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52, 53. 55. 56. 57. 59, 6. a) Pre- occupation ©) Frustration DILATE a) Spin ©) Widen DUPLICATION a) Breed ¢) Print PRIORITY a) Urgency ©) Precedence FLUSTER a) Soar ©) Change COMMAND a) Lead ) Manage GNOME a) Giant ) Native ‘ABLUTION a) Censure ©) Absolution SURMOUNT a) Discount ©) Overcome TORPID a) insipid ©) Sensitive ‘SELECTION a) Denial ©) Refusal OSTENTATION a) Pomp ©) Abundance CONVICT a) Adventure ©) Criminal ITINERANT a) Frequent use of the word it” b) b) d) b) CO) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) qd) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d) b) d Suspicion Dejection Weaken Push Reproduction Copying Protocol Necessity Fresh Unsettle Instruct Supervise Dwarf Alien Forgiveness Washing Surround Capture stupid Inactive Preference Display Passion Plenty Fugitive Imposter b) Anything involving repetition See 65. 67. 69. n R 74 75. __ - om, ) Plan for a proposed journey Af d) Travelling from place to place ‘TRANSPARENT a) Verbose Witty ENLIVEN a) Dampen @) Depress HAUGHTY a) Humble <) Meek DEMENTED a) Reasonable o) Miotic ILL- BRED a) Uncouth ° Courteous KNACK a) Dexterity ©) Clumsiness LACONIC a) Loquacious ©) Rambling KNAVISH a) Honourable ©) Trustworthy ASSERTIVE a) Unassertive ©) Domineering CAPRICIOUS: a) Whimsical ©) Decisive DEXTERITY a) Incompetence ©) Adroitness OBSTINATE a) Stubborn 2) Silly “ALERT a) Hostile ©) Brave b) d) b) d) b) d) d) b) dq) b) d) URVolveg Lucig Cheer Subdue Suubservien, Conceiteg Sensible Lucid Well-bred . Mannerly ‘Awkwardness Disability Concise Verbose Noble Unscrupulous Timorous Unobtrusive Unmovable Stable Gaucheness ineptitude Pretty Clever Watchful Quick ae © Greed 4) Hatred b) Access 92. AUGUST cot d) Proceed a) Majestic b) Important Pf oS ueD ©) Difficult 4) Huge ae ) Accepted 93. DECIMATED oe d) Senile a) Denounced b) Destroyed 9 petred ©) Successful 4) Depressed 7 h b) Boldness 94. HURDLE ’ ae d) Fear @) Obstacle b) Ban @) Relay . ©) Hedge 2 b) Coolness 95. RARE 6 Oe 4) Feebleness a) Common b) Usual 3 ond oon ©) Scarce S) fev awson b) Translation 96. APPOSITE ‘ © position 4) Movement 2) Contrary by Biter” i ©) Appropriate 4) Misleading seD : et @ me | basen instiga aor induced . ©) Condemn a otic ani b) Called 98. IMPIOUS b) Mischievous a it a) Holy 5 sent d) Acquitted ee d) Irreverent IE 1, GENUIN b) Healthy 99, FREELANCE b) Self-centred a) Generons a) Original a) Selfbetrayed Self driven ) Natural ©) Self-employed a 6, SOMBRE iet 100. SLITHER a) Gloomy » = a) Slide » Serious S). uSleepy, ©) Shake = , seanesS b) Degenerate TOL. ACCOUTREMENTS —— a) Deteriorate a) Relatives jipment ©) Backslide Cad ©) Calculation a) Equipr % ToxIC b) Foul - smelling 02), VERAG b) Truth ae Bitter, Poisonous OF te d) Loyalty ©) Remedia a) ©) Wisdom © YARDSTICK b) Size cer b) Inevitably a) Summation Standard a) Continuously 4) ndiscreet © Statistics 4 ©) Regularly ei ume b) Petty hagas b) Awarded a) Trivial simple a) Indicated aa 4) Semple ©) Protested re SL AVARICE b) Emy 105. DETRIMENTAL a) Generosity 16 (C) 51 (a) 56 (b) 61 (b) Nn (b) 76 (a) gi(d) 96 (a) 91 (c) 96 (c) 101 (d) 52 (c) 57 (b) 62 (a) 67 (d) 72 (d) 77 (b) 82 (c) 87 (c) 92 (a) 97 (c) 102 (b) 53 (d) 58 (d) 63 (c) 68 (c) 73 (c) 78 (a) 83 (b) 88 (d) 93 (b) 98 (d) 103 (a) 54 (c) 59 (c) 64 (d) 69 (a) 74 (a) 79 (c) 84 (b) 89 (d) 94 (a) 99 (c) 104 (a) JU (b) 55 (d) 60 (d) 65 (d) 70 (a) 75 (c) 80 (b) 85 (d) 90 (a) 95 (c) 100 (a) 105 (c) BLACK IDIOMS BLACK AND WHITE - (To take eve! sideration and oversimplify somet yy or the other, everything as either one bass me Pet ta B rything into con- hing. To judge or bad.)