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IN-CHAPTER EXERCISE - D 180° ina field of 0.1T causes a total charge of 1x 10% C to flow ina charge measuring inst “it ‘The current in the wire AB of infinite length in given figure is upward and is increasing steadily at a rave dif. (@) Aran instant when the current is I. What are the magnitude and direction ofthe magnetic field B ata distance rfrom the wire? ©) What isthe uc d@ through the narrow shaded strip ? (©) What is the total flux through the loop ? (@ what isthe induced emf in the loop ? (©) Evaluate the numerical value ofthe induced emf fa = 10cm, b= 30cm, |= 20 em, dvd = 2A ‘A uniform magnetic field of induction B is changing in magnitude at a constant rate dB/dt. You are given a mass m of copper which is to be drawn into a wire of radius r and formed into a circular loop of radius R. If p is the specific resistance and 5is the density of the wire, show that the induced current in the loop does not depend on the size of the m aB wire or of the loop and , assuming B perpendicular to the loop, is given by é A rod of length d and a rectangular loop of width d are released together ‘and fall in a uniform field, as shown in figure. Is there any difference in their motion ? (Assume the loop is never totally within the field.) A solenoid has 10 turns/em and carries a 4-A current. A circular loop with % ge % x x x xix x x al S turns of area8 emt lies within the solenoid with its axis at 37° tothe axis of * %% Xxx x x x xh x x x af the solenoid, Find the magnitude of the average induced emf ifthe current increases by 25 % in Os ‘A flat circular coil has 80 turns of diameter 20 cm with a total resistance of 4082. The plane ofthe coil is perpendicular to ‘a uniform field. At what rate should the field change for the thermal power dissipated in the coil to be 2 W? [A Faraday disk dynamo (homopolar generator of radius 20 cm generates 1.2 V in a 0.08 -T magnetic field directed perpendicular to the plane of the disk, What is the frequency of rotation in rpm ? Choose the correct alternative. Only one choice is correct. & A conducting cirular loop of radius a and resistance Ris kept on a horizontal plane. A vertical time varying matic {field B= 2t is switched on at time 1=0. Then: (A) power generated inthe coil at any time tis constant {flow of charge per unit time from any section of the colli constant B) © atc ct bmn =r) aia ; Two identical coaxial circular loops carry a current i each circulating inthe same direction. Ifthe loops approach each other (A) the current in each loop will decrease (B) the current in each loop will increase (© the current in each loop will remain the same (D) the current in one loop will increase and in the other loop will decrease magnetic flux 4, Dimensions of rectric flux w oo ® 7 © Era 0 seer IN-CHAPTER EXERCISE - E Two coils are wrapped around cylindrical forms, as shown in figure. One coil isin series with a battery, a switch, and a variable resistance. The other is connected to an ammeter. State the direction of the induced current measured by the ‘ammeter (x 10 y, ory 0.x) in the following circumstances ARRRRRERUI Au I (@) when the switch is first closed ; ©) with the switch closed, the resistance is decreased q, | win — 7 (©) with the switch closed, the coils are moved apart. y Two loops lie side by the side on a table. Ifa clockwise current suddenly starts to flow in one, what is the sense of the induced current in the second Can there be an induced emf in an inductor even ifthe current through itis zero? A real inductor has some resistance. Can potential difference across the terminals of the inductor be (@ greater than the induced emf (©) less thanthe induced emf? The elfinduced emf ina solenoid of length 2 cm and radius Semis \.6 mV when te currentis 3A and increasing at the rate 200s. (@) What is the number of turns ? (©) What isthe magnetic field within the solenoid atthe given instant? Ignore other effects. 6 Two coils have a mutual inductance of 40 mH. What isthe magnitude ofthe emf induced in coil2 when the current in coil changes at 25 Als. 7. In figure, S, has been closed for a long time. At = 0, S, is closed and S, is opened. 5 Sve (@) At what time does the potential difference across the resistor drop 10 i 125 % ofits initial value ? B= 12VS (©) What is the emf in the inductor atthe time found in (a)? oa 8 @)_——_ Iman LR circuit the current falls to 25 % of its intial value in 0.05. IL =6 mH, what is R? (©) Iman LR circuit, the current rises to 40 % of its final value in 0.02. YR= 100, wha is L? 9. A resistor R = 10 Qs in series with an inductor L= 40 mH and a 20-V battery. The switch is closed at *=0. At what time will the power loss in R equal the rate at which energy is being stored in L.? Also express your answer in terms of the umber of time constants. Choose the correct alternative. Only one choice is correct. 