Group 4 Team Charter Final Draft

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ENGL 210 Team 4 Charter

Team Members: Muhammad Hanif (Team Manager), Joshua Gunananda Muni, Mohammed Al Diab, Noora Al-
Muhannadi, Hala Shadid

Date Submitted: 4th February 2023

Broad Team Goals :

● Develop team strategies to increase the effectiveness of team collaboration in projects.
● To strive for the same goal team wise and understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
● To be able to develop ourselves as a team, improving visual, oral, and writing communication skills.
● Enhance each other's skills and help each other with their individual goals. Develop interpersonal skills that
are important for teamwork.

Measurable Team Goals:

● Meet the lists of learning objectives for the assigned projects.
● Meeting all internal and external deadlines.
● Give feedback to each other’s work before finalizing.
● Comply with tasks assigned in the task schedule.

Personal Goals:
Mohammed Al Diab: Develop my writing skills to be more professionally and concisely.
Hala: Improve my writing abilities, public speaking and presentation capabilities.
Muhammad Hanif: Be more concise in my writing and to be able to write more professionally. I would also
like to improve my presentation skills which includes oral and visual skills.
Noora: To be capable of working under pressure, make sure to be active with my group members,
communicate and meet the learning outcomes of this course. And most importantly, to be able to work
effectively as a group member.
Joshua : To improve my writing to make it more concise and develop my professional skills in terms of
working in a team.

Individual Commitment:
Muhammad Hanif: I am willing to commit 100% effort, but I have job shifts and major courses that may
take some time off from the course. For the first half of the semester my weekdays, except for Thursdays,
are full. I can work on Thursdays and likely on the weekends. I am not free on Fridays 9am-3pm and I
prefer to work in the morning on Saturdays. I do not like leaving assignments at the last minute.
Joshua: I am willing to commit 100% towards the team projects, however will vary according to my
priorities, from my student job and my other major courses. I would prefer working on Fridays from 2pm
onwards and saturdays. I would like to keep my Thursdays free for myself and catching up on other work,
as well as studying.
Noora: I will never delay making an assignment until the last minute, and do the best that I could do in
each assignment. I am also willing to help my group members anytime besides Friday. Rather than that,
I’m free almost every day in the evening.
Mohammed Al Diab: I need to have the will to commit 100%, due to my G.P.A being too low. I am free on
weekdays, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday after 2:15, Monday between 9:15 and 2:15 or after 5:05 and
Wednesday between 9:15 and 4:25 or after 5:30. I would like to have Thursday and Saturday free but I can
work on these days, but I won’t be free on Friday.
Hala:I am planning to spend at least 4-5 hours a week on English. My courses this semester aren't that
hard and I think I can manage to put in a lot of work.I prefer not to work on Fridays.
Other Concerns:
● Hanif: is concerned that his leadership skills are not top tier, so he may need assistance from team members.
Also, he may usually leave unread messages when he’s busy, but he will try to be as communicative as
● Josh: is concerned that he may struggle with his grammar when constructing sentences, and that he may
write jargon.
● Mohammed: is concerned that he might keep an assignment to the last minute due to procrastination.
● Noora: I’m concerned because this course I’m taking 17 Credit hours containing two major courses, which
makes it a bit challenging. Although I know I’ll make it through, I just need to balance and do my best in each
course. Time management is my key here to be used. I’m also concerned about my communication skills a
bit, but I’m still working on them.
● Hala: is concerned about her time management skills and wants to perfect that.

Conflict Resolution
In the event that the team manager cannot deal with an issue due to informed absence, Noora Al Muhannadi will act
as a communication point between the team and the professor.

If conflict arises in the team, everyone should meet either online or offline. After discussing the issue, the team will
take the following steps.

1. The team will take a 5 min cooling off period before giving their ultimatum on the subject.
2. Each team member gets to vote on what they think is the best solution. Majority-based voting.
3. If the issue is personal, the team manager and one other team member, who is not a part of the personal
issue, will communicate with the members privately. Then the team manager and the assigned member will
come up with a solution.
4. If the team manager is part of the issue, team members will have to try to resolve the issue or one member,
who is not the team manager, can contact the professor for guidance.
5. If the issue is not resolved within a week, the team manager and a mediator member will meet with the
professor to figure out a solution.

The process will be carried out with the utmost respect, any disrespect experienced by members will be reported to
the team manager then the professor. Before taking any drastic action, team members will talk it out between each
other in a professional manner. Under no circumstances should a single team member carry out the process without
the acknowledgement of the whole team.

Missed Deadlines
In the event that the team manager cannot deal with an issue due to informed absence, Noora Al Muhannadi will act
as a communication point between the team and the professor.

If a team member has a genuine reason to miss a deadline because of an important pre-planned commitment, the
member should inform the team one day prior the date of assignment, so that the team can plan in advance on how
to split the work. If it is an emergency, the member is excused and the team should have to compromise.

1. First, a warning will be given for a missed internal deadline, the member is given 12 hours to complete the
2. A second warning will then be given if the member does not complete the assignment in under 12 hours.
3. Last and final third warning, if the external deadline is near and the member cannot complete the
assignment, the team manager will split and assign tasks to the members. The name of the team member
will be redacted from the assignment.
4. If this is continued for two more submissions, they will be reported to the professor for further solutions.

If a team member missed their deadlines due to pre-planned commitments or emergencies 3 or more times, the
team manager will talk to the member about the issue. If it's the team manager that misses the deadlines, one
responsible team member will be in charge of the team for that duration.
Unacceptable Work
In the event that the team manager cannot deal with an issue due to informed absence, Noora Al Muhannadi will act
as a communication point between the team and the professor.

Unacceptable work is when a member submits work past the allotted internal deadlines. Moreover, a submission
from a team member is when they plagiarize their work, or does not meet the given rubric from the Professor( this
includes, not submitting the required work count as well).

1. First, a warning will be given for unacceptable work.

2. A second warning will then be given if the member repeats their mistake.
3. Last and final third warning, if any member submits unacceptable work,the team manager will split and
assign tasks to the members. The name of the team member will be redacted from the assignment.
4. If this is continued for two more submissions, they will be reported to the professor for further solutions.

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