperature of two bodies at the state of thermal equilibrium, then (assuming no heat is gained or lost from
or to the surroundings):
Heat lost by body 1 = Heat gained by body 2
m1 s1 (1  ) = m2 s2 (  2) (2 <  < 1)

2. Heating a metallic scale :

A metallic scale (linear) expands in length when heated. As a result all the markings are displaced from their
usual (correct) positions.
 actual length = reading (1 +  )

3. Time period of pendulum :

If there is a rise in temperature by , length of the pendulum increases and hence the time period increases.
As a result, the clock supporting such a simple pendulum slows down.

1  1
 Time lost in one day =     =      86400 s
2  2 

4. Heat Conduction through a Composite Slab (rod)

A  A   B 
H 
d1 d
 2
K1 K 2

K1 K
A  A    = 2 A    B 
d1 d2

K1 K
 A  2 B
d d2
  1
K1 K 2

d1 d2

5. Conduction of Heat through a Cylindrical Shell

2 L 1   2 
H= r
og 2

6. Heat Conduction through a Spherical Shell

4 1   2 
11 1
  
K  r1 r2 

7. Growth of Ice on the Surface of a Lake

If the thickness of ice layer changes from x1 to x2 in t seconds, then :

x22  x12 K t

2  L

8. Stefan’s Law :
The energy emitted per second per unit area of a black body
(emissive power = 1) is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
i.e., E =  T4  : Stefan’s constant = 5.67 × 10–8 J/m2/s/K4.
For any other body :
E =   T4  : emissivity of body ( = 1 for a black body)
9. Net Heat Loss from the Surface of a Body
For a body at a temperature of T1, surrounded by walls at a temperature T2 (as in figure), the net rate of loss
(or gain) of energy per sec by radiation is

Hnet = A   T14  A   T24

Hnet = A   T14  T24 

10. Newton’s Law of Cooling :
It states that the rate of heat loss from a hot body to the surroundings (dQ/dt) is given by:

= kA ( – 0) A : surface area ; k : constant

 : absolute temperature of body 0 : temperature of surroundings

 – 0 : difference in temperature

dQ d
 Ms
dt dt
M : mass of the body s : specific heat of body
d /dt = rate of fall of temperature (rate of cooling)

 Ms  A   0 
11. Wien’s Law :
m T = constant
where m = wavelength corresponding to maximum energy at a particular temperature
12. Hooke’s Law :
(i) Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (Y)

Longitudinal stress
Y = Longitunal strain

F/A F
Y=  Y = A 
 / 
The following forms of the result must be carefully noted

F 
 = A Y and F = YA

(ii) Bulk Modulus (k)
volume stress
volume strain

 K=
v / v
 K=
 The reciprocal of k is known as modulus of compressibility
(iii) Shear modulus ( )
shear stress
 =
shear strain
 =
 =
 is also called as modulus of rigidity

Relation between Y, k and  :

The three modulii of elasticity are related as

3 1 1
 
Y  3k
13. Elastic Energy
Elastic energy stored per unit volume
= 1/2 (stress) (strain)
= 1/2 (modulus of elasticity) (strain)2
14. Torsion
Consider a cylinder whose upper end is rigidly fixed and the other
end is twisted through an angle  about the axis of the cylinder. The
twisted cylinder exerts a restoring torque given by :

1  r 4
  
2 
where  is the modulus of rigidity, r is the radius and  is the length of the cylinder.


1. AB : Melting at constant temperature (melting point)

CD : Vaporisation at boiling point.
CD = 2 AB  Lvap. = 2 LFusion
Slope is inversely proportional to specific heat.
Slope (OA) > Slope (BC)
 Thermal capacity in liq. state (BC) is greater than that in solid state (OA).

A  
H  A (2k1  2k2 )
2. d d ; H  

2k1 2k2 4 d
2k1 k2 k  k2
 k  ; k  1
k1  k2 2
 k > k


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