(ee etst I ert # Jara SrA Ad PS US ME wri & fay, 3ST AT FT) Our boss always thinks that eve! forward, but he doesn't realise that this whole situ- ation is not as black and white as he thinks! PUT SOMETHING DOWN IN BLACK AND WHITE - (To write or have something written down on pa- per for confirmation or evidence) (gfe a aga > fare epra BE fora a1 ferat & fere) | don’t understand why you don't believe me! Look, it’s written here in black and white! Black as night - (Somewhere very dark, when it is hard to see anything) (wél aga 3i&RT @, sta HS it dear afer 8 ) We had another power cut last night; it was as black as night in our house. We didn’t even have any can- dles! Black and blue - (Used to describe something | that is badly bruised) (feseft att fist wr avis Set angst aa rything is straight- Ten ial m nn’s face was black and blue after a Jo the bg ) Mi, match. Black eye ~ (A bruise near one’s eye) (R : aoa ae ) Fred came home with a horrible black e but he won't tell us what happened! e BLACK OUT - (This means to, either Ae putting out oF dimming the lights, or to jg, en i sciousness.) (S401 pref & aiteal & a1 afd, Se ty, andre St Sa!) aay We had a huge black out here last night, the n was out of power for about 7 hours! d to him, he just blacked It Out, toy, tow! le know what happene' Maybe he banged his head. BLACK AS A SKILLET - (Used to describe s 0 thing that is very dirty, black with dirt) fay, Ce naa ah aga Aaa, A Bag My hands and clothes were as black as a ity Iwas only halfway through cleaning your garage BLACK MARKET - (A term used for places ne a illegally bought and sold for a oro Jerry used to sell va ldoialilal can sell cigarettes from South America; market! : 10. 11. BLACKBALL SOMEONE - (To exclude or ostrag,, someone socially, reject them) (fait a Bra afeepa SEM, FE HOR SEA) Their Company has been blackballed ever since tha, scandal was all over the newspapers. No one wanj, to do business with them anymore. Blacklist someone - (To write someone’s name on a list if they break any rules, and ban them from having the opportunity to take part again) (qq H feet or ara fereat afe a ais Pra cise & sh flex & nT AA} aR a Micafet Bet z) | was in a lot of debt a while ago, and was unable to pay it all back, so I’ve been blacklisted. I'm not a: lowed to get a mortgage in my own name. Pot calling the kettle black (shorten version: pot En ere ase Wie ae = Be: ‘yettle black): (This is used when the cos rritically cme OF accuses someone el ‘as guilty as the person he or she critic; Buses) ET I a rey samt tee eel 4B TAT ee 8 a PS ate ay are &, 36 ST NN 8 STS aR aa Far ae HINA RA B AT SHANG SeTAT ) she kept telling me that | shouldn't do that, but that’ like the pot calling the kettle black, as she does it herself too! BLACKMAIL SOMEONE - (To extort or take mon- ey from someone by using their secrets against them and threatening to reveal it to others) (Peet YA TER Oe BS ah GA a ga ne BAG OA BH A TN BTA AT TAR era) He has been blackmailing me for months with some photos that I didn’t know he had. I need someone to help me stop him! 0 Ise BLUE IDIOMS ‘A BOLD FROM THE BLUE ~(a sudden /unexpect- ed /unpleasant incident) (Fare /semenfa/sitT wet) Thenews of his son's death was a bolt from the blue, OUT OF THE BLUE - (to appear out of nowhere without any warning to happen quite sudden- ly or randomly by surprise) (Ret feseft Aarerft 35 sare a ararre afer at Ht Tareh & far we a see rm) You wor't believe it but Ram called me out of the blue yesterday, and told me she's coming to visit! How unexpected! Shyam has decided to quit his job out of the blue, and go travelling for a year! ONCE IN A BLUE