10, Two coils A and B have coefficient of mutual inductance M = 2H. The magnetic flux passing through coil A changes by 4 Weber in 10 seconds due to the change in current in B. Then : (A) change in current in B in this time interval of 05 A (B) the change in current in B in this time interval is 2A (© the change in current in B in this time interval is 84 ) —acchange in current of 1A in coil A will produce a change in flux passing through B by 4 Weber 11, Acurrent of2is increasing at a rate of AAs through a coil of inductance 2H. The energy stored in the inductor per unit tite in given instant i: (a) 2s 8B) Is © 16s o 4ds 12. Inthe circuit shown in figure switch S is closed at time 1= 0. The charge which passes through th batery in ome time RE L r R p fe a) L @) ( 3) o = o ts eR? ER *13, The Stunit of inductance, the henry, can be writen as (A) weber/ampere (B) volt second / ampere (C)_—_ joule /ampere? (D) ohm sec [B] Electromagnetic Induction 1, Two identical conductors P and Q are placed on two. frictionless rails R and S in a uniform magnetic field directed into the plane. If P is moved in the direction shown in figure with a constant speed then rod Q PQ Rae Vx | x s (A) willbe attracted towards P (B)_ willbe repelled away from P (© _willremain stationary () may be repelled or aracted towards P 2 A coll of inductance 1 H and negligible resistance is, connected to a source of supply whose voltage is given by V=4r volt If the voltage is applied when 1 = then find the energy stored in the coil in 4 second. (A) 512F B) 2564 (C) 1024s (D) 1447 3.110 volts (rms) is applied across a series circuit having resistance 11 ©2and impedance 22. The power consumed (A) 275W (B) 366W (C) S50W (D) 1100W 4. Ata frequency a the reactance of a certain capacitor equals that of a certain inductor. If the frequency is changed to 2 a}, what isthe ratio ofthe reactance of the inductor to that ofthe capacitor 4:1) MBs (© 1:22 WM) 1:2 5. An inductor coil stores energy U when a current jis passed through it and dissipates energy atthe rate of P. ‘The ime constant ofthe circuit when ths coil is connected across a battery of zero internal resistance is. @ 4uiP ®) uP © we @ 2 ‘A metal odo resistance 20s fixed longa diameter of a conduetng rng of radius 0.1 m nd ies on -y plane ‘There isa magnetic eld B = (S07) &. Thering rotates with an angular velocity «9 = 20 rads about is axis. An extemal resistance of 10 is connected across the centre ofthe rng and rim. The current through extemal resistance is 4A (124 © BA (D) zero A current is flowing through an L-R circuit of time constant fy. The source of currents switched off at time 120.Letrbe the value of -di/df attime =0. Assuming this rateto be constant, the eurent will reduce o 2eo in atime interval of: “ Bey © We o (1 - 4) 6 A metal disc of radius a rotates with a constant angular velocity @about its axis. The potential difference between the centre and the rim ofthe disc is (m= mass of electron, = charge on electron) mara? 1 maa? “ 7 e oe © we cota? 2m Om A horizontal wire i free to slide on the vertical rails of conducting frame as shown in figure. The wire has a ‘mass m and length J. Resistance of the circuit is R. Ifa uniform magnetic field B is directed perpendicular to the frame, the terminal speed ofthe wire as it falls under the force of gravity — 10. RD +13, 4. mer gl wy me ® Bre mg oe =o wo) 7 © ) a In problem number 9 ifm=1 kg and terminal velocity autsined by it is 4 mis after falling a height of Im, the ‘energy dissipated as heat till then is (g = 10 m/s?) a 107 @ wv © 8 » Ww In problem number 10 energy disipated in resistor per unittime once the terminal speed is tained is «my ® 107 © 47 © 0 Aflatcoil caring acurenthas a magnetic moment ji Its placed in a magnetic field B such that 2 is antparallelto B Thecoilis: (A) notinequilbriam (©) instble equilibrium (©. inunstable equi ©) inneuraleqiibrium ‘The magnetic flux (9) linked with acoil depends on time ¢ 8 § =at’, where a and n are constants. The emfinduced inthe coils A) Iocn1,le1increases with time ‘The magnetic flux linked with a coil is @ and the emf induced in itis e “18, "16. *n, (A) If 9=0,emust bed (B) If 6=0,ecannot be 0 (©) Ifeisnot0, ¢may or may not be 0 (D) None of the above is correct, ‘Aflatcoil, C,of mturs, area A and resistance Ris placed in uniform magnetic field of magnitude B. The plane of the coils intially perpendicular to B. Ifthe coil is rotated by an angle @ about the axis XY, charge of amount Qflows through it, BAn =90°, 9 = BAn B (a) Ire=90", = 58 ®) fe= 80", 0 = 50 ¢ Y Inthe previous question, the plane of the coil is initially ‘Kept parallel to B, All other details remain the same. 6) © e=180°,9. © If In the previous question, if the coil rotates about XY with a constant angular velocity «a, the emf induced init (A) iszero (B) changes nonlinearly with time (© hasa constant value o ANSWERS TO IN-CHAPTER EXERCISES al cn ge ene 120 aay Holy Hoe © Ge (ent) feyasaxioev D ) 2ar ) 2ar i an ‘0G a @ Qn "a at ) * | stv 6 ( ) Pot eo aA 10.8 1a) (xtoy) —(b) (x toy) (c)(y tox) 5.(a) 47, (b) 7.08 x 10°*T 6. 1 volt E | 7.(a)0.693s (b)-1.5V 8.(a) 0.172, (b)0.4H 9.2.7x 107s 10.8 uc) ac 12.a800 ANSWERS TO OBJECTIVE WORKSHEETS 3C 40 5 C 6B 72C BA BC 1D IC 120 15.8 16.8 17.8 118A 19.8 20.8 2.8 2A 28.B HA 27.8 28.C 29,8 30.AB 31D 32.ABC 33.CD 34.8CD 35.ABD 36, ACD 39.080 40.8C Se Aes CeGC cull 88): 08D 108) ince: az! 15.AD 16. ACD 17. BD

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