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£, DEHRADUN RASHTRIYA INDIAN MILITARY COLLEGE, pe TRANCE EXAMINATION - JU) SUBJECT : ENGLISH MM : 125 Time : 2 hr INSTRUCTIONS: iswering. Read the twenty questions and their sub parts thoroughly beforeanswerlNhs | uestion paper 1 2. Write youranswer separately on the sheet provided. Do not write your 3. There no need to write the questions, write only theanswers appropriately numbered 4. Attemprall questions. Neatness has. suitable award. 5. The paper consists of three sections: (a) Reading section = 20Marks (b) Writing Section = 30Marks (©) Grammar Section = 75Marks SECTION-A READING QI. Read the passage given below and answerthe questions that follow:- The crowd lining the streets of Cleveland had gone wild. People h : of policemen shielding the slowly approaching car, " Jesse Owens", they screamed. Owens! Long Live America!”. The tall, dark man in the open car threw both arms up into the air and waved to the crowd. Occasionally the car stopped and Jesse Owens stod up to shake a hand orkissa blushing teenager on her check, accepting flowers with a bow and a radiant smile, He lifted the three gold medals he had won at the Berlin Olympics, and shouted, I did it foryou, the people of America’. A unanimous roar rent the air, "Long live Jesse Owens ! Long Live America’, The car moved on. Autograph hunters thrust their books at him. As his pen moved over yet another sheet of paper, Jesse Owens's eyes full on a dark, skinny little boy, flattened against the car, staring wide- eyed at his hero. "Next" said Jesse Owens, handing back the autograph book. "Next", the little boy did not answer. He did not move, "Next", said the fastest man on earth. "Next", "Come on now." The boy stretched forward on tiptope. "Gee, Mr Owens". He nervously bit his lips." "Gee Mr Owens, I would do anything to become like you, tobean Olympic Champion." The tall man smiled down at the boy with dark, serious eyes. Dropping a friendly hand on the young admirer's shoulder, he said , "that's exactly what I wanted when I \was your age, son. He gripped the boy by his arms and continued, "Listen, if you work for it, work really hard, you'll make it. Ifyou believe in a thing strongly enough, you'll achieve it. You'll get it, I you think you can do it, you will. But listen." He bent his face closerto the boy's. "You have to sweat fort, slog for it. Yes, man! for years, I practically lived in my track gear, worked, ate and slept init. It worked, boy. It worked for me. It got me where I am today. Andit'll work for you too". The boy shook the tall man's hand warmly, "It will work with me too, Mr Owens, Sir," he said, "Pl do it, I promise." The boy Kept his promise. Twelve years later in 1948 at the Empire Stadium in London, a young American won the gold medal for the 100 metre dash. He won it in a pa asoerican wont record time of 10.3 seconds, His name (a) How did the crowd acclaim Jesse Owens' achievements? (b) Whowas the little boy and what was his desire? yeaved and jostled against the barriers " Long live Jesse (02 marks) (©) Whatadvice did Jesse Owens give to the little boy? (01 mark) (a) Whatwas the promise that the little boy made and how did he keep it? (03 marks) (©) Find words in the passage that mean the same as the following words:- es pe) ma (i) Incomplete agreement (ii) veryleanorthin (iii) accomplish (iv) held firmly Q3. Q4. Qs. 6. Q. Read the following poe TheCentipeds PP°CM=Ndanswer the questions that follow The little creature / witha hus was on its journey Ao where only itknew/ My civilized foot Dressed in polished leather came down upon iv Ever so gently There was only a soft sound’signifying Theend/ofacreatureofGod My maker’ I looked to sce, Ifmy sole was soiled/and walked away Given below isa summary of the poe only one word for each blank:- The centipede is a short (a) . description ofa (c)..... (10 marks) ndred feet Poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete the summary. Use ~ Provoking poem. It is written in (b) ........ verse. It begins by eee ot aes (). a tiny creature with a hundred feet was on its journey to an lust then the poet came out in polished (f) boots. His civilized foot came down (g) ---s0. gently upon itand (h)...... a creation of God to death. The poet uses the expression ‘civilised foot’ to suggest that (i) .. may be deceptive. The last line of the ‘poem is a masterstroke. The three words and walked away, suggest man's (j)..........toothers, SECTION B - WRITING Write a composition on any one of the following topics :- (word limit -200 words) (a) The pleasures of reading (b) Thereisno use crying over spilt milk (10 marks) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description of what it suggests to you. There must bea clear connection between the picture and your story. (word limit 150 words) (10 marks) You have leamt that water sports can be very rejuvenating and they help to build a spirit of courage and aaa east itea letter tothe editor of a newspaper, expressing the need o popularize watersports in a aid be practised. You may consider the following watersports: Yachting Swimming, areas where (10 Marks) Rafting, Boating or Surfing. ) SECTION C- GRAMMAR i in brackets, without changing the meaning ofthe sentences. (Smarks) Revrtethe sentence eal ‘o learn. It is taught in our school. (combine sentences using (a) The Sanskrit langu: that’) "tgive it up (use to, 100) ip that she can't give it up (use to ie Myaunt isso fond yin the elas, (Use comparative da) nkitis : ‘ (4) Wemusteat or we: pares (are thief'sa’ (2) Assoonasthe tl 7 svn ly the words Feld, Premises, Inference, Parley, Persuation, Hapless, Truffle pitition, 1 Jk to heels. (Begin with: No sooner.’ Write down correctly, ont Legendarie, Monastry, Ret Q8 Q10. Qu Q13. Qua. Qis. Q16. ke a meaningful sentence in order to brin, Given below are five pairs of homophones. Use each word to make a meaning ae out the difference in the meaning:~ (a) ail, ale (b) isle, aisle (c) adapt, adept (d) colonel, kernel (ec) later, latter (5 Marks) Write the antonyms of the following:- (a) Haughty (b) Absolve (©) Fleeting (d) Liberty (ec) Persuade (5 Marks) Write the synonyms of the followin; (a) Incessant (b) Cavity (ce) Wreck (d)_ Emancipate (©) Nonchalant Fillin the blanks with specifying adverbs:- (5 Marks) (2) He... narrated the incident to me. (b) opesnn.see had she reached the station when the train arrived. (c) Suresh... atTives at 90" clock at the office (@) The King. gave orders that he should be imprisoned. (c) The injured soldier was walking... Change the voice in the following sentences:~ (5 Marks) (a) Takeastrong, white-coloured cotton cloth. (b) Boil waterandadd the desired colour. (©) Dip the cloth in the coloured hot waterand soak if forhalfan hour. (@) Take the cloth out (©) Spread the cloth and letit dry. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined phrases with a single word:- (5 marks) (a) Those who walk on foot should cross the road only when the traffic light is red. (>) Thedoctorhas found out the reason for his ailment, (c) People who deliberately listen to other people's conversation should be shunned, (d) The doctor gave him a medicine to counteract the effect of another medi (e) Companies that are unable to pay their debts must be closed down, Frame questions for the following answers. (5 marks) (a) Thereisnouse crying overspilt milk. (b) Their glory can never fade. (¢) Pollution and other disastrous problems have resulted from human progress. (4) TomHanksisapopular actor. (©) Thesculptures and paintings form an essential part of temple architecture, Read the conversation between Neelu and her mother. Complete the Passage given below in Reported Speech. ) (S marks) Neelu: Mom, may I go to visit my friend, Veena? / Mother Have you completed your homework? Neelu: No, notyet,but ll complete itafterIreturn./ Mother: Why are youco anlous ts g0? Neelu : I have to borrow some notes from her. / Neclu asked her mothe: (2)... her mother wanted to know (b).. Neelu replied that she hadn't done so yet but assured her mother that (c) ..... Her mother asked (d), leelu said (e) " Rearrange the words given below to make ‘meaningful sentences:- (5 Marks) ®) {appeditte/the/flew/birds/wings/their/awayiand! to) Mose ea ots/carrying/ to/board/were/at/sweet-smelling/flowers/the/train/thel latte ral r s s/the/tra form ©) Side of he itv howthey/crushing/the/delicatehvelwondered/ould george le ie rails/just i i fj c platfomvinen et Pefore/the flower vendors/to the other / the train arrived/jumped off/ on the ©) _Fods/as the train/to the/pulled intoythe flower bags/the station/window/were quickly/fastened June 2003 Qis Qs. Q20. the blanks by choosing the time with their children, Hnteraction (A). (With, to bet (0) swoon (Peducing, reduce, reduetio hhundle to a better understanding betwee (1o.0n, for, of conver rf correct nthe wo, T n. outdoor activities (e).. Adda question tag after each statement fa) Goaway. nn? (b) Children don't like eating vegetables, .....9 (©) Writing carefully and neatly; : (d) Weundertook atiring journey, ... (ce) Hewas glad to hear of my sueces answer from those given in the brackets:- Parents must reduced) the generation gap that poses as (c) ne spent together could be in the atly is very important... nd (5 Marks) ‘een, from) parents and children is extremely essential. This helps to (a, an, the its) form (4) .-(but, hence, yet and) having meals (5 Marks) 2 Given below are idioms in capital letters, choose the correct option, which best expresses its meaning:~ (a) NIPPEDINTHEBUD (5 Marks) (i) todiscourage (ii) tochange entirely Gi) _refuseto listen (iv) topluck the bud (b) HAVETHELASTLAUGH @ tobeacheerful nature (ii) _lavghonly after understanding something (iii) tobe victorious at theendofanargument (iv) tocrack the final joke (c) ONTHECARDS (i) awinner accept defeat (ii) play atcards v) likely tohappen (@) BETWEEN YOU AND ME ; (i) sittingbetweentwopeople (ii) _itsasecret (iii) _itbelongstous (iv) togetintoanargument (¢) WHITEELEPHANT ; ()__ lessutilitymoreexpenditure —_(i)_anEnglishelephant (iii) aworthless thing (iv) _adisappointing article Punctuate each of the sentences correctly:- oe . . - (a) L would show you the way t0 Mr. Soe apartment on chestnut road if I knew where it was, thistime Helen. unfortunately Leant help 990 ttl tevenstoodon its hind legsand gave Rober facea lick (b) When the dog saw Mt 'viy mother said to me work hard and then went out (c) theboy replied says rector Jasonawriterasadvisor (d)_allselected David a ingyen urry up jason plane arrives in thirty minutes time. the taxi is waiting forus we (c)

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