MOON - (something happening rarely / occasionally) (PB aga € a / weh-wan wt wa) He visits his parents once in a blue moon. BLUE BLOOD - (belonging to a royal family) (= erat afar 8 aft ) A blue blood would not understand the sufferings of the poor. LUE PEN (To censor something, or limit the poe a state of pain, distress, grief) ‘The man was afflicted with a painful snake bite after a hike on the mountain. rss attened) He is not afraid of anything. _eeabe to (willing to agree to something) am agreeable to your plan, " eect iting agree with someone) | agree with the doctor. geet (wing to agree to something) {agree to the terms made by the manager. gnt on wiling to agree on a point) After discussion they agreed on the terms of Partnership. sxinto (similar to) Your behaviour of indifference is akin to feeling of jealously. slammed at (worried or frightened by something) We were alarmed at her cry. siento (Foreign to) French is alien to me because | have never studied it. Alegiance to (loyal to) He pledges his allegiance to the country. Mliance with (joined or united) China has entered into al nce with Pakistan against india Aight from (to get down from a vehicle) The queen alighted from the carriage. ‘Night on (to get down on the ground) The birds alighted on the roof of my house. | Aight at (to get down to a site, or place) The birds alighted at the antenna, ‘Alowance for (allow for) Always make allowance for the mistake of others and pardon him. ‘Noof from (stay away from bad company) He kept himself aloof from all party strife. | ‘Atemative to (substitute) would prefer any alternative to the lawsuit, ‘bition for (a strong desire to do or achieve some- thing) | Amenable to (agreeable or willing to be persuaded) They were students and dreamers, pursuing their ambition for a better life. ‘Are you amenable to the change in schedule? ‘Amuse at(mock at, laugh at) Everyone was greatly amused at this awkwa, ing the ceremony ‘Amuse with (enjoy) ‘Analogous to (comparable) ‘Angry with (to be angry with someone) Ram is not angry with me. ‘Angry at (to be angry at something) ‘Annoyed at ( troubled at something) ‘Annoyed with (trouble with someone) Iwas very angry at how rainy it was, Iwas annoyed at his behaviour. Noddy was annoyed with his friends, ‘Answer to (give answer to someone) Teacher does not know the answer to my question Antidote to (that counteracts the effect of poison) The supreme value of quinine is an antidote to disease. al Antipathy to (averse to a thing) ; —_ After serving in the war, he developed an antipathy tg ns ‘Anxious for (eager) Entrepreneurs are anxious for cordial relations with en ing Central Asian nations. ‘Anxious about ( worry about something) Anxious about what may lie ahead, ‘Apologise for (to express regret for a fault) In fact, | asked him to apologize for his tone. ‘Apologise to (to express regard to a person) The poor man had to apologize to the obese person. Apology for (expression of regret) “| owe you an apology for not telling you sooner,” he ade ‘Appetite for (hunger) Save your appetite for the big dinner Applicable to (relevant) The Japanese system is not completely applicable to te ‘American system L | Apply for (to make a formal application for a post) You need this letter in order to apply fora study perm a ‘Apply to (request a person, office etc) The risk doesn't apply to them. 4 i. a 8. AL 42. 43. 