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Public Service Interpreting, CPE Cardiff University

Glossary of Common Police terminology

Term Meaning

ABH Actual Bodily Harm (bruising/ cuts)

GBH Grievous Bodily Harm (wounding/ broken bones)

Summons A direction from a court for a person to appear before a court at a future
date (can be for a witness or a suspect)

Arrest warrant An order from a court to arrest a named person and take them to a court or a

Warrant Card A police officers identification card (officially authorising them to carry out
their duty)

Search Warrant An order from the police or a court to conduct a search of a premises or

Charged with a The process of making a formal written accusation of the offence

Police Bail Where a suspect is allowed to go free after agreeing to certain conditions

Remanded in Where a suspect who has been told they will have to appear at court on a
custody future date and will be kept in custody until that date.

DC Detective constable

Suspect A person who is suspected of being guilty of an offence

Detained person Suspect who has been arrested and is held at a police station

Defendant Person who has been charged with an offence and is appearing at court

Victim A person who has received some loss, injury or hurt as a result of a crime

Witness A person who can tell the police or court something about what they saw,
heard etc in respect of any aspect of evidence concerning the commission of
a crime.

Cautioned for an The offender admits their guilt and receives a police written warning

Burglary Entering any building or part of a building as a trespasser (unlawfully) with

Public Service Interpreting, CPE Cardiff University

intent to steal, inflict grievous bodily harm [or raping any person therein], or
do unlawful damage to the building or anything in it.

Robbery Offences of theft which involve violence or threats of violence to a person

Fixed penalty An immediate on the spot fine issued by police or warden for lesser offences
(notice) to speed up justice and prevent the offender from going to court

Driving whilst Driving a motor vehicle after having been ordered by a court not to do so for
disqualified a period of time.

Being in charge of a Where a person is over the alcohol limit and has possession of a motor
vehicle whilst above vehicle and keys (they do not have to be driving)
the legal limit

TWOC Taking Without the Owner’s Consent, taking a car, to drive it away but not
intending to steal it (permanently)


Aggravated TWOC Taking Without the Owner’s Consent, taking a car, to drive it away but not
intending to steal it (permanently), and then causing damage to it
deliberately or recklessly

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