45, 47. one who is indifferent to pleasure or pain _ Stoic (SO (Audit) 2003) The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food - Gastronomy (SO (Audit) 2003) Killing of a child - Infanticide (SO (Audit) 2003) One who believes in offering equal Opportunities to women in all spheres - Feminist (SO (Audit) 2003) One who studies election trend by means of opin- ion polls - Psephologist (SO (Audit) 2003) A doctor who treats children - Paediatrician (so | (Audit) 2003) One who can think about the future with imagina- tion and wisdom - Visionary (SO (Audit) 2003) Give and receive mutually - Reciprocate (SO (Audit) 2003) A building where an audience sits - Auditorium | PTR (SO (Audit) 2004) The first model of a new device - Prototype (SO (Audit) 2004) Tough tissues in joints - Ligaments (SO (Audit) 2004) The study of maps - Cartography (SO (Audit) 2004) Aperson who breaks into houses in order to steal - Burglar (SO (Audit) 2004) The study of the origin and history of words ‘4 - Etymology (SO (Audit) 2004) 49, 50. 51. 52. ~ 54. 55. 56. 57. 62. 63. 65. 59. 61. One who can walk on ropes (tightropewalker) - Funambulist (SO (Audit) 2004) Belonging to all parts of the world - Cosmopolitan (SO (Audit) 2004) One who hates mankind - Misanthrope (SO (Au- dit) 2004) ‘One who goes to settle in another country ~ Emigrant (SO (Audit) 2004) Constant efforts to achieve something - Persever- ance (TA (IT & CE) 2004) A person who believes in total abolition of war - Pacifist (TA (IT & CE) 2004) A four footed animal - Quadruped (TA (IT & CE) 2004) Ready to believe anything - Credulous (TA (IT & CE) 2004) That which lasts for a short time - Transitory (TA (IT & CE) 2004) Indifference to pleasure or pain - Stoicism (SO (Au- dit) 2005) A body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge and give their verdict (decision) - Jury (SO (Audit) 2005) The essential or characteristic customs, habits and conventions of a society or community ~Mores (SO (Audit) 2005) A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function - Totalitarianism (SO (Audit) 2005) One who collects coins - Numismatist (SO (Audit) 2005) Violation of something holy or sacred - Sacrilege (Statistical Invigilator 2005) Abroad road bordered with trees - Boulevard (Sta- tistical Invigilator, 2005) Animals who live in herds - Gregarious (Statistical dee he 67. 68, 69. 70. a 72. 3. 74, 5. 76. 81. 82. Invigilator, 2005) The murder of parents or near relative - Parricide (Statistical invigilator, 2005) A mild or indirect expression substituted for an of- fensive or harsh one - Euphemism (Statistical In- lator, 2005) One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state - Anarchist (Statistical Invigilator, 2005) One who secretly listens to talks of others - Eaves- dropper (Statistical Invigilator, 2005) Science of diseases - Pathology (Statistical Invi; lator, 2005) ‘One who is beyond reforms - incorrigible (Statisti- cal Invigilator, 2005) Concluding part of a literary work - Epilogue (Statistical Invigilator, 2005) The act of killing whole group of people, especially a whole race - Genocide (SO(CA) 2005) One who stays away from school or work without permission - Truant (SO(CA), 2005) ‘A person without training or experience in a skill or subject - Novice (SO(CA), 2005) Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the | death - Autopsy (SO(CA) 2005) The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs - Theology (SO(CA) 2005) ‘One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure - Stoic (SO(CA) 2005) A place where Jews worship according to their reli- gion - Synagogue (SO(CA) 2005) ‘An area of land that is controlled by a ruler - Do- minion (SO(CA) 2005) One who is greedy - Voracious (SO(CA) 2005) fast-spreading plant without flowers or vi simple, which can often cause disease - Fungus leaves,

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